Case 1: Victims at the park

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Giant Spider


Dec 22, 2023 1:12 pm
Giant Spider
In the process of driving the spider back, the bullet manages to hit the thorax. It seems it was 1 harm away from death already, so a bunch of fluid comes out of the bullet hole and the spider falls out of the tree and lays in the grassy ground, stomach up and legs spread out. Seth lies next to it, covered in the white string the spider grabbed him with. Now that the threat is dealt with, it is only a matter of time to free him.
for future reference, protect someone is when you put yourself in a position where you would be harmed instead of the person who is about to be harmed. This can be anything from taunting the monster to target you instead to diving in front of an attack so it has to hit you instead
Dec 22, 2023 2:03 pm
Maggie pulls a good size hunting knife from her boot and starts cutting at the sticky stuff.
"You good?" She ask as the smoke around her dissipates and her eyes slowly change back.
Dec 22, 2023 2:48 pm
Ajay holstered his magnum and walked towards the giant spider with a mesmerising look. "This is impossibly large! I want to dissect and study it. Is it a supernatural creature, or has it somehow been enlarged through the use of magic? So many questions, and such a wonderful specimen."

He then turned to Seth and Margaret and said, "I don't think we should let this slide. I need to take a better look at you, Seth. This creature has poisoned you, and who knows what it has injected? I need to look at the wound and do some analysis. I have a place where we can stay while I check on you. On the other hand, this thing should be transported for further study. I request that you petition for a clearance. I want to study this creature."

OOC: I see. I wanted to force it to release Seth. I didn't know any moves that would let it. So, I thought Protect someone was perhaps the right one, even though it would endanger me.
Dec 22, 2023 4:11 pm
Seth frees himself from the webbing with Maggie's help, and sits up, wincing with pain. "I'm ok, but I will need to deal with whatever poison that thing pumped into me quickly. Let's gather its corpse and get back to the van, I think I have some antivenom in there that I might be able to use."
Dec 22, 2023 4:22 pm
You stay. I will bring the Van closer." She swipes the keys from Seth. A few moments later she is backing the van closer to the dead spider thing
Dec 22, 2023 5:25 pm
You pull up the van and look around. It seems there are plenty of tools to perform surveillance and some backup weapons, but no anti-venom or similar things.
When choosing the good things about the car, medical kit was not chosen. As such, the car doesn't have that by default.

You can still spend about 10 minutes performing first aid. If you do, anyone hurt recovers 1 harm, but any unstable wounds (which I don't think anyone has) remain unstable
Dec 23, 2023 10:56 pm
Helping Seth into the passenger seat. I go back to push the spider thing into the van. "Ajay You drive you know the way. " Megs gets into the back trying to stay away from the spider.
Dec 24, 2023 1:53 am
The spider seems impossible large. You can bring some part of it back, but it's thorax alone won't fit inside of the van, and strapping it to the top would be a bad idea if people realized it was real and not fake. What part of the spider do you want to take? A couple legs? May the head?
Dec 24, 2023 1:58 am
As they try to get the spider into the back of the van, and see that it will not fit, Seth sits up and grimaces a bit before spitting out, "Ajay, you decide the best parts to keep. I would say the head and the spinnerets, but that's just me." And then he lays back down.
Dec 24, 2023 6:29 pm
Ajay looked at the spider's enormous body and thought for sometime. Then he turned to Seth and said, "Let me look at your wounds; let's do some initial cleaning and first aid. It will help me understand how bad it is."

He applied initial first aid as best as he could and then looked at the spider again, wondering what he could do. Finally finding a sharp blade, he went to work on the monster's corpse. He dissected out the mouth appendages, fangs, and pedipalps. Then he followed inside to trace the venom glands, finally located the spinnerets of the spider and dissected them out. He bundled all the organs in the back of the van and came up to the driver's seat. "Let's get to my place. I have picked up all the important things I could possibly take. Now we must take a good look at you in a more appropriate place." He boarded the van and started the engine. His destination was to the infirmary he had.

OOC: I will provide first aid to Seth and then I will dissect out some organs from the spider. Hopefully they will fit on the back side of the van.
Dec 26, 2023 4:00 pm
Ajay is able to perform some immediate first aid on Seth, which allows him to heal 1 harm (which he should have had at least 1 but may have had 2). Once you are able to leave and get back to Ajay's haven, the Ajay will get a chance to roll 2 Investigate a Mystery rolls, one for analyzing the parts you were able to bring (your Lore Library is not relevant as this is more scientific analysis than reading history and lore, but you might be able to roll for that later) and one to see what he can learn about the venom in Seth's body (i'll say you get a +1 to that roll as you have lots of equipment to increase your odds in an infirmary).

For the first roll, you can ask any of the questions from the list for the Investigate a Mystery, but please explain how analyzing the organs and such would help, you think, answer it (such as "What can it do?" specifically related to the venom gland)

For the second roll, a partial success is enough to figure out how to neutralize it, but nothing more. a Success will give you the results of a partial success, plus enough knowledge to create some antivenom you can bring with you (as opposed to having to always come back to the infirmary to remove the venom).

Before all of that, though, I assume you take the remainder of the spider you couldn't fit int the van and put it deep into the forest so civilians won't see it. Do you have something better in mind?
Dec 26, 2023 4:55 pm
Ajay drove the van back to his secret hideout, which was not known to many, but for the sake of P.E.S.D. and the dire situation of his companion, he had to divulge the location. He drove the van in a congested suburb where several apartments were situated in close proximity. It was close to a factory site, and pollution was heavy in the air. The streets were littered with homeless or drifters, and it would raise a lot of questions about where exactly Ajay was taking the van. He drove on without saying much, and when he reached one big apartment, he talked to the security and gave him a roll of cash before nodding and exchanging small talk. The security guard opened a side garage door that was full of dust and scrap car parts. It was almost alarming when Ajay slowly drove the van inside such a mess of a garage, but he parked it without hitting or tumbling any scrap or gear.

He turned to Margaret, "Bring Seth and follow me." He walked downstairs with a set of stairs and fished out a key, with which he opened a collapsible gate leading to sealed sliding doors. After proceeding through the sliding door, they were inside a large basement room full of several medical diagnostic tools, along with some medical beds with attached liquid infusion stands. He tossed the key at a computer table and said, "Welcome to the Infirmary. Don't ask me if it's official or licenced, because I won't say anything. I try to do good work here." He pointed to one of the beds and told Meg, "Get Seth to the bed and strap that monitor. I will take some blood infusion and study the venom. Hopefully we can get some matches in the venom bank, at least a matching homologue of structure. Also, if you don't mind Meg, can you bring me those organs that I got from the monster and store them in that cold storage? And finally, the coffee maker and fridge is there; if you feel hungry or need some caffeine, you know now where to get it."

He started working on Seth by collecting a blood sample and isolating the venom through it's characteristic molecular structure. Next, he matched it with existing venom structures to find out a possible way to neutralize it. He dressed Seth's wound and applied some known antivenom to reduce it's action while matching the new venom that this monster had.

Once the organs were brought out, he studied them finely, dissecting them and observing them under a microscope to better grasp their function and anatomy. Several hours later, he had decoded the venom structure and synthesised an antivenom, which he injected into Seth. He finally sat beside him and exhaled, "How are you feeling, Seth?"

OOC: We will probably burn the corpse of the spider when we leave the site. For my question on the first Investigate roll, I would like to learn "What can it do?"
Last edited Dec 26, 2023 5:28 pm


Investigate a mystery (Identifying monster parts) - (2d6+2)

(25) + 2 = 9 Partial Success

Investigate a mystery (Making an antivenom) - (2d6+3)

(35) + 3 = 11 Success

Dec 26, 2023 5:27 pm
After about an hour or so, you learn how to cure Seth of the venom just before it would have caused him more harm. You learn that every 2 hours or so, anyone still infected would take 1 additional harm, but if it would kill them it instead paralyzes then until the venom is removed. You manage to make 2 vials of antivenom specifically for this venom. You can make 2 more with more venom if you could get some, but with this and testing it, you run out

As for the investigate a mystery for monster parts, what is your question from the list?
Dec 26, 2023 5:33 pm
OOC: Can I ask like what the monster can do as a whole? I mean like it's behaviour and hunting pattern?
Dec 26, 2023 5:55 pm
The book says that you can ask any question, but it has to be relevant to the clues present at the time of the question. You tell me, how would having some of the organs and the head help you to rationalize its behavior and hunting pattern? If you can come up with a solid reason, sure. Otherwise, you can ask what the monster can do, but you'll only get answers related to what you have with you.
Dec 26, 2023 6:03 pm
Ooc: So, I brought the mouth parts, the spinnerets, and the venom gland. I want to find out if it is similar to normal spiders, like normal spider getting enlarged by magic or if it is an entirely different kind of spider that is big in size? Does it bite and chew or does it suck using probosis (like normal spider)? Is the venom strong enough to hunt big prey or like normal-sized one?
Dec 26, 2023 7:20 pm
Ajay learns that the spider seems to be a normal spider, but the genetics are modified. All evidence points to this being a supernaturally large spider with qualities of many different spiders (or perhaps the normal versions of the spiders are offsprings of this one split into what you are used to, you he is unsure).
Dec 27, 2023 12:26 am
Maggie walks around the hide out trying to stay out of everyone's way. She stops and stands in front of a map of the attacks. "Hey. Ummm." She looks at the three spots on the map. "Do we think there are three of these spiders things? Could three areas be their hunting grounds?" Or was it just one spider using all three areas...but that doesn't make sense. Spiders are ambush hunters."
Dec 27, 2023 3:24 pm
Seth sits up gingerly on the bed, trying not to move too quickly so that it doesn't disturb his wounds too much. "Much better, thank you Ajay. I know that it is dicey to reveal this location to us, but I am very appreciative that you did. What did you learn about the creature from your dissections?" Seth gets up off of the bed and walks over to the map. "I agree that it would have to be three different spiders. My question would have to be, where did they come from? Who or what made them?"
Dec 27, 2023 4:45 pm
Ajay filled up a cup with hot coffee and passed it to Seth, while drinking it himself. "Seth, I know that you work for the...umm...authorities, but can you please keep this (he looked around the Infirmary) secret from them. I know it will be against your vows but I don't want this shut down or monitored. I trust you and Meg (he eyed Margaret) and I want you two to be the only ones knowing about this."

He was sitting on a chair with wheels which he manoeuvred using his legs and moved towards the map while answering Meg, "I think you are absolutely correct. I don't believe that it's one creature with a large hunting ground; I think there are multiple of these." He turned to Seth, "From my dissection and investigation I haven't got anything concrete. It's biology has a big enough gene pool to isolate anything specific. I need more samples and more time. But, for now, I have decoded the molecular makeup of the venom and thus I have synthesised an antivenom, which I just gave you. It looks like it has a potent neurotoxic effect, leading to total paralysis in victims within a period of 2 hours. Since we have an antivenom now, we can be well prepared and ready to synthesise more if we need."

He looked up at the desk clock and said, "Well, it's quite late. Let's rest up and move out to the next location tomorrow. If you are hungry, you can cook while I need to work more on our new monster here."
Last edited Dec 27, 2023 4:47 pm
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