Against the cult: the Forest Ruin (1.5)
Perception - (1d20+2)
(8) + 2 = 10
Roll - (1d10)
(4) = 4
Perception - (1d20+3)
(3) + 3 = 6
Straight d10 - (1d10)
(7) = 7
Straight d10: 7
Perception - (1d20+0)
(4) = 4
Mystery d10 - (1d10)
(7) = 7

Dex Save! - (1d20+1)
(2) + 1 = 3
Dex Save w/Advantage - (1d20+3, 1d20+3)
1d20+3 : (16) + 3 = 19
1d20+3 : (15) + 3 = 18
Having turned back to watch the approach of his three friends, backlit by the torch flickering behind them, Joseph sees Xana and Albertus' silhouettes teeter as they step into the patch of ground not covered by dust. ::Why didn't I tell them?:: he thinks to himself, instinctively leaping forward and grabbing Xana's hand as Kragga steps past him. ::Not everyone is as observant as me!:: Holding tight to Joseph's hand, the gnome quips "A dance? Don't mind if I do!" with a smile.
Albertus, unassisted and unable to catch himself, falls through an illusion of floor into a circular pit. He lands heavily on the stone floor, next to the sputtering torch that Aanbo had thrown in previously. Albertus loses 2 HP. With the impact of the paladin's weight, there is a huge puff of dust, and a hidden switch is triggered somewhere. Seen from below, the illusion covering the pit appears to be solid grey stone 10' above him.
Joseph takes a step back and pulls to help Xana onto the dusty floor again. There is no sign of Albertus, though everyone hears the crash and clatter of his body and armor impacting somewhere below the dust-free section of floor.
The clatter continues from up above: the long chain holding the chandelier has been cut and each link rattles through anchoring rings on the wall and ceiling as the chandelier with the heavy gold suns and stars on it plummets toward the center of the first floor.
The first figure with glowing eyes steps back in front of Ogbar, and a second, slightly slimmer, figure with glowing eyes steps next to it, facing Aanbo. The dwarf can see now that they both wear very small round pendants around their necks. He doesn't have time to get more detail as the figures begin to slap, scratch, and punch with their cold hands at the two heroes!
Still looking up, Theran sees the head of the strange figure with glowing eyes appear above the bannister just as it starts to attack his friends.
Everyone, please roll initiatve.
Falling bludgeoning damage for Albertus - (1d6)
(2) = 2
Herald initiative - (1d20-2)
(1) - 2 = -1
He is about to call out to his friend beneath the illusory floor when he hears the clatter from above. He draws his arcane focus immediately - the symbol will have to wait.
Initiative - (1d20+1)
(19) + 1 = 20
Initiative - (1d20+2)
(18) + 2 = 20
Initiative - (1d20)
(17) = 17
Can someone lower me a rope please, our knightly fellow calls up to his friends. He readies his own rope, just in case!
Initiative - (1d20+1)
(6) + 1 = 7
Initiative - (1d20+3)
(10) + 3 = 13
Update: Combat has begun with the glowing-eyed figures upstairs attacking Ogbar and Aanbo. Albertus is in a pit, audible but invisible to the rest of the party. He does not know it but the chandelier is falling towards him.
Everyone, please declare your actions for the round. You don't have to declare them in order, but they will resolve in initiative order. So just post when you can.
Kragga (7/8)
Aanbo (11/11)
Theran (8/8)
Ogbar (14/14)
Joseph (6/8)
Xana (8/9)
Albertus (9/13)
Heralds (?)

Note: the text above is not intended to be a description of Kragga's whole turn, just a prompt to get started.

I've added partially-obscured tokens for the characters downstairs, so you can more easily see how their sightlines work. Albertus is not shown because he's still under the illusory floor and has no view of the second floor yet. Kragga is under the balcony on the left.