BBEG chapter
@GeneCortess please revert you max HP back
@Smiley I believe rules are ambiguous there, so I rule reducing max HP does not affect concentration, because it does not do a damage directly. 10 is good anyway, aura still there.
THP: -
Spell Slots:
Lvl 1: 4/4
Lvl 2: 3/3
Lvl 3: 3/3
Rage: 2/3
Favored Foe: 5/5 (1d6)
Nature's Veil: 4/5
Tireless: 4/5 (1d8+2)
Waiting for Sky before making my turn. Have a great weekend. :)
DC 10 Con Save - (1d20+8, 1d20+8)
1d20+8 : (17) + 8 = 25
1d20+8 : (15) + 8 = 23
Bonus: Off-hand attack, 25 to hit for 6 damage 9 damage w/ rerolled damage
I would like to use my Piercer talent to reroll my dagger damage.
Increase your Strength or Dexterity by 1, to a maximum of 20.
Once per turn, when you hit a creature with an attack that deals piercing damage, you can reroll one of the attack's damage dice, and you must use the new roll.
When you score a critical hit that deals piercing damage to a creature, you can roll one additional damage die when determining the extra piercing damage the target takes.
+1 Shortsword - Attack - (1d20+11, 1d6+6+8d6)
1d20+11 : (19) + 11 = 30
1d6+6+8d6 : (4) + (55444552) + 6 = 44
Dagger - Attack - (1d20+10, 1d4+5)
1d20+10 : (15) + 10 = 25
1d4+5 : (1) + 5 = 6
Piercer talent rerolled damage - (1d4)
(4) = 4
Bajaz reach his hand to demon trying to to steal some more health, although he is weak and his arm shakes in pain he manage to reach out and you see how hiw wounds are healing partially.
Secret Roll
Secret Roll
Advantage - (1d20)
(16) = 16
Pressing in the midst of the flesh-hungry crowd, Bhrok doesn't feel like he is boxed in with these grey-skinned monsters. They are boxed in with him! And they will pay for their mistake.
Move: B or C5
Bonus: Frenzy Attack
All Attacks with GWM, reckless and rage.
AC: 25, DMG 32
AC: 10, DMG 27
AC: 13, DMG 28
AC: 14, DMG 27
Bhrok wants to kill as many Ghouls as possible (Ghoul 2, 3, 5 first, second & bonus Attack on the survivor(s), or Ghoul 4 if they are already fallen). So he hacks at them until they are dead. I don't want to metagame and look for their HP, so please GreyWord, distribute the DMG dealt as adventagious as possible for me. :)
If someone needs a second or third hit, Bhrok will oblige with a smile.
Attack 1, Free Attack Horde Breaker - (2d20h1+6, 2d6+18, 2d20h1+6, 2d6+18)
2d20h1+6 : (1914) + 6 = 25
2d6+18 : (51) + 18 = 24
2d20h1+6 : (44) + 6 = 10
2d6+18 : (45) + 18 = 27
Attack 2, Bonus Attack - (2d20h1+6, 2d6+18, 2d20h1+6, 2d6+18)
2d20h1+6 : (73) + 6 = 13
2d6+18 : (46) + 18 = 28
2d20h1+6 : (87) + 6 = 14
2d6+18 : (36) + 18 = 27
Crit (Item: Butchers Bib) - (3d6)
(311) = 5
Reroll the 1 - (1d6)
(5) = 5
I smite you,Seelah exclaims. SUCKA!
Longsword Atk 1 - (1d20+12, 1d8+9)
1d20+12 : (17) + 12 = 29
1d8+9 : (2) + 9 = 11
Divine Smite (1st level slot) - (2d8)
(43) = 7
Improved Divine Smite - (1d8)
(4) = 4
Longsword Atk 2 - (1d20+12, 1d8+9)
1d20+12 : (16) + 12 = 28
1d8+9 : (3) + 9 = 12
Improved Divine Smite - (1d8)
(5) = 5
Extra 1d8 against Fiend - (1d8)
(6) = 6
Meanwhile everyone hear a voice coming everywhere and nowhere at the same time. The voice seems to belong to an old man used to command
Impressive for mortals! I can bestow immortality to one. Last one standing shall !

Aura of Vitality + Chalice - (2d6+2d8+5)
(56) + (65) + 5 = 27
Guiding Bolt - (1d20+10+2)
(3) + 12 = 15
Guiding Bolt DMG - (4d6)
(5352) = 15
roll with advantage but was not sure if it is applicable for not being seen as I peer around the corner. Ignore and let me know if not applicable
Eldritch Blast (x3, +5dmg to 1 attack) - Hit/damage - (2d20h1+11, 1d10, 2d20h1+11, 1d10, 2d20h1+11, 1d10)
2d20h1+11 : (511) + 11 = 22
1d10 : (9) = 9
2d20h1+11 : (215) + 11 = 26
1d10 : (1) = 1
2d20h1+11 : (76) + 11 = 18
1d10 : (5) = 5
No advantage unless I'm missing something: I'm probably missing something but 1) If you can see ghouls, so can, so the rule about unseen attackers does not apply 2) You never took Hide action which is the other source of advantage I am aware of
Regardless even 2+11 is a hit
Demon: next attack against creature with advantage.
Congo again magic missiles the bat.
Magic missile at spell level 3. 5 missiles. 19 points of force damage.
Magic Missile Damage - (5d4+5)
(14234) + 5 = 19
Meanwhile all ghouls move out of the chamber and surround Bhrok attacking him
Ghouls claws - (2d20h1+4, 2d20h1+4, 2d20h1+4, 2d20h1+4, 2d20h1+4)
2d20h1+4 : (28) + 4 = 12
2d20h1+4 : (620) + 4 = 24
2d20h1+4 : (61) + 4 = 10
2d20h1+4 : (312) + 4 = 16
2d20h1+4 : (1614) + 4 = 20
Crit damage - (4d4+2)
(1314) + 2 = 11
Normal damage - (2d4+2)
(11) + 2 = 4
The creature have Mirror Image cast on self, making three illusory duplicates
It position itself in a way that only could see him pointing his bony finger toward Bajaz and pronouncing magic wards.
Those who see him could see red robbed man realize his head looks like a skull rather than alive human

Let me spoil this creature has legendary actions, so let's continue one player at a time so I can describe creature reactions if any
@soises I'm moving initiative to Bhrok
Initiative order: Atlas, Pinmel, Morgan, Congo, Ghouls, Red robbed wizard, Sky, Bhrok, Seelah
Suddenly finding himself without foes to slay, the most feared half-orc in the North spits out a mixture of snot and blood and fixes his gaze on Curan. "Back for the next thrashing, ha?" he growls hungrily.
Stepping towards the man Bhrok turns invisible while taking the second step and vanishes in front of his eyes.
Standard: Multiattack/Whirlwind Attack (frenzy, reckless, great weapon master)
Bonus: Nature's Veil
Move: D1 (while invisible)
Whirlwind Attack. You can use your action to make melee attacks against any number of creatures within 5 feet of you, with a separate attack roll for each target.
AC: 21, DMG 27
AC: 21, DMG 27
AC: 26, DMG 40
AC: 24, DMG 36
THP: -
Spell Slots:
Lvl 1: 4/4
Lvl 2: 3/3
Lvl 3: 3/3
Rage: 2/3
Favored Foe: 5/5 (1d6)
Nature's Veil: 3/5
Tireless: 4/5 (1d8+2)
DC: 10 Con save - (1d20+8, 1d20+8)
1d20+8 : (20) + 8 = 28
1d20+8 : (7) + 8 = 15
Multi Attack (from left to right, then down) - (2d20h1+6, 2d6+18, 2d20h1+6, 2d6+18)
2d20h1+6 : (1515) + 6 = 21
2d6+18 : (36) + 18 = 27
2d20h1+6 : (1514) + 6 = 21
2d6+18 : (41) + 18 = 23
2d20h1+6, 2d6+18, 2d20h1+6, 2d6+18
2d20h1+6 : (2016) + 6 = 26
2d6+18 : (46) + 18 = 28
2d20h1+6 : (196) + 6 = 25
2d6+18 : (52) + 18 = 25
re-rolling the 1 from the second attack - (1d6)
(5) = 5
crit on the third attack - (3d6)
(156) = 12
crit on the forth attack (butchers bib) - (3d6)
(434) = 11