Jan 31, 2024 2:18 pm
Branches fall on the spiders, causing them to pause just long enough for Ajay and Seth to line up shots. The two of them manager to kill their spiders before they bite anyone (so no harm inflicted back). The last spider, the one that had bitten Seth, sees the situation and looks to be retreating to a tree. There is only a moment before it is out of view. You get a bad feeling it isn't just setting up to attack from the tree top, but to retreat to its mother, who will either appear soon or perhaps tell its mother that you are here.
Based on the current situation, with Ajay and Seth recoiling from their shots, Margaret is the only one who notices in time to have a chance before it is gone. If she can inflict 2 harm with her next action, she will kill it before it retreats.
Based on the current situation, with Ajay and Seth recoiling from their shots, Margaret is the only one who notices in time to have a chance before it is gone. If she can inflict 2 harm with her next action, she will kill it before it retreats.
A simple Kick Some Ass or a Use Magic with Hex should do the trick, and only a partial success is necessary. Only Margaret has the window of opportunity to do this.