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Jan 2, 2024 12:43 pm
Reminder to all players that luck is available if you hate your roll. Luck is finite and lasts your whole character's life, though.
[ +- ] The Luck Counter
Jan 3, 2024 4:05 am
Sorry for causing chaos...
Jan 3, 2024 5:39 am
Okay, so I would like to know that how OP is Preparedness. Can I like try to get a gear in the middle of combat with preparedness? Or is there any restriction? Like for example, can I say that I have grenade now if I get a success on Preparedness? I took this move hoping that it will let me have important stuff when I need them.

Also, do I have time to fire again?
Jan 3, 2024 12:29 pm
[ +- ] Preparedness
The move states "when you need something unusual or rare", so I read that to mean something you couldn't just buy but still within reason (so you don't happen to have a tank for example). I read this to means if you discover you are fighting a werewolf and realize it is one, you could say "I happen to have a silver dagger!" Or I might say you need a rare component for a big magic, and you say "I happen have that rare herb in my haven!" But something like a spare gun or something mundane like that doesn't scream "unusual or rare". As far as OP, it can be in circumstances like above where otherwise you would either not have something you need or need to now figure out how to get something.

You can fire again if you want. After the next action, the dad will arrive at his injured kid, so you can fire or do something about the kid, no time for both

As for the chaos, this is part of the spooky. Some playbooks are powerful but narratively cause issues, and that is part of the fun of the game is adapting to what problems they cause. In other words, some playbooks are good at creating drama, and as long as it isn't causing problems out of game, drama is good for raising the stakes which makes a story more interesting
Jan 3, 2024 12:57 pm
On another note, if you want to know potentially the most OP playbook move in the game, it would be Smite from the Divine playlist. You know how I said the main monster has a weakness, and without it the monster won't truly die? Well as long as a divine with smite is around, no need to worry about that ever
[ +- ] Divine Playbook move Smite
Jan 3, 2024 1:25 pm
Wait, the child is injured? This changes everything. If I want to help the kid, like heal him, do I have to use the protect someone roll? Also, can I roll preparedness to see whether I have a flashbang or something? The smoke grenade would have been best, though, since we have already established that I don't have anything using smoke.
Last edited Jan 3, 2024 1:29 pm
Jan 3, 2024 1:54 pm
I think I can allow a flash or smoke grenade. The person injured is a teenager, probably about 15. The knife thrown went into his leg. If he gets medical attention, he should be fine. Use magic can be used to heal, and his would isn't unstable because it would have been at most 2 harm, but there is bleeding

If you focus on the injured teen the spider will scurry away. You don't know if that means retreat or reposition. It has taken 5 harm and your last fight revealed it takes 7ish harm to kill it and it has 1 armor
Jan 4, 2024 12:52 pm
So I want to talk about something briefly. Play by post makes this a little harder, as one player might come up with a good idea but by the time they see the chat their idea was too late as another move is being resolved. What do you guys think is appropriate if someone is already resolving their move to push the story forward but then other players think of things to do that would specifically cause the in progress move to not be necessary anymore?

In this circumstance, Seth managed to calm the father down but only if he shows he is serious about the medical care Seth mentioned. Seth was about to act on his promise and already rolled an act under pressure to see what he could do for the teen, and then other suggestions come that, if resolved, means the act under pressure for Seth would become null and void. Should we stick with Seth's act under pressure because it has already been rolled, or is ok for other characters to do something that would mean we retcon the situation so the act under pressure never happened?
Jan 4, 2024 2:17 pm
Personally, I think that I am ok with retconning things if a better idea comes up. I can delete or edit my post to assist Margaret if necessary, or use my roll to heal Ajay instead. Perhaps we also get into the habit of doing check ins before a situation like this comes up, like asking OOC what everyone would like to do and make sure we all have buy in before we resolve things. I don't know we will have to play around with it a bit I think.
Jan 4, 2024 2:23 pm
Could Seth pull out the knife and do quick triage, then fully heal it with magic?

I agree with Zatat. If a better idea comes up, we can move stuff around to figure it out and make it work.
We will have to mess around with it.
Jan 4, 2024 2:48 pm
I think calming the father by Seth's move is an important turning point. We should not probably retcon that.
Jan 4, 2024 3:10 pm
Here's what I'll do. I will delete all of the posts that happened after the father demanded medical attention for his son post Seth's manipulate someone and then let you guys decide collectively what should happen next. As such, Seth will not have acted under pressure and Margaret will not have used any magic yet. If either of those actions end up being part of the final plan, Seth got an 8 and Margaret got an 11
Jan 8, 2024 1:42 pm
So I was under the impression that Ajay had killed this spider with his last shot. Was that not the case?
Jan 8, 2024 1:45 pm
There was two spiders.
Jan 8, 2024 2:26 pm
Ajay did kill the spider. However, Seth noticed what looked to be another hostile on the opposite side of the park
Jan 8, 2024 3:40 pm
Ah ok. Good that is what I thought was the case. From the way we were talking it sounded like there were two in the one spot and then another.
Jan 8, 2024 6:01 pm
it did seem like the spot you are not currently at had multiple smaller movement in the tree, and not the kind of movement a kid climbing it would make.
Jan 13, 2024 8:06 pm
I am trying to figure out some stuff.
Is there anyway we can make all sheets public?
I just want to see what you two have for moves.

I am trying to see what moves from other playbooks might be useful to our group if we level.
Jan 13, 2024 8:15 pm
For healing.
I am at 3harm. I have not changed it since the fight.
Ironmonger42 says:
Making sure, anyone else want to do something before you leave?
Oh, and go ahead and assume you perform first aid, so all 3 of you heal 1 harm but any unstable wounds stay unstable
This would leave me at 2 Harm.

Ajay does a bunch of healing. How much was it?

How much harm does Seth and Ajay have?
I am trying to figure out if it is worth me using Magic to heal them.
Jan 13, 2024 10:04 pm
is it possible to make character sheets public to other players? if so, i haven't heard how. Please send me anything you find on the subject.

As a reminder, you all got 1 healing from first aid after the last fight, and you will get 1 healing after a full nights sleep in the infirmary. I think the infirmary said it can only help 2 people at a time, though. I don't know if, by rules, you are supposed to get anymore healing after the first aid, but i'm allowing it for now and allowing the healing to come with stabilizing wounds. Unlike other moves that some playbooks have, stabilizing a wound at the haven is going to take a full night's rest. It's not mentioned in the text, but i'm allowing it to do that.
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