PhoenixScientist Character generation

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Dec 31, 2023 4:45 pm
The colony, relieved at the revelation of the truth, watched as the agents of justice brought the perpetrators to account. The fear that had gripped the community slowly transformed into a collective sense of vindication. Agent Slaine, standing amidst the aftermath of the investigation, felt a profound satisfaction in delivering clarity to a once-anxious populace.

The legal proceedings that followed ensured that those responsible for manipulating the colony's fears would face the consequences of their actions. The courtroom became a stage for justice, and the individuals behind the hoax were held accountable for the disruption and panic they had sown.

As news of the arrests spread, a sense of closure settled over the population. The shadows that had loomed over their community dissipated, replaced by a newfound sense of security. In recognition of their exemplary work and unwavering commitment to unraveling the complex web of deception surrounding the synthetic scare, Agent Slaine Rowan received a well-deserved promotion. The title "Special Agent" now adorned their credentials, marking a significant milestone in their career within the ITC Bureau of Investigation.
Next term! Same career? If so, gimme your 1d20 and 1d4.
Dec 31, 2023 4:47 pm
Slaine is going to stick with something!
Edit: 1D5... really fingers?? Well anyway it is 4 and that brings me above the 31.
Last edited December 31, 2023 4:49 pm



(11) = 11


(4) = 4

Dec 31, 2023 5:08 pm
Rechecking your skills.

All values are already considering the value after the step:

Initial (level-0): Animals medical stealth reflex streetwise
University: Academics (Biology) 1, Computers 1, Medicine 2
Military Academy (PDF): Reflex 1, Melee 1 and Notice 1. Athletics 0, Driving 0, Ranged weapons 0, Intimidation 0.
PDF tour 1: Medicine 3 and Notice 2
Agent application: Bureaucracy 0
Agent event: Investigation 1, Athletics 1, Notice 3
Agent tour 1: Notice 4, Reflex 2
Can you check that as well? For the Medicine vs Notice discrepancies, I think you chose one and upgraded the other. For the Investigation, if a +1 rank is specified, the skill is acquired at level 1 if not already possessed, or its level increases by +1 for those already with it.
Dec 31, 2023 5:12 pm
Yeah I was doing that math too, the Medicine was an accident and was fixed while you were making this post.
Other than that your math is correct and in sheet now.
Last edited December 31, 2023 5:19 pm
Dec 31, 2023 5:27 pm
I will write an event next term only. You will have another term, because that 1d5 dice was wrong, I will ignore it. And I have rolled the correct one for you.

Gimme another 1d20 for your final year before the adventure.

Choose two skills to receive +1 for your second term between: Investigation, Medicine, Computers, Ranged weapons, Stealth, Streetwise, Palming and Intimidation


Term duration (correct roll. Maybe it wont matter, but let me see) - (1d4)

(2) = 2

Dec 31, 2023 5:40 pm
htech says:
PhoenixScientist says:
Plus I feel that I've been extremely lucky with my character creation. But I feel all that is rooted in rolling stats well.
Indeed, you were able to choose the direction you wanted to go more than most of the other players. You had a lot of luck in those applications. But I think that even in the adversity they had fun with chargen as well. At least I hope so. ;)

I think Hank is a good counterpoint. My stats sucked. I failed a LOT of rolls. Yet, despite that, I still got a useful fun character out of the process. Is he the best at what he does? No, because his stats sabotage that. However, he is still good at what he does, and he is still well-rounded.
Dec 31, 2023 6:00 pm
htech says:

Choose two skills to receive +1 for your second term between: Investigation, Medicine, Computers, Ranged weapons, Stealth, Streetwise, Palming and Intimidation
Tough choice. I think I want to get that Medicine to +4 (both because it would be great if they had a PHD equivalent of knowledge and the Exp to up from 3>4 would be a lot.
And then I think stealth to match the notice and make them a bit scout-ier.
Last edited December 31, 2023 6:02 pm
Dec 31, 2023 6:01 pm
daryen says:
I think Hank is a good counterpoint. My stats sucked. I failed a LOT of rolls. Yet, despite that, I still got a useful fun character out of the process. Is he the best at what he does? No, because his stats sabotage that. However, he is still good at what he does, and he is still well-rounded.
I think the benefit of an interesting and stories character not just lightweight but eclipsed the minimax need.
Plus you can work towards optimizing your character if you wish.
Dec 31, 2023 6:33 pm
PhoenixScientist says:
Tough choice. I think I want to get that Medicine to +4 (both because it would be great if they had a PHD equivalent of knowledge and the Exp to up from 3>4 would be a lot.
And then I think stealth to match the notice and make them a bit scout-ier.
Okay! Gimme another 1d20 for your final year before the adventure.
Dec 31, 2023 6:43 pm
Onec More Into The Breach.
Last edited December 31, 2023 6:43 pm



(13) = 13

Dec 31, 2023 6:54 pm
Final list, choose two to receive +1: Investigation, Persuasion, Athletics, Bureaucracy, Streetwise, Palming, Leadership and Intimidation.

I will write your event tomorrow. Happy new year!
Dec 31, 2023 7:07 pm
htech says:
Final list, choose two to receive +1: Investigation, Persuasion, Athletics, Bureaucracy, Streetwise, Palming, Leadership and Intimidation.

I will write your event tomorrow. Happy new year!
Investigation and Streetwise I think.

On a character story flavor note I think Slaine would want to try testing into a PHD.

Happy New Year!
Last edited December 31, 2023 7:10 pm

SSA Serena Hale


Jan 1, 2024 10:47 am
We will play this event almost like a solo adventure, more detailed than usual for chargen.

Your character already have all their skills and I'm using this to include you in the midst of chapter 2
Trade Era 1234, Day 3

ITC Bureau of Investigation, New Jordan

The soft chime of an incoming message echoed in Special Agent Slaine Rowan's office, drawing their attention away from the ongoing analysis and report of a recent cybercrime case. The holographic display flickered to life, revealing the familiar face of their boss, Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) Serena Hale.

"Good work on the cybercrime case, Slaine," Serena remarked, her tone a blend of appreciation and business. "But it seems we've got another puzzle on our hands. There have been reports of another potential biological synth, and guess who they want on the case?"

A wry smile played on Serena's lips as she continued, "Seems like you've become the go-to person for these mysteries. Maybe the Bureau has decided that you're the 'synth specialist' or something."
SSA Serena Hale
What do you do?
Jan 1, 2024 5:57 pm
"Oh, they're just putting me on it so they don't have to change the name on any reference documents." Slaine smiled, simultaneously knowing they may know than the average agent about bio-synths, and that they were nowhere near an expert. "Who am I working with this time, and what's the mission priority?" It wasn't entirely uncommon for a mission that was, or could be, in the public eye to require its agents to drop what they were doing to travel to it. They were expected to keep a bag packed for just such an occasion.
Once Slain had been given the basic details, which usually involved a couple sentences from Serena, and then being forwarded one or several documents, Slaine would pause.
"How's.... How's the kid?" Slaine wasn't an incredibly skilled conversationalist, but did care about the lives of their coworkers.
And every few months, when a case, or the fallout of a case, would require a minor to be under supervision for the short term, Serena would volunteer. And it was always stressful.
If I'm rolling for knowledge of bio-synths would I be rolling either Academics(Biology) or Medical, depending?(assuming I'm not rolling for anything about their creation or anything mechanical)

SSA Serena Hale


Jan 1, 2024 6:29 pm
Serena's expression softened, acknowledging the concern. "The kid's resilient, as always. It's a tough gig, but we're managing. As for your new partner, you'll be teaming up with Senior Special Agent Alex Mercer. Highly skilled and knows their way around machinery. Pack your bags, Slaine. We need eyes on this ASAP. You will be heading for Eclipse, Aldebaran system. Further details are in a datapad that you can grab on your way out of the office."
Depends on what type of knowledge you're looking for. If it is to recognize between a human or a supposedly biological synth, usually there is no need to roll. Either its obvious (after a CT scan or equivalent) or impossible (cursory looking).

Wanna get/read/prepare something in New Jordan or should we go ahead?
SSA Serena Hale
Jan 1, 2024 6:42 pm
Slaine exited out of what they were working on, not the mission summary that they had finished hours ago, but the information for testing into a doctorate.
Then they sent in the mission summary that would be due while they were traveling, and downloaded the mission details for the Caltrop Biosynth Investigation, and any other documents that they had already gathered on the subject.
and the service record for Senior Special Agent Alex Mercer.
Then, grabbing their packed bags, they headed out to get their mission details.
Just a small collection of mission histories and probably some theoretical publications by real experts. Then heading out.
Does Melee include hand to hand and melee weapons?
Last edited January 1, 2024 9:45 pm
Jan 2, 2024 12:12 am
Senior Special Agent Alex Mercer

Alex Mercer graduated with honors from Contitech University in Maryburg City, earning a degree in Engineering. Following that, he joined the ITC Bureau of Investigation and quickly proved his expertise in handling intricate cases involving emerging technologies. Known for his analytical prowess and dedication, Alex swiftly rose through the ranks to become a Senior Special Agent.

Throughout his service, Alex gained recognition for his contributions to the investigation of frauds involving gravitics and holographic projectors. He also has experience investigating various white-collar crimes, including cases involving financial fraud, corporate malfeasance, and embezzlement. His expertise extends to navigating complex webs of financial transactions and uncovering deceptive practices within corporate environments.
Continues in my next post
Jan 2, 2024 12:55 am
Case Report - Classified

Subject: Biological Synth Investigation

Case ID: #BSI-3472

Agents: Special Agent Slaine Rowan, Senior Special Agent Alex Mercer


This case was initiated following reports from an undercover operative within the Free Synthetic Automatons' Eclipse chapter, a local Synth Rights Political Party. Of particular concern is the acquisition by extremists in the group of cloning technology. They are now able to make full human bodies but with synth electronic components installed on the brain, potentially aligned with efforts to advance synth rights activism or something worse.

Characteristics of Biological Synth

- Appearance: Resembles an ordinary human, making detection challenging.
- Skin and Features: Exhibits human-like characteristics, including pores, hair, and natural eye movement, unlike traditional Synths.
- Autonomous Functions: Possesses advanced AI, allowing for human-like functionality but without any emotional or psychological elements.

Investigation Focus

- Origin: Determine the source and motives behind the creation of Biological Synths.
- Ethical and Legal Implications: Evaluate the ethical and legal concerns surrounding the fusion of human bodies with synthetic brains.
- Security Risks: Address potential threats posed by Biological Synths, especially if they can avoid detection, exhibit emotions or diverge from safety protocols used in regular synths.
Jan 2, 2024 1:01 am
Excellent presentation.
Jan 2, 2024 1:30 am
Melee includes hand-to-hand and melee weapons like vibroblades, regular blades and even clubs.

Trade Era 1234, Day 14

Lunar Pioneer, New Jordan Spaceport

The hum of the Lunar Pioneer's engines reverberated through the narrow corridors as Special Agent Slaine Rowan and Senior Special Agent Alex Mercer made their way towards the cryo-chamber section. Passing through a blast door that slid open with a metallic clang, they entered the dimly lit area. Rows of cryo-chambers lined the walls, each housing a passenger in suspended animation, frozen for the duration of their journeys.

The air in the chamber was chilled, a stark contrast to the rest of the ship's warm metallic scent. Green lights flickered softly, casting an otherworldly glow on the frosty surfaces of the cryo-chambers. Wires and tubes connected each chamber to a central control panel, displaying vital information in bold, blocky text.

"I will never get used to it," Alex mused, observing the frozen figures within the cryo-chambers. "A stark reminder that while the ship looks like it's from the past, we will soon skip into the future. It will be months until we wake up again. "

Trade Era 1234, Day 152

Lunar Pioneer, Eclipse orbit, Aldebaran system

More than 3 months later, Slaine finally reached their destination as the Lunar Pioneer emerged from the void of hyperspace, its sturdy design contrasting with the celestial panorama that unfolded before them. Eclipse loomed in the distance, a once barren celestial body transformed into a subsistence-level planet.

As the spacecraft descended towards Eclipse, the gas giant Aldebaran b's colossal form dominated the cosmic backdrop. Its icy rings were shimmering like a diamond necklace.

The descent continued, and Eclipse's surface came into clearer focus. Vast swaths of agriculture stretched across the planet, sustaining the population with basic foods cultivated in the modified soil. Mining outposts dotted the landscape, extracting precious metals from the surface while ice was harvested from the rings for water and refueling purposes.

The landing site chosen for the agents was a settlement nestled amidst the agricultural expanse, a hub where the ebb and flow of life on Eclipse played out. The Lunar Pioneer touched down on the dusty surface, the engines shutting down with a mechanical whirr.

Stepping out onto Eclipse's terraformed soil, Slaine and Alex were met with a sight that blended the stark beauty of outer space with the harsh realities of survival. The settlement's architecture reflected the utilitarian ethos of their people, with simple structures designed for function rather than form.

A local police officer named Mara Harkin awaited the agents.

"Welcome to Eclipse," Officer Harkin greeted them with a nod, her uniform adorned with the insignia of Eclipse's local law enforcement. Her eyes reflected the weariness of one who had seen the challenges faced by this community.

"Follow me, and I'll take you to our makeshift precinct. We've not been briefed on your case, but we will provide as much support as we can. Is there anything else that I can do for you?"

In the meantime, ground crew members, clad in orange suits, swiftly moved about, connecting hoses and loading cargo into the Lunar Pioneer. A couple of hours later, the spacecraft's engines roared to life, breaking the stillness as it departed towards its next destination in the cosmos.
What do you do?
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