Assume you are only casually acquainted with each other at this point as fellow passengers on the boat heading to Paphos.
A Collection of Connoisseur
Dec 28, 2023 12:17 am
A pair of duende are pulled ashore out of the lazy yet still deadly current of the river. Quickly climbing up the river bank you make your way to cover quickly and you watch additional arrows, flaming and otherwise fall on the boat, the crew, and others that. stayed too close to the light of the burning boat. Staying as silent as possible you take stock. The arrows came from the same river bank you are on but the far bank would have been to far to make with all your gear so you took a calculated risk and made for this one. Will the attackers search the riverbank for survivors? Did you grab everything you needed? Did you remember to thank the otter for saving your life after trying to swim with a full pack? These are just a few things to think and act upon. The urgency and order is up to you while you still have breath in you.
Assume you are only casually acquainted with each other at this point as fellow passengers on the boat heading to Paphos.
@Thunder_Lungz,@zstix,@Bunt Welcome to the game! :) Assume you are only casually acquainted with each other at this point as fellow passengers on the boat heading to Paphos.
Dec 28, 2023 12:17 am
[ +- ] Oliver the Otter

Bunt says:
Hello! Very glad to be onboard. My character is Oliver, an otterfolk (beastfolk-mammal) who loves alchemy and a well-chucked explosive flask in the name of beast and beastfolk freedom. He values a playful and compassionate attitude to all life, but is wary of those who take themselves too seriously.Background:
Oliver is an otterfolk who used to have a simple life in a travelling circus. Juggle a few balls, clap three times while fireworks fill the scene, and appear to be smart. Just not so smart. To the beastfolk, this was an easy way to travel, provided they escaped on destination, but some became content, losing their former selves for three square meals a day. Oliver only recalls what rekindled his spark back then. It was the fireworks, the smoke clouds, the kind artist behind them, and watching that single drop of igniting alchemical substance. One question at a time led Oliver to learn a few tricks, and eventually escape, in search of more answers.
He now travels the Wildlands and cities in search of alchemical ingredients and knowledge, and a few explosions here and there for the sheer love of it. Despite everything, he still values the simplicity of a ball well juggled, and a playful and kind attitude at life. This has also taught him to be wary of anyone «not willing to play a simple game of catch».
[ +- ] Gus the gnome?

zstix says:
Hello! I'm excited to start adventuring with y'all. I'll be playing as:Gus Dorrenson: a humble duende cook who is determined to travel the world looking for rare ingredients and recipes to use in his cooking. He loves getting to know different cultures and seeing different plants and animals. His curiosity and wanderlust sometimes get him into trouble but, as he always says: "any problems can be solved by a well prepared meal". He is optimistic (almost to a fault) and tends to see the good in everyone, even if they don't see it in themselves.
Gus is fairly short and rather round at the waist. He has a long beard and likes to wear a pointy hat (where he stores a jar of his best seasoning). He carries a backpack that's a little too big for his small frame and it's stuffed to the brim with cooking supplies, ingredients, and spices. Strapped to the outside is his bedroll, kitchen knives, and his favorite frying pan.
[ +- ] Grinfletch the goblin?

Thunder_Lungz says:
Hey gamers! Looking forward to learning and playing with you. I’ll be playing as:
Grinfletch, a curious Duende scavenger who seeks to gain the patronage of a powerful fey lord by finding powerful and beautiful relics among the ruins of the Dawn War.
Grinfletch, a Duende from the Wildlands, was raised amidst the harmony of his tribe, attuned to the Titans shaping their existence. Fascinated by a powerful Fey Lord, he sought a deeper connection, guided by familial support. As a skilled scavenger, he embarked on quests into ruins, uncovering forgotten artifacts that echoed the Fey's vibrancy. Encounters with tribes, kingdoms, and Titans shaped his understanding, carving a worldview that even amidst ruins, beauty could be unearthed. Grinfletch's allegiance to the Fey Lord defined his purpose, turning him into a creative beacon forging connections in a fractured world.
Dec 28, 2023 1:27 am
Relying on his survival instinct, Grinfletch (Grin for short) pulls himself and his ally up to a crouch. He stretches his midnight blue cloak around them both in an attempt to momentarily hide them from attackers. Come now, Veilstitch, be a dear and hide us, yes?
In a hoarse whisper he says:
Quick, we need to find cover.
He looks around to try to locate a place to hide.
In a hoarse whisper he says:
Quick, we need to find cover.
He looks around to try to locate a place to hide.
Hi! Excited to play with you all. For context, Veilstitch is Grin’s cloak. Also, is our Otter-folk friend with us?Last edited December 28, 2023 1:35 am
Dec 28, 2023 1:54 am
Oliver stared longingly at the burning boat, then shaked his full body, both to dry the water and clear his head. He crawled over to the Duendes under the cloak, not totally understanding the urgency for cover. He whispered, "I guess that's as much as we can do, sadly. Are you alright? You must really care about those backpacks. Don't blame you, though; the river seemed really safe. Oliver Otter, as you can tell. May I die before my manners do", and he quickly proceeded to shake both Duendes' hands simultaneously.
He then caught the cloaked Duende's expression of urgency.
"Oh..." and at this rate, I will indeed die before my manners do.
Also, as requested, I'm not calling you goblin now, Grin.
He then caught the cloaked Duende's expression of urgency.
"Oh..." and at this rate, I will indeed die before my manners do.
Not totally sure if I'm acquainted yet, but here you go: a neck-risking introduction just in case.Also, as requested, I'm not calling you goblin now, Grin.
Last edited December 28, 2023 2:00 am
Dec 28, 2023 2:48 am
Gus gives a warm smile to the others and says:
Thanks so much for the help, friends! That's a mighty fine cloak you've got there! And such impressive swimming by you Mr...Otter?
As he's speaking, he does a quick check of his pack to make sure everything made it in once piece. Appearing satisfied that nothing critical was lost he says:
Whoever is shooting at our boat doesn't seem too friendly. I sure do agree that we should put some distance between us and them.
Thanks so much for the help, friends! That's a mighty fine cloak you've got there! And such impressive swimming by you Mr...Otter?
As he's speaking, he does a quick check of his pack to make sure everything made it in once piece. Appearing satisfied that nothing critical was lost he says:
Whoever is shooting at our boat doesn't seem too friendly. I sure do agree that we should put some distance between us and them.
Out of curiosity, should I be posting past or present tense? You each chose something different...I'm fine either way.Last edited December 28, 2023 2:50 am
Dec 28, 2023 2:59 am
You’re good… I should have read the opener a bit more carefully… sorry bout that, let’s go with past. Last edited December 28, 2023 1:35 pm
Dec 28, 2023 6:16 am
The night is dark due to being partially overcast but the little moonlight, starlight, and firelight from the boat have revealed that the riverbank is lines by trees and shrubs higher up. You know from the captain of the boat that there had been problems with pirates but most of those had been cleared out by now. And this far down the river you should be past all of those anyhow. You were expecting to get to the expedition base tomorrow by noon so should not be to far up river from it. Again according the the riverboat captain the expedition is know to be having trouble with hobgoblins, orcs and some kobolds. Which if any of those three the attackers may be if they are not pirates you are not sure.
Still immediate personal safety seems to be the important thing to focus on right now. You are crouched at the base of a bush that has grown down below the high riverbank. You know a few others from the boat survived the initial arrow volley and hit the water as you did but after that you lost track of them so you are likely on your own. The obvious choices seem to be continue downriver on the clear riverbank, climb up the riverbank and into the bruch and thickets that line the river, or slip back into the river and swim down river, though the last will be hard with full packs on.
Still immediate personal safety seems to be the important thing to focus on right now. You are crouched at the base of a bush that has grown down below the high riverbank. You know a few others from the boat survived the initial arrow volley and hit the water as you did but after that you lost track of them so you are likely on your own. The obvious choices seem to be continue downriver on the clear riverbank, climb up the riverbank and into the bruch and thickets that line the river, or slip back into the river and swim down river, though the last will be hard with full packs on.

Dec 28, 2023 7:30 am
It sounds like we know that the attackers are on the same bank as us, but do we also know if they're up or down river from our position?Dec 28, 2023 1:29 pm
zstix says:
It sounds like we know that the attackers are on the same bank as us, but do we also know if they're up or down river from our position?OOC:
correct. You know the fire arrows are upstream from your current positron but their are regular arrows coming from somewhereEveryone was on the boat together
Dec 28, 2023 8:10 pm
"I think we should move away from the riverbank and then walk downstream. Right now, we are as easy-targets as a fried fish left on a stick by the campfire."
Oliver took a deep breath, to try to remember the scent of this river, to orient himself later on.
This also gave him an idea. "Oh. Just hang on a moment." From his belt pouch, he pulled a ball-shaped flask carved with a wavy rune. He moved on to a position where the smoke rising from the boat could be clearly smelled. He made a movement as if to catch the air around in the flask, and then closed it back again.
"Haven't figured how yet, but this might be handy later", and he rejoined the Duendes.I'm assuming that this means that our original destination was downstream. Were we on our way to Paphos?
Oliver took a deep breath, to try to remember the scent of this river, to orient himself later on.
This also gave him an idea. "Oh. Just hang on a moment." From his belt pouch, he pulled a ball-shaped flask carved with a wavy rune. He moved on to a position where the smoke rising from the boat could be clearly smelled. He made a movement as if to catch the air around in the flask, and then closed it back again.
"Haven't figured how yet, but this might be handy later", and he rejoined the Duendes.
Psybermagi says:
(...) The obvious choices seem to be to continue downriver on the clear riverbank (...) Dec 28, 2023 9:09 pm
Gus caught himself daydreaming about fried fish for a moment, but came back into the moment Oliver returned.
Away from the bank and down stream sounds super to me! Getting into the trees might do us all some good.
While not a regular outdoorsman, Gus has spent some time in the wild foraging for mushrooms. He scanned the treeling and, after finding a suitable entry point, trots towards the brush hoping the others will follow.
Away from the bank and down stream sounds super to me! Getting into the trees might do us all some good.
While not a regular outdoorsman, Gus has spent some time in the wild foraging for mushrooms. He scanned the treeling and, after finding a suitable entry point, trots towards the brush hoping the others will follow.
Dec 28, 2023 9:38 pm
I usually go with majority rules but some groups are ok with taking the first proposed action or at least having an idea seconded (which amounts to a majority for a group of 3 or smaller). Let me know if you want me to wait for everyone before moving the story along or if you are ok with moving the story after any individual postI need a couple of Test from everyone. Assuming you all help each other I will take any success as covering the entire group. So I need a test on navigation(finding the best path through the trees), stealth (in case the archers are close), and perception(to sense the archers,animals,etc). Remember some traits and heritage give you advantage (3d6) on select Tests but otherwise just roll a standard Test (2d6). You can roll all 3 if you like or just the ones your character might be good at but everyone should roll at least 1 test
Dec 28, 2023 9:55 pm
I’m fine with majority rules. Our characters can always object or complain after the fact. Here’s my first attempt at a roll.Rolls
Navigation - (2d6)
(34) = 7
Stealth - (2d6)
(61) = 7
Perception - (2d6)
(53) = 8
Dec 28, 2023 9:59 pm
First rolls on this site!OOC:
Edit: TIL you can't fix typos in roll reasons. Navigation*Last edited December 28, 2023 10:01 pm
Perception - (2d6)
(35) = 8
Navigay - (2d6)
(51) = 6
Dec 28, 2023 10:02 pm
All rolls are locked once completed, for mostly obvious reasons. Typos are kinda my thing so I totally understandDec 28, 2023 10:08 pm
Seeing Gus break a trail into the woods, snaps Grinfletch out of his stupor. He says, Right, I’ll not be a fried fish today!
As he quickens his step to keep up, he turns to Oliver and says, You said your name was Oliver, right? Well, I’m Grinfletch- Grin for short. And I wanted to thank you for saving me back there. I was going under for sure. Swimming is not really my thing.
As he quickens his step to keep up, he turns to Oliver and says, You said your name was Oliver, right? Well, I’m Grinfletch- Grin for short. And I wanted to thank you for saving me back there. I was going under for sure. Swimming is not really my thing.
Dec 28, 2023 10:24 pm
Agreed with majority rule as well, works for me.Rolling navigation to roll something (and test the dice), although it looks like we have all three. (advantage is due to previously smelling the riverbank to try to orient us, and having mammal smell advantage)
Navinavi - (3d6)
(353) = 11
Dec 28, 2023 11:07 pm
Good use of sense of smell for advantage!Finding a sheltered grove about an hour from sunrise and make camp to settle down for some much needed rest. Arranging a rotation you take turns keeping watch allowing each to rest 4 hours so break camp about mid morning. The sun is bright and the air is crisp making you a bit chilled from you still damp clothes. Setting out again after a quick meal you make your way over and around the low rolling hills that shape the land to the west of the river. This comforts you as you recall that Paphos is on the west bank of the river and so you continue south and west.
Moving cautiously due to the events from last night you catch sight of ocasional patrols further inland over the grassy and lightly wooded hills. One such patrol makes its way closer to the river bank and look to be heading in your direction. Though you have not gotten a good look at the patrols they are similar to the armored figures you avoided last night.
If you take any actions that have chances of failure add a Test roll as well
Dec 29, 2023 12:35 am
Seeing the patrol heading in our direction, Grinfletch wraps his cloak, Veilstitch, tighter around his shoulders.
Addressing the cloak, he says: Yes, we should hide… but where? He notices his companions and clears his throat. Oh, uhhh, yes, should we find somewhere to hide? A cave perhaps? Or a tree? Oh, or maybe a cave?!
Addressing the cloak, he says: Yes, we should hide… but where? He notices his companions and clears his throat. Oh, uhhh, yes, should we find somewhere to hide? A cave perhaps? Or a tree? Oh, or maybe a cave?!
Grin likes hiding. He’s also a big fan of caves.load next