ChrSch / Aizashi Nobara

Jan 7, 2024 8:12 am
Welcome @ChrSch

This thread is for your character creation. Take a look at welcome and character creation.

If you have any questions you can post them here or if you think they are general on the Q&A
Jan 7, 2024 8:16 am
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bowlofspinach says:
Welcome, xxx!

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Happy gaming!
I can give you a quick intro if you give a bit of info on your background/interest in RPG
Jan 7, 2024 11:30 am
That sounds good thanks.
I've been playing RPGs of all kinds in video game format. And have always been interested in games like DnD, but never really had a chance to play. I was aware of forum-based games when I was younger, but since most of them were in English I didn't get anything out of them, since I didn't speak any back then.
I've been following channels like Critical Role, Viva la Dirtleague, and Table Stories for a while.
Now I finally got over myself and decided to actually try and play myself, rather than just lurking.
Last edited January 7, 2024 11:51 am
Jan 7, 2024 2:54 pm
Hi, if something in my character doesn't fit anywhere, let me know, and I'll change it.
Jan 7, 2024 11:41 pm
A couple things on your character
+ Which sense did you want Aizashi to have heightened? I assume smell
+ I have all characters start with a minor magic item, see character creation for details, that is useful but has no mechanical advantage (+damage, invisibility, etc)
+ Even with martial arts you may want a weapon. With martial arts having a ranged weapon might be nice. Ex : throwing starts/darts/chakra

When you are ready and happy with the character go ahead and post in character (see the character creation thread) on the "Who's Who" thread and the Preferred Posting Rate survey

When both of those are done I will start Aizashi in a story

PS : Nice Avatar :)
Jan 8, 2024 2:42 am
Okay, I'll get right on that to fix that. I left the weapon open because I wasn't sure if a ranged weapon would be allowed alongside martial artist.

And, thanks :))
Jan 8, 2024 2:49 am
Martial Artist is explicitly in addition to the base weapon proficiency. In fact, choosing ranged with Martial Artist makes a ton of sense as you Unarmed proficiency should cover melee just fine. Not only is it allowed, it's a great choice!
Jan 8, 2024 2:53 am
Okay, that makes sense.
In my character sheet it says:
You can select Unarmed as a Weapon Group to be proficient with. You must select a particular martial arts attack as your Mastered Weapon.

Are those the ones from the tiny dungeons player handbooks? Or is that something for when proficiency has gone up far enough?
Last edited January 8, 2024 3:03 am
Jan 8, 2024 3:03 am
"Mastered" means you can test with advantage, 3d6 instead of the standard 2d6. Ignore it for now as I have newcomers begin without any mastered weapons or attacks. But if you stick around you git a new trait or mastery pretty quick
Jan 8, 2024 3:04 am
Psybermagi says:
"Mastered" means you can test with advantage. Ignore it for now as I have newcomers begin without any mastered weapons or attacks. But if you stick around you git a new trait or mastery pretty quick
Okay. Perfect :)
Jan 8, 2024 3:15 am
@Psybermagi has to answer that one.

I am not sure where that description is drawn from. That's not how it works "by the book".

In TD2e, you can't explicitly choose Unarmed as a weapon group proficiency. You can only get it through the Martial Arts trait. You can't have any Mastery with unarmed in TD2e. Instead you can gain Martial Arts Disciplines as a prestige trait. (And they are cool! They are worth getting if you take Martial Arts first.)

However, other games in the Tiny D6 family do change things up some. In Tiny Supers, you can take Unarmed as a weapon group proficiency and can get Mastery, too. (The mastery there is typically listed as "Haymaker", which is just their big punch.) Maybe that's the idea of where the text you mention is taken from. In that case, the mastery would be "punch", "haymaker", "roundhouse kick", "karate chop", or something like that.

Do note that even if you can get Unarmed proficiency without Martial Artist, the trait is still worthwhile. This is because if you use Martial Artist, you do get that other proficiency, you get that one reroll a day, and you unlock the ability to take those Martial Arts Disciplines. And, you can probably still get Mastery in "karate chop" later, too, after gaining experience.
Jan 8, 2024 4:54 am
Psybermagi says:
A couple things on your character
+ Which sense did you want Aizashi to have heightened? I assume smell
+ I have all characters start with a minor magic item, see character creation for details, that is useful but has no mechanical advantage (+damage, invisibility, etc)
+ Even with martial arts you may want a weapon. With martial arts having a ranged weapon might be nice. Ex : throwing starts/darts/chakra

When you are ready and happy with the character go ahead and post in character (see the character creation thread) on the "Who's Who" thread and the Preferred Posting Rate survey

When both of those are done I will start Aizashi in a story

PS : Nice Avatar :)
Done and done.
I added "sensitive nose" or should it be sensitive smell? "Binding Bands" into the gear. Added Darts as a weapon and voted on the post rate :)
Jan 8, 2024 7:41 am
daryen says:
@Psybermagi has to answer that one.

I am not sure where that description is drawn from. That's not how it works "by the book".

In TD2e, you can't explicitly choose Unarmed as a weapon group proficiency. You can only get it through the Martial Arts trait. You can't have any Mastery with unarmed in TD2e. Instead you can gain Martial Arts Disciplines as a prestige trait. (And they are cool! They are worth getting if you take Martial Arts first.)

However, other games in the Tiny D6 family do change things up some. In Tiny Supers, you can take Unarmed as a weapon group proficiency and can get Mastery, too. (The mastery there is typically listed as "Haymaker", which is just their big punch.) Maybe that's the idea of where the text you mention is taken from. In that case, the mastery would be "punch", "haymaker", "roundhouse kick", "karate chop", or something like that.

Do note that even if you can get Unarmed proficiency without Martial Artist, the trait is still worthwhile. This is because if you use Martial Artist, you do get that other proficiency, you get that one reroll a day, and you unlock the ability to take those Martial Arts Disciplines. And, you can probably still get Mastery in "karate chop" later, too, after gaining experience.
Thanks for the info. I'll keep it in mind and an eye open.
Jan 9, 2024 1:03 am
will you let me know where to go to start the ball rolling or if I'm still missing something?
Jan 9, 2024 2:56 am
You're good I just had to get through my existing games, then work. I will get you started tonight. I will drop an into here and point you to the active story via a link.
Jan 9, 2024 3:20 am
Okay, great. Just wanted to make sure that I got everything right so far :)
Jan 9, 2024 3:45 am
Aizashi Nobara looked out over the rolling hills spotted with trees, streams, rivers, and lush fields. Thinking back over his tine in the monestary had honed his body and spirit to set him on his path. Sencing his desire the monestaries head had called him to talk beefore sending him out into the world well provisioned.
Flashback says:
Harbin Wester
]Your time with us is near it end and though we can still teach you much we feel you will learn more by walking the world outside out walls. I have had a pack prepared for you that you need not rely on the grace of others on your journeys. But take care to always be diligent and help those you see in need. It is on this note I have called you at this time.

Word has come of strang thing happening in a small valley to the north. One of the traveling frials heard tell of strange creatures fom a neighboring village but when he went to were the trouble was reported to be he could find noting and the villages all claimed the area to be peaceful. This on it's own is not enough but as the friar left the valley he saw a marlformed creature of the fey hidding in the shadows, watching him leave. Knowing the fey to be beyond him he feigned ignorance and left leasurely only to send an urgent message form the next village.

I ask you to go to the valley, several days to the north and look into it. A hunter form the neighboring village has been contracted to help you and relay messages as needed. Will you do this thing?
Aizashi had agreed and been gifted the Binding bands. They were found in the monestary armory and they were reported to be able to seal the magic of any fey he bound with them.

Now with the valley laid out before him Aizashi looks about for the landmarks to direct him to find the hunter he was told would be especting him

Roll a Test, 2d6, to find and identify where you are to meet the hunter. If you feel a trait or your background can give you any benefits in a test simply state your reasoning and roll accordingly.
EX: monks study the basic of herbalism, health, and can read and write... (add details about your background to yoru character note section if you have specific ideas)
I didnt see any details on the binding bands so gave them a clasic funtion to tie into the story. Let me know what you intent was and we can work out the details before you need to use them

I will pull up your story and give you the pointer link then. For now your story will be here.
Jan 9, 2024 6:22 am
Watching the valley in front of him Aizashi thinks to himself

I really wish I had brought a map with me.

Oh well, nothing I can do about it now. Maybe someone is around to point me in the right direction. he says cheerfully, yet realizing that he is alone.

I really ought to stop talking to myself. he thinks as he sets off in what he hopes is the right direction

I'll find the Hunter, maybe I can get their scent somewhere down there he exclaims joyfully
Last edited January 9, 2024 6:23 am


Orientation test - (2d6)

(64) = 10

Jan 9, 2024 6:29 am
Aizashi spots a likely landmark and sniffs the wind as he nears what he thinks is the right spot and catches a hint of human nearby.
Jan 9, 2024 6:45 am
Aizashi locks in on the smell and starts to follow it. Remembering that there were reports of strange things happening he decided to be a little cautious about it.
Jan 9, 2024 2:13 pm
The scent is fresh and easily traced. A sceent tail indicating the human entered the area many minutes ago and moved about before stopping back in the trees a bit. As you track it a voice calls out to you.

Well, at least you are not totally hepless. A tall and lean figure follows the voice from the theick foliage of a small clump of trees. Names Karesohn. You can call me Kare. What brings you to this area friend? You feel his keen eyes take you in as a slight grin touches his lips for a moments and he lets you get his measure as well.

The mans clothing and equipment easily identify him as one who spends his time in the wilds and is prepared to handle beast and possibly worse. A stout longbow and quiver at his hip likely contribute to the lean and firm looking muscles on his shoulders and arms. A light pack is on his back, a long knife, almost a short sword, sits on his other hip, and his pants and boots are made of soft leather letting him move near silently.
Jan 9, 2024 2:35 pm
Nice to meet you. My name is Aizashi. I believe I have been looking for you. Aizashi says in a friendly tone while taking in the human stepping out of the bushes.
I've been asked to meet with a local hunter to investigate the appearance of a strange creature. You strike me as such a hunter.
After taking the measure of Kare, Aizashi starts surveying the area to see if there might be a source of fresh water nearby.

Regarding the binding bands, I hadn't thought too far ahead, as the only info I had on them was from the list of suggested items in the character creation threat, to securely bind any 2 limbs together. I just thought that having the possibility of restraining someone wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing.



Jan 9, 2024 4:14 pm
I am indeed a hunter and friend to a friar that passed this way but to long ago. Come, my camp is not too far and he turns to lead you onto a trail heading to a hill. The area is lush and you passes many water sources. As you walk he asks May I know the name of the person who sent you?

The walk takes several minutes and is pleasant under the shade of the trees. As you walk you cross a tiny creek before heading up the hill.
sounds good. Added detail on your character sheet.
I am using some common mythology lore. Ex silver vs lycanthropes and iron vs fey. So these are particularly anyone to faeries and the like
Jan 10, 2024 2:12 am
Aizaishi follows Kårsohn to his camp. Along the way he fills his empty waterskin at one of the fresh water sources.
I was sent by Harbin Wester. Do you know him? after contemplating for a bit, he adds,
Do you know much about the situation around here?



Jan 10, 2024 1:30 pm

I will explain all in a moment. First there is someone for you to meet who may be of help
Story begins here
Feb 2, 2024 3:44 am
Elsewhere, you asked about Martial Arts traits. I will briefly list them here later in this post, however before that, I need to mention something else.

You have moved from Rookie to Novice. As a result, you may choose to either Master a weapon or gain a standard trait. You will then move from Novice to Veteran. At this point you can choose whichever you didn't pick at first. Once you are a Veteran, you will then start gaining XP and can then spend that XP on fancier stuff.

Once you are Veteran, you may chose a prestige trait rather than a standard trait. You may only select one prestige trait, though you may take that single prestige trait more than once if it allows. The Grandmaster prestige trait is the one that grants cool martial arts powers and it may be taken more than once to get more of those cool powers. When selecting Grandmaster, you choose a Martial Discipline, which gives two of those cool powers. Those Martial Disciplines are:
- Fire Discipline: Chi Blast (a Ranged Attack with up to 3 targets) and Fiery Claw Strike (unarmed attack that if successful they not only take the normal 1 damage, but take another 1 for the next two turns [for a total of 3 damage])
- Earth Discipline: Avalance Strike (unarmed attack that if successful damages and knocks the opponent prone) and Stone Stance (if you take damage, roll a Save Test and if successful heal 1 HP)
- Metal Discipline: Iron Stance (can't be moved and heal 1 HP) and Blacksmith's Blow (unarmed attack for 2 damage)
- Water Discipline: Flowing Stance (evade with 3d6) and Healing Chi (heal 3 HP with successful test)
- Wood Discipline: Ten-Thousand Thorns (make 6 unarmed attacks against 1 target at Disadvantage) and Entangling Vines (Give enemy Disadvantage if you successfully Test)
- Hunting Lion Discipline: Raking Claws (make 3 unarmed attacks in one Action) and Pounce (move up to 30 feet and make an unarmed attack as one Action)
- Soaring Heron Discipline: Battering Wings (a successful unarmed attack allows two more at Disadvantage) and Graceful Dodge (retest on one failed Evade)
- Raging Dragon Discipline: Soaring Strikes (if you have higher ground, reroll any failed unarmed attack) and Pressing Blows (a successful unarmed attack allows another attack, once per turn)
- Two Ancestors Discipline: First Ancestor (if you took damage your unarmed attack auto-hits) and Second Ancestor (a successful unarmed attack forces opponent to save or fall prone)
- Crimson Death Discipline: Dim Mak (if you have two successful unarmed melee attacks, the second does 3 damage) and Shatter Lifeforce (OK, this is nuts. If you have two successful unarmed melee attacks, both you and your opponent make Save Tests. Whoever fails dies immediately.)

Hmm, reading through them again, I gotta say I like Hunting Lion and Water best. Water is potentially overpowered for a Duende! (All 3d6 Evade all the time! Woo Hoo!!) Metal is pretty, uh, metal and Fire is hot, too! But, hey, you choose your favorites! Also, Psybermagi is very open to custom, so if you have another idea, be sure to float it by him and see what he thinks!

Anyway, I shortened up the descriptions a lot. If there are a couple you really want to see, I can give more exact wording as a follow-up. But, again, you have to have achieve Veteran status and gained 10 XP before taking a prestige trait.

Does that help explain things?
Last edited February 2, 2024 3:45 am
Feb 2, 2024 4:03 am
Okay, so do I need martial arts mastery to pick grandmaster later on or are they seperate from each other?

I agree on the water and hunting lion discipline part.

Thanks for the summary. Yep, aside from my question on top, that helped.
Feb 2, 2024 4:11 am
You need mastery to then later become a grandmaster
Feb 2, 2024 4:27 am
Well in that case I'll take Martial Arts mastery.
Feb 2, 2024 4:31 am
Here is your black belt. JC pennies. Hold pants up (who knows the reference?)
Feb 2, 2024 4:54 am
Psybermagi says:
Here is your black belt. JC pennies. Hold pants up (who knows the reference?)
Thank you, miyagi sensei. Sadly, my name is not Daniel
Feb 2, 2024 5:16 am
Yeah!!! +3 gold star
Feb 2, 2024 5:33 am
Psybermagi says:
Yeah!!! +3 gold star
can I put them on my new shiny black belt?

Where should I add it, in the traits or as tag or something at the weapon?
Feb 2, 2024 5:48 am
Added it to your weapon section.
Feb 2, 2024 5:58 am
Oh right, I needed to decide what it should be.

Hmmm... Well now I have to think, and that makes me wonder about development down the line...
2 quick questions, is there a dance trait?
And what are your thoughts on combing the dance and martial arts, kinda along the lines of capoeira or would that only be a matter of flavour?
Apr 11, 2024 5:09 pm
'after the next scene ' means after the meeting with the kids and Thagren, right?
Apr 11, 2024 5:51 pm
ChrSch says:
Hmmm... Well now I have to think, and that makes me wonder about development down the line...
2 quick questions, is there a dance trait?
And what are your thoughts on combing the dance and martial arts, kinda along the lines of capoeira or would that only be a matter of flavour?
Not directly. However, ...

You can ask if Psybermagi is willing to redefine Drunken Master as being dance related instead of drunk related.

And if you move into the Martial Disciplines, you can describe those however you want.
Apr 13, 2024 2:04 pm
daryen says:

And if you move into the Martial Disciplines, you can describe those however you want.
Alright, thanks I'll try and see what to do :)
Apr 14, 2024 8:32 pm
However both Aizashi and Mina can each add either a Trait or Mastery to their character immediately after posting their selection to their personal/creation thread and getting it approved.

After resolving this scene with the kids and having time off of adventuring, at least 1 day, you get the 2nd option
is there a dance trait?
No, but you can create one. Use acrobat or modify it if you want
Acrobat You gain Advantage when Testing to do acrobatic tricks such as tumbling, long-distance jumps, climbing, and maintaining balance.
And what are your thoughts on combing the dance and martial arts, kinda along the lines of capoeira or would that only be a matter of flavour?
Making a style is flexible. There are some existing ones but I am open to new or variant disciplines/moves
May 8, 2024 4:24 am
I will tally XP and add it to your sheet
As a veteran Aizashi should have weapon mastery, 1 racial trait, and 3 other traits. You seem to be short 1 trait
May 8, 2024 1:44 pm
I'll take a look at it and get it fixed :)
May 10, 2024 4:04 pm

Martial arts mastery, with water discipline should be an option now, right?
May 10, 2024 5:25 pm
Martial arts master is a prestige trait that you can get after becoming a veteran, which you now are. Once you have 10 xp then you can get with 2 Disciplines, each of which has 2 techniques.

So for now pick or create something that will help you out in other ways.
[ +- ] Basic Traits
May 11, 2024 11:31 am
What does tough mean exactly?
And how would defender work?
May 11, 2024 12:57 pm
Tough gets you +2 HP. So, if you have 6 HP now, you'd have 8 HP after taking it.

Defender means that if one of your adjacent allies gets hit, you can instead make that hit (and its subsequent damage) hit you instead. It's a good one for a tank that lets them protect squishier teammates.

What are you looking to do? There are several thematic options for you to take.
- Sneaky: get advantage when trying to be sneaky or hidden. Go ninja!
- Resolute: get advantage on all Save Tests.
- Perceptive: get advantage for all Tests to see, hear, or notice things. Even works while you are asleep!
- Vigilant: gain advantage in initiative. Helps prevent being surprised.
- Brawler: when evading and fighting unarmed, you roll with 2d6 instead of just 1d6.
- Fleet of Foot: you gain advantage when pursuing or running away. When moving on a grid, you get to move a couple more boxes than others.
- Opportunist: If an enemy makes a failed melee attack against you, you get to make a free attack at Disadvantage against them on their turn. This can be done against multiple enemies on the same turn, and does not affect your normal actions or attacks.

Or go against type and pick one of the others. Hope this helps!
May 11, 2024 1:33 pm
Brawler only differs from martial arts in that martial artist get mastery of their unarmed attacks and brawler does not

acrobat, sneaky, fleet of foot, opportunist, and barfighter are all good martial arts additions

barfighter is nice in that it lets you use anything as a weapon for normal attack rolls and gain 1 extra attack (that can not have advantage).
May 11, 2024 5:20 pm
I shall be taking the opportunity to be be an opportunistic opportunist then.
May 14, 2024 3:20 pm
So I noticed with archery you have to spend an action to nock and arrow. With Aizashi having darts, what are the mechanics for this and how fluent would the change between the two be?
May 14, 2024 3:59 pm
I treat his darts as a light weapon with a range of 25 feet. Same mechanics as say a shirt sword, attack targets in your zone and 1 point of damage. Just thematically different.
May 14, 2024 5:51 pm
Alrighty, so mechanically speaking it's a melee weapon?
May 14, 2024 7:17 pm
Yeah. They're has been discussion about thrown weapons but I never finalized anything other than this work around. You can throw it at close range.
But do that to many times without being able to later recover them and I might call you on it
May 14, 2024 8:07 pm
Alright. I'll keep that in mind :)
May 16, 2024 9:11 pm
As a bit of background, here's what is kinda going on.

The Base we are working out of is set in the ruined city of Paphos. There are random sections of the city that are still mostly preserved that are call Remnants. The base controls two of these Remnants, and there are two others nearby that are not controlled by the base. (There are several others, too, all under the control over various factions.) Skeeve (and others) have found out that much of the old magic in these Remnants can be controlled and used by "citizens of Paphos". Some functions require that citizen to be a leader, too. In addition, citizens can designate others (like us) to be their authorized agents. In that case, we get the abilities of a citizen, even though we are not. So, what Skeeve is trying to do is first, figure out how to be authorized by a citizen so we can make use of the magic of Paphos. With that, we can explore and use what we find much, much more easily. After that, he wants to find out how someone can become recognized as a citizen of Paphos on their own.

We were told that the undead Commander and a sentient construct both have information on how all this works. So, we are going to talk with each of these individuals to see what information we can get. Armed with, hopefully, useful information, we will then do the fetch quest that the Lady we just talked to wants handled. Doing that should convince her that we can be trusted to be her authorized agents. At that point, we can try to take more advantage of the Remnants and do more in them, maybe even gain control of them for the use by the Base.

As a long term goal, he wants to see if he can get the current Base Administrator recognized as the "Mayor of New Paphos" (or something like that). Doing that would then give him, and by extension, us, more access to more capabilities of the Remnants.

And, with luck, we'll find cool loot and goodies along the way. This isn't purely altruistic! :-D
Aug 1, 2024 8:23 am
Whoooops... I totally did not see this before now.
Thanks for catching me up though😅
Oct 4, 2024 8:30 am
Can someone give me some quick advise on something?
If I understood everything right so far I could invest my xp into this now:
Water Discipline: Flowing Stance (evade with 3d6) and Healing Chi (heal 3 HP with successful test)
Which is nice with getting some extra heals. Which actually reminds me, does it work to heal others or is it a self-heal?

Anyways, my HP seem to be kinda low. So would you advise to get the trait and heals or rather improve HP first?
Oct 4, 2024 12:57 pm
WATER DISCIPLINE is fluid and nourishing, providing defense and aid, agility and shapelessness.
Flowing Stance: When you Evade, you Evade with 3d6.
Healing Chi: Test. If successful, you can heal 3 Hit Points for an adjacent target or yourself.

Add Earth as your 2nd discipline for a more resilient character
EARTH DISCIPLINE deflects, supports, and absorbs, striking with rolling thunder, and standing firm.
Avalanche Strike: Make an Unarmed Melee Attack. If successful, your target is also knocked prone, and must spend one Action to stand on their next turn.
Stone Stance: After you go into Stone Stance, you gain the ability to absorb damage. After you are hit, make a Save Test. On a success, the damage is negated, and you may heal yourself 1 Hit Point.

With critical hits and heavy weapons there is a chance of high damage happening with a single attack and there are also situations where you could get ganged up on so extra HP is not a bad idea but this is a bit rare. Taking the spiritual armor as you requested is a good option. If you want to bump your HP then take the Tough trait.

Tough: You gain 2 additional Hit Points.

I think all are good options
Oct 6, 2024 8:21 pm
Water discipline it is then :)
Oct 6, 2024 10:45 pm
FYI : An Grandmaster may select two of the below to represent their school of martial arts. Each Technique takes one Action to do and follows any of the rules there. A Grandmaster knows all the Techniques in their Disciplines. Each Discipline contains two Techniques.
add another :)
Oct 6, 2024 11:27 pm
Here's another cool one:
HUNTING LION DISCIPLINE focuses on claw strikes, sudden movements, and agility.
• Raking Claws: You may make three Unarmed Melee Attacks as one action.
• Pounce: Test. You may attack an opponent within 30 feet with an Unarmed Melee Attack. You move next to them.

The first one gives you three attacks in one Action with no downsides. (Usually something like this would impose Disadvantage on the flurry of attacks. This doesn't.). The second one basically lets you Move AND Attack in a single Action, again with no downsides. So this one is pretty cool just in that alone.

As an additional note, I recommend against using the Tough trait. You have a hard limit on the number of traits you can acquire. You can buy HP separates from Traits. Yes, buying two HP separately costs 12 XP and Touch only costs 10 XP, but accepting that 2 XP penalty keeps an extra trait available for something else.
Oct 7, 2024 4:18 pm
Another idea: Aizashi should buy this from Fiznik's shop:
$250 Amulet of Compassion: 4 charge* Heal
* charged items may be recharged for $50

Assuming "Heal" does the same as a healing potion, this is awesome! Basiically, you are paying the equivalent of five potions for an amulet that heals four times. But, when recharged the first time, you are just paying the equivalent of a single healing potion for four more applications. It more than pays itself on the first recharge. But it requires no Test; activate and automatically heal.

Just a thought. You may view it as redundant after taking the Water Discipline.
Oct 7, 2024 6:17 pm
Um that's $50 per charge so... I may rethink that and set recharge at 40
Oct 7, 2024 6:19 pm
Ohhh.... OK. That changes the equation greatly! How about $25 per charge? It better than potions, but it will take longer for it to work out.
Oct 9, 2024 10:58 am
So I pick two schools and get 4 techniques, do I understand that right?

I'll look at the amulet, thanks for pointing it out :)
Oct 9, 2024 4:05 pm
yep, 2 schools, 4 technique
recharge rules updated with summary on shop section
Oct 10, 2024 8:24 am
In that case I will actually take daryen's suggestion with the Hunting lion discipline along side the water discipline.

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