Chapter 4A: Traitors in our midst

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Captain Zaytsev


Feb 20, 2024 11:22 pm
Trade Era 1235, Day 137. 18:15 UTC

Captain's office, Celestial Voyager, Draco system
Captain Zaytsev

Hank and Corbin stood outside Captain Valeria's office, a sense of determination radiating from their expressions as they prepared to present their proposal. As the first officer and chief engineer of the Celestial Voyager, respectively, they understood the gravity of the situation and the importance of finding a solution to cover the repair expenses.

With a nod of reassurance to each other, they entered the captain's office, where Captain Valeria sat behind her desk, her demeanor composed yet attentive.
What do you do?
Feb 20, 2024 11:33 pm
Trade Era 1235, Day 137. 18:15 UTC

Surveillance room, Postal Authority orbital station, Draco III

Slaine and Erin navigated the bustling corridors of the Postal Authority orbital station, their footsteps echoing against the polished floors as they made their way to the surveillance room. The station hummed with activity, the air buzzing with the energy of its inhabitants going about their duties.

As they reached the surveillance room, Slaine and Erin were greeted by a security officer stationed at the entrance. After checking Slaine's identity, with a nod of recognition, the officer granted them access, allowing them to step into the dimly lit chamber beyond.

Inside, banks of monitors lined the walls, displaying live feeds from various sectors of the station and its surrounding space. Slaine's eyes flickered across the screens, scanning for any sign of the elusive fugitive, Ryan.

"Let's start by narrowing down the time," Erin suggested, excitement in her voice. "We're looking for any footage of Ryan leaving the Celestial Voyager and heading towards the station. Once we locate the relevant recordings, we can analyze them for any clues to his whereabouts."
What do you do?
Feb 21, 2024 12:01 am
Special Agent Slaine Rowan will scan through footage, starting with when the explosion happened. Starting with the Celestial Voyager and working out from there till Alfredo is found. Then will try to track movement and direction, moving from camera recording area to camera recording area. If there is any times Alfredo seems to be lost between cameras or vanish from view (supposedly teleporting) Slaine will continue this methodical, working-oitward-from-a-point, method.
Hopefully Erin can help work through footage faster.

Erin Brand


Feb 21, 2024 12:18 am
Hopefully Erin can help work through footage faster.
Okay! That's an Aid (page 47)

Rolling Notice DC8 for Erin... She passed!

Slaine, roll Notice DC8 as well, but receive a +1 bonus to your roll.
Erin Brand

Erin looks together with Slaine those recordings, sometimes pointing things that they eventually miss and sometimes looking recordings that Slaine was not looking, to halve their time.


Notice DC8 - (2d6-1)

(56) - 1 = 10

Feb 21, 2024 3:02 pm
I am going to launch into this, just to get it started. That said he is being sure to leave plenty of room for Corbin to comment and contribute. Please interlace as possible.
Hank and Corbin enter the Valeria's office. Hank places his dataslab on her desk and activates the holographic display (so everyone can see it at once), oriented towards her. His long experience of presenting reports allows him to easily read the report even though he is effectively looking at a mirror image of it. It contains the list of damages and their costs to repair, and shows what they recommend to sell to pay for the repairs.

Corbin presents the damage to the Celestial Voyager and what has to be repaired or replaced, finishing with one (1) cargo shuttle. He also explains the other diagnostics he ran to try to determine if there are any presents or booby traps left behind, though he also admits that once repairs are made he will have to go through everything in detail.

Hank then begins presenting the recommendations. Before addressing the repairs, he starts with the loss of the crew.

"The first, very important, loss we have taken is the loss of most of the crew. We are now down to five people, which is below the recommended rating for this ship. To address this, we recommend activating the synths and leaving them active. This, combined with the contributions of Douklan, when he returns, and possibly talking Mariella into helping, will give us the minimum without hiring anyone new. If both are present, that will give us a little buffer, too. So, even with no hires, we should be able to operate until we can upgrade our finances."
He doesn't mention Slaine because we don't actually know what they are going to do, and the characters don't know he is a PC.
He then points out the "assets" chart and highlights the Extended Stores, Ship's Locker, and Lifeboats. "With the significantly reduced crew, we can sell off about a quarter of our Extended Stores and Ship's Locker contents. With a crew and passengers of only a dozen or so, we don't need a full set of equipment for 25 or 30 people. With the returns on these sell-downs we will be able to cover, but not all, of the necessary repairs. The bulk of the money, sufficient to cover the rest of the repairs and a new cargo shuttle, is selling off the Lifeboats. With a reduced crew and passengers, we will be able to use the shuttles as our lifeboats, meaning we don't need dedicated Lifeboats. This isn't ideal, but we're past the point of working with ideal. If we are able to get a decent used cargo shuttle, then perhaps we won't have to dip into the Extended Stores.

"And that is the overview of our plans. This should provide enough of a buffer to cover reasonable cost overruns, and if we get some good bargains, then we roll anything left into the general fund."

Hank and Corbin then waits for her reaction.
Once this part is done, he will then mention the idea to start focusing on picking up more freight that they have done historically to keep a more consistent flow of funds coming in.

Captain Zaytsev


Feb 21, 2024 3:33 pm
Captain Zaytsev
"Thank you, Hank. If Corbin wants to add or change anything else, let's consider it. Otherwise we will follow your plan. Do you want to handle that or leave the individual negotiations to me?"
ie. Do you wanna roll / roleplay more than that regarding the supplies or should we just sum everything, consider your previous Trade roll, update the Celestial Voyager sheet and skip the in-between details, Daryen?
Feb 21, 2024 6:10 pm
I am willing to skip over the nitty-gritty of negotiations on the supplies. 😊 Considering my Trade roll, I am willing to let that sucker cover as much as possible!

However, if the different transactions need to have different rolls, I'm cool with that. Let me throw something out here below, and you can take it where you want ...
"I believe I have found buyers for our extra supplies and a good source for the equipment we need for repairs. It looks like one will pretty much pay for the other if no one backs out. However, we still need to find a buyer for the lifeboats and a source for the replacement shuttle. I will need your help for both of those."
I am assuming that the good roll ensures the supplies/repairs tradeoff washes out.
"Also, I wonder how Douklan and the Sentinel are doing. I hope we can get everything repaired before they get back."

After this, Corbin likely heads over to start waking up the synths. Hank executes on the sale of the supplies and the purchase of the repair supplies. He then drafts Jil and asks Mariella (he can't draft her, as she is a passenger) to help pack up the extra supplies so they can be delivered to the buyer. He makes sure to focus only the untouched or best supplies and stores (excluding, of course, anything assigned to those remaining).

GM edit: That's a future post, depending on Corbin's answer.
Feb 22, 2024 1:33 am
htech says:

Erin looks together with Slaine those recordings, sometimes pointing things that they eventually miss and sometimes looking recordings that Slaine was not looking, to halve their time.
All right, do we think we know where Alfredo is currently?
Feb 22, 2024 11:55 am
PhoenixScientist says:
All right, do we think we know where Alfredo is currently?
htech says:
Slaine, roll Notice DC8 as well, but receive a +1 bonus to your roll.
Feb 22, 2024 2:06 pm
"Captain, Hank's plan is light-years from ideal, it's also about as good as it can get. Short of tripping over a box of cash in the cleanup, we're going to have to trim down in the short term. I'll break out the Synths and get them started. I'm going to get them onto the clean up and repairs while I keep checking the systems for any residual sabotage."
Feb 22, 2024 4:05 pm
htech says:
PhoenixScientist says:
All right, do we think we know where Alfredo is currently?
htech says:
Slaine, roll Notice DC8 as well, but receive a +1 bonus to your roll.


Notice/Int: Investigating: DC8 - (3D6h2+4)

(241) + 4 = 10

Feb 23, 2024 12:57 am
Trade Era 1235, Day 137. 18:45 UTC

Engineering, Celestial Voyager

Corbin stood in the control room of the starship, his hands hovering over the activation panel for the Synths. He knew he needed their assistance to complete the repairs and cleanup, but he hesitated. Synths were not just tools; they were intricate creations with their own thoughts and feelings, albeit programmed.

Taking a deep breath, Corbin pressed the activation sequence, and one by one, the Synths powered up, their humanoid forms coming to life with a subtle hum.

The Synths, with their metallic sheen and precise movements, turned their attention to Corbin. "How may we assist you, sir?" one of them asked, its voice smooth and melodic.
What do you do?

Trade Era 1235, Day 137. 19:05 UTC

Communications room, Celestial Voyager

Hank sat in the cramped communication room of the Celestial Voyager, facing a hologram of Julia, a rep from a salvage company Valeria knew. She had a steely gaze that spoke of years of negotiation.

"We've heard about the incident involving your passenger shuttle," she stated, her voice tinged with a hint of sympathy. "Security reports indicate sabotage while docked at the station. So we have a proposition for you," she declared, her tone businesslike yet tinged with a hint of intrigue.

Hank leaned forward, his interest piqued. "Go on."

"We have a vessel in our possession—the Solaris," she continued, her holographic image flickering with anticipation. "It's a passenger shuttle as well. It's been through its fair share of challenges, but it's still spaceworthy. We're willing to offer it to you in exchange for the wreckage of your previous shuttle."

Hank considered her offer carefully. The Solaris could be a valuable asset, especially if they could negotiate additional benefits.

"What condition is the Solaris in?" Hank inquired, keeping his expression neutral.

The representative's eyes gleamed with determination. "It needs some refurbishment, of course," she admitted. "But with the right investment, it could serve you well. And in return, we'll take the wreckage off your hands."

Hank nodded thoughtfully, formulating a counteroffer. "We'll accept your offer for the Solaris," he began, "but we'll need more than just a vessel. We require repair parts for our shuttle bay."

The representative studied him for a moment before nodding in agreement. "Very well," she conceded. "We can provide the repair parts you need with a discount, but that wreckage is not worth that much."

Hank assessed the terms, recognizing the opportunity for mutual benefit. "Agreed, we will sell you our Lifeboats."

"Were they damaged in the incident?" - she asked.

Hank shook his head, relieved to provide some positive news amidst the grim circumstances. "No, fortunately, the lifeboats remained unscathed," he replied, his voice steady. "They are fully functional and available for you."

The representative's demeanor softened slightly at the news. "Good to hear," she remarked, a hint of approval in her voice. "Okay, we can trade that. This is our contract." she sent a digital document to Hank's holographic display.
No need to sell the food and I have changed my mind, I won't let you sell just a quarter of the Ship’s Locker. It will be a headache to keep track.

But I'm using your 14 trade result to get you a new shuttle (Solaris) and your repair supplies in exchange for the wreckage and the lifeboats.

So no need to sell anything else you don't want nor spend credits. I will give you the Solaris character sheet later. When you get to another starport you can even retrofit or modify it. Shuttles are cheaper to mess around with.
"Deal," he replied, after reading the document, pressing some buttons and moving some levers to seal the deal.

As the holographic projection faded, Hank allowed himself a small smile of satisfaction. The negotiations had been challenging, but they had secured not only a replacement vessel but also vital resources to repair their own ship. With a new task ahead, Hank left the room. Spotting Mariella in the corridors, he hurried to catch up.
What do you do?

Trade Era 1235, Day 137. 19:45 UTC

Surveillance room, Postal Authority orbital station, Draco III

Minutes turned into hours as they painstakingly sifted through the footage, their eyes glued to the monitors as they scrutinized every frame for any sign of Ryan's presence. The task was daunting, but Slaine and Erin remained undeterred, their resolve unwavering in the face of adversity.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of searching, Slaine's sharp eyes caught a flicker of movement on one of the screens. They leaned forward, their pulse quickening as they zoomed in on the footage, their heart pounding in anticipation.

"There," Slaine exclaimed, pointing to the screen. "That's him. Ryan, leaving the Celestial Voyager and heading towards the station's docking bays."

Erin's eyes widened in excitement as she watched the recording alongside Slaine, their efforts finally bearing fruit.

In the recording, Ryan moved through the bustling docking bays of the orbital station with purpose, his eyes scanning the crowds as he searched for someone specific. Amidst the throngs of travelers and workers, he navigated with ease, his movements calculated and deliberate.

After half an hour of searching, Ryan's persistence paid off as he spotted a man pushing a gravsled laden with cargo. With a quickened pace, he approached the man, his expression unreadable as he engaged him in conversation.

Slaine watched intently from the surveillance recording, their eyes narrowed in concentration as they observed Ryan's interaction with the man. Though they couldn't hear their conversation, they could discern from their body language that it was tense.

As the discussion between Ryan and the man pushing the gravsled continued, there where moments of whispered conversation and furtive glances exchanged between the two.

After something clearly looking like a threat from Ryan, the man finally relented, nodding in agreement as he gestured for Ryan to follow him. With a sense of urgency, they made their way through the bustling crowds of the docking bays, disappearing from view as they entered a private warehouse.

Inside the warehouse, the absence of surveillance cameras meant that Slaine's watchful gaze could no longer track Ryan's movements.

As Slaine put the surveillance footage in fast forward, their keen eyes caught the subtle movements within the private warehouse where Ryan had disappeared. Hours seemed to pass in mere moments as they scrutinized every frame, searching for any sign of his departure.

To their dismay, there was no trace of Ryan exiting the warehouse. Instead, in the last hour, a group of people entered the area, their presence raising Slaine's suspicions.

As they observed the newcomers, Slaine noted the urgency in their movements, the sense of purpose evident in their demeanor. They appeared to be engaged in a clandestine operation, their actions suggesting that they were there for a specific purpose.

As the surveillance footage played out before them, Slaine's mind raced with possibilities. Who were these people, and what were they doing in the warehouse? And most importantly, how did their presence relate to Ryan's?
What do you do?
Feb 23, 2024 2:43 am
Special Agent Slaine Rowan stared into questions and possibilities more than at anything in the real world, but came to one conclusion.
'There could be answers in that warehouse.'
"Erin, I can't promise safety, but we can go after Al-... Ryan... We can call the rest of your crew, and I can call for local reinforcemts. ...
But you and I will probably get there first. I'm willing to go after him if you are."
Last edited February 23, 2024 2:44 am

Erin Brand


Feb 23, 2024 5:00 am
Erin Brand

Erin grabs her weapon and, with steel in her voice, says, "Let's go get the fudging batard." But she didn't say "fudging batard."
I don't know what the board's rules on swearing are, so I am not doing so here. But she did.

Give her a gun and she's good to go. Give her monoblade machete, and she can take out a stack of mooks.
Last edited February 23, 2024 5:00 am
Feb 23, 2024 5:04 am
"Repairs, James. Lots of repairs," Corbin shakes his head for a second as the immensity of the work before him settles in. "Go ahead and access the damage reports, divide the work in pairs or individually as efficiency dictates. Repair non-functioning systems first, we'll worry about the functioning but damaged systems after that, anything missing will have to wait for replacement parts."
Feb 23, 2024 5:13 am
I am completely onboard with the changes you made. We decided to use the lifeboats, and since there was enough of the old shuttle to sell, too, I am completely onboard with the modified plan. It completely works for me!
As Hank catches up to Mariella, he says, "Hey! Mariella! Just the person I was looking for. I have a question for you."

She nods, giving Hank the opening to continue. "My question is if you are able to help us out for a little while. As you have noticed, most of the crew just up and left, leaving us horribly short-handed. Would you be willing to help us out? Mostly just adding you into the duty roster to help keep things running properly. But in addition, you are more than welcome to help out with any trading. And you are still always welcome to do your own speculation under the Captain's rules."
Feb 23, 2024 5:29 am
Slaine nods to Erin, and gets on their com, while heading for the door.
"This is Special Agent Slaine Rowan of ITC Investigations. I am in pursuit of a dangerous criminal. Alfredo Hernandez has been located in the warehouse on 321 Reckoning Way. A group of assumed accomplices have recently entered the premisis. Send any available and armed enforcement personell.
Assume.eaxh individual is armed and dangerous. One known Psycher among the group.
I will be arriving in approximately 15 minutes."
OOC: I am just assuming a time for flavor.
Then they switch channels to get ahold of the Celestial Voyager crew.
"Anyone who wants to help take down Alfredo after he wrecked your ship. Erin and I are headed to the warehouse on 321 Reckoning Way."
I don't know if anyone will make it in time, but I'm calling in backup.
Then, as they leave the building Slaine will say to Erin. "I'd like to do some recon and wait for backup. But if he makes a move, I'm going in after him. He's too dangerous to let recoup and recover. I'm not letting him go to ground. "
Last edited February 23, 2024 5:32 am
Feb 23, 2024 9:51 am
Sorry about the pronouns in the previous post, fixed it.
Trade Era 1235, Day 137. 20:00 UTC

Streets, Postal Authority orbital station, Draco III

As Slaine arrived at the docking bay of the warehouse on 321 Reckoning Way, Slaine's senses went on high alert. They scanned the area, their eyes darting from one shadowy corner to another, searching for any sign of movement or danger.

With a nod to Erin, Slaine took a deep breath and stepped forward, their hand resting on the hilt of their weapon. They approached the entrance to the warehouse with caution, their senses attuned to any potential threat that lay in wait. To their surprise, Alfredo was nowhere to be found. Instead, there was a group of four men inside, each clearly armed with guns, their expressions hardened and determined. As Slaine approached a window, another man appeared from behind, his pistol raised in a threatening gesture.

"You have no business here," he spat, his tone menacing. "Leave now, or we'll make you regret it."
What do you do?


Slaine Rowan: Notice - Usual roll

Secret Roll

Slaine Rowan: Sneak - Usual roll

Feb 23, 2024 3:44 pm
"ITC Investigations. Drop your weapon."
Slaine draws their blade and closes with the man.
Wow I guess "I" didn't roll well.
I'm assuming he's not going to play nice.
Feb 23, 2024 4:09 pm
He won't. So let's roll initiative now. I'm using group initiative in this game, it works better with PbP. See page 48 of the SWN rulebook.

@daryen do you wanna control Erin, to have more players in it after PhoenixScientist roll the initiative?


Initiative (Thugs) - (1d8)

(4) = 4

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