PhoenixScientist Character generation

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Jan 11, 2024 5:35 pm
Right right.
Sorry the name threw me
Ok, well of course the Captain can make what orders are in their purview.
Jan 11, 2024 5:37 pm
Ok! Wanna edit/repost that answer from Slaine? I will see it tonight.
Jan 11, 2024 5:46 pm
Slaine nodded, and sighed, "Harkin has been a great asset, thank you for loaning her to our investigation as long as you could They then stood and reached out a hand to shake Harkin's hand. "Thank you for your assistance."
Same report, I wouldn't ask for a scan from a local.
Same investigation and questions.
Jan 11, 2024 11:58 pm
At the end of Day 163...
Is GenTech connected to or in cooperation with any companies making or able to make Synths?

3 clues. No. You can't find any connection so far.
Is the clinic connected to or in cooperation with any companies making or able to make Synths?
Why was Alfredo working at the clinic?

5 clues for both, see next post.
What proof did the ITC have of Bio-Synths?

0 clues. None. See your initial case here. The possibility is disturbing enough to send you to investigate.

This case was initiated following reports from an undercover operative within the Free Synthetic Automatons' Eclipse chapter, a local Synth Rights Political Party. Of particular concern is the acquisition by extremists in the group of cloning technology. They are now able to make full human bodies but with synth electronic components installed on the brain, potentially aligned with efforts to advance synth rights activism or something worse.
4 clues left.
Jan 12, 2024 12:13 am
Under the cover of Eclipse's nocturnal shroud, Special Agent Slaine Rowan stealthily approached the clinic were Hernandez worked. The dim glow of streetlights cast elongated shadows on the quiet street as they surveyed the surroundings. The clinic's facade remained innocuous, a mask concealing potential secrets.

Meanwhile, in the digital realm, Senior Special Agent Alex Mercer delved into the electronic archives, unearthing a trail of synth brain deliveries destined for Alfredo Hernandez months prior. The revelation sent a ripple of realization through the investigation. Hernandez, a figure intertwined with NovaGen's possible clandestine operations, had not only facilitated surgeries but had a direct connection to synth brain acquisitions.

The connections between Hernandez and the clinic became even more apparent as Alex sifted through data. Hernandez had performed surgeries for NovaGen's clients without an adequate medical license, in the very clinic and in the same dates where he received deliveries of synth central processing cores, more commonly known as synth brains.

As Slaine carefully approached the clinic entrance, the air was thick with a sense of anticipation. They navigated the shadows, their movements deliberate and cautious. But an electronic lock, that was not there before, is now preventing the entrance through the clinic backdoor.
What do you do?
Jan 12, 2024 1:21 am
About how difficult would hacking into the lock be?
Going to make a notice check for other ways in.
*They. I think our miscommunication with names before may have also mixed up some pronouns.
Last edited January 12, 2024 1:23 am


Notice - (1D20+7)

(6) + 7 = 13

Jan 12, 2024 4:21 am
The crew may be "smuggling" some synth cores?? How fascinating.
Jan 12, 2024 10:01 am
PhoenixScientist says:
The crew may be "smuggling" some synth cores?? How fascinating.
Everything is connected ;)
PhoenixScientist says:
About how difficult would hacking into the lock be?
Let's make it a Risky (DC15) Computers (if they try to hack) or Eletronics (messing with sensors and wiring) check. It's illegal to do so, of course.
*They. I think our miscommunication with names before may have also mixed up some pronouns.
Fixed. Sorry about that, it was late and there is no "they" (as a gender neutral pronoum) in my native language, so I keep, unconsciously, reverting to a random he/she in my mind for Slaine, but I usually fix that before posting. I wrote "he" more than once before, this time it was "she", probably because of the confusion with the Hales. I will double check next time.
Jan 12, 2024 10:06 am
Slaine looks around the clinic but finds only the visible, open and public front door besides the discreet but locked back door as a means of entry.
Jan 12, 2024 2:30 pm
PhoenixScientist says:
The crew may be "smuggling" some synth cores?? How fascinating.
And don't forget someone tried to kill us, too. We'll see how much choice there is in this synth core thing. Hank really isn't interested in finding out the type of mine attached to this ...
Jan 12, 2024 3:00 pm
And don't forget someone tried to kill us, too. We'll see how much choice there is in this synth core thing. Hank really isn't interested in finding out the type of mine attached to this ...
@daryen ,I guess it depends on how much incentive there is and what you think your opportunity to get offworld is.... Or if it may be more advantageous to sell the information. ...of course that may tangle you up with questions.


Fixed. Sorry about that, it was late and there is no "they" (as a gender neutral pronoum) in my native language, so I keep, unconsciously, reverting to a random he/she in my mind for Slaine, but I usually fix that before posting. I wrote "he" more than once before, this time it was "she", probably because of the confusion with the Hales. I will double check next time.
That's ok, there are native speakers that are getting used to using it regularly like so. That's one reason I use it: to help people get used to it.
They/Them are not my pronnouns, but are the pronnouns of some of my favorite people so I like to help people practice in a softer environment..

Let's make it a Risky (DC15) Computers (if they try to hack) or Eletronics (messing with sensors and wiring) check. It's illegal to do so, of course.
Slaine looks around the clinic but finds only the visible, open and public front door besides the discreet but locked back door as a means of entry.
All of these are risky, the Computers may not be worth it as it is risky and illegal. But I don't know if the front area is watched, it probably is, considering it's public.
Do I have to worry about cameras, in general?
Can I check to see if I can tell if the front door is watched?
Rolling some just in case you need it.
Last edited January 12, 2024 3:14 pm


Notice - (1D20+7)

(12) + 7 = 19

Jan 13, 2024 2:23 pm
Special Agent Slaine Rowan approached the clinic's front door, the subtle creaking of the hinges inside breaking the silence of the night. The façade appeared ordinary, the door was closed and security cameras checked the street and the main entrance. Because of the creaking, they got a IBI surveilance equipment and hearing aids, so they could hear some activity inside. It was hard to know exactly what was happening, but someone was surely there.
What do you do?
Jan 13, 2024 4:24 pm
Everything seems super risky. I don't see a way in. Getting into a place with cameras is nigh-impossible; probably around a dc20 check, especially if I'm worried about being recorded in general.
The back door is also super risky. I assume if I fail there's an alarm which would bust the whole op. And Slaine's computer skills would make that more likely to fail.
Jan 13, 2024 6:00 pm
Live to fight another day, then? Also known as expedited retreat? =)

Wanna do surveillance instead?
Jan 13, 2024 6:20 pm
I'll do recon, trying to get in and failing seems like a mission-wnding failure. Going to try and note all windows, doors, cameras, and general recon stuff and touch base with Alex for surveillance.
Jan 14, 2024 12:46 am
After checking that there are 6 windows, a possible mechanical lock in the front entrance - that also has 2 surveillance cameras - a back door with an electronic lock, and no other ways in or out of the clinic, Slaine contacts Alex Mercer, who was back in the hotel, using his notebook to look into NovaGen's activities:

Sr. Special Agent Alex Mercer
"Hello. Alex here."
What do you do?
Jan 14, 2024 1:03 am
"We've got only 2 entrances, and the back has an electronic lock that I don't think I can get through. The front I might be able to get into but they both have a camera on them."
Also 6 windows, which I wouldn't be surprised if they were alarmed.
I can check if we have a way in with one of the windows, but I'll have to be careful.
Or we can keep surveillance for the night, and work something out later.
It depends on what our window for this op is."

As Slaine speaks into their com, hushed despite having moved away from the clinic, they are keeping eyes moving, scanning the clinic and surrounding area.

Sr. Special Agent Alex Mercer


Jan 14, 2024 3:10 pm
Sr. Special Agent Alex Mercer
"I think we should play it safe. Keep surveillance and I will catch up with you in a couple of hours."
What do you do?
Jan 14, 2024 4:23 pm

What do you do?
Get comfortable, hidden, and watch.
Jan 14, 2024 4:28 pm
Ensconced in the shadows outside the clinic, Special Agent Slaine Rowan maintained a vigilant watch, concealed from prying eyes. The night held its secrets close, and Slaine, hidden in the cloak of darkness, observed patiently.
Alfredo Hernandez
After a couple of hours, before Alex could arrive, the stillness was shattered by the creaking of the backdoor. Alfredo Hernandez emerged, carrying a bundle of items, and a datapad clutched tightly in his grasp. Slaine's eyes narrowed as they focused on the clandestine figure making a hurried exit.
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