Case 1: Victims at the park

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Jan 12, 2024 3:19 pm
Seth takes a careful shot and the bullet goes so cleanly through the spider it almost doesn't seem to be affected, but then its legs spread out and the guts begin to spill out as if it were a liquid in a cup and the cup suddenly had 2 big holes in it
Jan 12, 2024 3:42 pm
Meg wipes the bug's guts off of herself and uneasily stands. She takes off the armor and gives it back to Seth. "This turned bad fast. We need to get out of here. Ajay, do you think the little ones carry venom glans?"
Is the photodude awake to move or unconscious?
Jan 12, 2024 3:46 pm
"It definitely did. I agree that we need to beat feet here and quickly."Seth takes the armor and puts it back on, then walks over to Ajay and hefts the man on his shoulders, careful not to jostle him too much. "Margaret, help Ajay get to the van, he is not looking good. Let's get back to the infirmary as soon as possible. We could all use some patching up."
Last edited Jan 12, 2024 3:55 pm
Jan 12, 2024 4:20 pm
The man seems to be unconscious, but color is very slowly returning to his face as the anti venom does it's job
Jan 12, 2024 5:06 pm
Ajay grunted as he stood up and slumped over Meg's shoulder in order to support his body. He sure had some bad bruises because he could feel pain all over his body. Worse there can be some bone cracks too. He fell from the tree after all. "I think the small ones can have venom glands but they are mostly non functional. Seth, get the man too. He would need some medical care. I think we cleared this nest at least. Let's get back to the van and rest up in the Infirmary. I am pretty sure, we need a day off from the mission. We are too injured to come out the next day."

OOC: Can I investigate a mystery just to know more about this creature or will it not be possible now? I just want to know "What can hurt them?" question.
Last edited Jan 12, 2024 5:07 pm
Jan 12, 2024 6:05 pm
You know monsters typically require a weakness to die permanently and these have been dying to regular weapons. as such, they don't seem to have any weakness. You can roll when you get back to your haven to see what comes up in your files and on the internet and maybe any books you have
Jan 12, 2024 6:10 pm
Ooc: Ok, lets get back to the Infirmary and rest up.
Last edited Jan 12, 2024 6:10 pm
Jan 12, 2024 9:30 pm
Making sure, anyone else want to do something before you leave?
Oh, and go ahead and assume you perform first aid, so all 3 of you heal 1 harm but any unstable wounds stay unstable
Jan 12, 2024 11:01 pm
We just going to leave the photodude here? Delete the few strange images on his camera. I don't think I was unstable. I only had 3 Harm. We need to fail some more rolls to level up...
Jan 13, 2024 1:54 am
I have the guy on my shoulders so we are good there. We are taking him back with us, but one of us should grab the camera.
Jan 13, 2024 2:22 am
Don't worry about leveling up too much. Once everyone has leveled up 7ish times, that means the campaign should start focusing on getting to the climax of the campaign and ending soon. There's technically no max level that I can tell, except for eventually checking every single box, but once you start getting a few advanced level ups the game starts becoming more heroic and less horror.
You pick up the man and make sure to grab his camera, deleting any photo that looks to have the blurry monster in it. You get back to Ajay's haven fine.
What are you doing with the man? and what are your characters doing in the haven?
Jan 13, 2024 2:03 pm
Ajay returned to the Infirmary and started to work with everyone. His own body was aching badly, and an X-Ray showed a minor crack in one of the ribs. Bad news for him, but staple thing for this job. He started to extract and formulate the next batch of anti-venoms while taking the photographer to bed and attaching a type IV fluid with nutrient solutions and normal saline. He added a sedative to it, to give the guy a very good sleep and then pondered over a psychotropic mixture which he also administered. Once the vitals were stable, he let the the man sleep.

Coming back to his friends, he bandaged and gave a pain suppressant to Seth along with a mild sedative. "Seth, I know you won't like it, but I am giving you a mild sedative. Your body needs to relax and a good sleep won't hurt. We earned a rest. You would wake up fine after six hours."

Finally, he checked on Meg and provided the necessary medical care to her. "I have a minor cracked rib. Perhaps, climbing up the tree was not a good idea after all. It hurts so much. I guess, some magical healing will be good (he teased her jokingly). But anyway, I am too tired to think about anything. I can't sit up straight for more than ten minutes. I would like to rest and take a nap. Watch the Infirmary okay; if you feel bored watch something on the computer or if you are hungry order something. Wake me up when Seth or the photographer wakes up." He took some more tablets and swallowed it with water before lying down on the couch.

OOC: So, staying in the Infirmary will heal all the wounds or will it require a roll? I mentioned magical healing to Meg because I think narratively a cracked rib will take 3 weeks to heal but with magical healing I am guessing it will heal quickly. I don't want Meg to roll, it is just how I will be healed quickly if Infirmary does heal all wounds. As for the photographer, I gave some psychotropic drugs and sedated him so that we will convince that he blacked out in the street and some good samaritan brought him to me and I have provided care before letting him go. He will probably forget his traumatic encounter with the spider swarm. Also Seth, I don't want to force the sedative on you if you don't want to take a nap. Tell me and we will change it if necessary.
Jan 13, 2024 3:50 pm
So it doesn't state it but I think sleeping a whole night in the infirmary will make wounds stable. On top of that everyone will heal 1 more harm, but if they still have harm left you will have to use magic or take a day off per harm you want healed but there will be more victims for each day you don't act

As for the other guy, he will be good in 24 hours, and if he gets some rest at home he will be fine in the long run.
Jan 13, 2024 4:12 pm
I am fine with taking a nap for a bit, no worries. I can heal my harm and then i will be good as new. It is the two of you that I am worried about. I wonder if we change our strategy for this next run. If we are going after the main monster we may want to make sure we are either healed or buffed a bit before we head in.
Jan 13, 2024 4:51 pm
Could I just use healing magic x number of times until everyone is fully healed? Otherwise, while the others are resting, can I investigate a Mystery to see what other lore I can find on the Shepherd of Spiders?
Jan 13, 2024 5:55 pm
as far as I can tell you can use magic to heal as much as you want, but the question is what happens on each miss or partial success? I would say each miss means you take 1 harm (ignore armor) and you don't heal them. On a partial success, the only options that make sense right now as a glitch is you taking 1 harm (ignore armor) or a problematic side effect, but not sure what side effect makes sense.

You can investigate a mystery or such if you want, but eventually you go to sleep too as the next scene happens the following day
Jan 13, 2024 6:17 pm
OOC: Unbeknownst to both Seth and Margaret, Ajay has lore library. We can rp there, where I take both Seth and Margaret and show them my second haven. I would say that it's a book shop run by a very old couple who mostly collects books and maintains a library where people can come and read. Ajay helped Mr. and Ms. Moore during a medical emergency and they have become almost like a family to him. They are aware of the supernatural and stay clear from them however their collection of tomes and text is top notch. Researching there will give us +1 forward. So, we can take a day of and get fully healed while we are doing the research on how to hunt this final source.
Jan 13, 2024 6:23 pm
[ooc]What is everyone out right now for Harm? I am at 3 harm right now (before we came to Haven) /ooc]


Sharp (Investigate A Mystery) - (2d6+0)

(62) = 8 Partial Success

Jan 13, 2024 7:31 pm
What 1 question is Margaret hoping to have answered and what is she doing to get the answer?

As for tht haven, I am not sure if the idea is you have 3 separate havens or 1 with 3 facilities. I think I am fine with either
Jan 13, 2024 7:59 pm
Mags heads into the bookstore next door. She searches for any books of lore on the Spider-Shepard. I am looking for a way to fully kill it.
What can hurt it?

You said before
You know monsters typically require a weakness to die permanently and these have been dying to regular weapons. as such, they don't seem to have any weakness. You can roll when you get back to your haven to see what comes up in your files and on the internet and maybe any books you have
Last edited Jan 13, 2024 8:16 pm
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