Case 1: Victims at the park

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Jan 17, 2024 7:42 am
Ajay gathered all the information he could from his research and came back to his medical room. He woke up Seth and prepared some lunch while giving a call to Meg to meet up with them.

In the lunch table Ajay discussed what he found with others, "So, I have delved deep into this Spider Shepherd thing after Meg intially discovered the connection. It seems they are human abominations having spider features and can give birth to those spiders that we fought. Spiders having multiple characteristics. This thing also has the capability to control webs and silk. So, we are not dealing anything normal anymore and this has entered the supernatural level which needs to be dealt with supernatural means. I have found out how to deal with it but there's a caveat. We need to use venom from these spiders and we also need a flower that grows in the forest where it lives called the fey lilly. I have located the forest and I have the venom but not the flower. On the otherhand using venom will use it up and we won't have any antivenom in our hand. What do you prospose we should do?" he looked at Meg and Seth for answers.

OOC: What do we do with the photographer. I just want to release him once he is well, saying that he fainted in the park and was brought here by the locals. I don't want him to find out that we work for P.E.S.D. Will that need a scene or will GM hand wave it?
Last edited Jan 17, 2024 7:42 am
Jan 17, 2024 1:41 pm
He should be appreciative for the medical aid, but if you want him to forget everything that will be a Manipulate Someone move. Otherwise, he'll see his pictures are gone but be convinced he saw a dog sized animal that normally can't be dog sized. I'll do the scene as you are ready to head out.
Jan 17, 2024 2:09 pm
Was thinking of using telepathy tomake him think he ate some bad berries and it caused him to trip and see things. Rolling charm to see how it goes.


Charm - (2d6-1)

(66) - 1 = 11 Success

Jan 17, 2024 2:41 pm
Margaret messes with the man's dream so that he dreams about eating some odd berries before his dreams show him his accurate memory, making him think what really happened was in his dream
Jan 17, 2024 4:00 pm
Seth groggily walks to the table, listening to Ajay as he sits down heavily in a chair. He thinks for a moment and says, "I think that we should use the venom sacs to make the poison that will kill the creature creating these spiders. Do we have any antivenom left or did we use all of it? How many venom sacs do we have?" He begins to eat, waiting for a response from Ajay, and ponders asking the Agency for help gathering the flower.
Would I be able to use deal with the agency to get a team together and gather the flowers for us in the meantime?
Jan 17, 2024 4:17 pm
Ajay ate with a concerned expression, "Unfortunately, I used up all the antivenoms. One was used by myself and the other was to save the photographer, unfortunately. Now I have one venom sac left. So it's either antivenom or the poison for Spider Shepherd. I can certainly use the venom sac for the poison but then we won't have any antivenom left. We will be going out to fight this creature without any protection."
Jan 17, 2024 4:49 pm
Sure, you can use the deal with your agency move, if you are ok with the chance of conflict later
Jan 17, 2024 5:40 pm
Seth thinks about their options as Ajay lays out the situation, and decides that he will contact the agency after all. "I wonder if the Agency can synthesize us some venom so that we have enough for a decent antivenom and the solution to kill the Spider Shepherd. Ajay, do you have any residue left in the vials of antivenom that you made? They may not need much to synthesize more for us, so that we can keep the venom sac intact for the ritual. Before we get ahead of ourselves I will call the Agency to see if any of this is viable, and if they can gather the flower for us. Hang tight." and with that he walks away to make the call.
[ +- ] When you deal with the Agency...
I am going to use a Luck to make that a 12, 11 with my minus. This is an important roll.
Last edited Jan 17, 2024 5:42 pm


SHARP - (2d6-1)

(33) - 1 = 5 Miss

Jan 17, 2024 8:26 pm
Seth gets on the phone with a contact in the PESD labs. They seem slammed with work, but manages to pull in a favor and get it done by 5pm same day. He was lucky he had that favor. It seems they only need half a vial of the venom to make more, but you'll definitely want to use the real venom for the weakness for the monster.
Jan 17, 2024 11:41 pm
Maggy wakes up a lot later than the others, still yawning and with sleep in her eyes. "Morning. What did you figure out? What is the plan?"
Jan 25, 2024 5:36 am
Ajay was browsing through the emails and different tabs when he heard Meg's voice. "Morning Meg, looks like we are going to fight the Spider Shepherd. I am guessing this is going to be a difficult one as we are going for the source. I followed up on your research and it seems like we need to create a concoction from the venom and a particular flower called Fey Lilly that seems to be present in the forest where this monster has made home. This concoction will be a potent poison against the Spider shepherd and hopefully kill it. So, the plan is to get the Fey Lilly and make the concoction first. Thanks to Seth's help, the agency will provide more antivenom for us as we prepare to venture into the forest. You ready?"
Jan 25, 2024 2:38 pm
"Coffee first and explain more about this concoction. What do we need to do for it?" Megs grabs a cup of coffee from the pot and rubs the sleep from her eyes. "Everyone good? Where did the photo dude go?
Jan 25, 2024 3:13 pm
"I am good to go when you both are. I believe that the patient is still resting. Is that accurate, Ajay?" Seth says from the breakfast table.
Jan 25, 2024 3:20 pm
Ooc: Didn't we planned that we are going to release the patient once he is fully healed? Meg also telepathically altered his memories.
Jan 25, 2024 4:23 pm
Meg sits down rejuvenated with coffee and takes a look at the ritual thing they have to do to make this potion. "This ritual might take a bit. What happens we can't find the flower before meeting Momma? Or is the plan to snatch and run the flower?" She takes a few more drinks of coffee.
Yeah. I figured we might need a refresher quick.
Jan 25, 2024 5:47 pm
You'll find a recap here in Case Information
Jan 25, 2024 5:56 pm
Ajay nodded at Meg, "I believe we will have to make a quick retreat once we get the fey lily because in order to fight the Spider shepherd we have to do the ritual and create the concoction. So, we have to return anyway."
Jan 25, 2024 7:05 pm
"I suggest that we move sooner rather than later in that case. The longer we wait to deal with the shepherd the more people are in danger. With any luck the shepherd is not guarding all of the fey lilies in the forest and we can quickly procure a sample." Seth says.
Jan 25, 2024 7:13 pm
Finishing her cup of coffee she refills her glass. "Well... She yawns and stretches. "Lets get this van a rolling." She grabs her stuff, and the book on the ritual and heads to the Van.
Jan 26, 2024 4:02 am
You drive for about 2 hours north until you arrive at the woods. At some point, the road continues north but not towards the forest. The thought to drive through the forest flashes for a moment, but the trees are too close together and the roots stick out of the ground. The van is not designed for off road travel. You'll have to continue on foot. What do you bring with you?
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