Case 1: Victims at the park

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Dec 27, 2023 6:16 pm
You all get a good night's rest and wake up the next morning ready to go after breakfast. The day before you went to the location farthest from the city, so today you go to the location that is the second farthest. Upon arrival, you realize quickly this is a big park, perhaps twice the size of the one the day before. So far there seems to be only one car here, but no one outside. After parking, you notice that in the span of parking one other family has arrived and another is on the road headed to your parking lot. It dawns on you that it is Saturday and parents are taking their kids to the park early on a nice day. You expect more families will arrive in the passing hour.

You see a baseball field that is not yet in use, a large playground with a jungle gym, four open air areas with overhead roofs that can be rented for private events, a bathroom, and two paths that lead into forest trails. What do you do?
Dec 27, 2023 11:22 pm
Watching the families pour in Meg just sighs. "Let's just find its hunting ground and deal with it before it finds another prey. Hopefully these familes stay out of hair if we are quick about it." Meg looks at the map and tries to find which way to go.
Dec 27, 2023 11:35 pm
You learned from the last encounter that it likes trees as it prefers to stay above its prey and not be on the ground. Beyond that, you may go where you want. If you think there might be somewhere else in the park I didn't mention that you'd like to go, like a visitor center or such, don't assume what I say is all there is. I'll tell you if it exists if you ask.
Dec 28, 2023 2:48 am
"Excellent work Ajay, and thank you. I think that I can omit where my treatment occurred when I write my report. No reason to worry about being found out just yet." And with that, Seth went to get some rest.

The next day when they arrived at the site of the closer disappearance, Seth was feeling more like himself. He had learned from the last attack, however, and carried his sniper rifle fully assembled and slung on his back. He looked around at the park, and said to Meg "Agreed. There is no way that we will be able to turn away the number of people that are likely to show up today. Now, do we know how often your average spider needs to eat? I am thinking that it may have eaten deer or other large prey before turning to humans as a source of food. Maybe we should get in touch with the rangers to see if they have noticed any deer carcasses with odd patterns of wounding." Seth said as they walked around. "Let's go down the path then, and see to the other site. We can be in and out quickly unless we are attacked again."
Dec 28, 2023 3:57 am
keep in mind that good armor and weapons are very useful, but often scare people. If you walk around with a rifle on your back, people might be weary of talking to you or might even keep an eye on you for suspicious activity. On the other hand, if you don't have it on your person it is unavailable unless you go back for it or may need to roll an act under pressure roll before making your main roll as you go back in the middle of combat or rummage through your stuff while the monster is nearby and likely to attack such an opening
Dec 28, 2023 4:39 am
Ajay came out of the van with others, surveying the park and checking his watch to note the time. He turned to Meg and Seth, "This is a large area and it would be difficult to keep all the civilians away from the park. As for spiders, they are cunning predators. Most likely, they will pick off prey one by one and store them in their nest, waiting for the appropriate time to feed them. This goes along with the venom that I found. It doesn't kill, but paralyses the prey. Most likely, they will inject the prey and let it run or web it up, waiting for the venom to take it's action thus disabling the prey. When the prey is paralysed, they will collect it and take it away. I don't like so many civilians. Let's try to find our monster, if we detect something we can fire guns to scare the civilians away. Meg can telepathically scare them into thinking there is a shootout, which might convince the civilians to run away. But, then we will have a very short time to deal with the monster and escape."

He eyed Seth's sniper rifle, "On the other hand, we can do another thing. You check the park and look for a good vantage point. We might be able to lure the monster to your firing line, or maybe somehow make it stand out so that you can take it down with a good shot? What do you think?"

He suddenly remembered something and went back into the van searching.

He came out cursing, "Shit! I thought I had the smoke flare. It's back at the Infirmary. If we had it, we could have marked it's location to you Seth and made it easier for you to shoot. Damn! Forget it. Let's get on with the plan."

OOC: I am using "prepared" move to search for a smoke flare. Let's see if I have it.
Last edited Dec 28, 2023 4:41 am


Preparedness - (2d6+2)

(41) + 2 = 7 Partial Success

Dec 28, 2023 1:08 pm
nice use of the move, yup that is what happened. The flare is back at home. You can go get it, but not a small amount of time would pass as you drive back and return
Dec 28, 2023 3:29 pm
Seth ponders that plan for a moment. "I like the idea of us lying in wait for it, and I always appreciate being able to get settled into a good spot for finding the range for a shot. I will just have to do my best without the smoke grenade. Given that the last one attacked us when we were investigating the site where it took prey previously I would surmise that it likes to stick to the same hunting grounds. Perhaps we should mark the site off with tape before we begin our investigation for the safety of the civilians in the area." Seth said, then turned to Meg and said, "If there is anything that you can do to draw the creature out then perhaps that would be best. Not that I want you to be bait necessarily, but maybe you can at least get us a good line up for a shot."
Would this be a good time to use "Read a Bad Situation"?
Dec 28, 2023 4:04 pm
"This creature is a spider. Maybe you playing with it's web last time caused it to come out."
Meg's looks for any of the white web substance in the trees as they walk. Once we some web we should set up shop nearby. Pester the thing until it comes out."


Sharp (Investigate A Mystery) - (2d6+0)

(21) = 3 Miss

Dec 28, 2023 7:08 pm
Seth, what question would you hope to be asking?
[ +- ] Read A Bad Situation
Margaret, I know you failed the role, but what question would you have asked if you had gotten a partial success or better?
[ +- ] Investigate a Mystery
General advice, if you want to roll Investigate a Mystery or read a bad situation, you are limited on the questions you can ask, so I advise you look at the options and have one in mind before you roll. If none seem applicable, the roll likely is unnecessary at this time
Dec 29, 2023 12:58 am
Where did it go?
Dec 29, 2023 1:13 am
at first I thought "how would they find where it went if they haven't seen it yet" but then thought "well they know it was here at some point so I think it works. Unfortunately the roll was a 3 so take 1 EXPERIENCE Point
As you look around, you fail to find any tracks. Little do you know, the monster was overhead. Instead of attacking, it goes deeper into the forest, setting a trap for the hunters who don't know they have been seen. (This is a "to the audience" kind of thing)
Dec 29, 2023 1:51 am
Are there any dangers we haven't noticed. I will roll it just in case.
[ +- ] Tactical Genius


COOL - (2d6+2)

(34) + 2 = 9 Partial Success

Dec 29, 2023 3:06 am
Before I answer that, is Seth staking out somewhere or is he in the woods with everyone else?
Dec 29, 2023 5:46 am
Ajay continued to smoke his cigarette and followed Seth and Meg towards the designated crime scene. This large open park made their plans to hunt the monster more difficult, but they had to do something quick. The park area would soon attract more civilians, and it would give more opportunity to the monsters to do their predation. He wondered how it would react this time, but the chance of interacting with another of these specimens would be paramount to understanding their origin and nature.
Dec 29, 2023 12:40 pm
While I am waiting for Seth's location:
Margaret starts to get a small headache and then has a realization. It sometimes happens without such warning, but when she gets this exacte kind of headache, a dark power is going to try to manifest at some point that day (often at the worst time).
Dec 29, 2023 3:06 pm
I would say that Seth leads them to the crime scene then moves on to find a vantage point on a ridge or something overlooking the site to make a quick sniper's roost.
Dec 29, 2023 7:24 pm
Seth joins Ajay and Margaret until they find the last known sighting of the two missing people who were at this park and then goes back to try to find a good vantage point. Being a park, there isn't much, so he finds a tree near the entrance with a good view. As he does, he swears he see something moving in one of the trees on the opposite side of the park at the path Ajay and Margaret are not on. Just then, he notices a tree shaking somewhere close to where Ajay and Margaret are. There is a chance there are two threats here.
Dec 30, 2023 4:52 am
Ajay started looking for clues at the crime scene. He threw the burnt cigarette in a nearby dustbin and started analysing the place. He searched for webs, which was the most obvious sign for these monsters. Maybe a cobweb will lead them to it's nest. Then warily, he looked up at the trees, trying to keep an eye out for the monster lurking above them, waiting for an ambush. "Meg, keep an eye out while I survey this place. Our monster will probably attack from above."

OOC: Do I roll Investigate a mystery move?
Dec 30, 2023 5:10 am
what question are you hoping to ask?
[ +- ] Investigate a Mystery
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