Case 1: Victims at the park

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Jan 10, 2024 5:49 pm
Does Seth want to say anything before I continue?
Jan 10, 2024 6:47 pm
"I am a little banged up from falling out of that tree, but I will be fine for now. I agree that it is time to take out that other creature before it can take anyone else. Let's go. This time we will be a bit more strategic. I will stay closer with my rifle and make sure that I have a clear shot once it has descended from the trees." Seth says, hobbling a little bit as they walk towards the other area of the park. He heads back to the underbrush and retrieves his rifle. "Ajay, perhaps Margaret is the best bait since she can look like unassuming but can still take care of herself in a pinch. Perhaps you stay close by and offer support but stay out of sight and I do the same."
Jan 10, 2024 6:59 pm
Seth has armor. Can he give it to me? or is fit only for him?
Jan 10, 2024 9:19 pm
I don't see any reason Margaret can't wear his armor, but of course Seth won't be wearing it if you do that
Jan 10, 2024 10:34 pm
I can let you wear my armor, certainly. It will only be 1 armor for you though, just FYI. I took a perk that lets me get 1 more armor out of it. I took the kind that is concealable.
Jan 10, 2024 11:11 pm
After a few minutes of Seth removing his flak vest and helping Margaret get it on, the group heads over to the trail on the opposite side of the park where Seth saw the movement. For a minute, you find nothing. Eventually, you all spot a camera lying on the ground. It seems damaged but functional. When someone picks it up, the screen shows the most recent picture. The picture shows a hand stretched out, likely the photographer, as if surprised to see a brown blur. the blur seems to be about the size of a large dog, but you can't make out what it is. You are all familiar with what some call the "Supernatural Effect" where technology can't seem to perceive supernatural things, only the naked eye. This is likely a monster, but it's too small to be the kind of spider you fought earlier. Perhaps the big spider had children of its own. The thought might send chills down your spine. Either way, the owner of the camera is nowhere to be found, but the camera seems to have plenty of power so it must have been dropped recently.
Jan 11, 2024 7:16 am
Ajay picked up the camera and went through the previous pictures. "This is bad news; is our photographer taken by the monster? This changes our approach, I guess. We need to be careful and find out exactly where it has taken our victim."

He gave the camera to Seth after checking all the pictures and tried to figure out a possible route the photographer or the monster might have taken.

OOC: Rolling investigate a mystery. Damn, that's a fail but atleast I am getting an xp.
Last edited Jan 11, 2024 7:17 am


Investigate a mystery - (2d6+2)

(31) + 2 = 6 Miss

Jan 11, 2024 11:32 am
Before you take the experience, is anyone willing to attempt a Help Out roll? On a hit, that 6 would be a 7, so Ajay would not get experience but would get to ask 1 question
On a miss, though, when the monster learns something about Ajay, it will learn about that person too
[ +- ] Help Out
Alternatively, someone else can try to roll investigate a mystery, or we can make this a "fail forward" kind of moment where you can still ask 1 question but the situation is worse than it was originally planned to as you took longer to track theme down
Jan 11, 2024 11:56 am
OOC: Let's go fail forward; I want the xp. I am outside, I will post after sometime.
Jan 11, 2024 1:14 pm
While the boys are looking at the camera Megs searches the trees above and the ground around for any other clues.
I am ok with a fail-forward. Would reading A Bad Situation give us anything to work with?
Jan 11, 2024 1:57 pm
None of the read a bad situation questions have answers at this time, so not right now.
You all search for the owner of the camera, but it takes half an hour to find any leads, plenty of time for bad things to happen to the victim. You do eventually find what looks to be small holes in the ground with a pair of scrape marks in the dirt between them. It appears there are multiple of these dog sized monsters, and they dragged the victim away.
Guy with Camera

Following the trail, you find a man in a hoodie most of the way up a tree. There is web over his chest keeping him in place, but not enough to make a cocoon. His face is pale and his breathing seems forced. He needs medical attention fast, which likely means he needs the last antiv
-venom Ajay has or he will die in the next few minutes.

As you see this, you hear sounds in the other trees. When you look up, you see four pairs of eye eyes glowing in the shadows of the branches. Margaret hears through her telepathy, "Mother dead... Man smell like mom... Avenge mom... Kill others..."
Jan 11, 2024 2:50 pm
Ooc: Okay, so I want to bring this man down and use the antivenom. But, what move will it be? Read a bad situation? Protect someone or Act under pressure. Also, can I use I have read about this sort of thing to roll with sharp in this scenario?
Jan 11, 2024 3:17 pm
You can read a bad situation first if you want, as that might get you a bonus to rolls during this scene, but it is not required. Getting the guy down will be an act under pressure roll, as protect someone is for when something bad is about to happen to someone near you, and the bad thing already happened to the guy (the result of the 6 just a moment ago).

Go ahead and act under pressure (your move let's you use Sharp instead of cool as long as act under pressure is called out which it is).

Optionally, you can read a bad situation first. I assume you will ask "What is the best way to protect the victim?". If no, or you get a 10+ and get to ask a second question, please specify the question if you do roll that. If you roll a miss and don't use luck, roll your act under pressure with a -1 on top of your normal bonus as you misread the situation
Jan 11, 2024 3:20 pm
"Good eye. Let's get them down from there fast. Ajay, do you want to get up there or would you like me to do it?" Seth asked, buttoning his shirt back up now that he is without armor.
Jan 11, 2024 3:23 pm
Ajay cursed under his breath. This was bad, he needed to do something or else the man was as good as dead. He looked around trying to assess the situation in order to plan his move.

OOC: Let's go with read a bad situation. Nice so my 3 questions will be, What's the best way to protect the victim? What's the biggest threat? Are there any dangers we haven't noticed?
Last edited Jan 11, 2024 3:33 pm


Read a bad situation - (2d6+2)

(62) + 2 = 10 Success

Jan 11, 2024 3:43 pm
Best way to protect the victim is to use something sharp to cut the web and either carry him down or be ready to catch him and immediately give him anti-venom

The 4 spiders seem to be an equal threat. They seem to work in unison as a group, effectively making them like one monster.

You are confident that the threats you see are the only dangers. The biggest danger is that while the spiders are weaker they are dangerous while there are so many.
Jan 11, 2024 3:53 pm
Ajay took a mental note of everything and then turned to others, "Seth, I can see four spider monsters and thought they are smaller than the big one, I think they are nimble enough to form a swarm and overwhelm us. Meg and you cover me; I will go up, tie him and lower him down."

OOC: Okay now I am using act under pressure. Will my directions help Seth and Meg?


I have read this sort of thing - (2d6+3)

(23) + 3 = 8 Partial Success

Jan 11, 2024 4:05 pm
The move doesn't say anything about sharing the information and giving the bonus to others. I think the intention is that you understand the information, but the others just know it. To you the information provides a bonus, but to others it is just a good to know
[ +- ] Read A Bad Situation
A partial success means there is some kind of price to pay. I am thinking either the item you use to cut the web is stuck in the web and lost until the scene is over and you can get it back or you both fall as you slip and you take 1 harm ignore armor from the fall and the victim landing on you. Which will you go withm
Jan 11, 2024 4:14 pm
OOC: Ah, I see. Let's say, the rope get's tangled in the web and as Ajay tries to bring him down it tears up in the last moment. Maybe the rope is lost?
Jan 11, 2024 4:14 pm
First day I have been at work since Last Friday. Give me a little bit.
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