Ajay drove the van back to his secret hideout, which was not known to many, but for the sake of P.E.S.D. and the dire situation of his companion, he had to divulge the location. He drove the van in a congested suburb where several apartments were situated in close proximity. It was close to a factory site, and pollution was heavy in the air. The streets were littered with homeless or drifters, and it would raise a lot of questions about where exactly Ajay was taking the van. He drove on without saying much, and when he reached one big apartment, he talked to the security and gave him a roll of cash before nodding and exchanging small talk. The security guard opened a side garage door that was full of dust and scrap car parts. It was almost alarming when Ajay slowly drove the van inside such a mess of a garage, but he parked it without hitting or tumbling any scrap or gear.
He turned to Margaret,
"Bring Seth and follow me." He walked downstairs with a set of stairs and fished out a key, with which he opened a collapsible gate leading to sealed sliding doors. After proceeding through the sliding door, they were inside a large basement room full of several medical diagnostic tools, along with some medical beds with attached liquid infusion stands. He tossed the key at a computer table and said,
"Welcome to the Infirmary. Don't ask me if it's official or licenced, because I won't say anything. I try to do good work here." He pointed to one of the beds and told Meg,
"Get Seth to the bed and strap that monitor. I will take some blood infusion and study the venom. Hopefully we can get some matches in the venom bank, at least a matching homologue of structure. Also, if you don't mind Meg, can you bring me those organs that I got from the monster and store them in that cold storage? And finally, the coffee maker and fridge is there; if you feel hungry or need some caffeine, you know now where to get it."
He started working on Seth by collecting a blood sample and isolating the venom through it's characteristic molecular structure. Next, he matched it with existing venom structures to find out a possible way to neutralize it. He dressed Seth's wound and applied some known antivenom to reduce it's action while matching the new venom that this monster had.
Once the organs were brought out, he studied them finely, dissecting them and observing them under a microscope to better grasp their function and anatomy. Several hours later, he had decoded the venom structure and synthesised an antivenom, which he injected into Seth. He finally sat beside him and exhaled,
"How are you feeling, Seth?"
OOC: We will probably burn the corpse of the spider when we leave the site. For my question on the first Investigate roll, I would like to learn "What can it do?"
Last edited Dec 26, 2023 5:28 pm