PhoenixScientist Character generation

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Jan 6, 2024 3:58 pm
Results: 8 clues, 2 spent, 6 remaining for the next question(s).

At the end of Day 153...

Does Agent Slaine have enough information to rule out the possibility of the Clinic Alfredo Hernandez worked at being a part of the Bio-Synth production?

No. The clinic does not provide the biological body, organs or mechanical parts, but could be part of the final "assembly" of the supposed Bio Synths.
What do you do?
Jan 6, 2024 4:15 pm
All right
We will probably have to investigate the clinic now. Though They agree with Agent Alex, that Bio-Synth is the greater threat, we need to do thorough work, step-by-step. Also the presentation of investigating Alfredo Hernandez may be helpful.
Can the clinic assemble Bio-Synths? <Y/N>
Who else from the clinic has the skills needed to be a part of Bio-Synth production? <Open>
Who else from the clinic may be involved in this production (with special attention to anyone who hired or was a reference for Alfredo Hernandez)? <Open>
What threat could the organs Alfredo Hernandez replaced represent? <Open>
Last edited January 6, 2024 4:16 pm
Jan 6, 2024 4:31 pm
Here are some questions / suggestions based on your (excellent) case report, before I changed the game rules:
Best approach seems to be investigation with the front of looking at Alfredo Hernandez, and concealing suspicion of NovaGen BioTech.
1. Besides the surgeries to install NovaGen organs in his patients, are there further connections between Alfredo and the company? <Y/N>
Also, it will be necessary to collect the records and contact information for each and every individual that Alfredo Hernandez has operated on in case it becomes relevant.
2. Who / how many individuals has Alfredo operated on? <Open ended >

3. What are their contact information? <Open ended >
I am suspicious of these cloned organs from NovaGen BioTech, though I do not know the threat they may hold
4. Were there any issues or reported problems with NovaGen organs? <Y/N>
Feel free to ask them or just ignore, based on the new rules and your strategy and previous answers
Jan 6, 2024 4:34 pm
Answering your questions, just a moment...
Jan 6, 2024 4:34 pm
Yes, Slaine is looking for all that information.
Jan 6, 2024 4:47 pm
At the end of Day 153...

Can the clinic assemble Bio-Synths? <Y/N>

1 clue spent. Needs previous questions:
- Can Bio-Synths be assembled, at all, considering current technology and research levels in Eclipse? <Y/N> (5 clues needed for the answer)
- Is the assembly of Bio-Synths legal? <Y/N> (1 clue needed for the answer)
- Would the clinic be able to conceal it from the authorities? (3 clues)
- Would anyone in the clinic have a motivation to do so? (4 clues)

After the above:
- Can the clinic assemble Bio-Synths? <Y/N> (0 clues)
Who else from the clinic has the skills needed to be a part of Bio-Synth production?

3 clues spent. Assuming it is possible, a highly skilled team would be needed, including Doctors, Nurses and Researchers. It is not something that could be done by a single person.

Who else from the clinic may be involved in this production (with special attention to anyone who hired or was a reference for Alfredo Hernandez)?

2 clues spent. If it is possible and was done,
everyone else would be involved.

What threat could the organs Alfredo Hernandez replaced represent?

Needs 3 clues.
No clues left. Roll Investigation DC12 and spend another day.
Jan 6, 2024 4:50 pm
PhoenixScientist says:
Yes, Slaine is looking for all that information.
Ok! Didn't expect that, so here are the costs:
1. Besides the surgeries to install NovaGen organs in his patients, are there further connections between Alfredo and the company? <Y/N> (Needs 2 clues)
2. Who / how many individuals has Alfredo operated on? (3 clues)
3. What are their contact information? (4 clues)
4. Were there any issues or reported problems with NovaGen organs? <Y/N>(2 clues)
Choose after you roll for the day. ;)
Jan 6, 2024 4:58 pm


Investigation DC12 - (1D20+5)

(7) + 5 = 12

Jan 6, 2024 5:04 pm
Ops. Your effect was 0. You haven't received any penalties or complications, but have not received any clues either. Spend another day, and roll Investigation DC12 again.
At the end of Day 154...
Slaine was still investigating the clinic, but they haven't found any new clues or insights.
Jan 6, 2024 5:06 pm
Order of operations for questions
What threat could the organs Alfredo Hernandez replaced represent? <Open> (Needs 2 clues)
Who / how many individuals has Alfredo operated on? (3 clues)
What are their contact information? (4 clues)
Were there any issues or reported problems with NovaGen organs? <Y/N>(2 clues)
Is the assembly of Bio-Synths legal? <Y/N> (1 clue needed for the answer)
Can Bio-Synths be assembled, at all, considering current technology and research levels in Eclipse? <Y/N> (5 clues needed for the answer)
Would the clinic be able to conceal it from the authorities? (3 clues)
Would anyone in the clinic have a motivation to do so? (4 clues)
Besides the surgeries to install NovaGen organs in his patients, are there further connections between Alfredo and the company? <Y/N> (Needs 2 clues)
If yes, what are they?
Last edited January 6, 2024 5:07 pm
Jan 6, 2024 5:09 pm

Can I get any advantages for the assistance of Agent Alex or the local law enforcement?
Edit: ... Oh
Last edited January 6, 2024 5:09 pm


Investigation DC12 - (1D20+5)

(20) + 5 = 25

Jan 6, 2024 5:48 pm
Indeed... Didn't think about Alex, but it makes sense. From the next day onwards, Alex can solve some of your questions on his own (rolling separately and dealing with failures on his own) or follow you (giving you advantage and sharing failures and complications with you).

The cooperation from local enforcement I'm already considering in the DC and clue costs.

By the way, did you like this game mechanic? What are your thoughts so far?

At the end of Day 155…

What threat could the organs Alfredo Hernandez replaced represent?

None. It seems to be perfectly normal and healthy cloned organs. No relevant complaints from most patients.

Who / how many individuals has Alfredo operated on?

He spent around 18 months working in the clinic before fleeing. 118 patients.

What are their contact information?

You have it now, and talked with some of them for the answer above

Were there any issues or reported problems with NovaGen organs?

Less than 1% of rejections and failure rate, within expected parameters.

Is the assembly of Bio-Synths legal?

Not in Eclipse and most planetary laws. But if the synth reaches space and leaves planetary jurisdiction, there are no ITC regulations about it, one way or the other. Depending on the specific circumstances, they could be treated like Synths (property) or Humans (free sapients). It would be a legal nightmare, without any precedent.

Can Bio-Synths be assembled, at all, considering current technology and research levels in Eclipse? <Y/N>

5 clues needed, only 1 left.
What are your next questions? Roll Investigation DC12 for more clues. I will answer on Monday.
Jan 6, 2024 5:48 pm

I do like the mechanic, did have a question.
One thing I didn't see is how passing difficulty relates to clues?
How much is each amount above the DC relate to each clue?
How much below causes how much complication?
Last edited January 6, 2024 5:49 pm
Jan 6, 2024 5:49 pm
1 above = 1 clue. Complications are case by case
Jan 6, 2024 5:50 pm
It's a good mechanic, though I do think in the future hitting the DC should reveal a clue. (People tend to want hitting a DC to be a success).
Jan 6, 2024 6:05 pm
Can Bio-Synths be assembled, at all, considering current technology and research levels in Eclipse? <Y/N> (I'm going to assume yes and so ask:)
Can the clinic assemble Bio-Synths? <Y/N>
Was/are there Bio-Synths being assembled at the clinic? <Y/N>
Research direction will depend on this Y/N
Slain will probably be frequenting the gym most/every evening. The balance of physical and mental health is important, especially for ITC agents who can deal with high stakes events. And practicing combat skills and mindset can help one not panic when it becomes necessary.
Have a good weekend!
Jan 6, 2024 8:43 pm
Case Report: Preliminary: Bio-Synth Eclipse Investigation
Special Agent Slaine Rowan | Trade Era 1234, Day 154

While the organs transplanted by Alfredo Hernandez are still both unethical and illegal, they have proven to be acting within normal and expected parameters. Therefore possibility of threat is being considered minimal. Though there may be a need for testing and scans of each individual in the future. [Full List Attached]
Worryingly I have not been able to rule out further conspiracy from the clinic. With current understanding the clinicis likely capable of producing Bio-Synths. It would require most of if not the full staff, which is worrying more than it is comforting. Further research will be conducted.

Advised Actions: the ITC may need to get specialist action, or likely a taskforce, to determine the requisite parameters to prove Synth sapience. If proven sapient Synths will need to be given rights. This is not only the ethical option, but will support the ethical optics of the ITB and allied agencies.
This is important for my next suggestion: heavy and brutal restrictions and oversight on the creation of Synths and Bio-Synths. Especially focusing on a person's or group's ability to progeam and control a Synth of either sort. The threat of such a situation is akin to a full army of sleeper agents, with above humanity intelligence and durability.
Also, from an individual ethical perspective, to control a sapient creature in such a way is akin to mind control and brainwashing and/or slavery.
Jan 6, 2024 11:39 pm
I have some unexpected free time today, so I'm playing this game a little bit more. =)

Answers in my next post, you missed the Investigation DC12 test :)


Days until the report arrives at New Jordan - (4d4+27)

(2223) + 27 = 36

Slaine Rowan: Investigation DC12 - (1d20+5)

(11) + 5 = 16

Jan 6, 2024 11:48 pm
Makes sense. I’m changing the rules to give Effect +1 clues. I will give you two bonus questions, based on your feedback and (great) report.
At the end of Day 157…

Can cloned organs be legally used in Eclipse for prosthetics or medicinal purposes? (Y/N)
Bonus, 0 clues. Yes. Ask further questions if you want to.

How long until the ITC Bureau of Investigation in New Jordan receives your last report?
Bonus, 0 clues. 36 days. A fast courier ship goes at 3 light-years per week. Give or take a couple of days of conventional travel before entering hyperspace, plus natural delays, refueling and unexpected difficulties, it takes between 7-10 days to cover 3 light-years. Aldebaran is 13 light-years from New Jordan.

Can Bio-Synths be assembled, at all, considering current technology and research levels in Eclipse?

5 clues. Yes. This groundbreaking technology, while unprecedented, suggests that if NovaGen Biotech collaborates with a conventional Synth Factory and finds a discreet location to do so, they could potentially assemble one or two Bio-Synths per year. Special Agents Slaine and Alex are likely among the first in the ITC Bureau to uncover this clandestine capability.

Clues remaining: 1
You don't have enough for the remaining two Y/N questions: 3 clues each.
Jan 7, 2024 12:33 am
Hey, by the way, I am also a game designer, so I am full of appreciation for other game designers and also opinions about systems.
Do have two other notes about the game so far. Feel free to ignore.
[ +- ] stats
[ +- ] careers
Please know these notes come from a place of appreciation and are my opinion.
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