Journey's Start
Edit: This is revised.
Performance check - (1d20+6)
(2) + 6 = 8
Dagger, Damage - (1d20+5, 1d4+3)
1d20+5 : (19) + 5 = 24
1d4+3 : (3) + 3 = 6
Accordingly, @GeneCortess, if you want to revise Princess' round two action before I declare the round two results in a few hours, you may do so.
The owlbear is restrained and outlined with faerie fire, so attacks on it have ADV.
Here's the actions I have so far:
Bramlin attacks it with a javelin.
Morik runs up and attacks it with his staff.
Elowin runs toward the caravan.
Gunter runs closer and attacks it with his crossbow.
Still waiting for an action from Adran (and a possible revision for Princess' action).
West, fifty yards away from the place where the road turns and she'll be able to see what's happening, Elowin sprints east, towards the sounds of the owlbear, hoping to arrive before there will be need to use the glimmerberries she's just acquired.
Gavath is trying to settle the horses as their whinnying and rearing in terror threatens to break the tongue and traces of Dugal's wagon.
Dugal, meanwhile, hearing Adran's question, is standing some distance away, trying to see if there's firm, clear ground enough anywhere nearby for wagons to pull around and past the monster, if the horses can be convinced to settle down and move on.
Confronting the angry owlbear that was disturbed by the passing of the caravan, is now restrained by grasping vines and outlined with pink faerie fire, the soldier Bramlin flings another javelin, but this time the tip gets tangled in the thick layer of matted fur and the missile falls to the ground. Morik the druid runs up and cracks the beast across the beak with his imbued staff, dealing the monster 6 bludgeoning damage! Princess harmonizes with the note she started before, attempting to soothe the savage creature, but it gives a grunt of rage and continues snapping at the vines that have wrapped around its body. Adran braces himself, ready to strike the monster the moment it breaks free of its bonds. Gunter jogs forward and releases a crossbow bolt with a loud THWOCK of the string...but the monster turns its head just as he pulls the trigger, and the bolt caroms off of its beak, rocking its head backward but not piercing its flesh. The owlbear, snapping, grunting, and growling, tries to break free of the vines...but for every vine it snaps, two more wrap around it, and it is unable to break free! The owlbear is still restrained and did not attack this round!
Morik is adjacent to the monster, just outside of the zone of difficult terrain.
Bram, Adran, Princess, and Gunter are all within one move of being adjacent, so close enough for ranged attacks.
Elowin has a little ways to go yet before she can affect the encounter.
Submit your actions for round three, please.
Bramlin (13/13)
Morik (13/13)
Princess (9/9)
Adran (10/10)
Elowin (10/10)
Gunter (10/10)
Owlbear (?)
Owlbear action to break free of restraint DC14 - (1d20+5)
(6) + 5 = 11 ❌
Elowin has some crazy ranges. With bow she is effective out to 600ft, her darkvision has a range of 300ft
Shillelagh (advantage) - Attack - (2d20H1+6)
(611) + 6 = 17
Shillelagh - Damage - (1d8+4)
(4) + 4 = 8
Toll the Dead Damage - (1d12)
(6) = 6
Javelin (3/3) - (1d20+6, 1d6+4)
1d20+6 : (9) + 6 = 15
1d6+4 : (4) + 4 = 8
ADV - (1d20)
(18) = 18
Owlbear WIS Save - (1d20)
(18) = 18
@runekyndig & @JoshuaMabry - Interesting idea. I don't see that players rolling enemy saving throws against their attacks saves us any time, because I still have to narrate outcomes in a post. I guess it's nice for the player to be able to guess the efficacy immediately (?), but isn't that counter-balanced by the disappointment of having no one else to blame but yourself when attacks obviously fail? It just doesn't seem like an improvement to me, but if you feel strongly that it is, then I'll put it up for the group discussion in the "Rules and Conventions" thread.
"Come on now. Calm down." as she tries to get the horse back the way she needs them to be.
The round begins with the owlbear still wrapped in coiling vines, preventing it from pouncing on anyone, and glowing pink from Princess' magics.
Bramlin draws and flings his third javelin, hitting the monster for 8 more piercing damage!
Morik continues to bash the large creature with his staff, for a total of 8 more bludgeoning damage!
Princess joins Gavath, and each one manages to grab a bridle and stop the horses from rearing.
Adran waits to defend the caravan should the monster break free of its bonds.
Elowin sprints toward the bend in the road. Coming around the last trees blocking her view, she can see the great shaggy beast roaring and straining against the grasping vines. @runekyndig: Elowin can loose an arrow now.
Gunter drops his crossbow, draws his warhammer, and rings a death knell on the bell of the dead! The monster attempts to resist, but the ringing of the bell commands it to take 6 necrotic damage!
Furious, the owlbear lashes out at the closest thing that is causing it pain: the valiant hero druid, Morik! The brave dwarf dodges its slashing claws and its ferocious beak!
Owlbear WIS save DC13 - (1d20+1)
(3) + 1 = 4 ❌
Owlbear claw attack on Morik AC14, slashing damage - (1d20+7, 2d8+5)
1d20+7 : (5) + 7 = 12 ❌
2d8+5 : (87) + 5 = 20
Owlbear beak attack on Morik AC14, piercing damage - (1d20+7, 1d10+5)
1d20+7 : (5) + 7 = 12 ❌
1d10+5 : (10) + 5 = 15