PhoenixScientist Character generation

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Dec 30, 2023 11:55 pm
Some notes about the Character Sheet:

1. Unfortunately, the attributes must be uppercase for the buttons to work. There are some shenanigans in the source code that expect it. So I edited your sheet.

2. There is a section to put their current age and another one for the game start. Unfortunately, you can't put 27/31 there or it won't calculate Slaine's birthday. I've fixed it.
Dec 31, 2023 12:01 am
I'll up Reflex, Melee and Notice.


Event? - (1D20)

(15) = 15

Dec 31, 2023 12:36 am
Trade Era 1231, Day 239

Northern Military Base, New Jordan

The distant hum of landing aircraft and the rhythmic cadence of boots echoed through the metallic corridors of the New Jordan Planetary Defense base. Second Lieutenant Slaine Rowan, adorned in their crisp uniform, briskly walked through the bustling medical wing, their day a mix of routine check-ups and the intricate work of safeguarding the well-being of the base personnel.

In the examination room, Slaine conducted routine health assessments for the enlisted soldiers. Slaine's keen eyes scanned the digital displays as they moved from one patient to another, their demeanor calm and reassuring. Outside the medical bay, Slaine was often found in their office, meticulously planning the well-being initiatives for the entire base. Whether it was implementing stress-relief programs or organizing fitness challenges, they aimed to foster a sense of community amidst the military personnel.
Choose two skills to receive +1 from: Athletics, Medicine, Bureaucracy, Carousing, Persuasion, Notice, Leadership, Stewardship.

After that, roll 1d20 and 1d4 if you're going for another term or write your resignation post (in character) and roll your application if you're looking for another job.
Dec 31, 2023 12:49 am

and Notice. I think, for what I am wanting to with them.
I had the thought of them becoming an Agent, possibly being requested due to suspected illegal experiments or the like. I don't know if that makes sense...
A bit of a stretch I know
Last edited December 31, 2023 12:59 am
Dec 31, 2023 1:04 am
You can resign your military commission to roll your Agent application, we will figure out the details if you succeed. You can even be a Special Agent and MD in the ITC Bureau of Investigation, working unsolved cases labeled X-Files. Hehe

Or not... It will all depend on the dice and your choices after that.

But it's an irrevocable decision, you cannot stay in the military if you fail. You will have to choose another career and roll for application again. As Daryen said in the Hailing frequency thread, Drifter is always an option that doesn't depend on the dice. =D

So... Another term with the P.D.F. or do you wanna resign and risk it? =)
Dec 31, 2023 1:21 am
Always risk it for the story.
(Let's pretend I'm not already nervous about this decision.)

I am also interested in the sort of extraterrestrial investigation you prompted.
Last edited December 31, 2023 1:36 am


Agent "Application": Education - (1D20+6)

(15) + 6 = 21

Dec 31, 2023 1:41 am
You did it! Please write something In Character now. Tell us about your resignation and joining the ITC Bureau of Investigation.

Think of it as the space FBI... With jurisdiction in space, they investigate interplanetary crimes often related to drugs, fraud, interplanetary tax evasion, and people trying to avoid jail by leaving the planet (crossing state borders are not enough anymore)

What do you do there? How is your day to day?
Dec 31, 2023 2:19 am
Second Lieutenant Slaine Rowan stood at attention as their Captain read over their newly transmitted document.

To: Captain Hague Moffat; Colonel Calla Soliar
Regarding my position as Lieutenant MD
Knowing that you both value consice and prompt communication I will communicate so.
I must resign from my position with the New Jordan Planetary Defence Force. An opportunity with the ITC Bureau of Investigation has been made available to me, and I believe I can do greater good in that position's unique requirements and opportunities.
Attached are the details of my position reassignment.

The Captain read through it once, then again. Then messaged the Colonel to confirm that it was received. And approved.
Then the Captain looked up at the Lieutenant. "You understand I am going to request you finish the two remaining months."
"Yes sir."
The Captain sighed then, "It's hard to let anyone go that keeps my troops alive, but I have no ability to refuse this." He paused. "If you choose to come back contact me, any hand that keeps me from writing a spouse is one I want.
Your transfer is approved, I will see you in two months.
Slain went from being covered in other soldier's blood to being buried in paperwork. Most every day was sorting through grant information to determine credibility, or medical spending for glaring errors.

However, there were the interesting cases, the reports of extraterrestrial activity, creatures, life. Agent Slain was permitted... And requested to go through each report and classify possibility of accuracy based on biological details.
And sometimes inspect reported extraterrestrial samples.
There were also a few reports of illegal or dangerous genetic experiments in that were sent to Slain to investigate.
Long stints of never ending paperwork cut by sudden and intense research, often requiring being shipped all over planet... And beyond... To be one of the first to respond to these reports.
Then there was the one case... Well the classified one....
It was Redacted Redacted Redacted Redacted Redacted Redacted.
Dec 31, 2023 2:20 am
Is there "officially" extraterrestrial life?



(9) = 9


(1) = 1

Dec 31, 2023 5:32 am
PhoenixScientist says:
Is there "officially" extraterrestrial life?
It depends on what you mean. Though encountering a myriad of extraterrestrial fauna, flora and exotic life forms, humanity's never found intelligent aliens. There are weird bugs, dangerous fungi, etc.

But, officially and outside of conspiracy theories, there are "no flying saucers", no Star Trek Vulcans and no such things in this game. And little probability of that, as we are now a spacefaring civilization.

But there are the Elders.
I will write your first event as an Agent tomorrow.
Dec 31, 2023 5:52 am
Yeah I was asking about sapient, alive alien races. As the Elders clearly no longer exist except in the echos of ruins. ...
As for things owned, I assume the ~1000 to spend in the CP1 thread was to equip our character in general. I'm doing some window shopping, will I be able to get some starting gear before I drop in?
Also I was hoping to get a field treatment medical kit.. and maybe something to analyze biological material if the ship won't have that (this may be stationary equipment) of the sick bay can't do that.
Plus the armor: Reflex VS Ballistic. I assume there isn't a way to get a little of everything (2/2 armor for 300, or maybe 3/3 armor for $500... ?)
PS. Cool pics.
Last edited December 31, 2023 7:08 am
Dec 31, 2023 3:40 pm
Starting gear is with the GM. This ~1,000 credits can be used for extra gear, speculative trading or other things. I'll roll for you after Chargen.

For now, you have a medkit, a badge, a ballistic vest and a blaster pistol for free. Regarding armor, for balance reasons, there is no way to get a little of everything, just the (really) expensive military stuff has both.
Trade Era 1232, Day 73

ITC Bureau of Investigation local office, New Jordan

The transition from the disciplined routine of a Medical Officer to the labyrinth of paperwork at the ITC Bureau of Investigation was swift for Agent Slaine. Their office, once adorned with the hum of medical equipment, now echoed with the quiet shuffle of reports and the soft glow of holographic screens.

Days melted into nights as Slaine delved into the intricacies of grant information and dissected medical spending reports, searching for anomalies that could unravel the threads of potential fraud or financial irregularities. The sterile, fluorescent-lit room became a haven for meticulous scrutiny, a departure from the urgency of the New Jordan Planetary Defense Force Hospital.

Amid the seemingly endless sea of paperwork, Agent Slaine Rowan discovered a refuge in the intriguing mysteries that crossed their desk. There were tales of otherworldly creatures with a penchant for consuming unsuspecting individuals. These accounts were intertwined with stories of bizarre life forms born from illicit genetic experiments, pushing the boundaries of scientific ethics. Additionally, there were reports of supposed extraterrestrial activities, some unresolved but most turning out to be elaborate scams designed to exploit the fears of the unsuspecting.
Receive +1 Investigation as part of this event
Frequently, the sterile environment of paperwork was traded for the unpredictable landscapes of fieldwork. Venturing into the unknown, Slaine found themselves at the heart of investigations, probing the authenticity of genetic anomalies and evaluating the legitimacy of reported extraterrestrial activities.
Receive +1 Athletics and +1 Notice as part of this event
Recently, a peculiar case had landed on their desk, hinting at the possibility of a fully biological synth on the loose—an artificial lifeform capable of seamlessly mimicking human physiology.

The reports were cryptic, pointing to suspicious behavior and unexplained phenomena in a remote colony on the edge of known space. Slaine delved into the data, meticulously analyzing each piece of information, sifting through witness testimonies and scrutinizing automated sensor logs and public surveillance from the colony.
Because this is not their first career, choose only one skill to receive at level-0 from your successful application: Athletics, Bureaucracy, Investigation, Notice, Ranged weapons, Reflex, Stealth, Streetwise.

And them, from your random roll for the term, choose two skills to receive +1 from this list: Bureaucracy, Investigation, Notice, Ranged weapons, Reflex.

Finally, gimme an Investigation DC12 check, after you update your sheet and choose your bonus for the term, so we will see about those rumors of a biological synth.
Dec 31, 2023 3:52 pm
Because this is not their first career, choose only one skill to receive at level-0 from your successful application: Athletics, Bureaucracy, Investigation, Notice, Ranged weapons, Reflex, Stealth, Streetwise.
Well the only one I don't have is Bureaucracy so....
And them, from your random roll for the term, choose two skills to receive +1: Bureaucracy, Investigation, Notice, Ranged weapons, Reflex.
I think Notice and Reflex...


Investigation DC12 - (1D20+3)

(16) + 3 = 19

Dec 31, 2023 4:01 pm
This character creation system is heavily GM dependant (only a negative if the GM isn't prepared for it) but it does make a character one is interested and invested in before anything from the game happens.

Plus I feel that I've been extremely lucky with my character creation. But I feel all that is rooted in rolling stats well.
Dec 31, 2023 4:07 pm
Days turned into nights as Slaine followed the trail of elusive clues, exploring the shadowy recesses of the interplanetary network. The more they uncovered, the more the specter of a biological synth seemed to materialize, casting an ominous aura over their investigation.

So they were dispatched to see it personally. A spacecraft awaited them on the edge of the bustling interplanetary port, its design a stark contrast to the enigma that awaited in the remote colony. As the vessel hurtled through the cosmic expanse, Slaine's mind buzzed with a blend of anticipation and apprehension.

Upon landing, the air of the distant colony carried an eerie stillness. The locals spoke in hushed tones, their eyes reflecting a mixture of fear and curiosity. Slaine, accompanied by two other seasoned agents, delved into the heart of the mystery that had gripped this isolated outpost.

The investigation unfolded in the labyrinthine alleys and concealed corners of the colony. Witnesses were interviewed, and sensor logs were scrutinized in meticulous detail. The shadows seemed to whisper secrets, and the truth felt like a delicate thread waiting to unravel.

The locals, initially wary, began to share fragments of information that painted a picture of an elusive entity haunting the outskirts of the settlement. Whispers of a creature with uncanny abilities circulated, leaving an indelible mark on the collective psyche.

The investigation reached a critical juncture as Slaine stood before a sealed chamber in an abandoned laboratory, its contents shrouded in mystery. The team exchanged glances, the anticipation palpable.

With a deliberate motion, the chamber doors opened, revealing not a sinister lifeform, but a collection of sophisticated equipment designed for deception.

At the center of the chamber stood a meticulously crafted apparatus resembling a cocoon, wires and cables weaving through its intricate structure. This cocoon, upon closer inspection, housed an array of holographic projectors capable of projecting lifelike images of the purported synthetic entity. The projectors emitted a faint, ethereal glow, casting an eerie ambiance that had deceived the colony into believing in the existence of an otherworldly threat.

Next to it, a cache of fabricated biological samples lay in cryogenic stasis. Vials containing synthetic tissues and engineered DNA were neatly organized, ready to be deployed as "evidence" supporting the existence of the synthetic entity. The level of detail in these samples showcased the meticulous planning that had gone into creating a believable illusion.

As Slaine and their team meticulously documented the equipment, it became clear that the so-called "biological synth" was nothing more than a well-executed hoax, perpetuated by a network of individuals with a keen understanding of both technology and human psychology.

Armed with irrefutable evidence and a comprehensive understanding of the elaborate deception, Agent Slaine Rowan coordinated with local law enforcement to apprehend the individuals responsible for the synthetic scare.
Gimme a Bureaucracy DC10 check
Dec 31, 2023 4:12 pm
PhoenixScientist says:
This character creation system is heavily GM dependant (only a negative if the GM isn't prepared for it) but it does make a character one is interested and invested in before anything from the game happens.
Yup. I tried to create a game before the game. =)
PhoenixScientist says:
Plus I feel that I've been extremely lucky with my character creation. But I feel all that is rooted in rolling stats well.
Indeed, you were able to choose the direction you wanted to go more than most of the other players. You had a lot of luck in those applications. But I think that even in the adversity they had fun with chargen as well. At least I hope so. ;)

Dec 31, 2023 4:17 pm
With a little disappointment, due to the lack of an actual biological synth, Slaine prepared a report.


DC10 - (1D20+3)

(7) + 3 = 10

Dec 31, 2023 4:28 pm

Bioinformatics university (18 to 21)
Failed Navy Academy (21 to 22)
New Jordan Planetary Defense forces Academy (22 to 26)
Planetary Defense forces - Tour 1 (26 to 27)
ITC Bureau of Investigation- Tour 1 (27 to 28)
I think the Bioinformatics math was off so that would make their timeline:

Bioinformatics university (18 to 22)
Failed Navy Academy (22 to 23)
New Jordan Planetary Defense forces Academy (23 to 267)
Planetary Defense forces - Tour 1 (27 to 28)
ITC Bureau of Investigation- Tour 1 (28 to 29)
Dec 31, 2023 4:40 pm
I think the Bioinformatics math was off
Unh... Let me check. You start University at your 18th birthday. You spent 3 years there. You didn't fail your first roll for graduation, so no more years there. So you graduate as you complete 21 years old.

Why is the math off? =/
Dec 31, 2023 4:43 pm
Nope, My memory was off!
I thought both universities were 4 years.
Last edited December 31, 2023 4:43 pm
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