Feb 13, 2025 8:18 pm
grifter730 says:
Curiously, since registered games might not cost money, why don’t all GMs who want to run a game (for folks other than their friends) just do that? Seems like it has a better chance of being filled, and there seems to be no benefit for not registering?Other people go to a con primarily to meet with friends, and they don't want to schedule a game that might conflict with their friends' schedule. That hasn't been me, but my son definitely has been in that group, as he has gamer friends from different states, countries, and hemispheres that come to meet in person at a gaming convention. It'd be terrible if your only chance to see your friend from, say, Argentina in person is the convention, but when their flight arrives, you're in a game with a bunch of (probably cool, but still) strangers.
I guess there's a third possibility: some people may not want to plan that much, but rather enjoy playing it by ear, taking things as they come. I don't relate to that as much, but I definitely see that vibe in some others.