PhoenixScientist Character generation

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Jan 2, 2024 2:42 am
"I will never get used to it," Alex mused, observing the frozen figures within the cryo-chambers. "A stark reminder that while the ship looks like it's from the past, we will soon skip into the future. It will be months until we wake up again. "
"I think humanity has always expierences life at different paces. Parent and child, a soldier and their spouce...." Slaine stops and pauses, looking into the cryo-chamber. "But you are right, there is something... Stark about the dramatic about months passing in a single rest. "

"Follow me, and I'll take you to our makeshift precinct. We've not been briefed on your case, but we will provide as much support as we can. Is there anything else that I can do for you?"
"Officer Harkin, thank you for your time. We value the time you have taken to meet us, and know you must have a myriad of duties. If we could be sent a list of all class 2 and class 3 factories as well as any medical facilities within a day's travel, we will begin our investigation immediately.
Unless you have a specific request, Agent Alex?
Slaine will be wanting to not only check validity of these synths but also possible supply chains.
Jan 2, 2024 11:13 pm
Officer Harkin, thank you for your time. We value the time you have taken to meet us, and know you must have a myriad of duties. If we could be sent a list of all class 2 and class 3 factories as well as any medical facilities within a day's travel, we will begin our investigation immediately.
She acknowledged the agents with a nod. "I'll ensure you receive the requested information promptly."

Trade Era 1234, Day 152

Local precinct, Eclipse, Aldebaran system

Housed within a sturdy structure constructed from salvaged materials, the precinct’s exterior featured reinforced walls of repurposed metal panels, weathered and battered by the harsh conditions of Eclipse. A simple yet robust entrance served as the gateway to the building, with the emblem of Eclipse's local law enforcement crudely painted above the door.

Passing through it, Slaine stepped into the command center—a single open space lit by overhead bulbs suspended from exposed wires. Clusters of desks formed a maze of activity, each cluttered with datapads and communication devices. Analog screens, displaying crucial information in green monochrome, adorned the makeshift walls, standing in stark contrast to the polished interfaces of more affluent precincts. The communication hub, like other parts of the precinct, was a relic salvaged from decommissioned spacecraft.

A communal meeting area awaited, marked by a weathered table surrounded by mismatched chairs—a space for briefings and discussions amidst the utilitarian surroundings.

Within minutes, Officer Harkin returned with a datapad containing a detailed list of class 2 and class 3 factories, along with the locations of medical facilities within a day's travel.

"Let's start with the clinics in the outskirts," Alex suggested, a focused determination in his eyes. "If there's any unusual activity related to cloning, it's likely to be centered around those facilities."
What do you do?
Jan 2, 2024 11:27 pm
If there are any Bio-Synth sightings nearby any clinics we should start there, also on the way I check out if there have been any protests or outspoken groups and we can check clinics in that area.
Hopefully we can find something before we have to go through supply, waste and production records for anything suspicious.
Last edited January 2, 2024 11:28 pm
Jan 2, 2024 11:41 pm
"One of the clinics in that area complained about their previous medic. Something about a forged license and them people started to protest, because he just disappeared a couple of months ago. We believe he voluntarily left the planet as crew in a fast trading ship that was passing by. It was forwarded to your Bureau and then our case was closed. Isn't it why you came here? What's that about Bio Synths?" - asked Harkin, confused. - "I can take you there, if you want. "
Jan 3, 2024 5:19 am
Slain sighed and rubbed his eyes. "Do we have any details on the the ship the suspect left in? We may have to follow leads on multiple fronts..."
Jan 3, 2024 9:29 am
"I can check the computers and try to find you that case file. Should I look into it now or do you wanna go to the clinic first?" - said Harkin
Jan 3, 2024 2:39 pm
"If you could check that while we're here.... Yes. Then we'll check that clinic and go over all the info again on the way."
Jan 4, 2024 12:51 am
Five long hours passed in a determined pursuit of information within Eclipse's makeshift precinct. Officer Mara Harkin, fueled by tenacity and dedication, meticulously combed through records and data repositories to unearth the case, pausing at midday for a quick sandwich and getting back to work.
What did you do in the meantime?
It was the end of the afternoon when the door to the command center creaked open, and Officer Harkin entered with a datapad in hand. Her expression, a mix of weariness and accomplishment, spoke volumes about the challenges of navigating Eclipse's labyrinthine records.

"Agents Rowan and Mercer, I've got the details you requested," Officer Harkin announced, her voice carrying the weight of newfound knowledge. "The case of Alfredo Hernandez, the unauthorized medic with the forged license and fraudulent surgeries."

Case Details - Forwarded from Eclipse Police Department
Suspect: Alfredo Hernandez

Accusations: Forgery of Medical License, Fraudulent Practices, Illegal Surgeries, Cloned Organ Transplants

Background: Several months ago, Eclipse faced a wave of protests triggered by revelations surrounding a local clinic's former medic, Alfredo Hernandez. The turmoil originated from a whistleblower's exposé, uncovering a web of forgery and fraudulent medical practices by Hernandez. The case took a dark turn when it was disclosed that Hernandez surgeries, including cloned organ transplants, were clandestinely performed as he did not have valid medical licenses.

Full Report: A courageous reporter revealed evidence of Alfredo Hernandez's forged medical license and fraudulent activities. Hernandez had been conducting unauthorized surgeries and clandestine cloned organ transplants, alarming both patients and authorities.The disclosure led to widespread protests as Eclipse residents learned about the illicit medical procedures performed by Hernandez, eroding trust in local healthcare services.

Law enforcement confirmed the authenticity of the whistleblower's claims, discovering that Hernandez's medical license was indeed a forgery. The gravity of the situation escalated as the extent of the fraudulent practices became evident. Under mounting pressure and with authorities closing in, Hernandez vanished from Eclipse, leaving behind a community in turmoil and numerous unresolved medical cases.

Further investigation revealed that Hernandez departed Eclipse by joining the crew of the Celestial Voyager, a fast trading ship passing through the system. The ship's identity and reported destination were sent to the Interstellar Trade Commission (ITC) Bureau of Investigation. Eclipse Law Enforcement reported the case to the Bureau, marking Hernandez as a wanted fugitive, thus extending the jurisdiction beyond the planet's boundaries.


Hours to find the case file - (1d6)

(5) = 5

Hour of the day that they arrived at the precinct - (1d10+7)

(4) + 7 = 11

Jan 4, 2024 12:57 am
Can I do an investigation roll to speed up the case file finding?
Rolling just in case? If not ignore.


Investigation - (1D20+5)

(15) + 5 = 20

Jan 4, 2024 1:00 am
Nops. Sorry. Ignored. :)
Jan 4, 2024 1:36 am
What did you do in the meantime?
The information from Officer Harkin will probably be out best lead, but in the meanwhile I will want to research any medical facility receiving, processing or capable of processing cloned organs or full clones. Also checking for any factories capable of, if not already, producing the equipment needed in Bio-Synth or regular synth production.
Supply lines can be a major tool in this sort of investigation.
I'll be working with Senior Special Agent Alex Mercer heavily to cross reference our fields of knowledge.

We will also need to make a game plan of order of investigation, and decide how important, how urgent, it may be to try and follow this fake doctor.
Jan 5, 2024 8:23 pm
I don't know if you need more?
Jan 5, 2024 8:44 pm
No that's good, don't worry!

I need a little bit more time to advance the other threads (there's a big picture happening here, so we can fit everything together nicely ;)) and I also do need to sit down and write your next steps. I will post ASAP.

Sorry, should have told you.

Jan 5, 2024 8:45 pm
Ok, I just want to make sure if something different is needed.
Jan 6, 2024 12:06 am
Special Agent Slaine Rowan delved into the digital labyrinth of Eclipse's records, navigating the intricate web of medical facilities and factories. The relentless tapping of keys echoed through the precinct as they meticulously cross-referenced supply lines.

Hours passed, the agent's focus remained unyielding, driven by the determination to expose the truth hidden within. After meticulous cross-referencing, a pattern began to emerge. The cloned organs utilized by Hernandez's clinic originated from a facility named "NovaGen Biotech."

The very mention of NovaGen Biotech triggered a digital cascade, revealing interesting details about it. Situated on the outskirts of Eclipse, NovaGen Biotech operated discreetly within the planet. Specializing in bioengineering and cloning technologies, NovaGen Biotech supplied cloned organs not only to Hernandez's clinic but also to other medical facilities across Eclipse.

The revelations about NovaGen Biotech's involvement in cloned organ production raised additional questions for Special Agent Slaine Rowan. As they delved further into the layers of Eclipse's intricate medical landscape, a new discovery emerged—senior leaders of NovaGen Biotech were actively engaged in synth rights activism. Their engagement encompassed legal activism, public discourse, and participation in movements advocating for the rights of synthetic entities. But no evidence suggested anything illegal on the part of NovaGen Biotech's leadership. Their activism was within the bounds of the law, reflecting a commitment to social change through legal channels and political parties.

It was around that time, after finding Hernandez's case, that Officer Harkin came back. The ITC's Agent took a couple of minutes more, analyzing all the relevant information obtained so far, before Alex said:

Sr. Special Agent Alex Mercer
"I don't think the false doctor is the real culprit, if there are really any Bio-Synths, Slaine. We should check NovaGen Biotech's involvement first. But it is already late for a visit. Let's write our daily reports, rest and start early tomorrow." - said Alex, discreetly so no one else could hear then talk.
What do you do?
Jan 6, 2024 1:25 am
Case Report: Preliminary: Bio-Synth Eclipse Investigation
Special Agent Slaine Rowan | Trade Era 1234, Day 152

Initial investigations have revealed probable connections of the known criminal Alfredo Hernandez [case files attached], to the Bio-Synth production. However it is believed that Alfredo Hernandez is only a small part of a larger conspiracy and probably threat from within NovaGen BioTech.
While NovaGen BioTech has previously only been seen to act within the law on the matters of synth, synth rights and cloning production, their connection with the criminal Alfredo Hernandez, and their clear desire for Synth rights may be revealing of a deeper insidious threat.
Next steps are agreed to be further investigation of NovaGen BioTech. Best approach seems to be investigation with the front of looking at Alfredo Hernandez, and concealing suspicion of NovaGen BioTech. Also, it will be necessary to collect the records and contact information for each and every individual that Alfredo Hernandez has operated on in case it becomes relevant. I am suspicious of these cloned organs from NovaGen BioTech, though I do not know the threat they may hold, with such quickly advancing technologies it is important to maximize reaction time in any way possible.
Recommended increasing threat level of Alfredo Hernandez, and questioning of crew of Celestial Voyager. Crew may be unaware they are transporting a criminal, so should be treated as witnesses unless new incriminating evidence arises.
PS: Local law enforcement fully cooperative and wanting of our assistance, however held back by organizational flaws of their system, seemingly due to lack of resources for such things. Possible good location for a work-program intern added to the rotation.
Note: Slaine Rowan is not against synth rights, if evidence came forward that a Synth was a fully sapient beings. If they were able to coordinate and work for their own desire for rights, for example.
However that does not mean that someone couldn't use such movements for their own means, or production of near-humans that they can create for nefarious means.

Slaine is going to make sure any data on NovaGen BioTech that they can gather is collected on a datapad to go over while traveling to locations, especially the ways they are supporting Synth Rights Movement, and what they have officially said on the matter. If there is already a list of everyone Alfredo Hernandez had worked on, Slaine will gather that too, and ask the local office to gather the contact information for all those people, in case it becomes relevant (They expects this to take days, and will continue without the finished list and contact information). With Organs installed by someone with possible Bio-Synth connections Agent Slaine is worried that there may be a threat to the population. There certainly may be nothing, but it is better to have the list and not need it than not have it and need it.

For the evening, before resting,Slaine is going to find somewhere nearby where they can practice sword-play and spar, so much travel and deskwork is leaving them restless. [This sort of fitness expense is usually recouped by the ITC.]

Agent Slaine thinks that their first points of investigation are the clinic where Alfredo Hernandez "worked", and the NovaGen BioTech facility that supplied it. They will confer with Agent Alex as to which seems the higher priority. This will also depend on how well the medical clinic was, itself, investigation, and if there is any information that would lead Agent Slaine to believe it could be any part in Bio-Synth production. If there isn't enough information to tell that may also show a need to investigate, for at least that much information.
Jan 6, 2024 1:30 am
PS, Story wise, I don't think the clinic will have much more info, but I think Agent Slaine can't rule that out yet. I am willing to handwave some of that investigation if you want (to not overburden you).

And speaking of not wanting to overburden you <irony> a wishlist?
-An evidence collection kit: (swabs, gloves, crimescene tape, bags, tweezers, bags/jars, tags, blacklight wand etc)
-maybe some damage resistant case for some of this(more for flavor than blocking damage)
Last edited January 6, 2024 4:30 am
Jan 6, 2024 3:46 pm
Nice! I have just written a new mechanic for investigations in the game rules thread. I think it will help us here. So tell me, what are the next questions that should be answered?

About the equipment, let's say you have it all, including the datapad. You brought it from New Jordan. :)

And you found a gym / club to practice sparring as well. =)
Jan 6, 2024 3:49 pm
Does Agent Slaine have enough information to rule out the possibility of the Clinic Alfredo Hernandez worked at being a part of the Bio-Synth production? <Y/N>
Last edited January 6, 2024 3:51 pm
Jan 6, 2024 3:56 pm
You can post more than one question simultaneously. Clues from one roll can be used in other questions. =)

To streamline this specific question (and use it as a real example), I will roll for you and answer it in the next post.
1. Investigation DC12, 1 day spent after the roll, 2 Clues to solve


Slaine Rowan: Investigation DC12 - (1d20+5)

(15) + 5 = 20

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