This thread is for your character creation. Take a look at welcome and character creation.
If you have any questions you can post them here or if you think they are general on the Q&A
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Orientation test - (2d6)
(64) = 10
• Acrobat | You move very well |
• Armored | You wear armor properly, preventing damage |
• Barfighter | Everything can be a weapon in your hands |
• Berserker | Thinking only slows you down in a fight |
• Blacksmith | Craft and repair tools, armor, weapons |
• Brawler | You know how to not be where the other guy aims |
• Charismatic | People want to please and believe you |
• Cleave | You treat opponents like knocking over dominos |
• Dark-fighter | I don't need to see you to hit you |
• Defender | You can take the hit for the other guy |
• Diehard | I though you died! No, I was just mostly dead |
• Drunken Master | Itsh not that hard not be be HIC, I mean hit |
• Dungeoneer | Your know where to go seach then how to get back |
• Educated | You know more than most. We call that the "A" |
• Eidetic Memory | You recall things, even if you wish you could forget |
• Fleet of Foot | One step ahead of the lawman, One skip ahead of my doom |
• Insightful | To you, people are easier to read than books |
• Marksman | Breath out, release Thunk Aim small miss small |
• Nimble Fingers | Was this in your pocket? The lock just fell off! |
• Opportunist | If you hit me then I'm going to hit you back |
• Perceptive | You are more observant than others |
• Quick Shot | Reloading is something that slows others, not you |
• Resolute | Your will lets you survive where others fall |
• Shield Bearer | Only coward who want to live longer use shields |
• Sneaky | You never get caught in hide and seek |
• Specialist | You hit more often with your preferred weapon |
• Strong | I'm on the brute squad. You are the brute squad |
• Survivalist | You always know how to get some grub and a drink |
• Tough | I'm good, it's looks worse then it feel. |
• Tracker | I followed your footsteps. Snow makes it easy. |
• Trapmaster | You can lay, locate, and remove traps |
• Vigilant | You are hard to surprise or sneak up on |