Spider Shepard
Seth looks down the sight and sees what looks to be a purple human with a protruding stomach. Its hands end in claws and it's head has mandibles like a spider. It turns to look at Seth just before he pulls the trigger. The bullet shoots perfectly as it penetrates the monster's exoskeleton-like skin. It gives a yell in pain, and then says in a way that seems to echo off of every web in the forest as if they were extensions of its mouth,
"You dare enter my forest and hope to kill me? I shall trap you like flies and train you of your blood!" Webbing floating through the air seems to suddenly extend so that one end extends into the canopy above and the other stretches to one of its clawed hands. It then accelerates upward as the silk springs it vertically like it was holding a rubber band.
As it disappears from all of your sights, 3 balls of silk flying like ghosts begin flying toward Seth. Any harm dealt to them should destroy them, but there are two, and thus no one single person can stop both before in collides with Seth and entangles him.
As of now, none of you can see the spider Shepard. You do know it is somewhere overhead, though. The webs flying at Seth require Kick Some Ass with a ranged weapon to stop. A partial success will stop one, and a success will stop two. If any remain after all 3 of you act next, Seth will be stuck to the tree where he sits. Based on how they move, you can safely assume if Seth moves they will follow.