Case 1: Victims at the park

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Dec 15, 2023 12:48 am
Go ahead and roll Investigate the Mystery for Markart. By default, if you don't have a move that modifiers it, roll 2d6 and add your sharp rating. See the hunter reference sheet for the results. You can ask a different question, but it sounds like the question is the one about what monster is it. Keep in mind all answers are limited to the scenario, so you won't get anything more than a quick Google search would give you
Dec 15, 2023 12:57 am
If anything comes up on what the Monster could be that is great. I was more looking for possible folklore on anything that would fit.


Sharp - (2d6+0)

(21) = 3

Dec 15, 2023 2:11 am
Nothing really comes up. People aren't really talking about it for some reason, and google keeps taking you to monsters that don't really match what you are looking for.
mark 1 experience for the failure, and the monster will somehow learn something about your investigation, so don't be surprised when somehow it seems to know you are after it

It couldn't have learned about you over the Internet so I am going to hold on to this an trigger it at a more appropriate time
Dec 15, 2023 6:42 am
Ajay smiled at the jest he made with Maggie every time they met. "As you wish Maggie, as you wish. My life has been the same. I can't go out that much due to work load but atleast I am not held in isolation, in a soundproof room, tied up in restraints. It feels good to work again. Now, it feels great to have PESD backing me." He continued to riffle through the reports occasionally writing and typing something in his phone.

After the reports were read, he looked up at the others, "I think, we won't get much from here. I need to collect some of these web samples myself and checking the crime scene will give more insight. It would be better if we visit the site and do our own investigation. What do you think?"
Last edited December 15, 2023 6:53 am
Dec 15, 2023 6:10 pm
Seth ignores Ms. LeFay's pointed question and grins enigmatically at them both. "Hello Ms. LeFay. Thank you for joining us." He turns to Ajay and begins to reach for his phone. " I will need to check with forensics to see if there is an open scene for us to visit. They might have samples of the substance for us to test as well, though it would be better to see the scene and get a sense of things. Let me make a call." Seth then gets up and puts his phone to his ear, having hit the number for the forensics supervisor before rising.
Dec 15, 2023 6:30 pm
You learn from the forensics team that they do not currently have anyone in the field about this case but you. They got their sample from local police who thought to take it as evidence, and their experimentation used up what they were given.
Dec 16, 2023 12:50 am
She groans at being called Ms again... She stacks up the papers and pushes them in front of Ajay.
Maggy leans in the chair towards the kitchen and calls out "ZOE!!! MAKE MY ORDER TO GO." She stretches in her chair than her face has a sly grin she yells again "AND PUT IT ON SETHS TAB!!"

"Soo... Who's car we taking and who is driving? Dibs on Shotgun!" Maggy waits for the others to get ready to leave.
Dec 16, 2023 1:18 am
Zoe comes up with the order, hears you say to make it to go, and quickly converts it to a to-go order. "Be nice to your coworkers now," she says in a southern way. She is clearly a nice lady, but also smarter than she acts. "I want to see you here again, so keep safe by sticking together."
Dec 16, 2023 3:41 am
"So it looks like we are going to have to make a go of it on our own. None of the crime scenes are being attended right now, so we get to take our pick." Seth says, ignoring Maggie's outburst as he delivers his news. Delivery done, he turns to her and says, "We are taking the Agency's van, as per usual. If you are ready then let's go now. Which should we visit first?" He says as he turns his phone around to show them the three sites marked on his maps app.
Last edited December 16, 2023 3:41 am
Dec 16, 2023 5:43 am
Ajay nods, saying, "Let's visit the farthest site first. We can go to the closer ones after we complete investigating the first one." He stands up and takes his belongings back to his shoulder bag, ready to move out with others.

OOC: Is the farthest site located in a very remote location? Like, away from any locality?
Last edited December 16, 2023 5:43 am
Dec 16, 2023 1:04 pm
Narratively, their locations don't matter too much. Not tracking time like "it it 10:05am, location 1 is 45 min away, 2 is 47min, etc". If it ever matters, it is early afternoon. As far as landmarks, none stand out more than the others at this time

The main factor separating the locations is when the report for the person going missing came in. One happened 5 days ago, the other 3 days, and the other 2 days.
Dec 16, 2023 4:13 pm
Grabbing her food she gives Zoe a quick hug. "No Promises" She rolls her eyes. "These two are so much fun to work with...
She takes a drink of her shake and grabs a handful of napkins from the nearby dispenser. "Far Site first sounds great. She holds the door open for the other"Come on Slow pokes. We don't got all day." then heads to the car.
Last edited December 16, 2023 4:14 pm
Dec 17, 2023 2:23 pm
You all get in the van Seth brought over. It's pretty obviously a van used for surveillance of some kind, but it is equipped with surveillance equipment and has some hidden backup weapons if they are needed later. You drive over to the location where there was just one missing person, as this was the location farthest from the city.

As you arrive, you find a parking lot and get out of the car. There are 2 other cars here, both minivans. Seth has the location of where the person was last seen and where the substance was found. The substance was found about a quarter of a mile north of where the missing person was last seen. What do you do now?
Dec 17, 2023 4:20 pm
When the van arrived at the location, Ajay came out and surveyed the area. He noticed the 2 other minivans and looked at their number plates. He brought out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it with his polished metal flip lighter. Waiting for others, he took a long drag and released the smoke. As the others got out, he said, "So, this is the location? Let's get to work." He took out his backpack and started walking through the area to their designated crime scene, making information searches on his phone along the way. He was trying to find out the general topography, tagging the location coordinates and looking for whatever was close to the area.

OOC: Does the minivan look like a public van or police van? I am surveying the location to get information about how this place can be utilised by a monster. Do I roll Investigate or not. I believe we haven't reached the crime site yet. Once we reach there I will be rolling for investigate anyway but that will be for the monster/crime there. I just want to know more about this area.
Dec 17, 2023 6:16 pm
The minivans look to be civilian. You would wager there are 2 families doing some kind of outdoor activities here. In your search you see there is a hiking trail nearby, two picnic areas, and plenty of forest with tall trees. You don't see any caves or such on the map, but it might just not be easy to see by satellite mapping at this time.
you only roll if you're would be asking one of the questions from either the investigate a mystery or read a bad situation move as far as learning something. Simple clarifications or things you could easily learn with a Google search or looking at a gps don't need a roll unless somehow the monster is involved more directly like "where did it go?"
Dec 17, 2023 9:53 pm
She plops down in the front seat of the van "Dang man. Did you steal this or was it issued?" She looks at all the surveillance stuff "Does it have a booster or Ejector seat?" Anything I shouldn't touch?

Once on the road she inserts her ear buds, puts up her hood, and sticks her feet up on the dash. She loudly drinks her Milkshake and messily eats her chili cheese fries. She somehow manages to not get her clothes cover in cheese sauce but the van not so much. Finishing her milk shake she lowers the window and tosses it out.

Once they arrive at the park she gets out and stretches. "Ok gents. What is the plan?" She ask leaning against the van.
Last edited December 17, 2023 9:54 pm
Dec 18, 2023 2:23 am
Seth drives in stoic silence, though Maggie might have noticed his occasional grimace when she got cheese sauce on the upholstery. As he puts the van in park and gets out, he looks around, surveying the area for threats and also notices the two vans. He makes a note of their tags and looks them up on the computer that he has in the van, trying to figure out if it is just a couple of families or if the owners of those vans has a record.
Let me know if you want to have me roll for that. He is in threat assessment mode so read a bad situation might fit.
He notices that Ajay is already at work investigating, and turns to Maggie. "The plan is to examine the scene, as well as any possible points of egress from the scene, and report back. We are also hoping to find more of that web substance." And with that he checks his holster, gets out the case with his sniper rifle disassembled in it, and walks towards the trailhead.
Dec 18, 2023 2:47 am
"And which way is the scene? Should I try keep my senses open for anything strange or useful?" Meg's starts skipping to the picnic area. While the others grab their stuff.
Dec 18, 2023 4:11 am
The license plates come up to two regular families, a family of 5 with 2 boys and a girl and a family of 6, 3 girls and a baby boy. No criminal record
Dec 18, 2023 5:53 am
Ajay looked at others when they came out. He noticed Seth watching the minivans and said, "Anything you found out about them? Looks like civilians. It would be bad if more came in contact with this kidnapping monster." He turned to Maggie, "It would be great help. Keep your senses up Meg, and tell us if you notice something odd. Let's proceed to the crime scene and start studying and collecting samples."
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