You search the tree and find all 5 of the missing victims, though 4 of them seem to be drained of blood and no heartbeat. The one that seems alive appears to be mentally scarred by the events and will need psychiatric attention on top of medical attention before they are up to talking. It isn't too hard to get them to come with you, though.
After a few hours, you manage to get back to Ajay's infirmary
and get Seth free of venom and the victim stabilized enough to give to PESD for the rest of the treatment they need.
I am going to assume Seth's report mentions everything except the parts involving Seth's haven (as that is a secret). If you want anything else left out please tell me or else I assume it is all there.
Also, every hunter gains 2 EXP, so I assume all 3 of you gain an improvement. Go ahead and use the OOC chat thread to discuss what you want to take or just declare what you want. Taking a move from another playbook is very useful, just make sure it is a move and not an ability the playbook automatically gets. For example, the chosen's Invincible move is fair game, but not their I'm Here for a Reason move, as that is a move core to the chosen's identity. When in doubt, choose the option to get a +1 to a rating given as an option.
Remember! You cannot choose an advanced improvement yet. Those are only available as your 5th level up and beyond, and this is only your first.