Session Zero

Dec 24, 2023 7:25 pm
A thread to discuss character creation, "A Recent Adventure", character relationships, safety tools, and discuss other topics and questions before we start in-character play.

Starscape is currently in beta pay-what-you-want - follow that link to pick it up from - that will give you access to all relevant files (rules, playbooks, and more).
Dec 24, 2023 7:26 pm
It's very important for me that we all (me as GM, and you as people running PCs) feel safe and comfortable while playing.

More specifically, if someone wants a topic, or content, removed from the game, then we remove it without questioning reasons - although we may ask clarifying questions to understand specifically what is being excluded. This takes precedence over other people wanting the content included for whatever reason.

One way of excluding content is "The X-Card" i.e. in-game at any point you can indicate with an X (to me via PM if you want, or to everyone) to describe content you want removed from the game.

Another is this Lines and Veils Google Sheet. Use this sheet to indicate topics you want excluded (lines), or treated carefully (veils), or included (if they don't clash with the lines or veils of another player from the game. To do this, add ticks to any boxes in the rows on the left of the sheet, and then indicate top right the extent to which you may welcome romantic interactions within the game, and up there mark you username and tick the box to indicate that you have seen the sheet.
Dec 24, 2023 7:33 pm
Please choose your Playbook. RageRed has already chosen "The Gifted" (Nova Blue), timplausible "The Unfamiliar" (Gloop), all others, however, are open for you to take. You can read about RageRed and timplausible's characters in "The Crew/Characters" thread. You can get the list of Playbooks via the link in the previous post - you'll also need to check through the rulebook to understand the choices available to you during character generation. Just hit me up if you have any questions about this.

When building your characters, put everything into the sheet apart from Connections and Personal Directive - we'll add those once everything else has been filled into your character sheets.

Please ask any questions about the universe, the ship, the game, etc.

The GamersPlane Custom Character Sheet template/snippet below will hopefully help everyone build their character. You'll still need to edit a reasonable amount of the text according to the specifics of the Playbook you go for.

If any of you want a pregenerated sheet, just let me know, and I'll make one for you.

Here's an example sheet I quickly threw together for The Normal Playbook: Gar-Chat the Normal
[ +- ] Starscape PC V1.0
[ +- ] Starscape PC V1.0
Dec 24, 2023 7:40 pm
Here is a Playbook for your ship "The Ballerina" - we put this together collaboratively previously, before we went for this re-recruiment re-boot.

We won't be changing/editing details of The Ballerina, apart from adding the "Customisations" you get to choose as part of your Playbooks.

The Ballerina is new fancy fast cargo transporter that you stole as you escaped from prison together.

It's big, has weapons, defences, and is very unusual in its flashy newness - it doesn't do "unobtrusive" in a universe where most of the ships look more like Serenity in Firefly than the Enterprise in Star Trek!

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