That looks all good to me, @microtheMacroBear
You rolled your doom dice d6, and you didn't score 1 or 2, so your doom die doesn't get downgraded to d4, it stays a d6.
The affect will stay with the mind for 3 hours (as you rolled a 3 on your doom die.
Oscar taps into the gaps between reality, into The Shimmer, and around him anyone watching him would see a distortion in the air around him, a sense of some other darkness intruding into this world, some disturbing noises somehow echoing faintly in the back of their minds...
As he tries to reach out and touch the mind of whatever is behind the door, the sounds of pummelling against the door cease - although sounds of deep harsh barking continue, which might be sounds of pain, or fury, or both...?
As Oscar backs out of the room, there are sounds of metal objects clattering behind the "Employees Only" door, sounds of things being pushed over, pulled around.
Closing the outer door, Oscar meets up with Rose, Mattie, and Henry. At the same time, the
ka-tet is joined by an AR-15-toting Beretta, a huge-revolver-lugging Spline, and a furious looking Podge who has a wicked knife in one tentacle, a spiked bat in another.
"What in TARNATION is going on down there?!" demands Beretta, a look of bemused fear on her face.