Case 1: Victims at the park

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Jan 2, 2024 5:40 pm
the guidance the books gives us "if it is something you can just buy, buy it. If you can't buy it, you will need to pull in favors or steal it." Seeing as how you work for PESD, I would say Seth would try to use his move where he tries to get something from the agency at the risk of angering the higher ups, as armor is like kevlar which isn't super commercially available as a pistol you want to buy at a gun store, I think

On another point, the book says "1-armor includes heavy leather jackets, motorcycle armor, bulletproof or stab proof vets, and other light but not significant protection", so perhaps that is not as hard to buy as I thought. Either way, you don't have any armor right now
Jan 3, 2024 12:00 am
Marget's eyes look glazed over; she is sweating profusely and is shaky. She seems panicked, almost crazed. She pulls out a knife from her boot and starts slashing at nothing. "GET THEM OFF!! GET THEM OFF ME!" She starts stomping at the ground and using her blade to push things off her clothes. The knife catches on her clothing, ruining her black leather jacket. She turns around, trying to fight something off her that the others can't see. In a fit of panic, she expertly throws her knife at an unknown attacker. After she drops, she falls to the ground, shaking and crying in terror.
Last edited Jan 3, 2024 12:01 am
Jan 3, 2024 3:21 am
As this occurs, a man with a gun and his teenage son are walking through the forest. The man appears to change course to head toward a gunshot he heard (Seth). He motions his son to follow, but the son appears not to notice his silent signal and continues going in the original direction, leading him towards Ajay and Margaret. It is at this time that Margaret seems to act as if there is something that no one else sees and is trying her best to fight off with just a knife. She eventually throws the knife at one of these phantoms, but the knife actually lands in the leg of the son who wandered over. With a loud yell, the father looks around and sees his son is not really there. He stops walking towards Seth and sprints towards his son. Ajay is reeling from the pain of being bitten in Margaret's place, while Margaret comes back to reality and immediately realizes the same source that is giving her the powers she uses also caused her to see what wasn't there and even see what was there as something else. Her powers return, but with a dark weight to them, as if Margaret knows they happily gave them back after she gave into them.
There is time for one action before the father arrives to meet his son and sees the knife. The spider is still nearby. It seems annoyed at the number of people increasing. You aren't sure if it is going to leave and return when the hunting is better or not, or if it is simply going to return to the trees to continue with less visibility.
Henry Clifftop
The father
Jason Clifftop
The teenage son
Jan 3, 2024 2:40 pm
Ajay held his wound while gritting his teeth as he saw that the situation had gone from bad to worse. He could see that the boy had a knife embedded in him, and Margaret was lying disoriented from her power overuse. He couldn't see Seth anywhere, and the monster still lurked in front of them. He took out his magnum and shot at the monster with gritted teeth. Such creature must not escape to hunt again.

OOC: Rolling Kick some Ass. Nice! I am choosing, I receive less harm.
Last edited Jan 3, 2024 2:42 pm


Kick Some Ass - (2d6)

(56) = 11 Success

Giant Spider


Jan 3, 2024 3:10 pm
Giant Spider

Ajay fires at the spider, which falls dead in the ground as the bullet wound causes internal fluids to gush out and its legs twitch for the last time.
2 harm (3 from magnum, minus 1 from its armor) was enough to kill it. Since it is a killing blow, the spider dies before it can retaliate

Henry Clifftop


Jan 3, 2024 3:13 pm
Henry Clifftop

The father runs over to see his son on the ground, holding his leg while sitting against a tree. "What happened?!" He looks over at the man in a lab coat holding a gun and the girl recovering from her hallucinations. With his gun raised and standing between his son and Ajay and Margaret, he yells, "Who are you people? Don't move!"
Seth is out of sight but close enough to approach if he wanted unseen. If he wants to approach unheard he may have to act under pressure.

The spider's corpse is nearby but the father cannot see it from where he is standing. If he walks closer he will see it.
Jan 3, 2024 3:25 pm
Seth spots the situation through his scope and swears under his breath. He hides his rifle in the underbrush and walks towards the man, his hands up and his badge displayed in one hand. The Agency had made sure that his old badge from the FBI hadn't lapsed, so that is what he shows. He says to the man, "Sir, please holster your weapon. We are Federal agents pursuing a suspect in a disappearance. Your son was caught in the crossfire, and for that we apologize immensely. We will be sure he receives the best possible treatment immediately."
I am very glad that roll went better than my last few...
Last edited Jan 3, 2024 3:25 pm


COOL(Act under pressure) - (2d6+2)

(35) + 2 = 10 Success

Jan 3, 2024 3:56 pm
are you trying to manipulate him into calming down? Anytime you try to manipulate another person, that is handled by the Manipulate Someone move which uses charm. If so, you still got an 8
[ +- ] Manipulate Someone
Jan 3, 2024 6:54 pm
Yeah I would say that this does fall under Manipulate Someone I guess. So let's go with the 8 unless you want me to reroll.

Henry Clifftop


Jan 3, 2024 8:19 pm
no need to reroll, we just use the roll you already did and adjust the modifier
Henry Clifftop

The father turns to Seth as he suddenly approaches. "who are you? Who hurt my son? If you want me to believe you, help my son's leg!"
the condition he puts on doing what Seth says is treating his son's leg. He won't comply until that is done. Treating the wound shouldn't be hard, as it is assumed hunters can perform first aid on each other anytime
Jan 4, 2024 5:59 am
OOC: By narrative rule, I have the anatomical knowledge to give medical care. I can definitely assure the man that I will provide medical aid. Also, I can roll preparedness to see if I have medikit or surgical equipment to perform better medical care.
Jan 4, 2024 3:13 pm
What is the team's plan? The father will only calm down if his son gets the promised medical attention. The knife is in the teen's leg. I would narratively consider this an unstable injury, so unless a move says it stabilizes the target then it will heal him but not stop the knife wound from being an opened wound
Jan 4, 2024 4:10 pm
Ooc: What do you want do guys? We will definitely provide healing but I don't know what to roll? Will it be Help someone or act under pressure. I am at -1 ongoing because I got poisoned by the venom. Also, my cool is at -1. So, I am effectively at -2. But, if I act under pressure, I have the move: I have read about this sort of thing which lets me use Sharp instead of cool and sharp is my best attribute. Meg can provide magical healing or something else.
Jan 4, 2024 4:36 pm
I would say that Ajay does the initial healing then, and Meg can provide the additional healing. I can do something else, maybe keep an eye out for the other creature or secure the other corpse. i could also heal Ajay after he is done with the kid.
Last edited Jan 4, 2024 4:36 pm
Jan 4, 2024 4:44 pm
Ajay clutched his wound and slowly trudged towards the father and son while holstering the magnum. He approached with one hand up, "I am a medical professional. I can provide first aid to your son. If necessary, we will do more than that. I just wish you calm down, Sir." He moved closer to the boy and then crouched down to check on his injury. "It's okay; don't worry. You will be fine. Just let me see the wound. We will help you."

OOC: Rolling act under pressure to provide healing but I am using Sharp because of my move. Damn, I didn't want this to fail. I am burning luck to get 12.
Last edited Jan 4, 2024 4:46 pm


I have read this sort of thing - (2d6+1)

(22) + 1 = 5 Miss

Jan 4, 2024 5:25 pm
making sure, is Margaret doing anything I should know about before I resolve this action?
Jan 4, 2024 5:52 pm
If i still heal the boy he will not be stable after. He will only be stable with hospital care?
If so i will heal Ajay.
Jan 4, 2024 8:05 pm
The healing bullet of the use magic option does not say it stabilizes. Healing other hunters is more of a time issue unless supplies were lost as part of a price to pay.
[ +- ] Healing
TLDR: the teen has 2 harm and is unstable. Simple first aid has no roll and will heal 1 harm, leaving him with 1 harm. Healing more than 1 harm requires either a move that says it can heal harm or time in a hospital or infirmary like Ajay's haven. A wound stays unstable unless someone gets long term care or a move say specifically that the wound becomes stable.
Jan 5, 2024 2:22 am
Ok, Seth heals the boy, and I heal Ajay. Then we leave the area, so the boy gets healed. We killed one bug. Know that it has a mother. But we need to come back to the area to deal with the others creeping around.
Last edited Jan 5, 2024 2:24 am
Jan 5, 2024 3:09 am
What is your plan to stabilize the wound? That plan leaves the teen with 1 harm and an unstable wound.
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