Chapter 2A: Ironsides

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Jan 10, 2024 4:28 pm
Then Hank closes out the purchase of his crate of platinum and waits for the Ironsides reps to show up. He does make sure with the salesman that the 30 minutes delay is enough time to get things ready. When the couriers get here, we'll go with them to make the delivery to the shuttle. It is kinda inconvenient, but I still feel it is important to keep the group together during our visit here.

Once back at the shuttle with what we need, we can decide if we want to explore some or if we just want to cut and run.
Jan 10, 2024 10:44 pm
While waiting for the Ironsides worker, Gabe approached the shopkeeper they had dealt with earlier, a wiry individual with spectacles perched on the edge of his nose.

"Excuse me," Gabe inquired, "do you happen to have navigation software? We are looking for a full reinstall of our shuttle's systems."

The shopkeeper furrowed his brow. "Navigation software, you say? Unfortunately, that's not something we specialize in here. However, you're in luck. Spritely Sprockets is just a short walk away. They should have what you need."

As he didn't want to separate himself from the crew, Gabe waited in the Emporium.
True to their word, 30 minutes later, a sturdy grav-sled arrived promptly, manned by an Ironsides worker and a metallic humanoid droid with a sleek, industrial design. The workers and the droid greeted the crew with nods of acknowledgment.

"We'll take care of the loading. Just guide us to the crates," the Ironsides worker said.

Gabe led the way through the crowded aisles of the Emporium, navigating towards the dusty corner where the platinum crates were waiting. The Ironsides worker and the metallic droid efficiently loaded the crates onto the grav-sled, securing them with precision.

As the Ironsides worker and the metallic droid completed the loading of the platinum crates, the worker initiated a conversation with Gabe.

"You off-worlders always bring fascinating tech to Draco I. What brings your crew to our unforgiving rock?" - the worker, Sylas Marr, remarked.

Gabe smiled, appreciating the worker's curiosity. "We're here for repairs and resupply. Draco I has its challenges, but it's not every day we get to experience a planet with such distinct characteristics."

The worker nodded. "Aye, it's a tough place, but it's home. By the way, I couldn't help but notice the size of your ship. You folks got any spare capacity for passengers or freight? Ironsides occasionally has needs beyond cargo hauling, and your ship might be just what we're looking for."

Gabe exchanged a glance with Hank and Jil. "What kind of passengers or freight are we talking about?"

The worker leaned in slightly, lowering his voice. "Well, nothing too illegal or dangerous, mind you. Just some discreet shipments that might need a ride off Draco I. Pays well, and Ironsides would owe you a favor. You scratch our back, we scratch yours, as they say."

Gabe thought for a moment, weighing the potential risks and rewards.
What do you do?
Jan 11, 2024 9:01 am
Overhearing the conversation Jil gives Gabe a glance and raises her palms in a gesture showing "You're the boss, i'm fine with whatever".

Deferring to command is her nature but she finds it odd that a group of strangers are making not-quite-legal suggestions within minutes of meeting. Whatever they need might be more urgent than they're letting on.
Jan 11, 2024 3:16 pm
I am assuming this is an open conversation that is conducted low so that no one outside us can hear.
Hank speaks up and says to Gabe, "Not to interrupt, sir, but we aren't really in much shape to carry anything very far until we make our repairs." He hopes this gives Gabe enough wiggle room to avoid saying "yes" or "no", but more of "results cloudy; check back later".

Plus Hank isn't eager to find out what type of mine you get sent to for smuggling contraband or people. (He assumes there are three different mine types: one for each, and a special third one for doing both.)

Gabriel "Gabe" Reyes


Jan 12, 2024 12:15 am
Gabe exchanged a glance with Hank and Jil. "What kind of passengers or freight are we talking about?"

The worker leaned in slightly, lowering his voice. "Well, nothing too illegal or dangerous, mind you. Just some discreet shipments that might need a ride off Draco I. Pays well, and Ironsides would owe you a favor. You scratch our back, we scratch yours, as they say."
Considering the crew’s reaction, Gabe was also reticent. "Well, I’m sorry, Mr… "

"Marr. Sylas Marr."

"As Hank said, Mr. Marr, we need to repair our ship first, so we can’t accept that right now. I’m sorry. And we need to know what cargo we're talking about."

"Oh, it’s just a ton of advanced Synth central processing cores, they are already here in the station. Nothing illegal, but the local regulations make it challenging to move that amount, fast, without attracting unwanted attention."

Gabe raised an eyebrow, "Synth processing cores? Why the secrecy?"

The worker sighed, "The government has strict control over certain imports and exports, especially advanced technology. These cores are needed elsewhere, now, and we believe your starship provides the discreet means to get them off Draco I. You already have the papers to allow you to buy them. So we would sell you at an ‘incredible discount’ here, and buy from you with a large markup in Draco III. Consider our good graces as well. It’s worth more than that money."

"I… We need to think about it. Let me contact you if we are able to do that, ok?"

Mr. Sylas Marr nodded understandingly, "Take your time. We'll be waiting. Just remember, Ironsides' favor can be quite valuable in these parts."

After putting the platinum in the shuttle’s cargo holds, the Ironsides worker and the metallic droid departed. As Marr left, the crew of the Celestial Voyager faced a complex decision that went beyond simple trade or smuggling. The weight of their choices lingered in the air as they continued their preparations for departure.

Either way, together, they took a brief stroll through the corridors of the orbital station, reaching Spritely Sprockets in no time.

Upon entering the tech-focused store, they were greeted by the hum of various gadgets and the sight of shelves brimming with technological wonders. A shop attendant approached, eager to assist.

"Welcome to Spritely Sprockets! How can we enhance your technological endeavors today?" the attendant cheerfully asked.

Gabe explained their need for navigation software to reset their shuttle's systems. The attendant nodded knowingly, leading them to a section dedicated to navigation and control software.

"Here we have some cutting-edge navigation programs. Whether you need a full system reset or specific adjustments, we've got you covered," the attendant said, presenting a range of software options.
What do you do?
Gabriel "Gabe" Reyes
Jan 12, 2024 11:34 am
If Jil recognizes any reliable navigation systems she will point them out. Generally being as useful as she can be.


Notice roll (if needed) - (1d20+3)

(16) + 3 = 19

Jan 12, 2024 2:25 pm
This is a situation where the others are much more competent the he, so he takes their lead.

He does look at the prices, though to see if any are more expensive or less expensive, and what "expensive" even means for these types of programs.

Also, if he is aware of any of the software vendors' reputations, he will keep that in mind, too.

Gabriel "Gabe" Reyes


Jan 13, 2024 10:15 am
Gabriel "Gabe" Reyes
With recommendations from the crew and the helpful attendant at Spritely Sprockets, Gabe carefully selected and bought a reliable navigation software package for their shuttle.

Armed with the newly acquired software, the crew made their way back to the shuttle, eager to begin the crucial process of reinstalling the navigation systems.

In the confined space of the shuttle, surrounded by the hum of machinery and the familiar scent of lubricant, Gabe and the crew set to work. Between Jil, Hank and Gabe, they had more than enough expertise in computers and navigation to fix it without issues.

Gabe tapped a few commands into the console. "There we go, the core software is installed. Now, we just need to run a few diagnostics to make sure everything's functioning smoothly."

After a moment that felt like an eternity, the results appeared on the screen, indicating a successful installation and a fully operational navigation system.

With the navigation software successfully reinstalled and the necessary components secured, Gabe gathered the crew in the ship's control room to discuss their next move.

"So, what do you think? Should we prepare to leave and submit to Draco I's customs and immigration control?" Gabe asked, his gaze shifting between Hank and Jil.
Jan 13, 2024 1:52 pm
Hank says, "Yes. Honestly, this whole place gives me the creeps."
Jan 15, 2024 9:54 am
Jil is hesitant to give her opinion (usually she just follows orders) but in the end she agrees with Hank.

"I've been to a lot of stations and something doesn't fit here. Those Ironsides remind me too much of the crime syndicates back home. Everything starts with a small favor and before you know it they've got full control."

She shrugs casually "But I might be wrong."
Last edited January 15, 2024 9:56 am
Jan 15, 2024 12:43 pm
As the Celestial Voyager prepared to depart Draco I, the crew found themselves face-to-face with the same stern-faced customs officer who had scrutinized their documentation upon arrival. He now stood before them again.

The officer eyed Gabe, Hank, and Jil with a discerning gaze, his expression unyielding. "Leaving so soon? I hope your stay on Draco I has been satisfactory."

Gabe, maintaining composure, replied, "Yes, officer. We've completed our business and are ready to continue our journey."

The customs officer leaned in slightly, his tone inscrutable. "Any smuggling activities, perhaps? Duke Voss doesn't take kindly to those who try to exploit our resources."
Gabe met the officer's gaze without flinching. "No smuggling, sir. We've strictly adhered to the regulations during our stay."
The officer continued his interrogation, informing them of the consequences of smuggling – a one-way ticket to the platinum mines. He then inquired about their purchases and sales on Draco I.

"We bought replacement parts and a small amount of platinum," Gabe answered truthfully. "But we haven't sold anything during our visit."

The customs officer, seemingly satisfied with the responses, nodded curtly. "Very well. We'll need to inspect your shuttle to ensure everything is in order. Any deviations from the declared purchases can lead to severe consequences."

As the inspection unfolded, the crew of the Celestial Voyager watched with bated breath.

Once satisfied with the inspection, the customs officer stepped back, his stern demeanor unchanged. "You're clear to leave. Just remember, Draco I has its rules, and they are not to be taken lightly."

With a final nod, the customs officer allowed the crew to proceed with their departure. The shuttle's engines hummed to life, and, as the Celestial Voyager left Draco I, the crew couldn't help but feel relief.

Jil set their course for the Draco III Postal Authority orbital station.
Jil, gimme a Navigation roll, DC12. You can talk freely now.
Jan 15, 2024 2:03 pm
Jil takes her time running through the pre-flight checks.

After carefully reading through a string of co-ordinates displayed over several monitors she confidently enters a flight path and engages the engines...


Navigation DC12 - (1d20+3)

(8) + 3 = 11

Jan 15, 2024 2:05 pm
...insert swear word. So close!!
Jan 15, 2024 3:07 pm
As the Celestial Voyager smoothly sailed away from Draco I, Gabe turned to Hank and Jil, his expression marked by a mix of curiosity and concern.

"Now that we're clear of Draco I, I think it's time we address the elephant in the room. The sabotage that led us to almost crash in this unforgiving station. Any thoughts on who might be behind it and why?" Gabe inquired, his eyes shifting between his two crewmates.
The journey will take 3 days. Jil receives +1 XP.
Jan 15, 2024 4:03 pm
Hank feels a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. "Um, before we take that up, can we double check the cargo? I think it would be good to make sure our cargo of platinum is actually that. I apologize for not thinking of this earlier."
Do we have anything that can scan to make sure? I'm assuming the inspector did not do anything other than a visual inspection.
Jan 15, 2024 7:06 pm
Hank you open the crates, use your portable scanners and, strangely enough, everything checks out. You scratch your head and get back to the cabin.
Jan 15, 2024 7:57 pm
Ok, great! He feels better now!

Back with Gabe and Jil, he says, "I can't think of anyone. It probably can't be anyone that just boarded, as they wouldn't have good access yet. And the Professor has no access at all. It would seem to have to be someone that's been around for at least a little while, but that's like accusing a family member! All I can figure is we're going to be very shaken when we find out who."
Jan 16, 2024 2:07 pm
Jil joins the conversation with a flat matter of fact tone.

"Whoever sabotaged the system probably knew how to work around security access, so it could be anyone. I suggest we search through the onboard camera footage and access logs. No doubt they were bypassed but we might get lucky and find some discrepancies."

With a faint smile she adds.

"At least we can trust each other. Unless either of you had a death wish?"

Gabriel "Gabe" Reyes


Jan 16, 2024 2:20 pm
Gabriel "Gabe" Reyes
"Yeah, no individual can win a soccer game by himself, so let's trust each other. I will help Hank in this."
Gimme a Computers, DC20. Gabe will help you, so roll with Advantage.
Jan 16, 2024 3:21 pm
Hank dives in and starts investigating ...

... well, no luck.
Last edited January 16, 2024 3:21 pm


Hank Heron: Computer Investigation DC20 - (2D20H1+5)

(71) + 5 = 12

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