Sep 19, 2024 4:42 am
"Not 'collect' so much as 'leave things they cannot eat where they fall, I would think. But checking that nest would be gambling a lot that someone else had come through here recently enough for their stuff to not decay." Gabbro happily retreats with the others and shuts the doors behind the party, continuing his train of thought with Fenwick. "There's a lot of moisture down here. If nothing else, it's from all the people and monsters breathing...enough of that, and even the toughest metals will start to rust, if they're not oiled regularly." As the party considers which way to go next, a thought occurs to Gabbro belatedly. "Come to think of it, what have those centipedes been eating? Either there's a bunch of rats and bugs in here, or maybe they did kill somebody recently." He puts his hands up, forestalling objections. "Relax, relax...I'm not saying we should go back in there to make sure! It just makes me wonder, that's all."