Case 1: Victims at the park

Dec 11, 2023 10:36 pm
Reader, you are about to read classified documents of the PESD, Paranormal Entities Surveillance Division. What you read here must stay within the confines of this organization. Failure to do so will put you in grave danger. If you are confident, continue to read.

You are about to read the story of three of our agents. Below you will find a summary of their BIOs from when they joined PESD. The remainder will be the cases they worked on. As you should be aware, PESD is a private agency that deals with the paranormal. While it sometimes deals with agencies like the FBI or with particularly wealthy individuals, this organization's primary purpose is to take unsolved crimes that have no explanation within the normal realm and solve them. Yes, dear reader, the supernatural exists. Werewolves, vampires, even demons, they all exist. Our agents put their lives on the line so that normal people can live in ignorance. It's not flashy and there is no public recognition, but our agents either care that much about the public or have a personal reason to do this work.
When you are ready, go ahead and post a quick BIO of your character as they were when they first joined. Here is an example if someone had played a Wronged.

Name: Ace Dulivan
Sex: Male
Age: 41

Ace is an ex-cop who was fired when he started accusing people of being monsters in disguise. This stems from an event one year ago of his wife being killed by a werewolf. No one believed him that a wolf would be found in the middle of the city, let alone that it could talk. If it wasn't for one of our agents being in the area, it would have killed him too. As far as we know, that particular werewolf is still on the loose. After losing his job, he became obsessed with finding his wife's killer. This caused a strain on him and his college age daughter, and they do not speak much anymore except on holidays and during the summer when she comes home. We saw his potential and reached out to him, offering him work. He is a good shot and has great endurance. He isn't very smart, but he is good at talking with civilians when he doesn't think they are secretly a monster. He has no talent for magic.
Dec 12, 2023 12:10 am
Paranormal Entities Surveillance Division
Name: Margaret Jean LeFay
Date of Birth: 6/6/06
Citizen: United States of America
Language: English
Martial Status: Single
Listed As: Watch List
Code Name:
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Green
Heigh: 5FT 1IN
Body Type: Petite
Margaret Jean LeFay, a strong S class Psychic with red flowing hair and striking emerald eyes and an enigmatic air, found herself thrust into the watchful eyes of the Paranormal Entities Surveillance Division (PESD) due to her innate but unbridled psychic abilities. Since childhood, her powers manifested in unpredictable ways, rendering her a magnet for the paranormal. The first incident occurred during her high school years when an emotional outburst unintentionally triggered a poltergeist episode, causing objects to levitate and swirl around her. Another startling event took place at a local carnival when her unchecked empathy fused with a dark energy, causing a psychic feedback loop that sent visitors into temporary emotional disarray. The most alarming incident happened when, overcome by a sense of foreboding, she inadvertently opened a temporary portal to a spectral realm during a routine investigation, unleashing eerie manifestations into the physical world. Despite her earnest desire to control her powers, Margaret often found herself grappling with the consequences of her uncontrollable psychic abilities, a challenge she faced head-on within the confines of the PESD.
Dec 12, 2023 8:37 am
Paranormal Entities Surveillance Division
Name: Ajay Bisnoi
Date of Birth: 08/09/91
Citizen: United States of America (Indian emigrant)
Language: English
Martial Status: Single
Listed As: Private Consultant
Code Name:
Hair Color: Black, dyed brown
Eye Color: Brown
Heigh: 5FT 11IN
Body Type: Bulky

Dr. Ajay Bisnoi came to America as a post-doctoral research fellow from India. His research expertise on toxiciology and pathology had given him a post as medical research scientist in ****** hospital group. He also worked as a consulting expert for ****** and ****** pharmaceutical division. However, it was reported that he had been secretly destroying blood samples and corrupting sensitive information of company servers. Several complaints and chargesheets was brought against him for destroying public property, destroying sensitive information about the employing companies, and accessing or altering several patient records. He went rogue, and FBI agents were deployed to investigate his whereabouts and bring him to custody. This was somehow linked with the catastrophic destruction of ******** sector building of ******* group, where Dr. Bisnoi was found at the scene and apprehended by the police. When cornered and questioned Dr. Bisnoi revealed that the ******* group had a division that was run by a entire cartel of blood-consuming vampires who ran the entire show. Apparently, patients bled regularly, and better-quality blood was sold to a higher echelon of society. He claimed to discover the perpetrators and took action to destroy one of their important meeting places. He seemed entirely convinced that more of these abhumans exist and are currently acting against him. He was sent to a mental asylum for proper rehabilitation and recovery.
Out of the asylum, he is back in his service as a pathologist who got recruited by Paranomal Entities Surveillance Division (P.E.S.D) for his expertise and knowledge regarding the supernatural and other paranormal occurrences.
Last edited December 12, 2023 8:38 am
Dec 13, 2023 1:48 am
Paranormal Entities Surveillance Division
Name: Seth Roland
Date of Birth: 03/14/95
Citizen: United States of America
Language: English
Martial Status: Single
Listed As: Operative
Code Name: Star Eagle
Hair Color: Sandy Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Height: 6' 2"
Body Type: Muscular/Lean

BIO: Seth Roland is as American as the next operative, which is to say, he is a patriot and works for the betterment of his fellow man. He was raised in the farmland of Southern New Jersey and attended an Ivy League school for criminology and pre-law. He was recruited for the FBI shortly after graduation and worked there for five years before being recruited into the PESD. His work on the FBI had begun to stray into the purview of the PESD and a lead operative noticed his inability to be flustered by the strange things that inhabit the fringes of our world. He has worked for the PESD for five years now, and has received awards and high marks from the Agency, though he has begun to grow skeptical of the mission. The motives of the PESD are unclear at best, and at worst may be worthy of considerable suspicion, especially given that the hierarchy within the Agency is secretive and highly complex. He is at odds with his superiors more often than not, and is considered a bit of a rebel, despite his high decoration. He is an expert in combat ops and is a crack shot with a sniper rifle, often running support for other ops. He is currently assigned to watch a number of suspected monsters, splitting his time equally among several cases.

Dec 13, 2023 3:24 am
Sidney Callahan, Head of P.E.S.D.

The day starts as any other day at PESD. Seth arrives at work and gets to paperwork he'd rather not do when his superior comes over. "Seth, we have a case for you. Come with me." Sidney Callahan is a woman in her late 30s. 5'8 without heels and a stare that could paralyze you, Seth knew she was always serious. This kind of work was no joke to her, and she expected other to take it the same way. After the two arrive in a briefing room, she pulls up images on a computer screen on the wall while operating a table with holographic images of landmarks on it. "We have been getting reports of people going missing. Normally, this wouldn't even appear on our radar, but you know by now that I wouldn't mention it if it was normal." The table suddenly highlights three wooded areas less than half an hour outside of the town. "So far 5 people have all gone missing, and these are all of the locations. The reason it appears on our radar is because was a substance found at all of the places I mentioned here." She then points to the screen. A white goo appears and rotates. Next to it appears silhouettes of multiple types of spiders. Each time the spider gets a red X on it and the screen rotates to another one. "The substance is similar to silk that is still sticky, but no spider matches. We think this substances is a clue to a monster kidnapping. I want you to take Bisnoi and LeFay with you. You do good work, but I want you to have backup, like it or not. Report back to me when you have leads. Dismissed." Sidney leaves before Seth can get a word in edge-wise. She always was a cut-to-the-chase woman. She ran the PESD like a well oiled machine, and everyone could tell why.

Later on, Ajay and Margaret each get a call from Seth telling them to meet him at a diner for lunch. This was the team's code for "we have a mission". When everyone arrives, they sit at their usual table. The waitress, Zoe, knows about the PESD and works undercover. As such, the group is always given a table where no one will overhear their conversation.
The case is yours. You decide what you want to do next. Come up with a plan and when you have one, I'll tell you what happens next.
Dec 13, 2023 6:31 am
Ajay was working with the molecular structure of a designer drug when the phone rang. The criss-cross lattice work of molecules rotating in front of his screen was reflected on the spectacle, which covered his hollow eyes with dark circles. He involuntarily reached for the coffee mug without even looking at the phone. Too many phone calls have made his hand remember the position of the phone, but he often mistakes the phone for the mug and the mug for the phone. He tsked as he realised that his hand had grabbed the mug instead of the phone, and he turned from the screen to see who was calling. It was Seth Roland, the FBI agent working for PESD. That got his attention, and he picked up the phone to answer.

A medium distance drive from his workplace to the dining, Ajay was silent and contemplative for the entire journey. PESD made him remember all those bloody memories during his personal crusade against the vampire abhumans. How they have massacred Isabelle. He took a long drag from the lit cigarette to calm his nerve before entering their usual table. He could see Seth waiting there with all his professional attitude. He sat with the others saying, "Another PESD operation? What do we have now?"
Last edited December 13, 2023 6:39 am
Dec 13, 2023 8:10 pm
Seth, having laid out the briefing materials on the table before the others showed up, sat waiting patiently. He was annoyed to be pulled off of his latest surveillance job, but you would never know it from his expression. He felt like he had made headway which would now be lost, though the mission that they had been put on promised to be an interesting one, if it was more than just a mysterious disappearance. He waited with his coffee in the booth of the diner for the others to show up, and he didn't have to wait long before Ajay showed up, ready to get down to business. Seth looked up at him with a cool expression and replied, "We have some mysterious disappearances, five in total, with an unknown web-like substance at each location. I thought you might be interested in the findings regarding the substance." Seth pushed a folder towards Ajay as he sat down. It contained the PESD forensic report on the substance, including the molecular workup and other chemical information that didn't mean much to Seth.
Last edited December 13, 2023 8:11 pm
Dec 13, 2023 8:14 pm
GM would you like to give us our code names or should I make them up since I am the contact at the Agency?
Dec 13, 2023 8:52 pm
I will let you come up with them, though if a player does not like the one you give for their character then they have veto ability
Dec 13, 2023 10:50 pm
Maggie comes enters the diner and waves to Zoe "Hey Sugar, Strawberry Milk Shake and an order of Chili Cheese Fries." She walks over to the two gentlemen but stops at a booth where a single woman is sitting "He knows. Don't go home.. As if nothing just transpired She continues her path to the others she grabs and spins a chair at the table so it is facing the opposite direction. She plops down using the back of the chair as an armrest. "This better be important. I was in a Yoga class and the instructor is Fiinneee."
She swipes the papers that Ajay was currently looking at "Missing People, Strange webs. You two scared of Spiders?"
I am not sure if a Code Name. Any suggestions?
Last edited December 13, 2023 10:50 pm
Dec 13, 2023 11:47 pm
Merry Gentry?
Last edited December 13, 2023 11:47 pm
Dec 14, 2023 12:27 am
Gentry Would be funny.
Dec 14, 2023 1:03 am
Well then there you go! Codename: Gentry
Dec 14, 2023 1:03 am
For Ajay, what do we think of codename Zebra?
Dec 14, 2023 6:12 am
Ajay browsed the files, going over the reports, pictures of the crime scene and the general situation. He scratched his beard in deep thought and said, "Webs and missing people? Has there been any mortal remains of bones or digested body matter? It seems very specific and unique. I think we will know more if we can visit the crime scene."

As Margaret arrived, he greeted her with a smile, "Good Morning Miss LeFay. How are you doing? PESD assigned you to this case? Hmm, now that you mentioned it, I have mild arachnophobia. What about you?"

OOC: So, I want to do a research on the information that we have currently. Do I roll Investigate a mystery now or do I get the information from the GM.
Last edited December 14, 2023 2:48 pm
Dec 14, 2023 6:14 am
zatatmando says:
For Ajay, what do we think of codename Zebra?
OOC: I like the name. Zebra it is.
Dec 14, 2023 1:45 pm
As of this moment, the only thing the report says is that the substance has many of the properties of web, such as being sticky, strong like silk, and has a similar chemical makeup, but when trying to identify what kind of spider would have produced that exact silk, nothing matches. It is either man-made or supernaturally created or modified. To get more than that, you will need to get a sample yourself and study it further.
Dec 14, 2023 10:50 pm
She groans. "How many times do I have to tell you... Don't call me Miss LeFay. Call me Maggie or Meg..." She flips through the papers "I am Doing... You know... She sighs and looks around for Zoe or her food. "I guess they did. I was just told to come here. Wasn't expecting you two here. " She looks at the different spiders on the pages. "Nah spiders don't bother me. I have seen worse creatures in my dreams...
There are 5 location that people have gone missing from. Are they in the same area? Like all near the same woods? Or by the Appalachian Mountains? Or is it spread across a large part of the USA?
Dec 14, 2023 11:02 pm
3 locations, 5 disappearances. All north of the city but not super close to each other. Only commonality so far is foresty areas, north, and the substance
Dec 14, 2023 11:31 pm
Megs pulls out her cell and starts searching to see what she can find out about these disappearances. See if the area has any old wives tale or folklore that might include any spider like creatures...

"What about you Ajay? How is life, anything new? Seth, you kill anyone important reasontly?" She doesn't say that last question quietly...
Last edited December 14, 2023 11:32 pm
Dec 15, 2023 12:48 am
Go ahead and roll Investigate the Mystery for Markart. By default, if you don't have a move that modifiers it, roll 2d6 and add your sharp rating. See the hunter reference sheet for the results. You can ask a different question, but it sounds like the question is the one about what monster is it. Keep in mind all answers are limited to the scenario, so you won't get anything more than a quick Google search would give you
Dec 15, 2023 12:57 am
If anything comes up on what the Monster could be that is great. I was more looking for possible folklore on anything that would fit.


Sharp - (2d6+0)

(21) = 3

Dec 15, 2023 2:11 am
Nothing really comes up. People aren't really talking about it for some reason, and google keeps taking you to monsters that don't really match what you are looking for.
mark 1 experience for the failure, and the monster will somehow learn something about your investigation, so don't be surprised when somehow it seems to know you are after it

It couldn't have learned about you over the Internet so I am going to hold on to this an trigger it at a more appropriate time
Dec 15, 2023 6:42 am
Ajay smiled at the jest he made with Maggie every time they met. "As you wish Maggie, as you wish. My life has been the same. I can't go out that much due to work load but atleast I am not held in isolation, in a soundproof room, tied up in restraints. It feels good to work again. Now, it feels great to have PESD backing me." He continued to riffle through the reports occasionally writing and typing something in his phone.

After the reports were read, he looked up at the others, "I think, we won't get much from here. I need to collect some of these web samples myself and checking the crime scene will give more insight. It would be better if we visit the site and do our own investigation. What do you think?"
Last edited December 15, 2023 6:53 am
Dec 15, 2023 6:10 pm
Seth ignores Ms. LeFay's pointed question and grins enigmatically at them both. "Hello Ms. LeFay. Thank you for joining us." He turns to Ajay and begins to reach for his phone. " I will need to check with forensics to see if there is an open scene for us to visit. They might have samples of the substance for us to test as well, though it would be better to see the scene and get a sense of things. Let me make a call." Seth then gets up and puts his phone to his ear, having hit the number for the forensics supervisor before rising.
Dec 15, 2023 6:30 pm
You learn from the forensics team that they do not currently have anyone in the field about this case but you. They got their sample from local police who thought to take it as evidence, and their experimentation used up what they were given.
Dec 16, 2023 12:50 am
She groans at being called Ms again... She stacks up the papers and pushes them in front of Ajay.
Maggy leans in the chair towards the kitchen and calls out "ZOE!!! MAKE MY ORDER TO GO." She stretches in her chair than her face has a sly grin she yells again "AND PUT IT ON SETHS TAB!!"

"Soo... Who's car we taking and who is driving? Dibs on Shotgun!" Maggy waits for the others to get ready to leave.
Dec 16, 2023 1:18 am
Zoe comes up with the order, hears you say to make it to go, and quickly converts it to a to-go order. "Be nice to your coworkers now," she says in a southern way. She is clearly a nice lady, but also smarter than she acts. "I want to see you here again, so keep safe by sticking together."
Dec 16, 2023 3:41 am
"So it looks like we are going to have to make a go of it on our own. None of the crime scenes are being attended right now, so we get to take our pick." Seth says, ignoring Maggie's outburst as he delivers his news. Delivery done, he turns to her and says, "We are taking the Agency's van, as per usual. If you are ready then let's go now. Which should we visit first?" He says as he turns his phone around to show them the three sites marked on his maps app.
Last edited December 16, 2023 3:41 am
Dec 16, 2023 5:43 am
Ajay nods, saying, "Let's visit the farthest site first. We can go to the closer ones after we complete investigating the first one." He stands up and takes his belongings back to his shoulder bag, ready to move out with others.

OOC: Is the farthest site located in a very remote location? Like, away from any locality?
Last edited December 16, 2023 5:43 am
Dec 16, 2023 1:04 pm
Narratively, their locations don't matter too much. Not tracking time like "it it 10:05am, location 1 is 45 min away, 2 is 47min, etc". If it ever matters, it is early afternoon. As far as landmarks, none stand out more than the others at this time

The main factor separating the locations is when the report for the person going missing came in. One happened 5 days ago, the other 3 days, and the other 2 days.
Dec 16, 2023 4:13 pm
Grabbing her food she gives Zoe a quick hug. "No Promises" She rolls her eyes. "These two are so much fun to work with...
She takes a drink of her shake and grabs a handful of napkins from the nearby dispenser. "Far Site first sounds great. She holds the door open for the other"Come on Slow pokes. We don't got all day." then heads to the car.
Last edited December 16, 2023 4:14 pm
Dec 17, 2023 2:23 pm
You all get in the van Seth brought over. It's pretty obviously a van used for surveillance of some kind, but it is equipped with surveillance equipment and has some hidden backup weapons if they are needed later. You drive over to the location where there was just one missing person, as this was the location farthest from the city.

As you arrive, you find a parking lot and get out of the car. There are 2 other cars here, both minivans. Seth has the location of where the person was last seen and where the substance was found. The substance was found about a quarter of a mile north of where the missing person was last seen. What do you do now?
Dec 17, 2023 4:20 pm
When the van arrived at the location, Ajay came out and surveyed the area. He noticed the 2 other minivans and looked at their number plates. He brought out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it with his polished metal flip lighter. Waiting for others, he took a long drag and released the smoke. As the others got out, he said, "So, this is the location? Let's get to work." He took out his backpack and started walking through the area to their designated crime scene, making information searches on his phone along the way. He was trying to find out the general topography, tagging the location coordinates and looking for whatever was close to the area.

OOC: Does the minivan look like a public van or police van? I am surveying the location to get information about how this place can be utilised by a monster. Do I roll Investigate or not. I believe we haven't reached the crime site yet. Once we reach there I will be rolling for investigate anyway but that will be for the monster/crime there. I just want to know more about this area.
Dec 17, 2023 6:16 pm
The minivans look to be civilian. You would wager there are 2 families doing some kind of outdoor activities here. In your search you see there is a hiking trail nearby, two picnic areas, and plenty of forest with tall trees. You don't see any caves or such on the map, but it might just not be easy to see by satellite mapping at this time.
you only roll if you're would be asking one of the questions from either the investigate a mystery or read a bad situation move as far as learning something. Simple clarifications or things you could easily learn with a Google search or looking at a gps don't need a roll unless somehow the monster is involved more directly like "where did it go?"
Dec 17, 2023 9:53 pm
She plops down in the front seat of the van "Dang man. Did you steal this or was it issued?" She looks at all the surveillance stuff "Does it have a booster or Ejector seat?" Anything I shouldn't touch?

Once on the road she inserts her ear buds, puts up her hood, and sticks her feet up on the dash. She loudly drinks her Milkshake and messily eats her chili cheese fries. She somehow manages to not get her clothes cover in cheese sauce but the van not so much. Finishing her milk shake she lowers the window and tosses it out.

Once they arrive at the park she gets out and stretches. "Ok gents. What is the plan?" She ask leaning against the van.
Last edited December 17, 2023 9:54 pm
Dec 18, 2023 2:23 am
Seth drives in stoic silence, though Maggie might have noticed his occasional grimace when she got cheese sauce on the upholstery. As he puts the van in park and gets out, he looks around, surveying the area for threats and also notices the two vans. He makes a note of their tags and looks them up on the computer that he has in the van, trying to figure out if it is just a couple of families or if the owners of those vans has a record.
Let me know if you want to have me roll for that. He is in threat assessment mode so read a bad situation might fit.
He notices that Ajay is already at work investigating, and turns to Maggie. "The plan is to examine the scene, as well as any possible points of egress from the scene, and report back. We are also hoping to find more of that web substance." And with that he checks his holster, gets out the case with his sniper rifle disassembled in it, and walks towards the trailhead.
Dec 18, 2023 2:47 am
"And which way is the scene? Should I try keep my senses open for anything strange or useful?" Meg's starts skipping to the picnic area. While the others grab their stuff.
Dec 18, 2023 4:11 am
The license plates come up to two regular families, a family of 5 with 2 boys and a girl and a family of 6, 3 girls and a baby boy. No criminal record
Dec 18, 2023 5:53 am
Ajay looked at others when they came out. He noticed Seth watching the minivans and said, "Anything you found out about them? Looks like civilians. It would be bad if more came in contact with this kidnapping monster." He turned to Maggie, "It would be great help. Keep your senses up Meg, and tell us if you notice something odd. Let's proceed to the crime scene and start studying and collecting samples."
Dec 18, 2023 1:13 pm
You eventually make your way out of the parking lot. On your way to the place the web-like substance was found, you see both families on opposite sides of the walkway you are taking. Both seem to be average american families. On the left, a father is grilling burgers over the public grills while his oldest son and youngest son pass a football back and forth and the wife and daughter are doing something on an iPad at the picnic table. On the right, you notice another american family, with the father playing volleyball with his 3 daughters while the wife tends to a crying baby boy.

You continue to the coordinates of the place the substance was found. There does seem to be a mass of something up in one of the trees, not nowhere else.
Dec 18, 2023 1:44 pm
Seth eyes the families, a passing thought of what it must be like to have a family like those brushing past his mind as he walks further out to the scene of the kidnapping. He spots the mass and points up to it as he turns to Ajay and says, "It looks like some of the substance might be left at the scene. Now to get it down. Any ideas?"
Dec 18, 2023 2:09 pm
Small note: if you were climbing a tree in the middle of a fight, that might call for an Act Under Pressure roll, but as there seems to be no threats nearby at this time, I don't think climbing a tree would call for a roll.
Dec 18, 2023 2:12 pm
Ajay took another drag from his cigarette as he observed the webs up on the tree. He finished it, dropping the end filter on the ground and squashing it with his shoes. Given the location of the web, the monster was absolutely arboreal. The surroundings will definitely give some clues about it's behaviour and hunting patterns. He looked at Seth, "Do you have a rope? We can use it to climb up and collect some samples."

OOC: I believe we will be carrying mundane stuffs with us for investigation. I don't know whether we will have rope though.
Dec 18, 2023 2:18 pm
At work.
Could / should I use telepathy to get these families to leave? Give them the feeling that something is not safe. Give us some privacy.
[ +- ] Telepathy
Dec 18, 2023 2:31 pm
It probably would be a good idea to get these families out of here, just in case.
Seth looks in his backpack for a length of rope, and comes out with a coil of rope of about 50 feet that he luckily remembered to pack. He begins to unspool it and swings the end around in order to throw it over a branch to create a rudimentary pulley system to get someone up there.
Dec 18, 2023 3:26 pm
Smiley, if you are going to get the families to leave, roll me 2 Manipulate Someone rolls, one for each of the families. Telepathy doesn't change what you roll, just the fiction and utility of the rolls. As such, roll +Charm both times. In case it affects your decision to do this, here's what you can expect:
6 or less: One or both of the parents will hear your voice in their head and become suspicious and on alert. They won't leave, but if they hear you talk they'll remember your voice and be unfriendly (even if they don't know why).
7 to 9: The family doesn't leave, but isn't hostile. However, if they are shown evidence of something dangerous nearby, they will immediately decide to leave.
10 or higher: one or both of the parents decide that they think the nearby forest is unsafe and will leave (you don't know if they would go home or just to another park)
Dec 18, 2023 4:07 pm
(At work still. Posting the rolls will edit later.)


Charm - (2d6-1)

(53) - 1 = 7

Charm - (2d6-1)

(65) - 1 = 10

Dec 18, 2023 4:49 pm
The family with the father and three daughters playing volleyball suddenly stop after the dad catches the ball instead of hitting it. He turns to his wife, who share a glance with each other at then inform the rest of the family that they will be resuming this family outing at a different park. The girls seem upset but ultimately get in the car. The other family, however, does not leave. The wife shares some concerns with her husband, but the husband talks her out of her concerns and agrees if anything dangerous arrives, they'll leave. Until then it seems they are staying.
Dec 19, 2023 6:01 am
Ajay unpacked sealed plastic bags and started wearing latex gloves before climbing the tree using the rope. He slowly hoisted himself, directing Seth with instructions about when to stop and when to proceed. As he reached closer to the web, he took a plastic bud from inside the bags and started twirling the bud, attaching it to the web. Once the entire cobweb got stuck to the bud, he placed it inside the bag and sealed it. Signalling Seth to lower him down, he surveyed the surroundings from this vantage point to notice anything unusual or noteworthy. Were there any other cobwebs in the trees? Were there signs of any hunted prey? Something dangling from the tree perch?

OOC: I am looking for monster activity from this high up vantage point. Do I roll Investigate to know more about the monster behaviour or activity?
Dec 19, 2023 12:16 pm
Roll to Investigate a Mystery, and when you do please tell me which questions you are wanting to ask. The move has a limited list of questions you can ask. Note: ignore the advanced option. You can't use that until you level up at least 5 times and choose to make that move advanced. Until then it is not accessible.

If you are not sure what I am referring to, I am saying you must ask one of these questions.
[ +- ] Investigate a Mystery
Dec 19, 2023 12:33 pm
Maggie leans against a tree and mean mugs the two families for a bit.
One of them gets up and leaves.
Rubbing her temples "Got one family. Other one is being stubborn. " She walks to Seth and holds on her hand. "Can I borrow your badge."
Dec 19, 2023 5:47 pm
Seth looks at her over his sunglasses and replies, "There is no way they will believe that you are an Agent. Let me take care of this. You do your thing on this end and make them feel uncomfortable." He then finishes lowering Ajay down, unstraps himself from his harness that he made from the end of the rope, and begins to approach the other family.
Dec 19, 2023 6:09 pm
as you are going over after helping Ajay down, we will wait until we resolve his roll before you go over, otherwise there may be time skip confusions
Dec 19, 2023 6:11 pm
Got it. Sounds good.
Dec 19, 2023 6:23 pm
OOC: Okay, so I rolled a 7 and I have 1 hold. I am spending the hold to ask the first question, "What happened here?"
Last edited December 19, 2023 6:25 pm


Investigate a mystery - (2d6+2)

(41) + 2 = 7

Dec 19, 2023 8:15 pm
Ajay examines the location and notices high up in the trees is a deer trapped in the same substance and trained of fluids. The branch he is on is bent, as if something heavy pulls something from the ground up, entangled it in the substance, and leaped away. You have a hunch that whatever it is was eating a meal when it saw the victim walk underneath. It set a trap for the victim, quickly hoisted them up, and ran away with them as if to take them somewhere else.

After this, you get down at Seth's request so he can tend to something nearby and don't want to leave you hanging up in the tree, stuck.
Dec 19, 2023 11:01 pm
zatatmando, roll manipulate someone for Seth. Since the family is already on the fence about leaving, a 7 or higher is all you need, but on a 10+ you might be able to ask them to do something else if you want too
Dec 20, 2023 2:10 am
Seth walks over to the family, and heads towards the husband and wife. He flashes his badge quickly so that they don't get a good look at the origin of it, and says, "Hello there. We are conducting an investigation in these woods into a disappearance. There is reason to believe that the abductor is still at large, so we recommend that you vacate the area. "
[ +- ] Manipulate Someone
Is there a way to give me the help action?
Last edited December 20, 2023 3:09 am


Manipulate someone - (2d6+0)

(15) = 6

Dec 20, 2023 3:32 am
Someone has to be willing to roll a Help Out roll. If they fail, the family will accuse both of you of being fakes and threaten to call the cops on you. If they get at least a 7, your roll will be a hit instead of a miss, but all manipulate someone rolls that get a 7-9 require some effort on your part to get them to cooperate, so even if the help helps you will need to provide some proof you are worth listening to and no some random person who is making up a story

Side note: if someone helps you and you get that +1, you didn't get a 6- and thus would not get any exp. Your call
Dec 20, 2023 2:49 pm
Hmm ok I will stick with a six then I think. Thanks for mentioning that I forgot that we mark Xp when we fail.



Dec 20, 2023 3:41 pm

You approach the family, flash your badge a little too quickly, and explain yourself to the family. The father stops grilling to come over and see what is going on. When his wife explains what happened, the husband says, "Sir, you can't go pretending to be part of law enforcement. If you don't leave the park, I will have to call the cops."
Dec 20, 2023 3:57 pm
Would act under pressure work in this case?
Dec 20, 2023 4:01 pm
This is the natural consequence for the failed roll. You don't make more rolls at this point unless you are doing something brand new. You have to decide if you want to let them see your badge fully and risk them finding out about the PESD or if you want to leave and hide t satisfy them, or if you refuse to leave and have 10ish minutes to stay until police arrive
Dec 20, 2023 4:07 pm
Thanks for explaining that.
Seth frowns at the man, but steps closer and opens up his badge again to give them a better look.
"I am a member of a special task force of the FBI that deals in disappearances like this one. I am advising you, for your and your family's safety, that you move to a different park just for right now."
He then closes his badge up and puts it back in his pocket. He eyes the man to see what he will do next.
Last edited December 20, 2023 4:08 pm



Dec 20, 2023 4:31 pm

The man takes a solid look at the badge and seems to note some stuff about it. He then turns to his family and say, "We are going to finish thus elsewhere." they pack up ajf leave, but you get thr feeling thr father haf questions he may investigate later.
Dec 20, 2023 4:59 pm
Can I roll to see what is on the father's mind? See what questions he might have.

I Didn't see the dear but could we tell how long it has been dead?
Last edited December 20, 2023 5:51 pm
Dec 20, 2023 6:37 pm
Ajay was looking at the webbed shape of a desicated deer corpse when Seth and Margaret went to deal with the stubborn family. His expression had fear mixed with awe and excitement. Reaching his pocket, he took out another cigarette and lit it up, taking a long drag. This was clearly a big monster. A big Arachnid? Or a mega-arthropod? Something that can release fluids to spin webs? And it's hunting big animals like deer? This is bad news! He needed to examine the corpse, and the best way would be to dissect it in the laboratory. If it is indeed an abnormal variant of Arthropod, it can mean many things. They can inject eggs into their prey or even paralyse the victim with potent neurotoxins.

He went back and called, "Seth, Maggie, come over here; you need to see this." He beckoned at both of them and pointed to the webbed deer corpse. "See that? its our monster's prey. My guess is that our monster is a big arachnid. At least that's what I can glean from this site. I need you to make a call and get that corpse down. We need to look into it back in our labs. In the meantime, let's visit another scene to cross-check and get more information about our monster."
Last edited December 20, 2023 6:38 pm
Dec 20, 2023 7:23 pm
Maggie hears the father imagining the badge as best he can and thinking about researching it. Normally a miss would mean he would have not left, but I changed it to "he is willing to leave but highly suspicious and may become a thorn in the future"
As Ajay explains his find, you all hear a sound up in the trees. There is not enough wind to explain the sound, and it heightens all of your fight or flight responses.
now might be a good time to read a bad situation
Dec 20, 2023 9:23 pm
"Father's going to look up PESD. Might need to deal with him.
Meg heads over to check what Ajay is talking about. She stops and looks around hearing something big around.


Sharp - (2d6+0)

(45) = 9

Dec 20, 2023 10:03 pm
You see a shape in the trees. Maggie spots a thin strand of a white substance shoot at Seth. In the amount of time before it hits Seth, Maggie is the only one who sees it in time to do something. What does Margaret do?


Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Dec 20, 2023 11:59 pm
Could I Hex Seth or the Monster to make the "Web" stuff miss? Cause a Tree branch to move just right to intercept the web or cause Seth to "Stumble" on something so it misses.
[ +- ] Jinx


Weird - (2d6+2)

(36) + 2 = 11

Dec 21, 2023 1:10 am
Sure, you can use one of your holds to cause the monster to miss, but the monster won't be harmed or such in the process. Please describe what it looks like when you Jinx. Do your eyes glow? Your hair float? anything like that

One note: because you rolled 11, you get 2 holds, so you can do 1 other thing on that list (even the same thing again) later before needing to roll jinx again
Margaret causes wind to make a branch swing in the path of the web, causing the white substance to grab the branch and rip it off of the tree and back to whatever the creature is. You hear it skittering up in the trees, likely to ambush at any moment.
Seth or Ajay should act next
Dec 21, 2023 1:41 am
Eyes roll back and go misty swirly black. Dark shadowly tendrily fog form around her.
Dec 21, 2023 1:48 am
I will read a bad situation.
Seth sees Maggie use her powers and looks up to the skittering noise. He sees where the web narrowly missed him, and tries to read the situation to see how he should act next. He has his sniper rifle case in hand, and pops one of the latches with his thumb out of reflex.


COOL (read a bad situation) - (2d6+2)

(15) + 2 = 8

Dec 21, 2023 1:54 am
you get one question from the read a bad situation list. As the game is very consistent about results, so if you know you get a 7-9 or 10+, go ahead and say which question you are asking specifically
Dec 21, 2023 1:50 pm
OOC: Do I roll read a bad situation too or do I wait for Seth to react?
Dec 21, 2023 2:14 pm
you can if you want. You don't have to. The original roll was because the monster was trying to ambush the party. Now, any roll of read a bad situation is an attempt to get a +1 on a future roll (as acting in the information gives you +1 ongoing if the information is relevant) at the risk of a failure which would cause you to completely misread what is happening and likely give the monster a free attack

TLDR: yes if you want. You can do something else if you would prefer
Dec 21, 2023 2:38 pm
Ajay noticed that Seth and Margaret were both taking time to come to him, so he went back looking for them. As he crossed the place where the civilian families were doing their picnic, he watched Meg standing and listening to something. At that moment, he heard the skittering sound above, which caused him to look up and survey the area. It was not a good sign; something was there.

OOC: Rolling for read a bad situation. With the monster on prowl, I am guessing Seth will choose something else, I am going to choose 'What's my best way out?' question.
Last edited December 21, 2023 2:41 pm


Read a bad situation - (2d6+2)

(34) + 2 = 9

Dec 21, 2023 2:48 pm
Ajay notices that the monster seems to like to be high up and in trees. As such, the best course of action to get away would be back where the families were, as it was an open area with nothing overhead.

Ajay has +1 ongoing (meaning +1 to all rolls) if the roll has anything to do with getting away from the monster during this scene
Dec 21, 2023 3:08 pm
I will go for "Are there any dangers we haven't noticed?"
Dec 21, 2023 3:17 pm
Ajay looked up and then shouted, "Watch out, I think it's on hunt. It's arboreal and prefers large tree canopies to climb and traverse. We must go for open areas which it won't be able to reach."
Dec 21, 2023 3:19 pm
you are fully aware of the danger that is the attacking creature already, but you are confident that it is the only danger at this time and no others are lying in wait
Dec 21, 2023 3:21 pm
to everyone, it is up to you what you want to do. You don't know if it is the monster or a minion, or if you can kill it at this time, but as of now you only know it likes treetops and can shoot a white strand that easily adheres to anything and can pull the strand back in. If you stay and fight, you might get hurt but you may also get a better idea what it is. If you flee then other than the substance Ajay already got to study later you won't get any other information
Dec 21, 2023 3:32 pm
Seth quickly drops to his knees, opening up his sniper rifle case and begins to assemble it as quickly as humanly possible. He yells to Ajay, [b]"This is our chance to take it out! Plus we may learn about its behavior, we cannot run. If we need to retreat we go to the picnic area. For now we will move in that direction while fighting."[/b] He says, pointing to the picnic area.
Dec 21, 2023 5:07 pm
Give me a kiss some ass roll for seth
Dec 21, 2023 5:08 pm
[ +- ] Kick Some Ass
Last edited December 21, 2023 5:09 pm


TOUGH (Kick some Ass) - (2d6+2)

(55) + 2 = 12

Dec 21, 2023 5:50 pm
so you harm the monster and it attacks you back. Since you got a 10 or higher, you get a bonus. Which bonus do you want?
[ +- ] options
Dec 21, 2023 6:07 pm
Standing next to Seth to block any sticky substances shot at him. Meg gathers a handful of shadows out towards the creature.
Could I Use Hex to either break the creatures web making ability or some legs so can't travel as fast?
If not just Harm.
Would a disease do anything and what would it be like?
[ +- ] Hex
Last edited December 21, 2023 6:45 pm


Weird - (2d6+2)

(65) + 2 = 13

Dec 21, 2023 6:37 pm
I will take +1 Harm, making the total damage 5 harm.
Seth eyes up the creature through his scope, and fires into what he thinks is the center of its body mass.
Dec 21, 2023 7:14 pm
Margaret already has 1 hold from earlier as she got a 10, so no need to roll again. Sorry you waisted a 13. Unless the scene changes and the holds are lost, you don't keep rolling to stockpile holds. You get them, then you hold them until they are lost or spent, and then you can roll for more after that.

Also, moves do exactly what they say they do. You can cause something to happen so it takes 2 harm ignoring armor, but unless a move say it hinders movement then it doesn't. Disease is a bit ambitious, but I will say that is more of a long term thing, not something you will see the effects of right away. When you get a cold, to don't know that right away.
You see a glob of some kind of substance fall from the tree, presumably a blood-like substance as the bullet causes a grave wound. It does seem the monster has a hard outer shell of some kind, perhaps an exoskeleton or carapace, and thus takes 1 less harm than expected.

Giant Monster


Dec 21, 2023 7:17 pm
Giant Monster

A giant 8-legged creature quickly climbs down the tree but not within reach and shoots a white strand from its hind end, grabbing Seth and pulling him in. If Seth takes 1 harm from the impact of the strand hitting his chest (or no harm if he has any armor on). It looks like it is going to bite Seth unless the next move stops it.
Dec 21, 2023 7:22 pm
What do I roll to avoid harm?
Dec 21, 2023 7:30 pm
you don't, this is the result of kick some ass. Unlike a lot of other moves, unless a monster has no way to retaliate (no attack with the same range, magically restrained, your attack killed it, etc.) it gets to attack you back regardless of your roll. It's attack was getting you with web, and as a keeper I did a keeper move of threatening harm.
Dec 21, 2023 7:40 pm
The hold 1 was from jinx. I was using Hex.
Dec 21, 2023 8:15 pm
Smiley says:
[ooc]The hold 1 was from jinx. I was using Hex.
Oh, in that case, what effect are you triggering? As a 10+, there is no glitch in what you invoke. Sorry, jinx and hex sound enough alike that I got mixed up
Dec 21, 2023 8:34 pm
All good that is what I assumed. We will just do Damage • The target immediately suffers harm (2-harm magic ignore-armour).

Giant Monster


Dec 21, 2023 8:47 pm
The monster has Seth in its clutches and then magic bumbards it from Margaret. It barely holds on but manages to bite Seth, who feels venom go I to his body.
Seth takes 3 harm. If he has any armor, he reduces the harm by the highest value. He is also poisoned. This has no effect now but will need to be dealt with at some point in the near future

Seth can act if he wants, but if he does he has to Act Under Pressure first because of the web. It might be good to let Ajay act next
Dec 21, 2023 8:51 pm
Luckily I have 2 armor.
Seth grimaces with pain as the creature bites him, but his armor protects him for the most part. He feels the penetration of the creature's fangs and the venom pumping in. He struggles to free himself but seems to be stuck fast.
Dec 22, 2023 6:06 am
Ajay's jaw dropped, releasing his lit cigarette, as the giant-sized arachnid came down and grabbed Seth. "My god, it's big! Be careful; arachnids are very fast and nimble." He watched as the spider injected something inside Seth, "Oh no! It's poisoning him. Shit!"

He brought out his Magnum and aimed at the spider's thorax; if the bullet hit, then the spider might release Seth. Taking a steady aim he fired his magnum.

OOC: I want the monster to release Seth. I am guessing it will be "Protect Someone"? I am rolling it to see the result. Nice! I will choose "You hold the enemy back".
Last edited December 22, 2023 6:11 am


Protect Someone - (2d6+1)

(55) + 1 = 11

Giant Spider


Dec 22, 2023 1:12 pm
Giant Spider
In the process of driving the spider back, the bullet manages to hit the thorax. It seems it was 1 harm away from death already, so a bunch of fluid comes out of the bullet hole and the spider falls out of the tree and lays in the grassy ground, stomach up and legs spread out. Seth lies next to it, covered in the white string the spider grabbed him with. Now that the threat is dealt with, it is only a matter of time to free him.
for future reference, protect someone is when you put yourself in a position where you would be harmed instead of the person who is about to be harmed. This can be anything from taunting the monster to target you instead to diving in front of an attack so it has to hit you instead
Dec 22, 2023 2:03 pm
Maggie pulls a good size hunting knife from her boot and starts cutting at the sticky stuff.
"You good?" She ask as the smoke around her dissipates and her eyes slowly change back.
Dec 22, 2023 2:48 pm
Ajay holstered his magnum and walked towards the giant spider with a mesmerising look. "This is impossibly large! I want to dissect and study it. Is it a supernatural creature, or has it somehow been enlarged through the use of magic? So many questions, and such a wonderful specimen."

He then turned to Seth and Margaret and said, "I don't think we should let this slide. I need to take a better look at you, Seth. This creature has poisoned you, and who knows what it has injected? I need to look at the wound and do some analysis. I have a place where we can stay while I check on you. On the other hand, this thing should be transported for further study. I request that you petition for a clearance. I want to study this creature."

OOC: I see. I wanted to force it to release Seth. I didn't know any moves that would let it. So, I thought Protect someone was perhaps the right one, even though it would endanger me.
Dec 22, 2023 4:11 pm
Seth frees himself from the webbing with Maggie's help, and sits up, wincing with pain. "I'm ok, but I will need to deal with whatever poison that thing pumped into me quickly. Let's gather its corpse and get back to the van, I think I have some antivenom in there that I might be able to use."
Dec 22, 2023 4:22 pm
You stay. I will bring the Van closer." She swipes the keys from Seth. A few moments later she is backing the van closer to the dead spider thing
Dec 22, 2023 5:25 pm
You pull up the van and look around. It seems there are plenty of tools to perform surveillance and some backup weapons, but no anti-venom or similar things.
When choosing the good things about the car, medical kit was not chosen. As such, the car doesn't have that by default.

You can still spend about 10 minutes performing first aid. If you do, anyone hurt recovers 1 harm, but any unstable wounds (which I don't think anyone has) remain unstable
Dec 23, 2023 10:56 pm
Helping Seth into the passenger seat. I go back to push the spider thing into the van. "Ajay You drive you know the way. " Megs gets into the back trying to stay away from the spider.
Dec 24, 2023 1:53 am
The spider seems impossible large. You can bring some part of it back, but it's thorax alone won't fit inside of the van, and strapping it to the top would be a bad idea if people realized it was real and not fake. What part of the spider do you want to take? A couple legs? May the head?
Dec 24, 2023 1:58 am
As they try to get the spider into the back of the van, and see that it will not fit, Seth sits up and grimaces a bit before spitting out, "Ajay, you decide the best parts to keep. I would say the head and the spinnerets, but that's just me." And then he lays back down.
Dec 24, 2023 6:29 pm
Ajay looked at the spider's enormous body and thought for sometime. Then he turned to Seth and said, "Let me look at your wounds; let's do some initial cleaning and first aid. It will help me understand how bad it is."

He applied initial first aid as best as he could and then looked at the spider again, wondering what he could do. Finally finding a sharp blade, he went to work on the monster's corpse. He dissected out the mouth appendages, fangs, and pedipalps. Then he followed inside to trace the venom glands, finally located the spinnerets of the spider and dissected them out. He bundled all the organs in the back of the van and came up to the driver's seat. "Let's get to my place. I have picked up all the important things I could possibly take. Now we must take a good look at you in a more appropriate place." He boarded the van and started the engine. His destination was to the infirmary he had.

OOC: I will provide first aid to Seth and then I will dissect out some organs from the spider. Hopefully they will fit on the back side of the van.
Dec 26, 2023 4:00 pm
Ajay is able to perform some immediate first aid on Seth, which allows him to heal 1 harm (which he should have had at least 1 but may have had 2). Once you are able to leave and get back to Ajay's haven, the Ajay will get a chance to roll 2 Investigate a Mystery rolls, one for analyzing the parts you were able to bring (your Lore Library is not relevant as this is more scientific analysis than reading history and lore, but you might be able to roll for that later) and one to see what he can learn about the venom in Seth's body (i'll say you get a +1 to that roll as you have lots of equipment to increase your odds in an infirmary).

For the first roll, you can ask any of the questions from the list for the Investigate a Mystery, but please explain how analyzing the organs and such would help, you think, answer it (such as "What can it do?" specifically related to the venom gland)

For the second roll, a partial success is enough to figure out how to neutralize it, but nothing more. a Success will give you the results of a partial success, plus enough knowledge to create some antivenom you can bring with you (as opposed to having to always come back to the infirmary to remove the venom).

Before all of that, though, I assume you take the remainder of the spider you couldn't fit int the van and put it deep into the forest so civilians won't see it. Do you have something better in mind?
Dec 26, 2023 4:55 pm
Ajay drove the van back to his secret hideout, which was not known to many, but for the sake of P.E.S.D. and the dire situation of his companion, he had to divulge the location. He drove the van in a congested suburb where several apartments were situated in close proximity. It was close to a factory site, and pollution was heavy in the air. The streets were littered with homeless or drifters, and it would raise a lot of questions about where exactly Ajay was taking the van. He drove on without saying much, and when he reached one big apartment, he talked to the security and gave him a roll of cash before nodding and exchanging small talk. The security guard opened a side garage door that was full of dust and scrap car parts. It was almost alarming when Ajay slowly drove the van inside such a mess of a garage, but he parked it without hitting or tumbling any scrap or gear.

He turned to Margaret, "Bring Seth and follow me." He walked downstairs with a set of stairs and fished out a key, with which he opened a collapsible gate leading to sealed sliding doors. After proceeding through the sliding door, they were inside a large basement room full of several medical diagnostic tools, along with some medical beds with attached liquid infusion stands. He tossed the key at a computer table and said, "Welcome to the Infirmary. Don't ask me if it's official or licenced, because I won't say anything. I try to do good work here." He pointed to one of the beds and told Meg, "Get Seth to the bed and strap that monitor. I will take some blood infusion and study the venom. Hopefully we can get some matches in the venom bank, at least a matching homologue of structure. Also, if you don't mind Meg, can you bring me those organs that I got from the monster and store them in that cold storage? And finally, the coffee maker and fridge is there; if you feel hungry or need some caffeine, you know now where to get it."

He started working on Seth by collecting a blood sample and isolating the venom through it's characteristic molecular structure. Next, he matched it with existing venom structures to find out a possible way to neutralize it. He dressed Seth's wound and applied some known antivenom to reduce it's action while matching the new venom that this monster had.

Once the organs were brought out, he studied them finely, dissecting them and observing them under a microscope to better grasp their function and anatomy. Several hours later, he had decoded the venom structure and synthesised an antivenom, which he injected into Seth. He finally sat beside him and exhaled, "How are you feeling, Seth?"

OOC: We will probably burn the corpse of the spider when we leave the site. For my question on the first Investigate roll, I would like to learn "What can it do?"
Last edited December 26, 2023 5:28 pm


Investigate a mystery (Identifying monster parts) - (2d6+2)

(25) + 2 = 9

Investigate a mystery (Making an antivenom) - (2d6+3)

(35) + 3 = 11

Dec 26, 2023 5:27 pm
After about an hour or so, you learn how to cure Seth of the venom just before it would have caused him more harm. You learn that every 2 hours or so, anyone still infected would take 1 additional harm, but if it would kill them it instead paralyzes then until the venom is removed. You manage to make 2 vials of antivenom specifically for this venom. You can make 2 more with more venom if you could get some, but with this and testing it, you run out

As for the investigate a mystery for monster parts, what is your question from the list?
Dec 26, 2023 5:33 pm
OOC: Can I ask like what the monster can do as a whole? I mean like it's behaviour and hunting pattern?
Dec 26, 2023 5:55 pm
The book says that you can ask any question, but it has to be relevant to the clues present at the time of the question. You tell me, how would having some of the organs and the head help you to rationalize its behavior and hunting pattern? If you can come up with a solid reason, sure. Otherwise, you can ask what the monster can do, but you'll only get answers related to what you have with you.
Dec 26, 2023 6:03 pm
Ooc: So, I brought the mouth parts, the spinnerets, and the venom gland. I want to find out if it is similar to normal spiders, like normal spider getting enlarged by magic or if it is an entirely different kind of spider that is big in size? Does it bite and chew or does it suck using probosis (like normal spider)? Is the venom strong enough to hunt big prey or like normal-sized one?
Dec 26, 2023 7:20 pm
Ajay learns that the spider seems to be a normal spider, but the genetics are modified. All evidence points to this being a supernaturally large spider with qualities of many different spiders (or perhaps the normal versions of the spiders are offsprings of this one split into what you are used to, you he is unsure).
Dec 27, 2023 12:26 am
Maggie walks around the hide out trying to stay out of everyone's way. She stops and stands in front of a map of the attacks. "Hey. Ummm." She looks at the three spots on the map. "Do we think there are three of these spiders things? Could three areas be their hunting grounds?" Or was it just one spider using all three areas...but that doesn't make sense. Spiders are ambush hunters."
Dec 27, 2023 3:24 pm
Seth sits up gingerly on the bed, trying not to move too quickly so that it doesn't disturb his wounds too much. "Much better, thank you Ajay. I know that it is dicey to reveal this location to us, but I am very appreciative that you did. What did you learn about the creature from your dissections?" Seth gets up off of the bed and walks over to the map. "I agree that it would have to be three different spiders. My question would have to be, where did they come from? Who or what made them?"
Dec 27, 2023 4:45 pm
Ajay filled up a cup with hot coffee and passed it to Seth, while drinking it himself. "Seth, I know that you work for the...umm...authorities, but can you please keep this (he looked around the Infirmary) secret from them. I know it will be against your vows but I don't want this shut down or monitored. I trust you and Meg (he eyed Margaret) and I want you two to be the only ones knowing about this."

He was sitting on a chair with wheels which he manoeuvred using his legs and moved towards the map while answering Meg, "I think you are absolutely correct. I don't believe that it's one creature with a large hunting ground; I think there are multiple of these." He turned to Seth, "From my dissection and investigation I haven't got anything concrete. It's biology has a big enough gene pool to isolate anything specific. I need more samples and more time. But, for now, I have decoded the molecular makeup of the venom and thus I have synthesised an antivenom, which I just gave you. It looks like it has a potent neurotoxic effect, leading to total paralysis in victims within a period of 2 hours. Since we have an antivenom now, we can be well prepared and ready to synthesise more if we need."

He looked up at the desk clock and said, "Well, it's quite late. Let's rest up and move out to the next location tomorrow. If you are hungry, you can cook while I need to work more on our new monster here."
Last edited December 27, 2023 4:47 pm
Dec 27, 2023 6:16 pm
You all get a good night's rest and wake up the next morning ready to go after breakfast. The day before you went to the location farthest from the city, so today you go to the location that is the second farthest. Upon arrival, you realize quickly this is a big park, perhaps twice the size of the one the day before. So far there seems to be only one car here, but no one outside. After parking, you notice that in the span of parking one other family has arrived and another is on the road headed to your parking lot. It dawns on you that it is Saturday and parents are taking their kids to the park early on a nice day. You expect more families will arrive in the passing hour.

You see a baseball field that is not yet in use, a large playground with a jungle gym, four open air areas with overhead roofs that can be rented for private events, a bathroom, and two paths that lead into forest trails. What do you do?
Dec 27, 2023 11:22 pm
Watching the families pour in Meg just sighs. "Let's just find its hunting ground and deal with it before it finds another prey. Hopefully these familes stay out of hair if we are quick about it." Meg looks at the map and tries to find which way to go.
Dec 27, 2023 11:35 pm
You learned from the last encounter that it likes trees as it prefers to stay above its prey and not be on the ground. Beyond that, you may go where you want. If you think there might be somewhere else in the park I didn't mention that you'd like to go, like a visitor center or such, don't assume what I say is all there is. I'll tell you if it exists if you ask.
Dec 28, 2023 2:48 am
"Excellent work Ajay, and thank you. I think that I can omit where my treatment occurred when I write my report. No reason to worry about being found out just yet." And with that, Seth went to get some rest.

The next day when they arrived at the site of the closer disappearance, Seth was feeling more like himself. He had learned from the last attack, however, and carried his sniper rifle fully assembled and slung on his back. He looked around at the park, and said to Meg "Agreed. There is no way that we will be able to turn away the number of people that are likely to show up today. Now, do we know how often your average spider needs to eat? I am thinking that it may have eaten deer or other large prey before turning to humans as a source of food. Maybe we should get in touch with the rangers to see if they have noticed any deer carcasses with odd patterns of wounding." Seth said as they walked around. "Let's go down the path then, and see to the other site. We can be in and out quickly unless we are attacked again."
Dec 28, 2023 3:57 am
keep in mind that good armor and weapons are very useful, but often scare people. If you walk around with a rifle on your back, people might be weary of talking to you or might even keep an eye on you for suspicious activity. On the other hand, if you don't have it on your person it is unavailable unless you go back for it or may need to roll an act under pressure roll before making your main roll as you go back in the middle of combat or rummage through your stuff while the monster is nearby and likely to attack such an opening
Dec 28, 2023 4:39 am
Ajay came out of the van with others, surveying the park and checking his watch to note the time. He turned to Meg and Seth, "This is a large area and it would be difficult to keep all the civilians away from the park. As for spiders, they are cunning predators. Most likely, they will pick off prey one by one and store them in their nest, waiting for the appropriate time to feed them. This goes along with the venom that I found. It doesn't kill, but paralyses the prey. Most likely, they will inject the prey and let it run or web it up, waiting for the venom to take it's action thus disabling the prey. When the prey is paralysed, they will collect it and take it away. I don't like so many civilians. Let's try to find our monster, if we detect something we can fire guns to scare the civilians away. Meg can telepathically scare them into thinking there is a shootout, which might convince the civilians to run away. But, then we will have a very short time to deal with the monster and escape."

He eyed Seth's sniper rifle, "On the other hand, we can do another thing. You check the park and look for a good vantage point. We might be able to lure the monster to your firing line, or maybe somehow make it stand out so that you can take it down with a good shot? What do you think?"

He suddenly remembered something and went back into the van searching.

He came out cursing, "Shit! I thought I had the smoke flare. It's back at the Infirmary. If we had it, we could have marked it's location to you Seth and made it easier for you to shoot. Damn! Forget it. Let's get on with the plan."

OOC: I am using "prepared" move to search for a smoke flare. Let's see if I have it.
Last edited December 28, 2023 4:41 am


Preparedness - (2d6+2)

(41) + 2 = 7

Dec 28, 2023 1:08 pm
nice use of the move, yup that is what happened. The flare is back at home. You can go get it, but not a small amount of time would pass as you drive back and return
Dec 28, 2023 3:29 pm
Seth ponders that plan for a moment. "I like the idea of us lying in wait for it, and I always appreciate being able to get settled into a good spot for finding the range for a shot. I will just have to do my best without the smoke grenade. Given that the last one attacked us when we were investigating the site where it took prey previously I would surmise that it likes to stick to the same hunting grounds. Perhaps we should mark the site off with tape before we begin our investigation for the safety of the civilians in the area." Seth said, then turned to Meg and said, "If there is anything that you can do to draw the creature out then perhaps that would be best. Not that I want you to be bait necessarily, but maybe you can at least get us a good line up for a shot."
Would this be a good time to use "Read a Bad Situation"?
Dec 28, 2023 4:04 pm
"This creature is a spider. Maybe you playing with it's web last time caused it to come out."
Meg's looks for any of the white web substance in the trees as they walk. Once we some web we should set up shop nearby. Pester the thing until it comes out."


Sharp (Investigate A Mystery) - (2d6+0)

(21) = 3

Dec 28, 2023 7:08 pm
Seth, what question would you hope to be asking?
[ +- ] Read A Bad Situation
Margaret, I know you failed the role, but what question would you have asked if you had gotten a partial success or better?
[ +- ] Investigate a Mystery
General advice, if you want to roll Investigate a Mystery or read a bad situation, you are limited on the questions you can ask, so I advise you look at the options and have one in mind before you roll. If none seem applicable, the roll likely is unnecessary at this time
Dec 29, 2023 12:58 am
Where did it go?
Dec 29, 2023 1:13 am
at first I thought "how would they find where it went if they haven't seen it yet" but then thought "well they know it was here at some point so I think it works. Unfortunately the roll was a 3 so take 1 EXPERIENCE Point
As you look around, you fail to find any tracks. Little do you know, the monster was overhead. Instead of attacking, it goes deeper into the forest, setting a trap for the hunters who don't know they have been seen. (This is a "to the audience" kind of thing)
Dec 29, 2023 1:51 am
Are there any dangers we haven't noticed. I will roll it just in case.
[ +- ] Tactical Genius


COOL - (2d6+2)

(34) + 2 = 9

Dec 29, 2023 3:06 am
Before I answer that, is Seth staking out somewhere or is he in the woods with everyone else?
Dec 29, 2023 5:46 am
Ajay continued to smoke his cigarette and followed Seth and Meg towards the designated crime scene. This large open park made their plans to hunt the monster more difficult, but they had to do something quick. The park area would soon attract more civilians, and it would give more opportunity to the monsters to do their predation. He wondered how it would react this time, but the chance of interacting with another of these specimens would be paramount to understanding their origin and nature.
Dec 29, 2023 12:40 pm
While I am waiting for Seth's location:
Margaret starts to get a small headache and then has a realization. It sometimes happens without such warning, but when she gets this exacte kind of headache, a dark power is going to try to manifest at some point that day (often at the worst time).
Dec 29, 2023 3:06 pm
I would say that Seth leads them to the crime scene then moves on to find a vantage point on a ridge or something overlooking the site to make a quick sniper's roost.
Dec 29, 2023 7:24 pm
Seth joins Ajay and Margaret until they find the last known sighting of the two missing people who were at this park and then goes back to try to find a good vantage point. Being a park, there isn't much, so he finds a tree near the entrance with a good view. As he does, he swears he see something moving in one of the trees on the opposite side of the park at the path Ajay and Margaret are not on. Just then, he notices a tree shaking somewhere close to where Ajay and Margaret are. There is a chance there are two threats here.
Dec 30, 2023 4:52 am
Ajay started looking for clues at the crime scene. He threw the burnt cigarette in a nearby dustbin and started analysing the place. He searched for webs, which was the most obvious sign for these monsters. Maybe a cobweb will lead them to it's nest. Then warily, he looked up at the trees, trying to keep an eye out for the monster lurking above them, waiting for an ambush. "Meg, keep an eye out while I survey this place. Our monster will probably attack from above."

OOC: Do I roll Investigate a mystery move?
Dec 30, 2023 5:10 am
what question are you hoping to ask?
[ +- ] Investigate a Mystery
Dec 30, 2023 5:25 am
OOC: Ajay will try to find it's nest based upon the crime scene clues. So, I guess the question will be, "Where did it go?"
Dec 30, 2023 1:54 pm
okay, go ahead and roll
Quick note, I copied the moves from the book I to my character as the keeper, so if I post the move that version will be more detailed than the quick reference
Dec 30, 2023 2:18 pm
OOC: Rolling Investigate a mystery. Wow! That's my first failure in a strong move. We are screwed but I get an xp!
Last edited December 30, 2023 2:19 pm


Investigate a mystery - (2d6+2)

(22) + 2 = 6

Dec 30, 2023 3:16 pm
As Ajay is searching, he thinks he finds the trail he is looking for. As he follows it (and I presume Margaret is there with him), he sees the trail suddenly end. Looking around, a white thread suddenly shoots down and attaches to the back of his shirt. Margaret immediately notes and has only a split second as she realizes the spider notices them and actual set a trap that they just fell into.
the only person who can act before Ajay is hoisted into the trees is Margaret. What she does next will determine if that happens if Ajay is saved in time.
Dec 30, 2023 11:41 pm
Maggie mood has changed. No longer her sarcastic self she is silent and broody. You notice her stop and rub her temples every so often.
Seeing the web shoot down Meg starts running towards Ajay.
Can I use Jinx to • Interfere with what a monster, minion, or bystander is trying to do. I hold 1 On hold already from before otherwise I can roll again.
[ +- ] Jinx
Dec 30, 2023 11:56 pm
You can use that move, sure. You have to roll again, as any holds are only useful when the circumstances they were rolled in are still active. In other words, if it is no longer the same scene, any holds are lost.
Dec 31, 2023 12:04 am
I wasn't sure if they were lost since we "Rested" but I understand.


Weird - (2d6+2)

(32) + 2 = 7

Dec 31, 2023 1:22 am
Ajay gets hoisted I to the air, but a branch sways in the wind that wasn't blowing before. The branch ends in a Y shape and Ajay gets caught inside. The force separates Ajay from the web, causing him to fall down and land face flat on the ground. It hurts but it is superficial.
Seth hears Ajay go "woah!" over their communication devices each of you have in your ear, but missed what happened as he noticed smaller shapes in the trees in the other side of the park
Ajay has a -1 forward, so a -1 to his next roll die to the impact of the fall, but takes no harm
Dec 31, 2023 1:44 am
[b]"Ajay! What is happening over there? I've got bogies on the other side of the park, are you engaged with one as well? Where is it?"[/b] Seth calls over the comms as quietly as possible given the stress he is feeling, and tries to read the situation.
Can I read a bad situation here? I would ask 'What's the best way to protect the victims?' which in this case would be Ajay.
Dec 31, 2023 2:02 am
Go ahead and roll
[ +- ] Read A Bad Situation
Dec 31, 2023 2:24 am
[ +- ] Tactical Genius


COOL - (2d6+2)

(35) + 2 = 10

Dec 31, 2023 2:56 am
Helping Ajay up off the ground Megs starts pulling him and herself away from these trees. Her eyes fog over black again and tendrils of smoke wisp around her. She searches for the spiderthing in the trees and tire to pull it down to the ground.
Can I try to Hex it to dmg it.
[ +- ] Hex


Weird - (2d6+2)

(25) + 2 = 9

Dec 31, 2023 5:39 am
Ajay wasn't expecting him to be monster food, and he gave a surprised yelp when the monster started to hoist him up. He thankfully escaped the freaking monster's grasp thanks to Meg's quick action. He fell flat on the ground and hurt his left shoulder crying out in pain. "Aaah, damn you freaking monster." He brought out his gun, trying to aim high, as Meg came and dragged him away. "Thanks a lot, Meg. I owe you one."

OOC: Can I fire at the monster by rolling kick some ass?
Dec 31, 2023 5:41 am
Seth thinks about the best way to protect Ajay. He doesn't have the best line of fire from where he is, as the monster is always obscured by tree foliage. Moving to a tree in that same area would help him get a good line of fire on the monster, but expose him to the monster. It is up to him to decide what to do.
no real clear answer there other than join the fight. You get 1 additional hold for getting a full success. You can ask a 2nd question or hold it for later as long as it is before the fight is over

As for Margaret, you can deal 2 harm to the monster, but with a partial success you have to add a glitch. See my spoiler below. It must be one that can be relevant (so you can't reduce the duration of damage, that doesn't make sense for example). A reduced effect might be 1 harm instead of 2, or you can deal the desired 2 harm by taking 1 harm, or you can deal the 2 harm and people in the park nearby will hear your magic and investigate
[ +- ] Use Magic
Dec 31, 2023 3:21 pm
Lets just do 1 harm. Keep it simple.

Giant Spider


Dec 31, 2023 4:27 pm
Giant Spider

Grim tendrils reach up for the spider, but something, perhaps a foreshadowing of the darkness growing within Margaret, causes them to flicker. They touch the spider feels a sting, but is not harmed much. The spider then comes halfway down the tree and stares at Margaret. Somehow the spider seems to look at Margaret as if it hungered for her specifically. Perhaps it had a taste of her in the past and wants more. It lowers its thorax to fire a web directly at her next and seems razor focused
Dec 31, 2023 5:46 pm
Ooc: Can I roll protect someone?
Dec 31, 2023 7:14 pm
You can protect Margaret from getting webbed. On a failure, the monster webs you both. Partial success it gets you instead. Success it gets you but you get a bonus
[ +- ] Protect Someone
After that we should give Seth a chance to act
Dec 31, 2023 8:05 pm
Seth curses under his breath and retracts the bipod on his rifle before standing up and running closer to the rest of his team. He quickly reaches the trees closer to the site and quickly scales a likely looking tree that will allow him to steady his rifle in the crook of its branches. He gets a bead on the monster and fires. The shot goes very wide, as he hadn't stilled his breathing properly before squeezing the trigger. A rookie mistake, it's true, but his adrenaline is high and he hadn't time to do his breathing exercises before sighting and firing.
[ +- ] Kick Some Ass
Last edited December 31, 2023 8:07 pm


TOUGH (Kick some Ass) - (2d6+2)

(11) + 2 = 4

Dec 31, 2023 8:34 pm
The monster is out of range, but the miss mandates something go wrong, so... (don't forget your experience point)
As you fire, the concussion of the bullet reveals the tree branch Seth is sitting on was more hollow than expected, causing him to fall out of the tree and onto the ground.
Seth takes 1 harm, ignore armor, and has a -1 forward to his next roll. Also, the spider is aware of your exact location, though seems to stay focused on Margaret
Jan 1, 2024 4:09 am
Ajay watched in terror as the monster landed in front of Margaret ready to do something terrible. He screamed and threw himself in front of her to get the monsters attention, "Meg, Watch out!" Bringing out his magnum, he fired a shot, targeting the creature's head at a very close range.

OOC: Protect Someone. I am choosing 'you inflict harm on the enemy'. But, it doesn't say how much harm, does it mean like just one harm or the harm of my weapon?
Last edited January 1, 2024 4:18 am


Protect Someone - (2d6+1)

(36) + 1 = 10

Jan 1, 2024 1:34 pm
Harm is always either stated like with the use magic move or assumed to be based on the weapon you are wielding. Which weapon would you have had out when this all happened?
Jan 1, 2024 2:28 pm
Ooc: I will have my magnum out and use it like I described in the scene.

Giant Spider


Jan 1, 2024 2:50 pm
Giant Spider

Ajay dives j
In front of Margaret and fires his magnum, which rings loud, just as the spider shoots a strand of web. The spider flinches from the bullet piercing its tough exoskeleton and cuts the thread, leaving Ajay wrapped in web so that his arms are stuck to his sides and his feet stuck to the grass but he is not pulled in like the spider had planned.
Ajay takes 1 harm from the web's impact and is now restrained. He or someone else will need to act under pressure to get him out, at the risk of getting stuck too or getting web stuck on something important like in the barrel of their gun.

The spider has taken 3 harm, 1 from Margaret and 2 from Ajay just now (it has 1 armor from its exoskeleton)

I can't recall perfectly, but I have been mentioning some -1 forwards. When I say that, please remember to add that to the very next roll you make in the same scene.

Anyone other than Ajay can act next. The spider is still recovering from the shot, but will be ready to make threats soon.
Jan 1, 2024 3:28 pm
Seeing Ajay in trouble, Meg pulls out her knife and begins cutting away at the web, wrapping him all up.
"0Seth! Where are you!? Bring this thing down!? Megs yells out


Cool - (2d6+1)

(54) + 1 = 10

Jan 1, 2024 4:32 pm
Margaret manages to cut Ajay free without complication as the spider recovers from the shot. As she does, she things she hears a voice through her telepathy say, "Mother wants food... Food fight back ... Food must die... Mother want woman..."

The spider climbs down from the tree and begins walking over to Margaret and Ajay, mandibles snapping as it looks to want to bite.
Jan 1, 2024 7:43 pm
Scooting away from the spider as it approaches. Meg rubs her temples again, and her face contorts in pain. "This thing... She groans as she tries to focus. "Is talking in my head? Said Mother. It...Wants me."
She focuses on the spider, trying to get inside its head and cause it as much pain as possible.
Not sure if Hex or Telepathy would be better for this. Rolling weird.


Weird - (2d6+2)

(25) + 2 = 9

Jan 1, 2024 8:01 pm
Hex gives you those options it mentions when you use magic. Are you using one of those options, or trying to investigate a mystery? Unless your sharp is -1, which I am pretty sure it is not, you'll get a partial success either way. Just want to get clarity
Jan 1, 2024 8:03 pm
Lets just go hex. Going for • The target immediately suffers harm (2-harm magic ignore-armour).
Jan 1, 2024 8:32 pm
ok, if you do that, you won't learn anything else. I didn't know if the goal was to probe it's mind for anything else to learn.

If you are going with deal 2 harm, ignore armor, please tell me which glitch you are going with as you got a partial success
[ +- ] Use Magic
Jan 1, 2024 10:31 pm
Seth picks himself up. limping, and walks closer to the creature and his teammates, then brings up his rifle to get a bead on the creature. He makes sure to hold his breath when he squeezes this time, remembering his training, and focuses intently. He cannot let this creature hurt the people that he has made a promise to protect.
Ugh. Well at least I am marking that XP
Last edited January 1, 2024 10:45 pm


TOUGH (protect someone) - (2d6+2)

(13) + 2 = 6

Jan 1, 2024 10:47 pm
Lets do It has a problematic side effect.

Giant Spider


Jan 1, 2024 11:02 pm
Giant Spider
I am so sorry you are rolling so low, zatatmando. Occasional failure is encouraged, but the site doesn't like you right now
Margaret, in hopes of harming the spider, causes the tendrils to appear again. The tendrils, rather than flickering again, surge in strength after the strike. Her mind is flooded with dark power trying to compel her to do horrible things, and she can't keep it in.
Seth tries to shoot the spider but a wild deer comes by and freaks out. Unable to handle the panicking deer and aim at the same time, the bullet goes wide and hits a tree. In the distance, Seth starts to see a man and his teenage son wandering over. The man seems to have a hand gun with him and looks to be trying to investigate, ready to shoot someone if he thinks they are a public danger.
While all of this is happening, the spider is ready to bite Margaret.
Margaret's dark side triggering is the side effect. Until she acts on one of her dark powers in a way that causes a complication in the story, she cannot use any of her spooky moves, only the basic. Margaret is about to be bitten. She or Ajay must do something or it will happen.
Seth does not take any harm from the miss, as the monster is focused on Margaret, but the man approaching heard where the shot came from and is walking to where Seth is.
Jan 1, 2024 11:08 pm
Jan 2, 2024 6:51 am
Ajay grabbed Margaret's arm and yanked her back, throwing himself in front of the monster, "You ugly piece of crap! You don't know when to give up." He aimed at the monster again and shot it point-blank with his magnum.

Ooc: Rolling protect someone again. I guess I protect Margaret but I take the harm.
Last edited January 2, 2024 6:52 am


Protect Someone - (2d6+1)

(15) + 1 = 7

Giant Spider


Jan 2, 2024 12:42 pm
Giant Spider

The spider lunges for Margaret, who is pushed out of the way just in time as the spider's mandibles sink into Ajay.
Ajay takes 3 harm. If he has any armor, reduce the harm by that value. He is also injected with venom. He has a -1 ongoing until it is dealt with.
Jan 2, 2024 2:22 pm
OOC: Can I roll to see if I have armour with my preparedness move?
Jan 2, 2024 2:53 pm
It says when you need something unusual or rare. Having armor is normally something you would get from your playbook and would be wearing already if you had it. You would use that if I said "The monster seems weak to holy water" and you wanted to know if you happened to have holy water.
Jan 2, 2024 2:55 pm
Ooc: I see, then can you buy armour?
Jan 2, 2024 5:40 pm
the guidance the books gives us "if it is something you can just buy, buy it. If you can't buy it, you will need to pull in favors or steal it." Seeing as how you work for PESD, I would say Seth would try to use his move where he tries to get something from the agency at the risk of angering the higher ups, as armor is like kevlar which isn't super commercially available as a pistol you want to buy at a gun store, I think

On another point, the book says "1-armor includes heavy leather jackets, motorcycle armor, bulletproof or stab proof vets, and other light but not significant protection", so perhaps that is not as hard to buy as I thought. Either way, you don't have any armor right now
Jan 3, 2024 12:00 am
Marget's eyes look glazed over; she is sweating profusely and is shaky. She seems panicked, almost crazed. She pulls out a knife from her boot and starts slashing at nothing. "GET THEM OFF!! GET THEM OFF ME!" She starts stomping at the ground and using her blade to push things off her clothes. The knife catches on her clothing, ruining her black leather jacket. She turns around, trying to fight something off her that the others can't see. In a fit of panic, she expertly throws her knife at an unknown attacker. After she drops, she falls to the ground, shaking and crying in terror.
Last edited January 3, 2024 12:01 am
Jan 3, 2024 3:21 am
As this occurs, a man with a gun and his teenage son are walking through the forest. The man appears to change course to head toward a gunshot he heard (Seth). He motions his son to follow, but the son appears not to notice his silent signal and continues going in the original direction, leading him towards Ajay and Margaret. It is at this time that Margaret seems to act as if there is something that no one else sees and is trying her best to fight off with just a knife. She eventually throws the knife at one of these phantoms, but the knife actually lands in the leg of the son who wandered over. With a loud yell, the father looks around and sees his son is not really there. He stops walking towards Seth and sprints towards his son. Ajay is reeling from the pain of being bitten in Margaret's place, while Margaret comes back to reality and immediately realizes the same source that is giving her the powers she uses also caused her to see what wasn't there and even see what was there as something else. Her powers return, but with a dark weight to them, as if Margaret knows they happily gave them back after she gave into them.
There is time for one action before the father arrives to meet his son and sees the knife. The spider is still nearby. It seems annoyed at the number of people increasing. You aren't sure if it is going to leave and return when the hunting is better or not, or if it is simply going to return to the trees to continue with less visibility.
Henry Clifftop
The father
Jason Clifftop
The teenage son
Jan 3, 2024 2:40 pm
Ajay held his wound while gritting his teeth as he saw that the situation had gone from bad to worse. He could see that the boy had a knife embedded in him, and Margaret was lying disoriented from her power overuse. He couldn't see Seth anywhere, and the monster still lurked in front of them. He took out his magnum and shot at the monster with gritted teeth. Such creature must not escape to hunt again.

OOC: Rolling Kick some Ass. Nice! I am choosing, I receive less harm.
Last edited January 3, 2024 2:42 pm


Kick Some Ass - (2d6)

(56) = 11

Giant Spider


Jan 3, 2024 3:10 pm
Giant Spider

Ajay fires at the spider, which falls dead in the ground as the bullet wound causes internal fluids to gush out and its legs twitch for the last time.
2 harm (3 from magnum, minus 1 from its armor) was enough to kill it. Since it is a killing blow, the spider dies before it can retaliate

Henry Clifftop


Jan 3, 2024 3:13 pm
Henry Clifftop

The father runs over to see his son on the ground, holding his leg while sitting against a tree. "What happened?!" He looks over at the man in a lab coat holding a gun and the girl recovering from her hallucinations. With his gun raised and standing between his son and Ajay and Margaret, he yells, "Who are you people? Don't move!"
Seth is out of sight but close enough to approach if he wanted unseen. If he wants to approach unheard he may have to act under pressure.

The spider's corpse is nearby but the father cannot see it from where he is standing. If he walks closer he will see it.
Jan 3, 2024 3:25 pm
Seth spots the situation through his scope and swears under his breath. He hides his rifle in the underbrush and walks towards the man, his hands up and his badge displayed in one hand. The Agency had made sure that his old badge from the FBI hadn't lapsed, so that is what he shows. He says to the man, "Sir, please holster your weapon. We are Federal agents pursuing a suspect in a disappearance. Your son was caught in the crossfire, and for that we apologize immensely. We will be sure he receives the best possible treatment immediately."
I am very glad that roll went better than my last few...
Last edited January 3, 2024 3:25 pm


COOL(Act under pressure) - (2d6+2)

(35) + 2 = 10

Jan 3, 2024 3:56 pm
are you trying to manipulate him into calming down? Anytime you try to manipulate another person, that is handled by the Manipulate Someone move which uses charm. If so, you still got an 8
[ +- ] Manipulate Someone
Jan 3, 2024 6:54 pm
Yeah I would say that this does fall under Manipulate Someone I guess. So let's go with the 8 unless you want me to reroll.

Henry Clifftop


Jan 3, 2024 8:19 pm
no need to reroll, we just use the roll you already did and adjust the modifier
Henry Clifftop

The father turns to Seth as he suddenly approaches. "who are you? Who hurt my son? If you want me to believe you, help my son's leg!"
the condition he puts on doing what Seth says is treating his son's leg. He won't comply until that is done. Treating the wound shouldn't be hard, as it is assumed hunters can perform first aid on each other anytime
Jan 4, 2024 5:59 am
OOC: By narrative rule, I have the anatomical knowledge to give medical care. I can definitely assure the man that I will provide medical aid. Also, I can roll preparedness to see if I have medikit or surgical equipment to perform better medical care.
Jan 4, 2024 3:13 pm
What is the team's plan? The father will only calm down if his son gets the promised medical attention. The knife is in the teen's leg. I would narratively consider this an unstable injury, so unless a move says it stabilizes the target then it will heal him but not stop the knife wound from being an opened wound
Jan 4, 2024 4:10 pm
Ooc: What do you want do guys? We will definitely provide healing but I don't know what to roll? Will it be Help someone or act under pressure. I am at -1 ongoing because I got poisoned by the venom. Also, my cool is at -1. So, I am effectively at -2. But, if I act under pressure, I have the move: I have read about this sort of thing which lets me use Sharp instead of cool and sharp is my best attribute. Meg can provide magical healing or something else.
Jan 4, 2024 4:36 pm
I would say that Ajay does the initial healing then, and Meg can provide the additional healing. I can do something else, maybe keep an eye out for the other creature or secure the other corpse. i could also heal Ajay after he is done with the kid.
Last edited January 4, 2024 4:36 pm
Jan 4, 2024 4:44 pm
Ajay clutched his wound and slowly trudged towards the father and son while holstering the magnum. He approached with one hand up, "I am a medical professional. I can provide first aid to your son. If necessary, we will do more than that. I just wish you calm down, Sir." He moved closer to the boy and then crouched down to check on his injury. "It's okay; don't worry. You will be fine. Just let me see the wound. We will help you."

OOC: Rolling act under pressure to provide healing but I am using Sharp because of my move. Damn, I didn't want this to fail. I am burning luck to get 12.
Last edited January 4, 2024 4:46 pm


I have read this sort of thing - (2d6+1)

(22) + 1 = 5

Jan 4, 2024 5:25 pm
making sure, is Margaret doing anything I should know about before I resolve this action?
Jan 4, 2024 5:52 pm
If i still heal the boy he will not be stable after. He will only be stable with hospital care?
If so i will heal Ajay.
Jan 4, 2024 8:05 pm
The healing bullet of the use magic option does not say it stabilizes. Healing other hunters is more of a time issue unless supplies were lost as part of a price to pay.
[ +- ] Healing
TLDR: the teen has 2 harm and is unstable. Simple first aid has no roll and will heal 1 harm, leaving him with 1 harm. Healing more than 1 harm requires either a move that says it can heal harm or time in a hospital or infirmary like Ajay's haven. A wound stays unstable unless someone gets long term care or a move say specifically that the wound becomes stable.
Jan 5, 2024 2:22 am
Ok, Seth heals the boy, and I heal Ajay. Then we leave the area, so the boy gets healed. We killed one bug. Know that it has a mother. But we need to come back to the area to deal with the others creeping around.
Last edited January 5, 2024 2:24 am
Jan 5, 2024 3:09 am
What is your plan to stabilize the wound? That plan leaves the teen with 1 harm and an unstable wound.
Jan 5, 2024 5:39 am
OOC: Does the boy still have 1 wound after Seth heals him? Won't my 12 (luck spent) on act under pressure give any edge or stabilize the boy? I thought getting 12 in acting under pressure let's you get something extra. If the boy still have wound left, we will take him to the Infirmary to heal him.
Jan 5, 2024 12:39 pm
This is where it gets a little grey area. Act under pressure is broad on purpose, so the same move that handles getting out of a burning building safe can handle picking a lock when a monster is searching for you (though if there was no monster normally you would just succeed because there is no pressure). This time, I'll say your act under pressure provides 1 more healing of harm to the teen, but normally the rules of healing state that you can only heal 1 harm with first aid, and then someone has to get hurt again for first aid to be used. Act under pressure never mentions being able to stabilize a wound, so only a hospital, Ajay's haven, or a move like the Divine's Lay On Hands or the Professional's Medic moves.

TLDR: I'll allow Ajay to heal 2 harm instead of 1 (margaret is performing first aid on Ajay instead of using magic to provide the other healing to the teen), but nothing performed stabilizes the teen. To satisfy the father, someone will need to help the teen to the hospital, or at the very least call an ambulance

On a different note, when any of you level up, 2 of the options you can take is to take a move from a different playbook. If you think it is important to be able to perform this kind of work in the future, or if Seth want to take it, you can use that option to take the Medic move from the professional. Keep in mind it doesn't say that you are acting under pressure, just that you roll +Cool, so your move to replace Cool in Act Under Pressure by RAW doesn't work, but we can talk about that
Jan 5, 2024 10:19 pm
I healed Ajay. Seth and Ajay did some first aid on the boy. Can we call an ambulance for them? While we wait for the ambulance, can I use telepathy to make the boy and the father think that the boy was injured in some sort of accident? Like the boy, he tripped and cut his leg open on a sharp rock. Seth and Ajay saw it happen and were quickly healing the boy.
Jan 5, 2024 11:43 pm
I think you can mess with them like that... Telepathy says you can put words in their head, not rewrite memory, so it won't be as perfect as that, but you can make them tell themselves it was a rock he tripped on instead of a knife that was thrown until they don't trust their memory very well.

Roll +Charm.
Success, they remember the knife and the rock, but tell themselves that they must be misremembering the event if they think someone would throw a knife in a forest.
Partial success, they remember the knife and the rock, but can't agree which is the truth but still remember if they try really hard
Failure, you reinforce the memory and they get angry when they see Margaret as they remember vividly she is who threw it

Small side note, I will say Seth and Ajay will see your eyes go black for just a little bit and know you did something, but what they do is up to them
Jan 6, 2024 12:03 am
Rolling Charm using Luck.


Charm - (2d6-1)

(63) - 1 = 8

Henry Clifftop


Jan 6, 2024 2:18 am
Henry Clifftop

Margaret hears the father think "These people are suspicious... I'll keep my gun out for now. I can't believe they threw a knife at my son..." she then mimics his voice and says in his head, But he tripped and hit his knee on a sharp rock." the man continues, "I thought they threw... But is that what happened? Did he just trip? Still, I feel like they are doing a lot... Am I misremembering something so recent?"

The same occurs with the teen boy
Jan 6, 2024 2:19 am
While this occurs, the teen's leg gets patched up by Ajay while Margaret helps Ajay. The teen's leg is still unstable, but he has no harm anymore.
Ajay heals 1 harm but is still poisoned until he uses one of the two antivenoms he made earlier
Jan 6, 2024 5:49 am
Ajay tried his best in taking out the knife while cleaning and bandaging the wound. But, it is evident that without stitch and sutures this wound will open again. The boy needed medical attention something he could provide but not in the open like this. He washed his hand and stood up, "Don't worry, Sir. Your boy is fine now; however, better medical care is necessary. Let's call an ambulance so that he can be taken to the hospital. For now, his wounds are treated." He turned to the boy and asked, "How are you feeling now? Can you stand?"

As he wiped out his hand with handkerchief, he noticed Margaret's eyes go dark. Moments later his pain in the injury was reduced and he felt a bit better. He looked at Meg and smiled, "Thanks Meg, but don't over exert yourself."

He then turned to Seth and whispered, lowering his voice, "Seth, you take the father and son while I harvest something from the corpse. Let's go back to the Infirmary. I think we need a better plan for handling this crime scene. Daytime is not helping us with all the people outside that are getting into the crossfire."

Jason Clifftop


Jan 6, 2024 1:26 pm
Jason Clifftop

The teen slowly stands up and uses his father as a crutch so he only puts pressure on the uninjured leg. "Thank you sir. Everything that just happened is a blur. I thought there was a knife involved, but now I'm not so sure. Must be all the stress of school. Maybe it was just a really sharp rock. I appreciate the first aid."
Jan 6, 2024 1:27 pm
A quick reminder that there seems to be something else in this park. Are you going to leave?
Jan 6, 2024 3:24 pm
Once the boy and father leave, Mags grabs the knife back from Ajay and wipes off the blood on the grass.
"I am sorry. I don't know what happened. She sighs but is still visibly shaken I saw spiders everywhere; they were falling off that thing and crawling all over me. I panicked."
Jan 6, 2024 3:37 pm
Ajay smiled at Margaret and gently squeezed her shoulder, "I know, I understand. You don't have to apologise; just be careful Meg. Now, what should we do? Do we retreat and come back later or do we push on? What do you think Meg?"

OOC: What do Seth and Meg want to do now? I am leaning towards returning, but if the group wants to proceed, I can continue. I will use the antivenom then.
Jan 6, 2024 4:24 pm
We need to finish this here. We need to stay together and take it down fast. Collect what we need and leave." Mags stores her knife.
Use me as bait. The last spider said, The mother wanted me."
We need to collect the other venom sack of the one we killed to make more antivenom. I say we kill this one, Regroup, make more antivenom, and then head to the last hunting spot.
Jan 8, 2024 1:44 pm
Seth nods to them both and stands up. He pulls out his phone and dials, then says, "Sir, we have called an ambulance for your son. It will be arriving shortly. If the two of you could please head towards the parking lot you should be able to get into it as soon as you arrive. Don't worry about the cost of the ride, we will cover that. Get well soon, son." he then turns away as the call is answered and briefly speaks to someone on the other end. He closes his phone, conversation completed, and nods to the other two to have them follow him a bit away from the father and son. He says to both of them in a bit more than a whisper, "Let's get that venom sack once they get far enough away, then move on. There is more than one creature at this park, I saw movement in the treetops further that way. Our job isn't done yet. Ajay please tell me that you are carrying the antivenom with you."
Jan 8, 2024 3:49 pm
Ajay could feel his hands getting stiff as he started massaging his hands. "I did bring the antivenoms, but unfortunately I got poisoned, and thus I will need to use one now. I can harvest more now that I know where to look. If we are planning to get the other one now, then be careful; I will have one more antivenom only." He brought out an injector and loaded the antivenom inside it, After placing it on the skin, he injected the serum with a grunt. It will take 10 to 15 minutes to completely neutralise the effects of the venom, but at least he is going to survive. Bringing out his surgical tools, he started to dissect the big corpse of the spider.

OOC: I am going to roll Investigate a mystery but do I need to roll separately for the venom glands or will it be automatic? Also, I believe, I am not taking the -1 ongoing penalty anymore as I used the antivenom? Damn! That's the highest possible roll!
Last edited January 8, 2024 3:50 pm


Investigate a mystery - (2d6+2)

(66) + 2 = 14

Jan 8, 2024 6:00 pm
Ajay expertly removes the venom gland due to experience with it before. He has another venom gland, but will need the lab's tools to synthesise more anti-venom.
As you made antivenom before, I'll say it is automatic to get the gland out and you know how to make 2 per gland. Since you rolled investigate a mystery, you can ask 2 questions from the move looking at the corpse. If it is something you can figure out with the coprse in front of you but no lab tools, I'll answer them.
[ +- ] Investigate a Mystery
I may recommend "What sort of creature is it?" and maybe "What was it going to do?" but feel free to ask different questions.
Jan 8, 2024 6:13 pm
OOC: Yeah, I will choose What sort of creature is it but I do want to find it's nest, so would "Where did it go?" give me any information on it's location, like a possible web trail that we can trace back to it's nest? If not, then I would choose "What was it going to do", because that will also give pertinent information.
Jan 8, 2024 8:05 pm
Ajay examines the body and goes through any notes he can pull up on his phone, which is connected to his computer back at the haven. Hearing Margaret mention what it said through her telepathy, Ajay is able to narrow down that this spider is known as a "Child of the Spider Shepherd" and is known to infest forests and take excess back to the "shepherd" as the notes keep saying. As far as its location, Ajay uses the map app on his phone to say that the most likely location it would have come from before coming here is a forest about 10 miles north of the city people call "Weeping Woods", as ghost stories say that women used to go there to cry when their hearts were broken and spirits would comfort them (or deepen their sorrow until they died... depends on the story). This is because it is the deepest forest that is roughly equidistant from the 3 sites the missing people were last seen at.

About this time, something goes wrong with Ajay's phone and his connect is too poor to research further. He'll have ot wait to do more.
Jan 9, 2024 6:05 am
Ajay was feeling better as the minutes passed by. He reloaded his magnum, collecting the spent brass casings while putting in fresh rounds. He then wore latex gloves and started dissecting the different glands, thereby collecting the venom sacs, and continued further to understand the anatomy and mystery of the creature. He consulted his phone, sometime taking pictures and sometime taking notes.

Once the dissection was done and the glands collected, he took off his gloves and started searching on the phone about their current location. "Does Child of Spider Shepherd ring any bells to you two?" He questioned Seth and Margaret. "It seems these creatures match the description of some local occultic myth monster known as the Child of Spider Shepherd. Said to reside in the a forest called Weeping Woods. Based on our location and the three crime scene, I am triangulating the location of this Weeping Wood and it seems to be 10 miles north of here. You know, we can find the mother there. But, let's not get ahead of ourselves; we need to hunt the remaining one."

At this point, his phone his phone glitched and died down, "Damn! My phone is down. Maybe we can learn more back at my place. How is everyone doing? Are you all doing fine? Should we proceed?"
Jan 9, 2024 5:26 pm
We need to find out more about this Spider Shepherd, but we need to deal with the other creep here first. I don't want it to attack someone else. We should hit it hard and fast." She does finger guns. "Pew Pew. Dead.
Jan 10, 2024 5:49 pm
Does Seth want to say anything before I continue?
Jan 10, 2024 6:47 pm
"I am a little banged up from falling out of that tree, but I will be fine for now. I agree that it is time to take out that other creature before it can take anyone else. Let's go. This time we will be a bit more strategic. I will stay closer with my rifle and make sure that I have a clear shot once it has descended from the trees." Seth says, hobbling a little bit as they walk towards the other area of the park. He heads back to the underbrush and retrieves his rifle. "Ajay, perhaps Margaret is the best bait since she can look like unassuming but can still take care of herself in a pinch. Perhaps you stay close by and offer support but stay out of sight and I do the same."
Jan 10, 2024 6:59 pm
Seth has armor. Can he give it to me? or is fit only for him?
Jan 10, 2024 9:19 pm
I don't see any reason Margaret can't wear his armor, but of course Seth won't be wearing it if you do that
Jan 10, 2024 10:34 pm
I can let you wear my armor, certainly. It will only be 1 armor for you though, just FYI. I took a perk that lets me get 1 more armor out of it. I took the kind that is concealable.
Jan 10, 2024 11:11 pm
After a few minutes of Seth removing his flak vest and helping Margaret get it on, the group heads over to the trail on the opposite side of the park where Seth saw the movement. For a minute, you find nothing. Eventually, you all spot a camera lying on the ground. It seems damaged but functional. When someone picks it up, the screen shows the most recent picture. The picture shows a hand stretched out, likely the photographer, as if surprised to see a brown blur. the blur seems to be about the size of a large dog, but you can't make out what it is. You are all familiar with what some call the "Supernatural Effect" where technology can't seem to perceive supernatural things, only the naked eye. This is likely a monster, but it's too small to be the kind of spider you fought earlier. Perhaps the big spider had children of its own. The thought might send chills down your spine. Either way, the owner of the camera is nowhere to be found, but the camera seems to have plenty of power so it must have been dropped recently.
Jan 11, 2024 7:16 am
Ajay picked up the camera and went through the previous pictures. "This is bad news; is our photographer taken by the monster? This changes our approach, I guess. We need to be careful and find out exactly where it has taken our victim."

He gave the camera to Seth after checking all the pictures and tried to figure out a possible route the photographer or the monster might have taken.

OOC: Rolling investigate a mystery. Damn, that's a fail but atleast I am getting an xp.
Last edited January 11, 2024 7:17 am


Investigate a mystery - (2d6+2)

(31) + 2 = 6

Jan 11, 2024 11:32 am
Before you take the experience, is anyone willing to attempt a Help Out roll? On a hit, that 6 would be a 7, so Ajay would not get experience but would get to ask 1 question
On a miss, though, when the monster learns something about Ajay, it will learn about that person too
[ +- ] Help Out
Alternatively, someone else can try to roll investigate a mystery, or we can make this a "fail forward" kind of moment where you can still ask 1 question but the situation is worse than it was originally planned to as you took longer to track theme down
Jan 11, 2024 11:56 am
OOC: Let's go fail forward; I want the xp. I am outside, I will post after sometime.
Jan 11, 2024 1:14 pm
While the boys are looking at the camera Megs searches the trees above and the ground around for any other clues.
I am ok with a fail-forward. Would reading A Bad Situation give us anything to work with?
Jan 11, 2024 1:57 pm
None of the read a bad situation questions have answers at this time, so not right now.
You all search for the owner of the camera, but it takes half an hour to find any leads, plenty of time for bad things to happen to the victim. You do eventually find what looks to be small holes in the ground with a pair of scrape marks in the dirt between them. It appears there are multiple of these dog sized monsters, and they dragged the victim away.
Guy with Camera

Following the trail, you find a man in a hoodie most of the way up a tree. There is web over his chest keeping him in place, but not enough to make a cocoon. His face is pale and his breathing seems forced. He needs medical attention fast, which likely means he needs the last antiv
-venom Ajay has or he will die in the next few minutes.

As you see this, you hear sounds in the other trees. When you look up, you see four pairs of eye eyes glowing in the shadows of the branches. Margaret hears through her telepathy, "Mother dead... Man smell like mom... Avenge mom... Kill others..."
Jan 11, 2024 2:50 pm
Ooc: Okay, so I want to bring this man down and use the antivenom. But, what move will it be? Read a bad situation? Protect someone or Act under pressure. Also, can I use I have read about this sort of thing to roll with sharp in this scenario?
Jan 11, 2024 3:17 pm
You can read a bad situation first if you want, as that might get you a bonus to rolls during this scene, but it is not required. Getting the guy down will be an act under pressure roll, as protect someone is for when something bad is about to happen to someone near you, and the bad thing already happened to the guy (the result of the 6 just a moment ago).

Go ahead and act under pressure (your move let's you use Sharp instead of cool as long as act under pressure is called out which it is).

Optionally, you can read a bad situation first. I assume you will ask "What is the best way to protect the victim?". If no, or you get a 10+ and get to ask a second question, please specify the question if you do roll that. If you roll a miss and don't use luck, roll your act under pressure with a -1 on top of your normal bonus as you misread the situation
Jan 11, 2024 3:20 pm
"Good eye. Let's get them down from there fast. Ajay, do you want to get up there or would you like me to do it?" Seth asked, buttoning his shirt back up now that he is without armor.
Jan 11, 2024 3:23 pm
Ajay cursed under his breath. This was bad, he needed to do something or else the man was as good as dead. He looked around trying to assess the situation in order to plan his move.

OOC: Let's go with read a bad situation. Nice so my 3 questions will be, What's the best way to protect the victim? What's the biggest threat? Are there any dangers we haven't noticed?
Last edited January 11, 2024 3:33 pm


Read a bad situation - (2d6+2)

(62) + 2 = 10

Jan 11, 2024 3:43 pm
Best way to protect the victim is to use something sharp to cut the web and either carry him down or be ready to catch him and immediately give him anti-venom

The 4 spiders seem to be an equal threat. They seem to work in unison as a group, effectively making them like one monster.

You are confident that the threats you see are the only dangers. The biggest danger is that while the spiders are weaker they are dangerous while there are so many.
Jan 11, 2024 3:53 pm
Ajay took a mental note of everything and then turned to others, "Seth, I can see four spider monsters and thought they are smaller than the big one, I think they are nimble enough to form a swarm and overwhelm us. Meg and you cover me; I will go up, tie him and lower him down."

OOC: Okay now I am using act under pressure. Will my directions help Seth and Meg?


I have read this sort of thing - (2d6+3)

(23) + 3 = 8

Jan 11, 2024 4:05 pm
The move doesn't say anything about sharing the information and giving the bonus to others. I think the intention is that you understand the information, but the others just know it. To you the information provides a bonus, but to others it is just a good to know
[ +- ] Read A Bad Situation
A partial success means there is some kind of price to pay. I am thinking either the item you use to cut the web is stuck in the web and lost until the scene is over and you can get it back or you both fall as you slip and you take 1 harm ignore armor from the fall and the victim landing on you. Which will you go withm
Jan 11, 2024 4:14 pm
OOC: Ah, I see. Let's say, the rope get's tangled in the web and as Ajay tries to bring him down it tears up in the last moment. Maybe the rope is lost?
Jan 11, 2024 4:14 pm
First day I have been at work since Last Friday. Give me a little bit.
Jan 11, 2024 4:37 pm
what is Ajay using to cut the web? His bare hands are not strong enough to rip this silk. It's not enough to fully cover the victim but it is enough to be stronger than rope.

Once we get this resolved we will pause until Seth and Margaret can act
Jan 11, 2024 5:00 pm
Seth has a combat knife that he could have handed to Ajay before he climbed up.
Jan 11, 2024 5:16 pm
OOC: I have a magical dagger as a weapon. It's in my gear so I am assuming that Ajay has those with him? I thought the price will the tearing of the rope. But, it's alright if the price is him falling down and taking 1 harm.
Last edited January 11, 2024 5:16 pm
Jan 11, 2024 5:25 pm
the price was either taking harm in the fall or whatever object seth cuts the web with getting stuck to the tree because of the web.

You choose: temporarily lose the magic knife or take 1 harm
Jan 11, 2024 6:09 pm
Ooc: Let's take a harm.

Large Dog-sized Spider


Jan 11, 2024 6:56 pm
Ajay runs up the tree and uses some rope to assist in getting so high up in the tree.

Large Dog-sized Spider
Seth and Margaret see as all the pairs of eyes in the trees follow Ajay has he moves. Ajay takes out his knife to cut the silk and free the victim, but as soon as he does one of the spiders jolts over and bites the rope, sending Ajay and the victim to the ground. Ajay protects the victim with his body but is harmed in the process.
Ajay takes 1 harm and has freed the victim. The spider's look ready to leap. What are Seth and Margaret doing as this occurs?
Jan 11, 2024 7:31 pm
Seth, having readied his rifle when Ajay climbed up, draws a bead on the spider and fires.
[ +- ] Kick Some Ass


TOUGH - (2d6+2)

(26) + 2 = 10

Jan 11, 2024 7:45 pm
Before I narrate, what bonus do you want for getting a success (as opposed to partial success)?
[ +- ] Kick Some Ass
Jan 11, 2024 7:59 pm
I think I will inflict terrible harm again. I am hoping that with 5 harm I could take it out.

Large Wolf Spider


Jan 11, 2024 9:02 pm
Large Wolf Spider

Seth pulls out his gun and takes aim. This causes two of the spiders to suddenly leap out of the trees. Seth's reflexes kick in and he fires at them when they perfectly line up, causing the bullet to go through both and killing two of the four. The other two leap for Seth as well and skitter across the ground at surprising speeds. They both bite Seth, no venom but the fangs are sharp.
Seth kills 2 of the 4 spiders, but the remaining two together inflict 4 harm. Seth gave his armor to Margaret so that should be 4 harm inflicted.

The next person to act is Margaret, as all of this generally happens at once.
Jan 11, 2024 9:12 pm
Ow. Damn. I am into unstable now on my health bar.
Jan 11, 2024 11:31 pm
Sorry, busy day. Can I use Protect Someone to block those spiders from hurting Seth?


Tough - (2d6+1)

(16) + 1 = 8

Jan 12, 2024 12:15 am
Just before the spiders bite Seth, Margaret jumps in the way and is bitten instead
Seth does not take any harm, instead Margaret takes 3 harm (4, minus 1 from armor Seth gave her)
The spiders are looking at Ajay, then Margaret, then Seth again. For some reason they seem to want both of them.
Anyone can act next.
Jan 12, 2024 6:40 am
Ajay felt pain soaring through his body as he fell clutching the webbed man. He grunted in pain but managed to cushion the fall for the photographer. He cut the webs into a small open section near the man's neck to expose the skin. Taking out his antivenom he injected it hoping to neutralise the poison in the nick of time.

Releasing the man, he dropped his empty injector and watched Margaret getting attacked by the smaller spiders. Cursing, he took out his magnum and aimed at one of them then fired.

Ooc: Rolling Kicks some ass.


Kick Some Ass - (2d6+1)

(62) + 1 = 9

Jan 12, 2024 12:49 pm
Ajay fires and kills one of the spiders, its guts spilling out and partially getting on Margaret. The other looks at Ajay and sprints up to him, biting him in the leg. No venom, but it's a strong mandible.
Ajay takes 2 harm. I'm pretty sure he has no armor, so that's 2 harm total. You can spend luck to reduce that to 0, but you mostly can't get luck back once used
Jan 12, 2024 1:19 pm
OOC: No, I am not spending anymore luck. I take the 2 harm hoping Seth or Meg will finish up the last spider. Also, I am not looking good and I am unstable.
Jan 12, 2024 1:56 pm
Seth sees Margaret get attacked and grabs her, pulling her away from the beasts. She is bleeding but luckily the armor did its work. One of the creatures is struck by Ajay's fire and goes down next to him, but as the other one runs towards Ajay Seth raises his rifle again and takes aim.
Is this Protect someone or is it Kick some Ass?
Jan 12, 2024 2:34 pm
OOC: I think the damage is done, just Kick some ass and finish it.
Jan 12, 2024 3:03 pm
in order to protect someone, there has to be some way you would be harmed instead if you succeeded. Go ahead and kick some ass
Jan 12, 2024 3:09 pm
Since 4 harm may kill it outright I will give +1 forward to Ajay if that will last the rest of the scene. Maybe he can use that for harvesting or healing.
Seth gets his sight on the creature and squeezes the trigger.
[ +- ] Kick Some Ass
Last edited January 12, 2024 3:11 pm


TOUGH(Kick Some Ass) - (2d6+2)

(64) + 2 = 12

Jan 12, 2024 3:19 pm
Seth takes a careful shot and the bullet goes so cleanly through the spider it almost doesn't seem to be affected, but then its legs spread out and the guts begin to spill out as if it were a liquid in a cup and the cup suddenly had 2 big holes in it
Jan 12, 2024 3:42 pm
Meg wipes the bug's guts off of herself and uneasily stands. She takes off the armor and gives it back to Seth. "This turned bad fast. We need to get out of here. Ajay, do you think the little ones carry venom glans?"
Is the photodude awake to move or unconscious?
Jan 12, 2024 3:46 pm
"It definitely did. I agree that we need to beat feet here and quickly."Seth takes the armor and puts it back on, then walks over to Ajay and hefts the man on his shoulders, careful not to jostle him too much. "Margaret, help Ajay get to the van, he is not looking good. Let's get back to the infirmary as soon as possible. We could all use some patching up."
Last edited January 12, 2024 3:55 pm
Jan 12, 2024 4:20 pm
The man seems to be unconscious, but color is very slowly returning to his face as the anti venom does it's job
Jan 12, 2024 5:06 pm
Ajay grunted as he stood up and slumped over Meg's shoulder in order to support his body. He sure had some bad bruises because he could feel pain all over his body. Worse there can be some bone cracks too. He fell from the tree after all. "I think the small ones can have venom glands but they are mostly non functional. Seth, get the man too. He would need some medical care. I think we cleared this nest at least. Let's get back to the van and rest up in the Infirmary. I am pretty sure, we need a day off from the mission. We are too injured to come out the next day."

OOC: Can I investigate a mystery just to know more about this creature or will it not be possible now? I just want to know "What can hurt them?" question.
Last edited January 12, 2024 5:07 pm
Jan 12, 2024 6:05 pm
You know monsters typically require a weakness to die permanently and these have been dying to regular weapons. as such, they don't seem to have any weakness. You can roll when you get back to your haven to see what comes up in your files and on the internet and maybe any books you have
Jan 12, 2024 6:10 pm
Ooc: Ok, lets get back to the Infirmary and rest up.
Last edited January 12, 2024 6:10 pm
Jan 12, 2024 9:30 pm
Making sure, anyone else want to do something before you leave?
Oh, and go ahead and assume you perform first aid, so all 3 of you heal 1 harm but any unstable wounds stay unstable
Jan 12, 2024 11:01 pm
We just going to leave the photodude here? Delete the few strange images on his camera. I don't think I was unstable. I only had 3 Harm. We need to fail some more rolls to level up...
Jan 13, 2024 1:54 am
I have the guy on my shoulders so we are good there. We are taking him back with us, but one of us should grab the camera.
Jan 13, 2024 2:22 am
Don't worry about leveling up too much. Once everyone has leveled up 7ish times, that means the campaign should start focusing on getting to the climax of the campaign and ending soon. There's technically no max level that I can tell, except for eventually checking every single box, but once you start getting a few advanced level ups the game starts becoming more heroic and less horror.
You pick up the man and make sure to grab his camera, deleting any photo that looks to have the blurry monster in it. You get back to Ajay's haven fine.
What are you doing with the man? and what are your characters doing in the haven?
Jan 13, 2024 2:03 pm
Ajay returned to the Infirmary and started to work with everyone. His own body was aching badly, and an X-Ray showed a minor crack in one of the ribs. Bad news for him, but staple thing for this job. He started to extract and formulate the next batch of anti-venoms while taking the photographer to bed and attaching a type IV fluid with nutrient solutions and normal saline. He added a sedative to it, to give the guy a very good sleep and then pondered over a psychotropic mixture which he also administered. Once the vitals were stable, he let the the man sleep.

Coming back to his friends, he bandaged and gave a pain suppressant to Seth along with a mild sedative. "Seth, I know you won't like it, but I am giving you a mild sedative. Your body needs to relax and a good sleep won't hurt. We earned a rest. You would wake up fine after six hours."

Finally, he checked on Meg and provided the necessary medical care to her. "I have a minor cracked rib. Perhaps, climbing up the tree was not a good idea after all. It hurts so much. I guess, some magical healing will be good (he teased her jokingly). But anyway, I am too tired to think about anything. I can't sit up straight for more than ten minutes. I would like to rest and take a nap. Watch the Infirmary okay; if you feel bored watch something on the computer or if you are hungry order something. Wake me up when Seth or the photographer wakes up." He took some more tablets and swallowed it with water before lying down on the couch.

OOC: So, staying in the Infirmary will heal all the wounds or will it require a roll? I mentioned magical healing to Meg because I think narratively a cracked rib will take 3 weeks to heal but with magical healing I am guessing it will heal quickly. I don't want Meg to roll, it is just how I will be healed quickly if Infirmary does heal all wounds. As for the photographer, I gave some psychotropic drugs and sedated him so that we will convince that he blacked out in the street and some good samaritan brought him to me and I have provided care before letting him go. He will probably forget his traumatic encounter with the spider swarm. Also Seth, I don't want to force the sedative on you if you don't want to take a nap. Tell me and we will change it if necessary.
Jan 13, 2024 3:50 pm
So it doesn't state it but I think sleeping a whole night in the infirmary will make wounds stable. On top of that everyone will heal 1 more harm, but if they still have harm left you will have to use magic or take a day off per harm you want healed but there will be more victims for each day you don't act

As for the other guy, he will be good in 24 hours, and if he gets some rest at home he will be fine in the long run.
Jan 13, 2024 4:12 pm
I am fine with taking a nap for a bit, no worries. I can heal my harm and then i will be good as new. It is the two of you that I am worried about. I wonder if we change our strategy for this next run. If we are going after the main monster we may want to make sure we are either healed or buffed a bit before we head in.
Jan 13, 2024 4:51 pm
Could I just use healing magic x number of times until everyone is fully healed? Otherwise, while the others are resting, can I investigate a Mystery to see what other lore I can find on the Shepherd of Spiders?
Jan 13, 2024 5:55 pm
as far as I can tell you can use magic to heal as much as you want, but the question is what happens on each miss or partial success? I would say each miss means you take 1 harm (ignore armor) and you don't heal them. On a partial success, the only options that make sense right now as a glitch is you taking 1 harm (ignore armor) or a problematic side effect, but not sure what side effect makes sense.

You can investigate a mystery or such if you want, but eventually you go to sleep too as the next scene happens the following day
Jan 13, 2024 6:17 pm
OOC: Unbeknownst to both Seth and Margaret, Ajay has lore library. We can rp there, where I take both Seth and Margaret and show them my second haven. I would say that it's a book shop run by a very old couple who mostly collects books and maintains a library where people can come and read. Ajay helped Mr. and Ms. Moore during a medical emergency and they have become almost like a family to him. They are aware of the supernatural and stay clear from them however their collection of tomes and text is top notch. Researching there will give us +1 forward. So, we can take a day of and get fully healed while we are doing the research on how to hunt this final source.
Jan 13, 2024 6:23 pm
[ooc]What is everyone out right now for Harm? I am at 3 harm right now (before we came to Haven) /ooc]


Sharp (Investigate A Mystery) - (2d6+0)

(62) = 8

Jan 13, 2024 7:31 pm
What 1 question is Margaret hoping to have answered and what is she doing to get the answer?

As for tht haven, I am not sure if the idea is you have 3 separate havens or 1 with 3 facilities. I think I am fine with either
Jan 13, 2024 7:59 pm
Mags heads into the bookstore next door. She searches for any books of lore on the Spider-Shepard. I am looking for a way to fully kill it.
What can hurt it?

You said before
You know monsters typically require a weakness to die permanently and these have been dying to regular weapons. as such, they don't seem to have any weakness. You can roll when you get back to your haven to see what comes up in your files and on the internet and maybe any books you have
Last edited January 13, 2024 8:16 pm
Jan 13, 2024 10:01 pm
You spend an hour looking through books until the name "Spider Shepard" comes up. Based on the story, it seems the monster was said to be weak to a magical liquid, but the book fails to mention what the liquid was or what it contained. The only thing that was for sure was that magic was used in its creation.
Jan 14, 2024 7:29 am
Ironmonger42 says:
What 1 question is Margaret hoping to have answered and what is she doing to get the answer?

As for tht haven, I am not sure if the idea is you have 3 separate havens or 1 with 3 facilities. I think I am fine with either
OOC: I was thinking that Ajay has three separate havens with different abilities. So, his underground rented floor of this derelict suburban appartment acts as a cheap doctor's dispensary for the poor and homeless. This is just a front but here he heals up his injuries and does scientific research (narrative flavour) on the monster. On Sundays he provides free clinic community service to keep the authorities from ever looking too deeply.

His next haven, where he has access to the tomes of mystical text is the bookshop that I described. The third haven which is the Panic room is a long decommissioned subway tunnel that has few derelict railcars which he had fortified kept as the panic room.

For the matter of healing, I was planning to stay in the Infirmary for as long as necessary. Since we are going for the main monster which will probably close our first case, I want to be best prepared. What are your thoughts? @zatatmando,@Smiley

Maybe Seth can get some firearms or other gear. This is effectively going to be the boss monster here.
Jan 14, 2024 7:33 am
Smiley says:
Mags heads into the bookstore next door. She searches for any books of lore on the Spider-Shepard. I am looking for a way to fully kill it.
What can hurt it?

You said before
You know monsters typically require a weakness to die permanently and these have been dying to regular weapons. as such, they don't seem to have any weakness. You can roll when you get back to your haven to see what comes up in your files and on the internet and maybe any books you have
OOC: What's the smart score of Meg? Is it 0? The bookstore is going to give you +1 forward and if we all help you maybe you can get +1 and get 10 in the Investigate the mystery roll. Can it be done? @Ironmonger42
Last edited January 14, 2024 7:34 am
Jan 14, 2024 1:09 pm
I thought Margaret went to a random library because your mention of your other haven was OOC and thus Ajay hadn't told them yet and thus she just went to a random one

Also she is doing this while Seth and Ajay are resting so no help is possible
Jan 14, 2024 4:05 pm
I was thinking you had only 1 Haven with all 3 facilities in them. Assumed you gave us a quick tour of everything the first time we arrived.
Jan 14, 2024 5:01 pm
I think it is written to be 1 haven with multiple facilities, but i'm ok with either that or 3 different places. If they are different places it might be hard to explain if you ever take the level up to get another haven option, as that means it would be a new place that suddenly works as a haven for you as opposed to an expansion of the place you already have.

Either way, even if that +1 was involved, everyone else was asleep or resting so it would have been a 9, which is still a partial success. even if it was a 10, that would just mean 1 additional question.
Jan 14, 2024 6:03 pm
OOC: Damn, sorry for the miscommunication, guys; I thought I can have 3 haven. I was planning to show you around whenever the need for opting a particular haven came up.
Jan 14, 2024 7:27 pm
I'll let you decide but the book does say "a haven" and the options are what the haven has
Jan 15, 2024 6:13 am
OOC: Ok let's fold the entire thing in that one haven then.
Jan 15, 2024 1:12 pm
Ok, for the sake of moving forward, we'll say Margaret wandered into the library section of the haven and got the +1, getting a 9, but Ajay and Seth were asleep so the final total was 9. She learned that the monster has a weakness to some kind of magical liquid, but not how to make the liquid. You will need to investigate a mystery 1 more time to get that information, which you can attempt now or wait until the others wake up and do together.

Is there anything else Margaret would do before going to sleep?
Jan 15, 2024 1:58 pm
Can I roll Investigate A Mystery to see what I find about this magical liquid. I don't know what question on the list that would be.


Sharp - (2d6+0+1)

(25) + 1 = 8

Jan 15, 2024 2:51 pm
Margaret finds an obscure story of a warrior battling a "spider shepard" with a weapon coated in "a magical elixir from the foulness of its child". It appears that the warrior had slain one of the other spiders and brought the venom sack to some wizard, who then performed some ritual to change the venom's color, which the warrior coated his sword with.
Jan 15, 2024 6:11 pm
Megs leaves notes out for the others to read about what she found out. Just in case she sleeps later, then they do. Then she heads to bed herself.
Last edited January 15, 2024 6:11 pm
Jan 16, 2024 6:04 am
Ajay woke up from his sleep; his body ached but it still felt better than before. He had to check up on his cracked rib which still ached when he turned. He checked on the photographer and administered more medicines as necessary. Next he checked on Seth and adjusted his medications. Everybody was doing better than before but as he loitered around the different rooms of Infirmary he couldn't find Meg.

Walking close to the fridge to get some snack he read a note attached to it's door, "Ahh, so you went out, Meg. You were never a person to rest always excited to do the next thing." Reading through the notes he raised his eyebrows. "Well, well, you weren't wasting time. This is an interesting find, I will have to look into this." He grabbed some bread and brewed a mug of coffee and took it to upstairs which held his next part of the haven. He could see that his door lock registered Meg getting in. "Wow, you even found my secret library, you are quite resourceful."

Getting inside, he started collecting books on ritual, magic and augmentation of beast. Sipping coffee and eating bread, he combed through several books trying to figure out the origin of 'Spider Shepherd'.

OOC: Okay, so now that Ajay is rested, is he fully healed? Or is it like 1 per day? Also, since we have a lead that the creature has a name called Spider shepherd, can we ask the question 'What sort of creature it is' or 'what can hurt it' to get specific info on what the magical elixir is or maybe try to find out how to make the ritual happen with the question 'What is being concealed here?', using the Investigate a mystery move?
Last edited January 16, 2024 6:05 am
Jan 16, 2024 2:09 pm
2 hunters healer 2 harm and were stabilized and 1 hunter only healed 1 harm. Getting a full night's rest in a haven infirmary counts as medical attention resulting in healing 1 harm and having a wound stabilized. Everyone got 1 harm healed from first aid the previous day.

As for investigate a mystery, it will take 1 hold to learn about the monster more and another to learn about the magic liquid
Jan 16, 2024 5:23 pm
Ooc: Okay, I am healing 1 harm then and rolling Investigate a mystery. Since, Ajay is in haven he get's +1 for it. So, I guess that's 2 hold with 10+, what do we learn?
Last edited January 16, 2024 5:24 pm


Investigate a mystery - (2d6+3)

(53) + 3 = 11

Jan 16, 2024 5:32 pm
I should currently be at 1 harm.
@zatatmando,@Stalker05 What are you two currently at?

Can I help Ajay with investigating a mystery?
Jan 16, 2024 5:47 pm
Ooc: I still have 2 harm.
Jan 16, 2024 5:48 pm
I believe that I am at 0 harm, so I am good to go.
Jan 16, 2024 5:53 pm
Ajay got an 11 so help us unnecessary
Regarding the monster, you learn that spider Shepard are human-like abominations that have spider heads, clawed hands, and the ability to produce silk like a spider. They also birth spider children that have the qualities of multiple spiders, and perhaps are where most non-supernatural spiders originated from. They also have a supernatural ability to control silk and other webs.

The liquid appears to require big magic to create. You will need the venom sack you got from the spider the previous day, and thus not be able to use it for anti-venom. You will also need a powdered flower known as the fey lilly, which is found only in the forest the spider Shepard lives. You will also need to use magic, with a partial success meaning that the liquid will only be potent for a minute once placed on a weapon, so if the monster learns of this and flesh after you apply it you will need to make another.
[ +- ] Big Magic
Jan 17, 2024 7:42 am
Ajay gathered all the information he could from his research and came back to his medical room. He woke up Seth and prepared some lunch while giving a call to Meg to meet up with them.

In the lunch table Ajay discussed what he found with others, "So, I have delved deep into this Spider Shepherd thing after Meg intially discovered the connection. It seems they are human abominations having spider features and can give birth to those spiders that we fought. Spiders having multiple characteristics. This thing also has the capability to control webs and silk. So, we are not dealing anything normal anymore and this has entered the supernatural level which needs to be dealt with supernatural means. I have found out how to deal with it but there's a caveat. We need to use venom from these spiders and we also need a flower that grows in the forest where it lives called the fey lilly. I have located the forest and I have the venom but not the flower. On the otherhand using venom will use it up and we won't have any antivenom in our hand. What do you prospose we should do?" he looked at Meg and Seth for answers.

OOC: What do we do with the photographer. I just want to release him once he is well, saying that he fainted in the park and was brought here by the locals. I don't want him to find out that we work for P.E.S.D. Will that need a scene or will GM hand wave it?
Last edited January 17, 2024 7:42 am
Jan 17, 2024 1:41 pm
He should be appreciative for the medical aid, but if you want him to forget everything that will be a Manipulate Someone move. Otherwise, he'll see his pictures are gone but be convinced he saw a dog sized animal that normally can't be dog sized. I'll do the scene as you are ready to head out.
Jan 17, 2024 2:09 pm
Was thinking of using telepathy tomake him think he ate some bad berries and it caused him to trip and see things. Rolling charm to see how it goes.


Charm - (2d6-1)

(66) - 1 = 11

Jan 17, 2024 2:41 pm
Margaret messes with the man's dream so that he dreams about eating some odd berries before his dreams show him his accurate memory, making him think what really happened was in his dream
Jan 17, 2024 4:00 pm
Seth groggily walks to the table, listening to Ajay as he sits down heavily in a chair. He thinks for a moment and says, "I think that we should use the venom sacs to make the poison that will kill the creature creating these spiders. Do we have any antivenom left or did we use all of it? How many venom sacs do we have?" He begins to eat, waiting for a response from Ajay, and ponders asking the Agency for help gathering the flower.
Would I be able to use deal with the agency to get a team together and gather the flowers for us in the meantime?
Jan 17, 2024 4:17 pm
Ajay ate with a concerned expression, "Unfortunately, I used up all the antivenoms. One was used by myself and the other was to save the photographer, unfortunately. Now I have one venom sac left. So it's either antivenom or the poison for Spider Shepherd. I can certainly use the venom sac for the poison but then we won't have any antivenom left. We will be going out to fight this creature without any protection."
Jan 17, 2024 4:49 pm
Sure, you can use the deal with your agency move, if you are ok with the chance of conflict later
Jan 17, 2024 5:40 pm
Seth thinks about their options as Ajay lays out the situation, and decides that he will contact the agency after all. "I wonder if the Agency can synthesize us some venom so that we have enough for a decent antivenom and the solution to kill the Spider Shepherd. Ajay, do you have any residue left in the vials of antivenom that you made? They may not need much to synthesize more for us, so that we can keep the venom sac intact for the ritual. Before we get ahead of ourselves I will call the Agency to see if any of this is viable, and if they can gather the flower for us. Hang tight." and with that he walks away to make the call.
[ +- ] When you deal with the Agency...
I am going to use a Luck to make that a 12, 11 with my minus. This is an important roll.
Last edited January 17, 2024 5:42 pm


SHARP - (2d6-1)

(33) - 1 = 5

Jan 17, 2024 8:26 pm
Seth gets on the phone with a contact in the PESD labs. They seem slammed with work, but manages to pull in a favor and get it done by 5pm same day. He was lucky he had that favor. It seems they only need half a vial of the venom to make more, but you'll definitely want to use the real venom for the weakness for the monster.
Jan 17, 2024 11:41 pm
Maggy wakes up a lot later than the others, still yawning and with sleep in her eyes. "Morning. What did you figure out? What is the plan?"
Jan 25, 2024 5:36 am
Ajay was browsing through the emails and different tabs when he heard Meg's voice. "Morning Meg, looks like we are going to fight the Spider Shepherd. I am guessing this is going to be a difficult one as we are going for the source. I followed up on your research and it seems like we need to create a concoction from the venom and a particular flower called Fey Lilly that seems to be present in the forest where this monster has made home. This concoction will be a potent poison against the Spider shepherd and hopefully kill it. So, the plan is to get the Fey Lilly and make the concoction first. Thanks to Seth's help, the agency will provide more antivenom for us as we prepare to venture into the forest. You ready?"
Jan 25, 2024 2:38 pm
"Coffee first and explain more about this concoction. What do we need to do for it?" Megs grabs a cup of coffee from the pot and rubs the sleep from her eyes. "Everyone good? Where did the photo dude go?
Jan 25, 2024 3:13 pm
"I am good to go when you both are. I believe that the patient is still resting. Is that accurate, Ajay?" Seth says from the breakfast table.
Jan 25, 2024 3:20 pm
Ooc: Didn't we planned that we are going to release the patient once he is fully healed? Meg also telepathically altered his memories.
Jan 25, 2024 4:23 pm
Meg sits down rejuvenated with coffee and takes a look at the ritual thing they have to do to make this potion. "This ritual might take a bit. What happens we can't find the flower before meeting Momma? Or is the plan to snatch and run the flower?" She takes a few more drinks of coffee.
Yeah. I figured we might need a refresher quick.
Jan 25, 2024 5:47 pm
You'll find a recap here in Case Information
Jan 25, 2024 5:56 pm
Ajay nodded at Meg, "I believe we will have to make a quick retreat once we get the fey lily because in order to fight the Spider shepherd we have to do the ritual and create the concoction. So, we have to return anyway."
Jan 25, 2024 7:05 pm
"I suggest that we move sooner rather than later in that case. The longer we wait to deal with the shepherd the more people are in danger. With any luck the shepherd is not guarding all of the fey lilies in the forest and we can quickly procure a sample." Seth says.
Jan 25, 2024 7:13 pm
Finishing her cup of coffee she refills her glass. "Well... She yawns and stretches. "Lets get this van a rolling." She grabs her stuff, and the book on the ritual and heads to the Van.
Jan 26, 2024 4:02 am
You drive for about 2 hours north until you arrive at the woods. At some point, the road continues north but not towards the forest. The thought to drive through the forest flashes for a moment, but the trees are too close together and the roots stick out of the ground. The van is not designed for off road travel. You'll have to continue on foot. What do you bring with you?
Jan 26, 2024 12:32 pm
During the car ride Meg's looked up the fey flower in the book and took a few photos and sent messages to Seth and Ajay with the images.
Meg's grabs her knife shoving it in her ankle holder, she Stores her handgun tucked into the back of her pants, she pockets her cell, grabs the ritual book and her rainbow mug of coffee. Stepping outside she stretches again. "You got any flashlights or rope in this van?"
Last edited January 26, 2024 12:34 pm
Jan 26, 2024 2:13 pm
For simplicity sake, if the item is pretty common like a flashlight, it is safe to assume you guys have it. Since you can't bring the van into the forest, you have to declare what you are bringing with you.
Jan 26, 2024 3:54 pm
Seth responds that yes, both items are in the van just in case a situation like this arises. He slings his rifle to his back, checks his holstered pistol and trench knife to make sure he can get to them easily, and steps out of the van. He goes into the back to procure the flashlights, in this case headlamps to keep hands free, and rope and puts them in a dufflebag with water and something to collect the flowers into. He asks Meg and Ajay if there is anything else that they think will be needed.
Jan 27, 2024 5:43 am
Ajay had made preparations for this hunt. He had taken the antivenoms, some basic first aids, his runic sword strapped on his back along with his magnum and dagger strapped to his belt. This was going to be a venture in the heart of the monster's domain. They have to be careful. He also carried some collecting bags and basic sampling kit tucked in a side bag for the collection of the special flower Fey Lilly. He went back to the trunk of the van in order to search for some other items that might be necessary for this mission.

OOC: Okay since the agency is supplying us with the antivenoms, how much do we have? 2? Also I am rolling Preparedness to get flashbang and flares. I am guessing this will be helpful. Damn, I get nothing!
Last edited January 27, 2024 5:44 am


Preparedness (flares) - (2d6+2)

(16) + 2 = 9

Preparedness (flahbang) - (2d6+2)

(22) + 2 = 6

Jan 27, 2024 2:37 pm
Ajay was able to prepare 2 doses of antivenom from the synthesised venom from the monster just before leaving. He looks around for the flares and realizes they are back in the haven. Easy enough to get, but sadly not here with him. He looks for the flashbangs and has a realization that he has them, but they're somewhere he'd rather not go back to.
Make sure to mark 1 experience for the failure. As for what would be a bad place for the flashbangs, i'll give you a choice:
1. It is with an NPC that is hostile to you (tell me who: an ex, an old assistant, a rival, etc.)
2. You had one and dropped it when you were fighting one of the giant spiders, and who knows what has happened to it since
3. It is at a location you do not like returning to (tell me what place and why)
Jan 27, 2024 2:52 pm
Ajay scowled, "Dang it! I again forgot my flares!" He sighed and then turned to Seth and Meg. "Okay, I am ready. Let's look for this Fey Lilly and find it as fast as possible."

OOC: Maybe Ajay gets weapon from the black market and mafias. There is black market weapons dealer who goes by the codename 'Ortev' who didn't liked that he used his weapons to blow up buildings in the backstory. Somehow the FBI analysed it and retraced it back to 'Ortev' or maybe the vampires deal with 'Ortev' too.
Last edited January 27, 2024 2:55 pm
Jan 27, 2024 3:38 pm
ok, I would like someone roll roll +Sharp to try and locate the flower.
Success: you find the flower
Partial Success: you find the flower, but the spider Shepard becomes aware you are here
Miss: instead of finding the flower, the spider Shepard appears while you are unprepared
Jan 27, 2024 4:21 pm
OOC: I have sharp at +2, who else has good sharp?
Jan 27, 2024 4:38 pm
Can I roll Help Out to give him a bonus?
[ +- ] Help Out


Cool - (2d6+1)

(64) + 1 = 11

Jan 27, 2024 4:54 pm
OOC: Okay, that's a +1. I will roll then.


Roll to find the flower - (2d6+3)

(53) + 3 = 11

Jan 27, 2024 7:16 pm
You find the flower, avoiding the webs hanging down from the trees which alert the spiders. The flower is in the distance, but as you pause you notice there are 4 of those dog sized spiders patrolling the area. They do not see you yet. What do you do?
Jan 27, 2024 7:56 pm
Noticing dog spider things, Meg stops with the others. She looks around, trying to figure out what these spider things are doing and the best way to get those flowers.
Read a Bad Situation. Are there any dangers we haven’t noticed?


Sharp- Read A Bad Situation - (2d6+0)

(51) = 6

Jan 27, 2024 9:01 pm
You were rolling to ask if there were any dangers you haven't noticed. Well, in addition to your 1 experience you just earned, the monsters got to ask a question instead, asking the same thing of you. As such, they learned about you.
As Margaret looks around, she steps on a twig, causing all of the spiders to jump. They all look around, not sure of your exact location but aware that something is here and in your general direction. It looks like two are going to come over and investigate while two others stay behind to keep watch.
Jan 27, 2024 9:17 pm
Seth looks around and takes in the scene and assesses it with his honed battlefield awareness.
[ +- ] Tactical Genius


COOL (read a bad situation) - (2d6+2)

(62) + 2 = 10

Jan 27, 2024 9:31 pm
What questions do you want to spend your holds on? You can use just one hold and save the other hold for later in the same scene if you want, or you can spend both now
[ +- ] Read A Bad Situation
Jan 27, 2024 10:52 pm
I would say that 'What's my best way in?' is best right now, and I will hold the other one for later.
Jan 27, 2024 11:12 pm
There seems to be a tree with a hollow section obscured by bushes. If you act under pressure to make a dash for it, you can hide before the spider arrive and head towards the flowers before they notice. You get +1 to the roll if you act on this.

I'll use a follow the leader style result. Anyone who says they will use this route before Seth rolls will use the same result he gets instead of rolling, for good or ill. Anyone who does not will have to make their own plans.
Jan 27, 2024 11:28 pm
"I think they know we are here. Maybe one of us should try to sneak over and grab some flowers while the others distract them from here."
Jan 28, 2024 6:23 am
OOC: Ajay will follow Seth's lead and sneak inside.
Jan 28, 2024 2:30 pm
Not wanting to be left behind Megs follows Seth and Ajay.
Jan 28, 2024 3:26 pm
Ok, Seth please roll act under pressure with a +1 for your read a bad situation
Jan 28, 2024 10:31 pm
Seth leads the team along the route that he saw earlier, moving quietly so as not to attract any attention.
So what do we think, team? Should I use a luck point to make this a 13 or do we take our lumps?
Last edited January 28, 2024 10:33 pm


COOL(Act under pressure) - (2d6+3)

(11) + 3 = 5

Jan 28, 2024 11:21 pm
Seth will be the only one that gets an experience point, but remember that luck points don't refresh, and this is case 1 out of maybe 6 to 8 total depending on how we feel
Jan 30, 2024 3:20 am
I say leave it. Save Luck for the BIG BOSS.
Jan 30, 2024 12:15 pm
OOC: Damn! Snake Eyes! Don't spend luck, we are yet to face the Spider shepherd.
Jan 30, 2024 3:32 pm
Ok then let's just take the failure. Thanks all. Once I level I will take charge of a monster dispatching team from the agency so we have backup next time.

Large Wolf Spider


Jan 30, 2024 3:51 pm
Large Wolf Spider

The three of you make a bee line for the tree, but getting out of the bushes was far more difficult than expected. With the slow down and noice, all 4 spiders see you. Two of them leap onto Seth while the other two fire webbing at Ajay and Margaret.
Seth takes 4 harm before accounting for armor
Ajay and Margaret have web attaching their feet to the ground. The two of you are unable to use any weapons with intimate or hand range unless you first act under pressure to break the web. If you do not break the web then future web may make it worse

Ajay or Margaret can act next
Jan 30, 2024 4:38 pm
Ajay was taken aback by the nimbleness of the spiders, "Damn! They have spotted us; be careful guys. Yaacckkk! I am webbed!" He hated himself for not being careful about his decision but the sticky tensile silk was already becoming strong and entangling him into a deadly knot.

OOC: I am going to use 'I have read about this sort of thing to roll with smart.


I have read this sort of thing - (2d6+2)

(54) + 2 = 11

Jan 30, 2024 5:05 pm
Can I still use Hex and Jinx in my current webbed up state?
Jan 30, 2024 7:13 pm
Yes you can use Hex and Jynx, as neither seem to mention a range tag which implies to me they can be used close and far
Jan 30, 2024 7:34 pm
Seth falls prone under the weight of the dog-sized spiders, but pulls his 9mm out of its ankle holster and fires directly into the body of one of the creatures.


TOUGH (Kick some Ass) - (2d6+2)

(41) + 2 = 7

Jan 30, 2024 7:58 pm
Meg's tries to reach for her boot knife to cut the webs holding her down...


Cool - (2d6+1)

(46) + 1 = 11

Large Wolf Spider


Jan 30, 2024 9:26 pm
Large Wolf Spider

Ajay and Margaret manage to get free of the webs as Seth shoots and kills one of the large spiders. The other spider comes up and bites Seth, but his armor protects him. He feels the venom of the spiders start to build. It isn't enough to affect him, but if he is bitten once more there will be enough venom to poison him.

The two spiders that stayed back start to approach. It seems one is going for Ajay and the other Margaret. If they aren't killed soon they will succeed.
Jan 31, 2024 2:18 am
Keeping the knife in one hand, Meg's eyes turn into black voids.
[ +- ] Jinx
With a 10 I have 2 holds.
Can I use them both at the same time?
If I can use both can I Give Seth +1 and Spider -1.
If not Can I somehow interfere with the spider trying to attack Seth.
Last edited January 31, 2024 2:22 am


Weird - Jinx - (2d6+2)

(35) + 2 = 10

Jan 31, 2024 3:46 am
You can't give a monster a -1 because only PCs roll so there is nothing to apply the -1 too

As far as protecting Seth, that was the consequence of his own roll. You can interfere with something I have declared a monster is threatening to do like how they are threatening to bite you and Ajay right now.
Jan 31, 2024 3:52 am
Can I use both holds to interfere with both at the same time?
If not just interfere with the one threatening me.
Jan 31, 2024 4:00 am
You can interfere with both. Just a heads up, the more you use Jynx, hex, and telepathy, the more likely I am to trigger your dark side

Go ahead and describe what happens as the spiders try to bite each of you
Jan 31, 2024 4:38 am
Seth kicks away at the spider that bit his armor and quickly slings his rifle off his back to fire from the hip at the one threatening Margaret.


TOUGH (protect someone) - (2d6+2)

(43) + 2 = 9

Jan 31, 2024 5:32 am
Wriggling out of the webs, Ajay noticed the incoming spider. He quickly took out his magnum from the belt holster and aimed to fire at the incoming spider.


Kick Some Ass - (2d6+1)

(15) + 1 = 7

Jan 31, 2024 6:45 am
The magic oozing off of Megs causes a handful of branches to come scattering down and off the hollow tree. The crash of branches causes the spiders to briefly scatter away from Meg and Ajay...
Jan 31, 2024 2:18 pm
Branches fall on the spiders, causing them to pause just long enough for Ajay and Seth to line up shots. The two of them manager to kill their spiders before they bite anyone (so no harm inflicted back). The last spider, the one that had bitten Seth, sees the situation and looks to be retreating to a tree. There is only a moment before it is out of view. You get a bad feeling it isn't just setting up to attack from the tree top, but to retreat to its mother, who will either appear soon or perhaps tell its mother that you are here.

Based on the current situation, with Ajay and Seth recoiling from their shots, Margaret is the only one who notices in time to have a chance before it is gone. If she can inflict 2 harm with her next action, she will kill it before it retreats.
A simple Kick Some Ass or a Use Magic with Hex should do the trick, and only a partial success is necessary. Only Margaret has the window of opportunity to do this.
Jan 31, 2024 3:48 pm
Megs sends a bolt of darkness at the fleeing spider. "Not so fast creepy!" She calls out.


Weird - Hex - (2d6+2)

(43) + 2 = 9

Jan 31, 2024 11:19 pm
Seeing as Margaret got a partial success, there is a glitch that needs to be accounted for before I continue. Here is the list and what I'd invision. You choose:
• The effect is weakened (You do 1 harm instead of 2, so the spider lives)
• The effect is of short duration (damage has no duration, so not eligible)
• You take 1-harm ignore-armour (Straight forward)
• The magic draws immediate, unwelcome attention (A giant spider hears the magic and comes to investigate)
• It has a problematic side effect (the magic splashes on the flowers, damaging all but 1. you won't be able to come back for more if the batch you make fails, which would be a big problem).
Feb 1, 2024 12:17 am
1 Damage to Me Sounds like the safest bet.
Feb 1, 2024 3:12 am
Margaret conjures shadow tendrils to stab through the spider, which dies halfway up the tree. However, she loses control momentarily and one of the tendrils slaps her just before it disappears.

After things call down, you notice a bed of flowers over where the long range spiders had been. They appear to match the description of the fey lilly
Feb 1, 2024 5:36 am
Ajay recovered himself from the assault of the spiders and went close to examine the flower. Crouching down and carefully comparing the characteristics, he took a picture and started harvesting the flowers. "Let's not waste time here; we have the flowers, so let's return to Infirmary and start preparing the concoction. The more time we spend here, the more chances that we might be ambushed."

OOC: So, Ajay will be harvesting enough flowers to make atleast three concoctions of this anti-Spider Shepherd serum. Do I need to roll for it?
Feb 1, 2024 1:45 pm
you are good. You will need a new +sharp roll to make it back to the can unnoticed, but we will roll that when everyone seems ready

One note I failed to mention, the spiders seem to have a way of sensing these flowers. If you take enough for 1 attempt, all is good, but in flower form the aroma attracts the spiders. If you take 3 attempts worth, you will get a -1 to the roll as the spiders find it easier to notice you. You decide the risk you are all comfortable with
Feb 1, 2024 2:08 pm
Do we have to do the ritual at the infirmary?
Can we drive somewhere nearby and do it?
Is it -1 per flower or -1 total?
The rital was about 1 hr. To do the ritual 3 times is it 3hrs?

Feb 1, 2024 2:35 pm
-1 for taking more than one attempt worth, but if you take too much I may either increase the penalty or just make the spider Shepard show up

1 hour per attempt, and it takes one one venom gland and 1 flower per attempt
Feb 1, 2024 2:53 pm
Can we use the venom from the wolf spiders?
Feb 1, 2024 5:58 pm
The story you read implied that only the spider Shepard's immediate children produce venom potent enough
Feb 1, 2024 6:46 pm
How many Venom Glands do we currently have for the Ritual? (Sorry for asking so many questions)
Last edited February 1, 2024 6:46 pm
Feb 1, 2024 7:32 pm
All good. You have 1. The first you ever got was used to make the 2 anti venom you used. You managed to keep the second one which is the one you still have.
Feb 1, 2024 8:00 pm
So we only need 1 flower really right now. If the first ritual fails we will need to figure out what to do then.
Feb 2, 2024 8:50 am
Looks like we are taking one flower then? I guess we should return now. Who will make the roll to retreat back without the spiders noticing?
Feb 2, 2024 4:12 pm
I guess I can. I have a +2 to act under pressure.
Seth watches over Ajay as he collects the flower that they need for the ritual, and then leads them all back to the van.
[ +- ] Act Under Pressure
Oh damn a crit! Does that get me anything for this roll?
Last edited February 2, 2024 4:13 pm


COOL(Act under pressure) - (2d6+2)

(66) + 2 = 14

Feb 2, 2024 4:26 pm
At this moment, getting a double 6 doesn't get you anything more than than a Success gets you. Once you have leveled up for the 5th time, you can use that level up and future levels ups to make two moves advanced (max of two level ups, so eventually you can have 4 advanced basic moves out of 8), which unlocks bonuses to basic moves only given when you get a 12 or higher. As of now, your character is not experienced enough to take advantage of that.
You carefully retrace your steps and manage to avoid any webs that would act as alarm systems for the inhabitants. You arrive back at the van without worry. You now have enough components to attempt one big magic to create the monster's weakness. Staying here could result in a scouting minion noticing you, so where do you want to go to conduct the hour ritual?
Feb 3, 2024 1:56 pm
After plucking the flower Meg's gives it a quick sniff. "We should move somewhere to do this. I don't think we need to head back to the infirmary. Anyone know anywhere nearby? A restaurant with a private room? Empty warehouse?"
Not sure what to roll to see if I know of any place nearby to do a ritual.
Feb 3, 2024 2:43 pm
You are about an hour north of the city, I will let this be a chance for world building and let you all decide if there is such a place. My only ask is you explain why you know about it

If all else fails, you have the haven and the diner you first met up at where the waitress was an undercover agent
Feb 4, 2024 5:32 pm
How about an abandoned farm with a still standing barn. Megs went to an illegal rave there a year ago or so with some of her normal girly friends.
Feb 4, 2024 6:02 pm
If the others are good with it then sounds good
What do the other players think?
Feb 5, 2024 6:00 am
Ooc: I think, going to an empty farm and doing the ritual at a secluded place is an excellent idea.
Feb 5, 2024 6:15 pm
I agree, the more secluded the better. Let's do it.
Feb 5, 2024 8:13 pm
Margaret informs the rest of you about an abandoned barn a couple miles away. The barn there should be a good place to hide for the hour needed. You head over there and there is in fact an abandoned barn. It seems very old, yet somehow you don't get the sense it will fall apart around you.

You take the venom gland and fey lilly, as well as the book that mentioned the ritual. It seems simple enough, but simple can be deceptive.
I am assuming Margaret is going to make the Weird roll. As far as Ajay and Seth, I don't think either can use Help Out unless you can explain how each of you have 0 or -1 weird and yet would be able to help someone perform a magic ritual
Feb 5, 2024 8:40 pm
Well I don't know about us needing weird to help out, but Seth or Ajay both would have enough experience with the supernatural that they may be able to be told what to do to help with the ritual.
Feb 5, 2024 9:02 pm
Margaret would be the one rolling weird, but in order to do a move you must be able to do it. What I am saying is this: do one of you have a reason that you would be able to help Margaret with her role even though it seems neither of you are magically inclined and thus have no experience with it yourselves?

Imagine giving a plumber advice when you don't really know how to fix a pipe at all. What advice or help could you really give?
Feb 6, 2024 2:34 am
Rolling Weird!


Weird - (2d6+2)

(24) + 2 = 8

Feb 6, 2024 3:46 am
You perform the ritual, but the result doesn't seem to match the book as you expect. None the less, it seems to have worked, but you get the feeling you will have to be decisive or else.
This version is short lasting. If the spider Shepard finds out, he may flee until it wears off. If he doesn't find out, you should be able to finish him off. To apply it, it will need to be coated onto something that will puncture it, like a knife or arrowhead.
Feb 6, 2024 2:57 pm
Ooc: Ajay has a cold iron sword.
Feb 6, 2024 3:00 pm
I have a Dagger also. Could it be used to Coat Bullets?
Feb 6, 2024 3:27 pm
I think we all have melee weapons then (I have a hunting knife). So how many of our weapons would we be able to coat, and if we can coat bullets can we cover a whole clip worth?
Feb 6, 2024 4:02 pm
I'm not sure if you can coat a bullet in what is effectively poison. Would the combustion inside of the barrel dry out the liquid? If we are not sure, I can have one of you roll +Sharp to see if you can figure it out.
Success: sure, you can coat a bullet and still have enough for 1 weapon, or for a second bullet
Partial success: sure, but you would be putting all of it on the 1 bullet if you went through with it
Failure: you cannot, and you waisted some of it trying, so now only 1 weapon can be coated
Feb 7, 2024 12:05 am
I say we play it safe and just coat a few blades once we get closer.
Last edited February 7, 2024 12:07 am
Feb 7, 2024 12:41 am
If everyone else agrees then I will send you guys back to the forest, I assume
Feb 7, 2024 12:54 am
Yeah I think that coating blades is the best way to go. If the bullets were hollow points I would say that you could inject some of the poison in there and be ok, but blades are a better choice I think. I am ready to head back to the forest whenever everyone else is ready.
Feb 7, 2024 1:01 am
Just to be safe, anything from Ajay?
Feb 7, 2024 5:27 am
OOC: I think going for melee weapons like blades/swords are better. With the amount of poison we created, can we coat everyone's weapons with it? Melee weapons, I mean.
Feb 7, 2024 12:42 pm
If you are playing it safe and coating just the edges or tips of knifes, you can coat 3 of them. Once gives prolonged exposure to air, they have 10 minutes of potency, so you should apply just before an ambush or after you have been attacked by it
Feb 7, 2024 2:46 pm
Ooc: Okay, lets find it's lair and kill this monster.
Feb 7, 2024 3:32 pm
Yup, let's do this. Do we know if it is immune to normal weapons or can we still damage it with our guns? I am wondering if I can knock it down with my sniper rifle and then we can stab it with the poison.

Also, anything else we want to do to prepare?
Feb 7, 2024 3:40 pm
You arrive back where you parked last. You grab all the stuff you had before, and each of you grab a knife if you want it stored in the van (knifes are pretty common, so I'm pretty sure there may be a few spares if you want, a knife does 1 harm with range of hand).

What is your plan of action? If you wish to hunt the monster and find it, someone rolls +Sharp
Success: you find it and it didn't see you coming
Partial success: you find it, but you lose the element of surprise
Miss: it finds you and gets and ambush
Feb 7, 2024 3:48 pm
My sharp is a -1 so I don't think I should be the one to roll. Unless this is a Read a bad situation in which case I can use +Cool.
Feb 7, 2024 3:54 pm
So locations can have custom moves, so this isn't any of the basic moves but a custom move representing tracking the monster within its lair
Feb 7, 2024 8:31 pm
Are there a lot of different moves or just a few? I have a +0 to sharp.
Feb 7, 2024 11:26 pm
It isn't super formalized. You could summarize the move as: When you want to navigate the spider Shepard's lair without being caught by the spider Shepard, roll +Sharp. On a success, you get where you want without the spider Shepard's awareness. On a partial success, you find the location, but the spider Shepard becomes aware of you as you trigger some of its web traps. On a failure, the spider Shepard knows you are here and where you are, and has the option to act immediately.
Feb 8, 2024 5:56 am
Ajay collected his belongings and gave the vial of poison to Seth. "This is going to be the poison for Spider shepherd. We will utilize this to finish the monster but we will have to be careful. I am trying to triangulate the location of it's lair in the forest. We have to be swift and careful for this operation." He looked into his laptop, where he was scanning the satellite view of the forest.

OOC: Okay I am rolling to find it's lair.


Finding the lair - (2d6+2)

(55) + 2 = 12

Feb 8, 2024 12:39 pm
Managing to evade detection for the third time, you make your way through the forest. A couple times Ajay stops everyone as he notices carefully placed webbing on the ground or between trees as to be stepped on or through, causing a vibration to the spider Shepard of where intruders can be found.

With Ajay's warnings, you manage to avoid all such traps and eventually make your way to a large tree, the largest in the forest. Atop the tree you see strands of web floating through the air like ghost, as if supernaturally levitating. The top seems to flatten and make plenty of room to stand and move about. You suspect the spider Shepard is up top the tree, unaware of you. Climbing the tree should be no problem. It seems to slope a little, tapering at the top, and thus requiring less athletically skill.

Is there anything you do before climbing up the tree? It will take about 3 minutes to climb up.
Feb 8, 2024 2:34 pm
Megs sighs. "I really don't like the idea of climbing up that tree. We need to figure out a way to secure ourselves so we don't get thrown off."
Feb 8, 2024 3:18 pm
Ajay spoke while looking up at the strange lair of the creature, "I agree with you that it is dangerous. But we might miss the element of surprise if we want to bring it down. It will become aware of us. Also, I think this is going to be a good time to apply the poison to our weapons." He turned to Seth, "What do you think we should do? Hide and cause a sound to lure it down?"
Feb 8, 2024 4:15 pm
"Lets wait to use the poison. If we do it now and climbing takes forever or we drop the weapon we are fucked." She looks up at the tree and tries to figure out the best plan " What about if one of us climbs up. Gets a look at what is going on then jumps back down. Use the rope to stop or slow your fall."
How tall up is this tree? Are we talking Death if we fall or just broken bones?
Last edited February 8, 2024 4:19 pm
Feb 8, 2024 6:08 pm
physically, like 4 or 5 stories tall. Mechanically, falling from the very top would be 4 harm
Feb 9, 2024 1:29 am
"I think that engaging it on its home turf might make things difficult for us. I am wondering if we use the element of surprise by having me climb up a tree that has a sight line to the shepherd so that I can shoot it and draw its attention. Then I repel down and as it chases me the two of you ambush it. What do we think of that idea?"
Feb 9, 2024 5:51 am
Ajay nodded, "I like that idea. Though it will lure it away from us, you will become the target. We have to be fast and quick." He looked around to find a good hiding spot to lay low.
Feb 9, 2024 11:15 pm
"Lets go for it. " She pulls out her own handgun. She Double-check to make sure it is ready and loaded. "Pick a tree. We will set up next to it. Find one with some bushes for cover..."
Feb 10, 2024 1:13 am
Climbing the tree shouldn't be a problem. Not really an interesting roll in case of a failure. Roll kick some ass when Seth and everyone else is in position. Due to your surprise, the monster will not be able to retaliate on the very first attack
Feb 10, 2024 7:02 am
OOC: Who is rolling Kick some ass? Seth or Ajay and Meg?
Feb 10, 2024 2:19 pm
Seth should with his big pew pew!
Feb 10, 2024 5:05 pm
I'm assuming Seth since he is the one attacking first time the proposed plan
Feb 10, 2024 10:43 pm
Seth ties himself off with the rope for safety, asking Ajay to belay him as he climbs the tree. Once he reaches a height that lets him put eyes on the creature, he ties off and creates a sniper's nest for himself between the crook of two branches. He sights his rifle on the creature and fires.


TOUGH (Kick some Ass) - (2d6+2)

(45) + 2 = 11

Feb 11, 2024 1:42 am
Maggy crouches behind a bush nearby the Tree Seth is hanging out in.
Tendrils of shadows appear around her as she watches to see what the spider thing does.
Feb 11, 2024 5:00 am
Ajay positioned himself within the bushes of the nearby vegetation once he helped Seth climb up. He had his magnum on his left hand and his sword on his right, waiting for the creature to climb down. Then he heard the bang of Seth's sniper rifle, which signalled the onset of their plan.
Feb 11, 2024 4:30 pm
Before I narrate, Seth got an 11, which means he gets a bonus of his choice. Taking less damage is not necessary as the monster is unaware of you. Which other bonus do you want?
[ +- ] Kick Some Ass
Feb 11, 2024 9:56 pm
I am going to give one forward to Margaret to attack it.

Spider Shepard


Feb 12, 2024 1:08 pm
Spider Shepard

Seth looks down the sight and sees what looks to be a purple human with a protruding stomach. Its hands end in claws and it's head has mandibles like a spider. It turns to look at Seth just before he pulls the trigger. The bullet shoots perfectly as it penetrates the monster's exoskeleton-like skin. It gives a yell in pain, and then says in a way that seems to echo off of every web in the forest as if they were extensions of its mouth, "You dare enter my forest and hope to kill me? I shall trap you like flies and train you of your blood!" Webbing floating through the air seems to suddenly extend so that one end extends into the canopy above and the other stretches to one of its clawed hands. It then accelerates upward as the silk springs it vertically like it was holding a rubber band.

As it disappears from all of your sights, 3 balls of silk flying like ghosts begin flying toward Seth. Any harm dealt to them should destroy them, but there are two, and thus no one single person can stop both before in collides with Seth and entangles him.
As of now, none of you can see the spider Shepard. You do know it is somewhere overhead, though. The webs flying at Seth require Kick Some Ass with a ranged weapon to stop. A partial success will stop one, and a success will stop two. If any remain after all 3 of you act next, Seth will be stuck to the tree where he sits. Based on how they move, you can safely assume if Seth moves they will follow.
Feb 12, 2024 2:14 pm
OOC: Should we go for the web balls? Or do we track the monster by rolling Investigate a mystery?
Last edited February 12, 2024 2:15 pm
Feb 12, 2024 11:19 pm
Megs pulls out her small pistol and fires blindly at the web balls. Her shot, going wide missing completely.
Web Balls 1st. Can't have Seth being stuck in a tree by his loneliness.
Last edited February 12, 2024 11:21 pm


Tough - (2d6+1)

(22) + 1 = 5

Feb 12, 2024 11:55 pm
Seth lets out a bit of a yelp and fires at one of the web balls.


TOUGH (Kick some Ass) - (2d6+2)

(62) + 2 = 10

Feb 13, 2024 8:52 am
Ajay aimed one of the web balls and shot from his magnum.


Kick Some Ass - (2d6+1)

(24) + 1 = 7

Feb 13, 2024 12:55 pm
Between Seth and Ajay, the supernaturally flying balls of web are shot down just before they collide with Seth. Margaret, however, finds that her gun has a a misfire and jams.
Margaret takes 1 harm as her gun jolts and a part of it cuts her hand. Fixing the gun is not something that can be done in combat, as it would take a few minutes to do.
As no one looked for the spider Shepard, it descends from the canopy upside down from one of its webs. It does so quietly and with the intention to bite Seth.
I need Seth to roll Read a Bad Situation. You can spend one hold to hear it coming, and if you get a success you can save the second hold or spend it to get a chance to act before you are bitten. If you get the chance to act, you can attack it, but attacking it won't stop the attack.

At this time, Ajay is distracted by the web ball he shot and Margaret is busy reacting to her gun, so only Seth can act next

Reminder: Margaret gets 1 exp for the miss
Feb 13, 2024 1:08 pm
[ +- ] Tactical Genius


COOL (read a bad situation) - (2d6+2)

(15) + 2 = 8

Spider Shepard


Feb 13, 2024 1:20 pm
Spider Shepard
Seth will get a +1 to his next action involved with the spider Shepard but was not able to act before he was bitten
The spider Shepard grabs Seth with its long arms and takes a decent bite with its mandibles. It then lets go and says to Seth, My venom is worse than that of my children. I will go take care of your friends while that does its job.
Seth takes 4 harm, not accounting for armor, and is now poisoned. He has -1 ongoing until the poison is removed or neutralized, and he will take 1 harm ignore armor every minute, which will be about every other time time he acts (so not the next time but the time after that and so on)
Feb 13, 2024 2:16 pm
OOC: When Ajay gets to act, he will fire his magnum at the Spider shepherd.
Feb 13, 2024 2:26 pm
Go ahead and roll. Since you fired at the web balls earlier the monster knows where you are already
Feb 13, 2024 2:35 pm
Ajay watched Seth get bitten by this monster and he called out, "Seth! Be careful! I will get you, nasty monster!" He aimed his magnum at Spider shepherd and fired.


Kick Some Ass - (2d6+1)

(34) + 1 = 8

Feb 13, 2024 2:38 pm
Could I Use magic to set all of the webs on fire?

Spider Shepard


Feb 13, 2024 3:04 pm
Spider Shepard

The spider Shepard takes the bullet and looks at Ajay. You will need more than that, insect. It then conjures web that jolts forward and latches onto Ajay. Almost like a monkey, the monster finds a strong branch and jumps over to it. The web is then wrapped around the branch so that when the monster tugs on the web Ajay is hoisted into the air, arms held to his side by the web.
Ajay is stuck mid air with his arms unusable. It will take an act under pressure to get out, with -1 ongoing for Ajay until he gets out as this web is much stronger.

As for the fire question, unless you have a move in your playbook that mentions fire, there is no option in use magic that mentions fire. The best you could do is summon a fire elemental creature, but the glitch would be that after your first command it would not be under your control and you would need to banish it with another use magic before it burns the forest down
Feb 13, 2024 3:19 pm
Ajay yelped as he got pulled up in the air by the monster with his arms covered by the webs. He squirmed inside the webs, trying his best to get out of the mess. "Looks like normal weapons are not doing anything, time to shift our strategy!" He yelled at top of his voice to signal his two companions to apply the poison.

OOC: I am using I have read about this sort of thing to roll with sharp, instead of roll with cool.


I have read this sort of thing - (2d6+1)

(22) + 1 = 5

Feb 13, 2024 3:39 pm
As Ajay struggles, it seems the web only gets tighter and tighter. In his struggle, the web expands to his legs just after a vial drops to the ground and breaks.
At this point, Ajay can't get out unless someone else gets him out. Also, in his struggle the vial with the fey lilly venom you created breaks on the ground. I assume each of you 3 have one dose each, so now Ajay's is gone leaving Seth and Margaret the only ones with a dose left.

Ajay gets 1 exp. If Ajay wants to spend luck, I will reverse this. And he can get out. Remember, you rarely if ever get luck back.

The monster has taken 5 harm so far.
Feb 13, 2024 4:21 pm
OOC: Damn! Not the bottle of fey lilly! XD But, it's alright. I will take the XP.
Feb 14, 2024 12:01 am
Megs runs over to Ajay and starts cutting him out with her dagger. "Stop playing with the webs and kill this bitch..."
I don't know what to roll for this.
Are we all next to each other? Or is Seth still in the tree? Where is the SpiderShep compared to us?
Feb 14, 2024 3:30 am
Here is the status:
Seth is up a tree poisoned, but not restrained in any way.
Ajay is suspended mid-air by web that is covering him from shoulder to ankle. He isn't up against a tree, but rather between trees as he is being hung by the end of a branch.

Here are some suggestions. Feel free to come up with your own idea is you want.
1. Attempt to throw your knife and cut the web holding Ajay (this would be Act under Pressure, and Ajay would take 1 harm from the fall)
2. Attempt to climb the tree and break the branch Ajay's web is hanging from (this would be Act under Pressure, with the risk that you fall out of the tree)
3. Use magic to deal 1 harm to the web he is stuck in (this would bue Use Magic, with the risk that you would hurt Ajay or yourself or perhaps get very close to triggering a dark side, but unlike the other options this would fully free Ajay, not just get him down, though he would still fall)
Feb 14, 2024 4:14 am
Magic is the best bet, then.


Weird - (2d6+2)

(45) + 2 = 11

Feb 14, 2024 12:59 pm
Margaret causes another shadow tendril to launch vertically from the ground like a spike, cutting open the web entangling just right so that Ajay is unharmed. However, midair with nothing to grab, Ajay falls to the ground with a thud. He seems fine, but needing time to recover from the wind knocked out of his lungs.
Ajay is now free, but took 1 harm (ignore armor) from the fall

Spider Shepard


Feb 14, 2024 1:03 pm
Spider Shepard

A whisper enters everyone's ear, but is loudest in Margaret's. The whisper seems to come from all directions, yet none at the same time. "A magic user... My children told me about you. The blood of those tainted by magic they should not possess tastes sweeter than that of normal man insects..."

Seth, you see the spider Shepard hanging over Margaret, lowering itself to do to her what it did to you. Ajay is busy regaining air in his lungs and Margaret won't see it until just before it bites. What does Seth do in this situation?
Feb 14, 2024 4:46 pm
Seth, weak from the venom coursing through his body, grunts with the effort of raising his rifle and sights down the scope. He gets the creature in his sights and fires.


TOUGH (protect someone) - (2d6+2)

(16) + 2 = 9

Spider Shepard


Feb 14, 2024 4:55 pm
Spider Shepard
reminder with the poison you have -1 ongoing, so the result is 8, not 9. Same outcome but if you had rolled a 10 it would have modified the results
The spider Shepard almost approaches Margaret when the bullet shoots past it's head, narrowly missing. "The insect with a gun wants more, does it? I will oblige..." Margaret looks up and realizes the spider Shepard is right there. However, instead of biting her, it shoots web from its mouth that causes Seth to become stuck to the bench he had perched on. The added weight does cause the sound of creaking near the base of the branch. The branch is not going to break right now, but it may soon.
Seth cannot move from his current location without first acting under pressure. If he is still on the branch when he is attacked next, it will break and send Seth tumbling.
Feb 14, 2024 4:58 pm
Ajay and Margaret look to have a good opportunity to attack the spider Shepard as it is focused on Seth for a moment. Either of them can attack or do something else.
of the two of them, only Margaret has a doce of the monster's weakness. The monster looks like it can take a few more good hits before it may take too much harm. It is up to you if you want to risk using the weakness now or wait until it is closer to death to avoid it realizing the weakness has short term potency.
Feb 14, 2024 5:00 pm
So do I mark XP since I missed?
Seth struggles against the webbing holding him to the tree, trying to get the knife in his boot free.


COOL(Act under pressure) - (2d6+2-1)

(44) + 1 = 9

Feb 14, 2024 5:17 pm
You missed because you rolled protect someone, not kick some ass. If you had rolled kick some ass, you would have harmed the monster, then it would have harmed Margaret, and then it would have webbed you. Since you used protect someone, you prevented Margaret from getting hurt but at the cost of only getting to harm the monster if you had rolled a 10 or higher
[ +- ] Protect Someone
As for your act under pressure just now, w partial success means a success with a cost. You can get free, but one of the following must happen:
1. You lose your vial of the monster's weakness
2. You lose a weapon you cannot retrieve until post fight
3. You pull a muscle and take 1 harm (ignore armor)

If you like none of those options, you can elect to remain stuck with no complications until after the monster has acted again
Feb 14, 2024 5:22 pm
I will go with losing my 9mm out of my belt. I just had it tucked into my waistband.
Feb 14, 2024 5:34 pm
Seth struggles to get the webbing off of him. He realizes a large amount of it is on his sidearm on his hip. By allowing it to come off, he manages to break free. The gun will take a few minutes to get off the branch, let alone get the webbing out of the barrel. For now he leaves it where it is.
Who wants to act next, Ajay or Margaret?
Feb 14, 2024 6:04 pm
Rolled 10. 2 Holds. Can I use both of them at the same time?
If Yes then Can I give Ajay +1 Forward and Spiderbitch 1 Harm?
If No then I give Ajay +1 Forward.
[ +- ] Jinx
Last edited February 14, 2024 6:07 pm


Weird - (2d6+2)

(62) + 2 = 10

Feb 14, 2024 6:18 pm
You can use both at the same time, yes
Margaret's eyes go black. The spider Shepard's web snaps unexpectedly. It seems to like to hang upside down and thus hits its head as part of the fall, landing right next to Margaret. At the same time, Ajay feels like some force is pushing him on, encouraging him to attempt something.

Monster has taken 6 harm
What does Ajay do? Whatever he does, add +1 to the roll
Feb 14, 2024 6:55 pm
Occ: If I am close to Margaret, can I take the weakness and apply it to my sword and then attack the spider shepherd or do I need to roll a move?
Feb 14, 2024 7:03 pm
If Margaret is ok with tossing her vial to you then you can, yes. Stabbing the monster would be kick some ass lm make sure you are clear which weapon you are using so I can check your sheet and see how much harm it does
Feb 14, 2024 7:55 pm
Go for it. Stab that Spiderbioch
Feb 14, 2024 8:31 pm
Ajay managed to wriggle out of the webs and straighten himself up. He gritted his teeth in anger and despair, "You nasty piece of a monster. You gonna pay for all these."

He rushed towards it, drawing his cold iron sword from his back and calling out to Meg, "Meg, toss me the vial." As she tossed it, he caught it and poured it's contents on the blade while screaming at the monster, "Face me, you ugly monster."

Prepared with the weapon, Ajay lunged forward at Spider shepherd.


Kick Some Ass - (2d6+1)

(15) + 1 = 7

Spider Shepard


Feb 14, 2024 8:49 pm
Spider Shepard
with Margaret's +1 forward she gave to AJ that's an 8
Ajay coats the sword and slashes at the monster. The sword isn't able to fully push in, but it pushed in enough to get the fey lilly venom into the monster's body.
"Gah!" In reflex, the monster swings it's claw and slashes Ajay, throwing him back. "What did the white insect do? Is this..." The monster gets a close look at the wound. "It appears to be the venom of one of my children. Foolish insect. I am not harmed by the venom of my own child..." It starts to sway and hold its head. "Something is wrong... What did you do?" It then matches over to Ajay, pushing Margaret away and onto the ground as it stomps past her. "You shall die for this..." it says in anger.
Ajay takes 3 damage before accounting for armor. The monster has taken 7 harm so far. It will be vulnerable for a few seconds.
Note: Margaret did not take any damage from being shoved.

Margaret or Seth can act next. It is threatening to take a big bite out of Ajay.
Feb 14, 2024 8:55 pm
Seth, still a bit dizzy from the venom in his blood, uses pure force of will to steady his rifle and sights on the thing's head and neck. He squeezes the trigger and the shock of the kick almost makes him pass out.


TOUGH(Kick Some Ass) - (2d6+2-1)

(65) + 1 = 12

Feb 14, 2024 9:06 pm
OOC: Nice shot Seth. Do I have any armor? I don't know.

Spider Shepard


Feb 14, 2024 11:58 pm
Spider Shepard

Seth lines up a that fires clean through the monster's torso. The monster looks like it prepares to use web to get away, but no web comes out. It begins to panic. "No, no, no, no... How did the insects know to mix my children's venom with that... vile flower..." it then collapses. Its body starts to turn to dust. After about 5 minutes, it blows away in the wind like cobwebs.
it looks like the gear section of the expert does not mention armor, and I know you haven't gone out and acquired anything like that, so no you don't have armor
Feb 15, 2024 12:58 am
Panting heavily Maggie brushes the dust and dirt off of her. Yelling up to Seth "SPIDER DOWN! NICE SHOOTING! GET DOWN HERE!" Megs help Ajay up and makes sure he is ok.
Feb 15, 2024 1:47 am
Seth slings his rifle onto his back, and laboriously repels down the tree, grunting with effort. He turns to say something, then passes out onto the ground. He looks quite ill.
Feb 15, 2024 2:48 am
Meg's rushes over to Seth as he collapses onto the ground. She pulls out her bottle of antitoxin and carefully but forcefully pours it down into his mouth. "Ajay. Get over here your better at this then me."
Feb 15, 2024 9:37 am
Ajay grimaced at his wound when he stood up, some of it still bleeding. He ignored it for now and hobbled up towards Seth's unconscious body. He started checking out his vitals in order to determine what his condition was. "You gave the antitoxin, right, Meg? It should start to kick in. I think it would be better to take him back to the infirmary." He looked down on his face and said, "That was a hell of a shot, Seth. You just saved us and killed a monster."

OOC: So, how's Seth looking? Is he in dire condition?
Feb 15, 2024 12:34 pm
it doesn't look like zatatmando was tracking harm on his character sheet. At the bare minimum, Seth has 3 harm, 2 from the bite earlier and 1 from the venom hurting him after he shot the kill shot. If he still has any harm from the fight to get through fey lilly then he would have at least 4 harm, making him unstable, but I am not sure of that.
Feb 15, 2024 1:33 pm
Ooc: Okay, so 4 harm total should probably not kill him. If we don't have anything major to do here then we should get back to infirmary. Also, anyway of knowing if the antitoxin is working? Apart from that, I don't see why we should linger here except for may be searching any survivors.
Feb 15, 2024 2:09 pm
We might think of checking out the spider's lair. Make sure there is no bodies up there or anything interesting.
Feb 15, 2024 2:17 pm
Sorry I have been tracking my harm and luck on a PDF sheet that I have. I am at 4 harm now which leads me to unstable. I didn't get hurt in the fight for the fey Lilly I don't think.
Feb 15, 2024 6:07 pm
Ooc: If Seth is stable, we can investigate the lair.
Feb 15, 2024 8:44 pm
If Seth had any amount of harm before this fight, then he has an unstable wound. As far as the venom in his system, you will need 2 antivenom to remove it from his system, which you have.

Narratively, the case is over. As you look around, the webs in the forest seem to rapidly age and become cobwebs, and you don't hear anymore spiders (aside from non-supernatural ones that would be here anyways) anywhere else. All that's left is to search for any survivors, in case the original victims are still alive, and for Seth to file a report to his superior Sidney Callahan. As for the report, Seth would be the only one that would submit it, but you can collectively decide what is in the report and what is omitted (if anything).
Feb 15, 2024 11:30 pm
While Ajay deals with Seth's wounds, she climbs up to check out the spider lair. " I will be right back. Goin' to check for any bodies."
Feb 17, 2024 2:31 am
Seth begins to come around, and says, "Ugh, now my least favorite part of the job. The paperwork." With a grunt he rolls himself up and walks back to the van, shoulders a bit hunched in exhaustion. He turns back to the others after a moment and asks, "Shall we go?"
Feb 17, 2024 5:05 am
You search the tree and find all 5 of the missing victims, though 4 of them seem to be drained of blood and no heartbeat. The one that seems alive appears to be mentally scarred by the events and will need psychiatric attention on top of medical attention before they are up to talking. It isn't too hard to get them to come with you, though.

After a few hours, you manage to get back to Ajay's infirmary
and get Seth free of venom and the victim stabilized enough to give to PESD for the rest of the treatment they need.
I am going to assume Seth's report mentions everything except the parts involving Seth's haven (as that is a secret). If you want anything else left out please tell me or else I assume it is all there.

Also, every hunter gains 2 EXP, so I assume all 3 of you gain an improvement. Go ahead and use the OOC chat thread to discuss what you want to take or just declare what you want. Taking a move from another playbook is very useful, just make sure it is a move and not an ability the playbook automatically gets. For example, the chosen's Invincible move is fair game, but not their I'm Here for a Reason move, as that is a move core to the chosen's identity. When in doubt, choose the option to get a +1 to a rating given as an option.

Remember! You cannot choose an advanced improvement yet. Those are only available as your 5th level up and beyond, and this is only your first.
Feb 18, 2024 3:02 pm
Should remove any parts about us hurt civilians? Kid I threw a knife at, Dude, that was poisoned we gave drugs to?
Feb 20, 2024 4:37 pm
Yes my report will omit anything that we did that might be interpreted the wrong way. For the kid I will say that they were caught in crossfire and for the guy I will say that we rescued him and provided aid.

Sidney Callahan, Head of P.E.S.D.


Feb 20, 2024 5:39 pm
Sidney Callahan, Head of P.E.S.D.

Seth submits his report, omitting anything regarding Ajay's haven and Margaret's dark side coming up.

Sidney gives a look at Seth. She doesn't ask anything, but Seth knows that she knows things were left out. She has been around the block many times, and she knows most agents leave something or two out in just about every report. For now, all she says is, "Nice work agent. I'll catalog this knowledge on Spider Shepards into our database for future incidents. Take the week to focus on lighter work as you recover. I'll have field work for you soon enough. This world is full of the supernatural hiding under our noses. Before you go, what are your honest personal thoughts on Margaret's control of her abilities and Ajay's trustworthiness?"
the next case will be long enough in the future that you will heal all harm, to be clear
Feb 21, 2024 4:42 pm
"I can say that they are both exemplary assets to our work and I anticipate much success in the future. We work well as a team, and with an Agency backup team for support I think that we can do great things for the Agency." Seth says, trying to get comfortable in the seat but the leftover effect of his injuries leave him feeling itchy inside.

Sidney Callahan, Head of P.E.S.D.


Feb 21, 2024 6:32 pm
Sidney Callahan, Head of P.E.S.D.

Sidney looks over Seth. She doesn't have much choice but to take Seth at his word. "Very well. If you expect much success, so do I. Heal up soon, agent. As for that team you requested, I'll have them ready by your next assignment. They are professionals, but don't get them killed."
Feb 21, 2024 6:36 pm
"Yes sir. I will be sure to put them to good use."

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