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Jan 7, 2024 12:52 am
Upon finding out that Bio-Synths are really probably in production the Agents will work together to send a message warning if this to the ITC, including the possible technologies and means of doing so(which I don't know as the player). It will be sent at the highest security level they can access.

I think Slaine and Alex are going to try and finish this investigation on the clinic together... Possibly because arrests are about to need to be made.

Can the clinic assemble Bio-Synths? <Y/N>
Was/are there Bio-Synths being assembled at the clinic? <Y/N>
If so.... Everyone is getting arrested, we will have local law enforcement on standby just in case.


Investigation DC12 (advantage?) - (2D20H1+5)

(87) + 5 = 13

Jan 7, 2024 1:27 am
At the end of Day 158…

Can the clinic assemble Bio-Synths?

3 clues. Yes.

1 clue remaining.
You don't have enough for the remaining Y/N question: 3 clues. Wanna try Day 159?
Jan 7, 2024 1:48 am
You don't have enough for the remaining Y/N question: 3 clues. Wanna try Day 159?
Last edited January 7, 2024 1:48 am


Investigation DC12 (advantage) - (2D20H1+5)

(619) + 5 = 24

Jan 7, 2024 2:01 am
Was/are there Bio-Synths being assembled at the clinic?

3 clues. No. At least, not at the moment, for sure, and if any were assembled in the past, they have hidden it very well.

You have 11 clues remaining.
You never failed a single Investigation roll !!!
Jan 7, 2024 2:15 am

You never failed a single Investigation roll !!!
Well with a +5 and advantage part of the time... That helps.
Also I feel jinxed...I haven't .. yet ..
It is time to investigate Gen Tech..
Who was in charge of delivering to the clinic? <Open>
Who made decisions about what specific item was delivered? <Open>
List of facility staff, names and positions. <Open>
Capability and process of facility. Especially how one could use the facility to create Bio-synths. <Open>
Jan 7, 2024 4:47 pm
I have answered the game design discussion in the OOC thread. ;)
At the end of Day 159…

Who was in charge of delivering to the clinic?

2 clues. The responsible party for delivering the cloned organs and other biological materials to the clinics in Eclipse was a third-party logistics and delivery megacorporation known as Stellar Express. They have billions of employees and businesses in every sector of known space.

Who made decisions about what specific item was delivered?

4 clues. Within NovaGen Biotech, the oversight of packaging before handing it to Stellar Express was conducted by Dr. Isabella Ramirez, the Head of Supply Chain Management.

List of facility staff, names and positions.

5 clues. Partial list, staff with closest ties to Ramirez
Dr. Isabella Ramirez, Head of Supply Chain Management.
Role: Former researcher, she is now an executive director in the company. Supports artificial intelligence rights.

Dr. Marcus Turner, Chief Bioengineer
Role: Responsible for overseeing the bioengineering processes, ensuring quality and ethical standards.

Ms. Elena Martinez, Logistics Coordinator
Role: Collaborates with Dr. Ramirez in managing the logistics of shipments, including coordination with Stellar Express.

Mr. Javier Rodriguez, Operations Manager, Cloning Division
Role: Manages the day-to-day operations of the cloning division, ensuring efficiency and compliance with protocols.

Dr. Olivia Chen, Research Scientist
Role: Engaged in ongoing research related to bioengineering advancements and potential applications.

Mr. Carlos Ortega, Facilities Manager
Role: Oversees the maintenance and operations of NovaGen Biotech's physical facilities in Eclipse

Capability and process of facility. Especially how one could use the facility to create Bio-synths.

3 clues.
0 left
Jan 8, 2024 12:01 am

Is NovagenBio Tech able to create Bio-Synths? <Open>
Is NovaGen Bio Tech creating Bio-Synths? <open>
(If so a lot of arrests are about to be made, if so everyone who can be arrested is.)
Who was involved in the Creation of the Bio-Synths? <Open>
What is the motivation for the creation of Bio-Synths? <open>
Last edited January 8, 2024 3:33 am


Investigation DC12 (advantage) - (2D20H1+5)

(1111) + 5 = 16

Jan 8, 2024 4:56 am
More investigation


Investigation DC12 (advantage) - (2D20H1+5)

(1617) + 5 = 22

Jan 9, 2024 12:23 am
At the end of Day 160…

Is NovagenBio Tech able to create Bio-Synths?

3 clues Not alone. They can only be part of the supply chain. And the legal (at least in Eclipse) part. Just the installation of the synth brain in a full human body (final part) is illegal here. See Alex report below.
ITC Bureau of Investigation - Case Report

Subject: NovaGen Biotech - Bio-Synth Manufacturing Capability

Author: Senior Special Agent Alex Mercer

Executive Summary: NovaGen Biotech, an Eclipse-based biotechnology facility, has developed a groundbreaking capability to vat-grow complete human bodies, excluding the central nervous system (CNS). This report aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the process involved and the possibility of collaborative efforts with conventional synth factories to integrate synth brains into these bodies.

Contents: NovaGen employs advanced bioengineering techniques to cultivate tissues, organs, and skeletal structures, even able to create a complete human body without the CNS. The bodies are grown in controlled environments, allowing for customization based on client specifications. Importantly, NovaGen intentionally omits the central nervous system during manufacturing, sidestepping complex neural integration and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards. It's noteworthy that vat-growing the CNS is illegal in Eclipse and various planetary bodies, but not the remaining organs. It's usually easier to grow individual organs, and that's how other companies do, but NovaGen has developed a proprietary approach that allows them to easily grow a full body, even using growth accelerants, and extract the organs in surgeries later.

In the case of Bio-Synths, collaboration with conventional synth factories becomes instrumental. Synth brains, tailor-made for compatibility with Bio-Synth bodies, can be crafted in regular synth factories with minimal modifications. These synth brains replicate cognitive functions, enabling autonomous operations without relying on a natural central nervous system.

The final stage, the installation of the synthetic brain into the cloned body, necessitates specialized medical facilities capable of transplants and major surgery, not found in NovaGen facilities.

Conclusion: NovaGen Biotech's groundbreaking manufacturing capability challenges the established norms of cloned organs and possibly synth design, offering a glimpse into a future where synthetic entities closely resemble humans. The ethical, legal, societal and security implications demand careful scrutiny, as these entities can blur the lines between synthetic and natural life.
Is NovagenBio Tech creating Bio-Synths?

2 clues No.

Trade Era 1234, Day 160

A nearby gym, Eclipse, Aldebaran system

In a gym situated near the hotel where Special Agent Slaine Rowan had set up temporary residence in Eclipse, they engaged in a rigorous boxing training session. Special Agent Slaine Rowan swung punches at an holographic boxing trainer. The rhythmic thuds of gloves striking the punching bag reverberated through the air, creating a steady cadence in the otherwise quiet space.

As each jab and hook found its target in the virtual opponent, Slaine's mind wrestled with the intricacies of the investigation. The expectation of discovering a clandestine assembly line for Bio-Synths had given way to a more perplexing reality. NovaGen, it seemed, wasn't creating Bio-Synths as Slaine had assumed.

Between strikes, images of cloned bodies danced in Slaine's mind. Bodies in the NovaGen assembly lines, eerily lifelike in their vat-grown perfection. The frustration intensified; this wasn't the straightforward path Slaine had envisioned. The investigation had taken an unexpected turn, and NovaGen's endeavors seemed to involve something beyond the anticipated Bio-Synth production.

As beads of sweat formed on Slaine's forehead, a memory surged—a fleeting glimpse of a cloned body identical to Alfredo Hernandez she saw in NovaGen assembly lines!

Stopping mid-punch, Slaine let out an audible exhale. The holographic opponent vanished, leaving the agent alone in the quiet training room. Slaine's thoughts swirled, contemplating the significance of that. The frustration lingered, but a determination to unravel the truth fueled their next steps.
At the end of Day 161, you will have 11 clues. But considering the above, what are your next questions?
Jan 9, 2024 1:40 am
Slaine started towards the door, sending Alex a message.
"We Need To Talk. Now."
They started to head out to where they expected Alex to be. There were more ramifications to this than Slaine alone could tackle.
'Is the Alfredo Hernandez that fled the real one?'
'Is Alfredo Hernandez even a real person?'
'Is that Alfredo Hernandez a Bio-Synth?'
'What is stopping them from replacing government officials...'

That last one was the most worrying.
They would have to double check Alex, just in case, and then prove that neither of them were bio-synths. The possibility of a speed-grown Bio-Synth had not been ruled out fully. 'Metal detector? An X-ray? Or just checking for scars?'
And then if they were both able to trust eachother, they would need to plan a way to quickly test for a Bio-Synth, and send a message to ITC.
They may need to go after Alfredo Hernandez.

Could a Bio-Synth pass for human?<Y/N>
Is Alex a Bio-Synth?<Y/N> (I don't think so but I'm not getting caught unaware.)
How quick might be the fastest a Bio-Synth be able to be grown?<open>
How can we test/scan for a Bio-Synth? <Open>
Is "Alfredo Hernandez" a Bio-Synth? <Open>
What is the largest threat of "Alfredo Hernandez" And "Alfredo Hernandez" clones? <Open>
Last edited January 9, 2024 1:47 am
Jan 10, 2024 1:00 am
At the end of Day 161…

Is Alex a Bio-Synth?

3 clues No. Alex (and Slaine, for reciprocity) submitted to a full medical brain scan, proving they have biological brains.

Could a Bio-Synth pass for human?

0 clues Yes. If not for an advanced computer as their brains, they have "normal humans bodies with cloned organs" after all.

How quick might be the fastest a Bio-Synth be able to be grown?

5 clues NovaGen is able to grow a full human body in 1 year for a child, 2 years for an young adult. The surgery to install the brain after that takes a couple of hours. After 1-2 days recovering, the Bio-Synth should be able to leave the hospital/clinic.

How can we test/scan for a Bio-Synth

3 clues. Submitting for a full brain scan in a hospital is guaranteed. An easier and more convenient solution (but with the risk of a false negative) is, by using a portable medical scanner, a trained person could check if there are implants or alterations to the subject's central nervous system, indicating a Bio-Synth.
Medicine DC12, this roll is done by the GM in secret. A negative result (not Synth) can be real or false, if you failed that roll. A true result (Bio-Synth) is always correct.

Is "Alfredo Hernandez" a Bio-Synth.

0 clues. Unknown. Slaine would have to scan him.

What is the largest threat of "Alfredo Hernandez" And "Alfredo Hernandez" clones?

Sorry, didn't understand the question. Can you rephrase or detail it somehow?
0 clues left.
Jan 10, 2024 1:38 am

Is the cloning of Alfredo Hernandez Legal?(y/n)
Is NovaGen part of creating Bio-Synths?(Y/N)
Can NovaGen create duplicates of anyone they have appropriate genetic samples of? (Open)
Edit: What effect would a stun baton have on a Synth/BioSynth?(open)
Last edited January 10, 2024 6:18 am


Investigation DC12 (advantage) - (2D20H1+5)

(1117) + 5 = 22

Jan 10, 2024 11:55 pm
At the end of Day 162...

Is the cloning of Alfredo Hernandez Legal?

1 clue. Yes. As long as they don't clone the Central Nervous System (CNS - the brain and spinal cord), in Eclipse, having a cloned body is legal. Cloned organs are used mainly for healing from certain diseases, amputated limbs, etc.
Is NovaGen part of creating Bio-Synths?

0 clues. Unknown. Slaine found no proofs, so far, that there even exists a Bio-Synth at all. It is just a possibility.
Can NovaGen create duplicates of anyone they have appropriate genetic samples of?

1 clue. Yes. Legally, just with the person authorization. It takes at least 2 years with growth accelerants and a lot of credits, but anyone in Eclipse with the money to spare can legally acquire one or more "cloned bodies" for himself. Please note that it has no CNS, so it is not alive by itself and it is not a "person". The cloned body has to stay in NovaGen facilities or cryo-pods until it is "used" in surgeries, otherwise it dies.
What effect would a stun baton have on a Synth/BioSynth?

3 clues. It would stun the Bio-Synth organic body, as usual, and have no effect on the Synth inorganic body.
6 clues left.
Continues, see next post...
Jan 11, 2024 12:12 am
Trade Era 1234, Day 163

Local precinct, Eclipse, Aldebaran system

Ten days had passed since Special Agent Slaine Rowan descended upon Eclipse, each day marked by elusive shadows and unanswered questions. Despite tireless efforts, the investigation into NovaGen's activities yielded no concrete leads or discernible crimes. The enigmatic threads continued to elude Slaine's grasp, leaving a lingering sense of frustration.

It was not really a surprise that Slaine found herself with Alex standing in the Eclipse's precinct captain's office, a room with dim lighting and a heavy atmosphere. Captain Hale, a figure of authority, met Slaine's gaze with a mix of understanding and resolve.

"Slaine," Captain Hale began, "I appreciate your dedication to this case, but circumstances have shifted. Officer Harkin won't be able to assist you any longer. She has other pressing duties demanding her attention."

The news, though not entirely unexpected, cast a somber shadow over the investigation.
What do you do?
Jan 11, 2024 4:57 am
Slaine would probably request Captain Hale submit to an exam, explaining they have not ruled out Bio-Synth replacements, and provide proof of their identity.

"I apologize for the paranoid runaround, but when dealing with such new tech... New threats... It is advantageous to be extra cautious. "

Slaine nodded, and sighed, "SHe has been a lot of the reason we have made such good progress." They then stood and reached out a hand to Sr. Special Agent Alex Harkin. "If you would let me finish my report I would appreciate if you took it back with you. "

Case Report: Bio-Synth Eclipse Investigation
Special Agent Slaine Rowan | Trade Era 1234, Day 163

Though the threat of Bio-Synths has not been substantiated, and all processes of GenTech appears lega(refer to previous reports), if unique, a new threat has been uncovered.
If a company or group is able to create bio-synths it is technically possible to replace any individual the group has sufficient genetic samples to create a clone from. This includes any high ranking government or ITC individual.

Currently the only a full brain scan in a full medical facility
is the guaranteed way to prove one is not a Bio-Synth.
Other precautions may be taken when unavailable, but do not guarantee am accurate answer. IE may a false negative. A trained individual may use a portable medical scanner, or check if there are implants or alterations to the subject's central nervous system (espexially focusing on the base of the skull and spine).
I want to reiterate that these concerns are theoretical, but I have not proven they are not already in effect.
Is GenTech connected to or in cooperation with any companies making or able to make Synths? <Y/N>
Is the clinic connected to or in cooperation with any companies making or able to make Synths? <Y/N>
Why was Alfredo working at the clinic? <Open>
What proof did the ITC have of Bio-Synths? <Open>

Last edited January 11, 2024 5:42 pm
Jan 11, 2024 11:03 am
I'm actually increasing the DC by one step (17). Alex is still with you. Officer Harkin is the local police officer that greeted you and was helping in the investigation. She is not from the ITC Bureau, it's been 10 days and Slaine haven't found any proof so far, so...
Trade Era 1234, Day 163

Local precinct, Eclipse, Aldebaran system

"I apologize for the paranoid runaround, but when dealing with such new tech... New threats... It is advantageous to be extra cautious. " - said Slaine.
Captain Hale's gaze, steady and composed, met Slaine's earnest expression. Leaning back in her chair, the captain responded with a measured tone, "Agent Rowan, I understand the nature of your work, but I have rights as a citizen. Privacy and personal rights are not to be taken lightly. I won't consent to a medical examination without a warrant, nor anybody else in Eclipse. "

She continued, "In my position, I deal with classified information and sensitive matters. Requiring me to undergo a medical examination without concrete evidence or legal grounds is an infringement on those rights. It sets a precedent that goes way beyond the scope of this investigation."

Captain Hale's words resonated with a quiet conviction, emphasizing the delicate balance between security and individual liberties. "I respect the importance of your role, Agent Rowan, but I won't compromise on the principles that safeguard the rights of every citizen on this moon, even in the pursuit of justice."
What do you do? If you wanna continue in the next day, roll Investigation DC17, with Advantage from Alex. Or let he do his thing (without you) and he will share his findings at the end of the day.
Jan 11, 2024 4:20 pm
"Of course, you and I both know that I have no way to require you to submit to a medical exam.
Unless I go over your head, which I will not insult you by doing. It was a request and not a demand. In the stead of that request though I will request to see your badge instead."
(I assume this isn't a unusual request, except that it's coming from someone I already know. )
I will, of course let Alex do his work, as orders are orders. I would like to check to see if there is record of Captain Hale being transported to this planet.

Is GenTech connected to or in cooperation with any companies making or able to make Synths? <Y/N>
Is the clinic connected to or in cooperation with any companies making or able to make Synths? <Y/N>
Why was Alfredo working at the clinic? <Open>
What proof did the ITC have of Bio-Synths? <Open>
6 clues left.
Does that cover any of those questions?
Last edited January 11, 2024 5:39 pm


Investigation DC17 - (1D20+5)

(17) + 5 = 22

Jan 11, 2024 5:27 pm
Oh! It didn't come from your Supervisor, Serena Hale (the ITC Bureau of Investigation supervisor from New Jordan). She is months away, you are on your own.

It's another Hale (this one a Captain from the Eclipse local police)! Her name is Andrea Hale! She is Harkin's boss, not yours.

I need to increase my list of random names... Lol.

I will continue with your clues after your answer, later, just wanted to check if you wanted to change/reprioritize the 6 remaining clues but guess not, we will follow that list. =D
Jan 11, 2024 5:30 pm
I'll assume there's at least proper paperwork, because I don't think the local police can change our mission? They don't have jurisdiction over us?
Jan 11, 2024 5:31 pm
I'll assume there's at least proper paperwork, because I don't think the local police can change our mission? They don't have jurisdiction over us?
They are not changing yours. She is changing Harkin's ;) The DC increase is because you "lost" Harkin's and local police support and she was working with you.

You and Alex are free to continue. (for now ;))
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