ChrSch / Aizashi Nobara

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Jan 9, 2024 2:13 pm
The scent is fresh and easily traced. A sceent tail indicating the human entered the area many minutes ago and moved about before stopping back in the trees a bit. As you track it a voice calls out to you.

Well, at least you are not totally hepless. A tall and lean figure follows the voice from the theick foliage of a small clump of trees. Names Karesohn. You can call me Kare. What brings you to this area friend? You feel his keen eyes take you in as a slight grin touches his lips for a moments and he lets you get his measure as well.

The mans clothing and equipment easily identify him as one who spends his time in the wilds and is prepared to handle beast and possibly worse. A stout longbow and quiver at his hip likely contribute to the lean and firm looking muscles on his shoulders and arms. A light pack is on his back, a long knife, almost a short sword, sits on his other hip, and his pants and boots are made of soft leather letting him move near silently.
Jan 9, 2024 2:35 pm
Nice to meet you. My name is Aizashi. I believe I have been looking for you. Aizashi says in a friendly tone while taking in the human stepping out of the bushes.
I've been asked to meet with a local hunter to investigate the appearance of a strange creature. You strike me as such a hunter.
After taking the measure of Kare, Aizashi starts surveying the area to see if there might be a source of fresh water nearby.

Regarding the binding bands, I hadn't thought too far ahead, as the only info I had on them was from the list of suggested items in the character creation threat, to securely bind any 2 limbs together. I just thought that having the possibility of restraining someone wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing.



Jan 9, 2024 4:14 pm
I am indeed a hunter and friend to a friar that passed this way but to long ago. Come, my camp is not too far and he turns to lead you onto a trail heading to a hill. The area is lush and you passes many water sources. As you walk he asks May I know the name of the person who sent you?

The walk takes several minutes and is pleasant under the shade of the trees. As you walk you cross a tiny creek before heading up the hill.
sounds good. Added detail on your character sheet.
I am using some common mythology lore. Ex silver vs lycanthropes and iron vs fey. So these are particularly anyone to faeries and the like
Jan 10, 2024 2:12 am
Aizaishi follows Kårsohn to his camp. Along the way he fills his empty waterskin at one of the fresh water sources.
I was sent by Harbin Wester. Do you know him? after contemplating for a bit, he adds,
Do you know much about the situation around here?



Jan 10, 2024 1:30 pm

I will explain all in a moment. First there is someone for you to meet who may be of help
Story begins here
Feb 2, 2024 3:44 am
Elsewhere, you asked about Martial Arts traits. I will briefly list them here later in this post, however before that, I need to mention something else.

You have moved from Rookie to Novice. As a result, you may choose to either Master a weapon or gain a standard trait. You will then move from Novice to Veteran. At this point you can choose whichever you didn't pick at first. Once you are a Veteran, you will then start gaining XP and can then spend that XP on fancier stuff.

Once you are Veteran, you may chose a prestige trait rather than a standard trait. You may only select one prestige trait, though you may take that single prestige trait more than once if it allows. The Grandmaster prestige trait is the one that grants cool martial arts powers and it may be taken more than once to get more of those cool powers. When selecting Grandmaster, you choose a Martial Discipline, which gives two of those cool powers. Those Martial Disciplines are:
- Fire Discipline: Chi Blast (a Ranged Attack with up to 3 targets) and Fiery Claw Strike (unarmed attack that if successful they not only take the normal 1 damage, but take another 1 for the next two turns [for a total of 3 damage])
- Earth Discipline: Avalance Strike (unarmed attack that if successful damages and knocks the opponent prone) and Stone Stance (if you take damage, roll a Save Test and if successful heal 1 HP)
- Metal Discipline: Iron Stance (can't be moved and heal 1 HP) and Blacksmith's Blow (unarmed attack for 2 damage)
- Water Discipline: Flowing Stance (evade with 3d6) and Healing Chi (heal 3 HP with successful test)
- Wood Discipline: Ten-Thousand Thorns (make 6 unarmed attacks against 1 target at Disadvantage) and Entangling Vines (Give enemy Disadvantage if you successfully Test)
- Hunting Lion Discipline: Raking Claws (make 3 unarmed attacks in one Action) and Pounce (move up to 30 feet and make an unarmed attack as one Action)
- Soaring Heron Discipline: Battering Wings (a successful unarmed attack allows two more at Disadvantage) and Graceful Dodge (retest on one failed Evade)
- Raging Dragon Discipline: Soaring Strikes (if you have higher ground, reroll any failed unarmed attack) and Pressing Blows (a successful unarmed attack allows another attack, once per turn)
- Two Ancestors Discipline: First Ancestor (if you took damage your unarmed attack auto-hits) and Second Ancestor (a successful unarmed attack forces opponent to save or fall prone)
- Crimson Death Discipline: Dim Mak (if you have two successful unarmed melee attacks, the second does 3 damage) and Shatter Lifeforce (OK, this is nuts. If you have two successful unarmed melee attacks, both you and your opponent make Save Tests. Whoever fails dies immediately.)

Hmm, reading through them again, I gotta say I like Hunting Lion and Water best. Water is potentially overpowered for a Duende! (All 3d6 Evade all the time! Woo Hoo!!) Metal is pretty, uh, metal and Fire is hot, too! But, hey, you choose your favorites! Also, Psybermagi is very open to custom, so if you have another idea, be sure to float it by him and see what he thinks!

Anyway, I shortened up the descriptions a lot. If there are a couple you really want to see, I can give more exact wording as a follow-up. But, again, you have to have achieve Veteran status and gained 10 XP before taking a prestige trait.

Does that help explain things?
Last edited Feb 2, 2024 3:45 am
Feb 2, 2024 4:03 am
Okay, so do I need martial arts mastery to pick grandmaster later on or are they seperate from each other?

I agree on the water and hunting lion discipline part.

Thanks for the summary. Yep, aside from my question on top, that helped.
Feb 2, 2024 4:11 am
You need mastery to then later become a grandmaster
Feb 2, 2024 4:27 am
Well in that case I'll take Martial Arts mastery.
Feb 2, 2024 4:31 am
Here is your black belt. JC pennies. Hold pants up (who knows the reference?)
Feb 2, 2024 4:54 am
Psybermagi says:
Here is your black belt. JC pennies. Hold pants up (who knows the reference?)
Thank you, miyagi sensei. Sadly, my name is not Daniel
Feb 2, 2024 5:16 am
Yeah!!! +3 gold star
Feb 2, 2024 5:33 am
Psybermagi says:
Yeah!!! +3 gold star
can I put them on my new shiny black belt?

Where should I add it, in the traits or as tag or something at the weapon?
Feb 2, 2024 5:48 am
Added it to your weapon section.
Feb 2, 2024 5:58 am
Oh right, I needed to decide what it should be.

Hmmm... Well now I have to think, and that makes me wonder about development down the line...
2 quick questions, is there a dance trait?
And what are your thoughts on combing the dance and martial arts, kinda along the lines of capoeira or would that only be a matter of flavour?
Apr 11, 2024 5:09 pm
'after the next scene ' means after the meeting with the kids and Thagren, right?
Apr 11, 2024 5:51 pm
ChrSch says:
Hmmm... Well now I have to think, and that makes me wonder about development down the line...
2 quick questions, is there a dance trait?
And what are your thoughts on combing the dance and martial arts, kinda along the lines of capoeira or would that only be a matter of flavour?
Not directly. However, ...

You can ask if Psybermagi is willing to redefine Drunken Master as being dance related instead of drunk related.

And if you move into the Martial Disciplines, you can describe those however you want.
Apr 13, 2024 2:04 pm
daryen says:

And if you move into the Martial Disciplines, you can describe those however you want.
Alright, thanks I'll try and see what to do :)
Apr 14, 2024 8:32 pm
However both Aizashi and Mina can each add either a Trait or Mastery to their character immediately after posting their selection to their personal/creation thread and getting it approved.

After resolving this scene with the kids and having time off of adventuring, at least 1 day, you get the 2nd option
is there a dance trait?
No, but you can create one. Use acrobat or modify it if you want
Acrobat You gain Advantage when Testing to do acrobatic tricks such as tumbling, long-distance jumps, climbing, and maintaining balance.
And what are your thoughts on combing the dance and martial arts, kinda along the lines of capoeira or would that only be a matter of flavour?
Making a style is flexible. There are some existing ones but I am open to new or variant disciplines/moves
May 8, 2024 4:24 am
I will tally XP and add it to your sheet
As a veteran Aizashi should have weapon mastery, 1 racial trait, and 3 other traits. You seem to be short 1 trait
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