PhoenixScientist Character generation

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Dec 29, 2023 9:27 pm
Slaine Rowan
Strength: 13
Agility: 14
Reflex, stealth
Charisma: 12
Wit: 16
Academics(Biology):0, Animals:0, Computers:0, Medicine:1, Streetwise:0

Education: 18
Social: 9
Last edited December 30, 2023 12:56 am
Dec 30, 2023 12:27 am
Okay! Your medicine is just 1, not 3 (yet), I think that was a typo. Anyway, one of the things that's missing is their name.

I've used your alias as a placeholder, but I'm going to edit that as soon as you tell me your character name. Done :)

You can also submit your character sheet, if you like. The other players didn't have the template when we began the game. It's in the chargen thread.
Trade Era 1225, Day 139

Campus, University of New Jordan

As the dilapidated streets of their upbringing faded into the background, the towering spires of the University of New Jordan welcomed Slaine Rowan into a new chapter of life. The air hummed with the promise of knowledge, but for Slaine, it was more than just a pursuit of education—it was a quest to transcend the limits of their streetwise medical know-how.

The first day at the Bioinformatics course felt like stepping into a realm where science and technology danced in unison. The lecture halls were a stark contrast to the makeshift "street hospital" where Slaine's parents had toiled day and night. The professor's words echoed through the room, introducing Slaine to the intricacies of merging biology with computer science.

Slaine's mind raced as they navigated through the complexities of genetic sequencing, algorithmic analysis, and advanced topics such as gene expression, protein structure, and molecular interactions. The familiar street hustle had prepared them for survival, but here, in the hallowed halls of academia, survival meant mastering the art of deciphering the genetic code as well as designing and developing technological solutions for medical applications. But the journey didn't stop there. First Aid, Medical Diagnosis and Emergency Medicine classes became an essential part of their curriculum, bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, deepening the skills acquired on the unforgiving streets.

Late nights in the university labs became their sanctuary. They dissected data with the precision of a surgeon, weaving their street-smart approach into the structured methodology of the scientific world. The fusion of their gritty upbringing and newfound knowledge opened doors to unexplored territories.
Please roll for graduation and let's see what happens next :)
Dec 30, 2023 12:46 am
Medicine was an error, it is fixed.
Name is Slaine Rowan


Graduation DC10 - (1D20+3)

(18) + 3 = 21

Dec 30, 2023 12:56 am
Trade Era 1225, Day 327

Courtyard, University of New Jordan

Under the resplendent domes of the University of New Jordan, amidst a sea of academic regalia, Slaine Rowan stood tall on the day of graduation. The journey from the rough streets to the hallowed halls reached its pinnacle as the Bioinformatics and Medical Diagnostics course drew to a triumphant close.

Draped in the ceremonial gown, adorned with academic honors, Slaine's eyes gleamed with a mix of pride and the quiet resilience that had carried them through the challenges of academia. The echoes of countless lectures, late-night lab sessions, and the fusion of medical and technological expertise converged into this moment—a testament to Slaine's unwavering commitment.

The graduation ceremony unfolded with a blend of solemnity and celebration. The university courtyard buzzed with the energy of accomplishment, and Slaine's name reverberated through the air as they walked across the stage to receive their well-earned diploma.

As the dean handed over the symbolic parchment, Slaine felt a surge of emotions—an acknowledgment not only of academic achievement but of a transformative journey that spanned from survival on the streets to mastering the intricate dance of bioinformatics and medical mastery.

Graduation day marked not just an end but a new beginning for Slaine Rowan. The world beyond the university beckoned—an uncharted realm where the knowledge gained would serve as guiding lights on the cosmic journey that awaited.
Congratulations! Get your graduation bonus and then choose your first career. Roll your application and let's see what happens
Dec 30, 2023 1:03 am
Can I apply for another education (Military Academy) aka he's trying to get a higher degree.
Dec 30, 2023 1:10 am
PhoenixScientist says:
Can I apply for another education (Military Academy)
You can, as they are still 21 years old... They can also try for another University degree, as long as you don't repeat any skills in your choices.

If you're looking for a Surgeon, Physician, a Master degree or a PhD, that's part of the Scholar career, though. You can apply and study there.
Dec 30, 2023 1:17 am
PhoenixScientist says:
(Military Academy) aka he's trying to get a higher degree.
A Military Academy would make them an Officer in the Navy/Marines/Planetary Defense forces. It's a Bachelor of Science degree, but focusing on warfare.
Dec 30, 2023 1:22 am
Slaine Rowan

Strength: 13(+1)
Agility: 14 (+2)
Reflex:0, Stealth:0
Charisma: 12 (+1)
Wit: 16 (+3)
Academics(Biology):1, Animals:0, Computers:1, Medicine:2, Streetwise:0

Education: 20
Social: 9
Actually I don't think they could afford more University, so they are applying to Military Academy because they might get it subsidized.
Last edited December 30, 2023 1:46 am


Navy Academy DC12 - (1D20+3)

(5) + 3 = 8

Dec 30, 2023 1:25 am
Oops. That's a failed roll. They (he? Changed the pronoums?) aged 1 year and can try something else.

They're now 22 of 31
Dec 30, 2023 1:32 am
Only if they decide for another service. If you spent a couple of years to increase one of their attributes, they would be above the maximum age.
Dec 30, 2023 1:39 am
Apparently academic honors meant very little when social standing and connections were lacking. The Navy apparently had better prospects for their programs (never trust the propaganda).
As Slaine spent a year after graduation in a nothing job, just to pay bills, applying for positions appropriate to their degree they found that there might be a program they could join through the P.D.F. .
oof. How realistic.
PS. Submitted character so far
Last edited December 30, 2023 1:40 am


Planetary Defence Force Dc10 - (1D20+2)

(19) + 2 = 21

Dec 30, 2023 1:43 am
Your strength bonus is just +1, not +2, but either way, you joined the New Jordan Military Academy, congrats! I will post something tomorrow. ;)
Dec 30, 2023 1:46 am
oops It is +1. My bad.
Slain fell back onto their bed, exhausted after a long, boring shift when they got a message notification.
Responce from the P.D.F. ... Slain's fingers tapped against their desk nervously before opening it.
Last edited December 30, 2023 1:50 am
Dec 30, 2023 8:18 pm
Trade Era 1226, Day 13

New Jordan Planetary Defense Military Academy

Slaine Rowan's heart pounded with a mix of excitement and apprehension as they entered the hallowed halls of the New Jordan Planetary Defense Military Academy. The scent of polished brass and the rhythmic cadence of boots echoed through the imposing structure. In the central courtyard, rows of disciplined cadets stood in perfect formation, a testament to the academy's storied legacy.

The commanding figure of General Harlan, the academy's stern but respected leader, welcomed the new recruits. "You are the future defenders of New Jordan," he declared, his gaze sweeping over the eager faces. Slaine felt a surge of pride mixed with a hint of nervous energy.
The first year unfolded as a relentless barrage of challenges. Slaine immersed themselves in the demanding academic curriculum, grappling with the intricacies of planetary defense systems, military strategy, and cutting-edge technology. Physical training sessions pushed them to their limits. Late nights in the dimly lit study halls became routine for Slaine. Star maps flickered holographically, and war simulations played out on massive screens.
As Slaine progressed into the second year, the training intensified. The academy's simulated war scenarios became increasingly complex, testing not only their strategic acumen but also their ability to lead under pressure. Collaborating with classmates, Slaine successfully navigated diplomatic exercises, engaged in simulated interstellar skirmishes, and faced the unexpected with unwavering resolve. In the crucible of challenges, Slaine emerged as a natural leader. Assigned pivotal command roles in training exercises, they exhibited enough tactical knowledge and strategic insight.
As the third year unfolded, Slaine faced simulations that mirrored the chaos of a battlefield hospital. The academy's holographic technology brought wounded soldiers and civilian patients to life, testing Slaine's ability to remain calm under pressure. Collaborating with fellow medical cadets, they mastered the delicate balance of empathy and efficiency, laying the foundation for their future role as a healer amid the turmoil of war.

Finally, Slaine transitioned from student to leader within the medical ranks. Assigned to oversee critical situations, they demonstrated the ability to make swift, life-saving decisions.
Receive +1 Leadership as part of this event
Moreover, receive your Military Academy enrollment bonus (if you didn't already): increase your Education by 1, your Wits and Strength by 1 each and receive the following at level-0 (if you don't already have them): Athletics, Driving, Medicine, Reflex, Melee, Ranged weapons, Notice, Intimidation.

Now, please roll for graduation: 1d20+4, DC10.

If they graduate, do they plan to stay in the Defense Forces at least 1 term (no need to apply) or are they going to leave immediately for a civilian career?


Slaine Rowan: WITS - Attribute check - (1d20+3)

(8) + 3 = 11

Slaine Rowan: CHARISMA - Attribute check - (1d20+1)

(18) + 1 = 19

Dec 30, 2023 9:37 pm
If Slaine graduates they will going the Defence Force for a term as a medic.
also, a side note, what are the use of lv0 skills?

Moreover, receive your Military Academy enrollment bonus (if you didn't already): increase your Education by 1, your Wits and Strength by 1 each and receive the following at level-0 (if you don't already have them): Athletics, Driving, Medicine, Reflex, Melee, Ranged weapons, Notice, Intimidation.
This means that if I already have a score it does not increase, correct?
Last edited December 30, 2023 10:21 pm


Graduation DC10 - (1d20+4)

(20) + 4 = 24

Dec 30, 2023 10:14 pm
Though Slaine wasn't fully sold on everything about the P.D.F., the work was where they wanted to be. That and the guaranteed position, the year of a dead end position still in their mind.
So Slain Rowan accepted the opportunity, and risk, of a term of service with the P.D.F. .


Service Length - (1D4)

(1) = 1

Dec 30, 2023 11:36 pm
PhoenixScientist says:
also, a side note, what are the use of lv0 skills?
I am not the GM, but ...

It gives no advantage, but it eliminates the non-proficiency penalty.

If you gain a level-0 skill you already have, there is no effect an it is discarded. If you gain an improvement, the skill increases by the stated amount. So, if you gain Driving-0, but already have it, you don't gain anything from that. If you gain an improvement of 1, then raise that attribute or skill by 1.

Hope that actually answers the question.
Last edited December 30, 2023 11:37 pm
Dec 30, 2023 11:37 pm
That answered it perfectly. Thanks.
Dec 30, 2023 11:43 pm
Your skill levels goes from None (-) to +6. If a character possesses no level in a skill at all (Skill -), they are untrained and will suffer a -4 penalty when attempting to roll that skill. If a character has a skill level of zero (Skill 0), they are competent but likely have limited practical experience. They do not receive any bonus when utilizing that skill but, at the very least, avoid the penalty for being untrained.
This means that if I already have a score it does not increase, correct?
Correct. =)
Congratulations on your Military Academy graduation. Choose only 3 skills from that list above to receive at level-1 (it also does not increase if you already have them at 1) and increase your Education by another 1 point (it's now 22).

Finally, also roll 1d20 (no DC and no modifiers) so I can get a random event for your term of service.

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