Chapter 4B: Asteroid Battle

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Mar 11, 2024 4:32 pm
So either the bridge or the captain could ise up to 3 CP this round unless they generate some. Otherwise it goes to waste?
Mar 11, 2024 4:50 pm
@spaceseeker19 needs to just state the actions of Douklan and the Captain.

If Douklan simply Does His Duty, then we have the 3CP to Fire All Guns and kill the Patrol Boat.
If the Captain Supports Gunnery, then we effectively have 2 more CP to Fire A Weapon and try to kill one of the fighters.

There are other variations we can do, but right now that probably makes the most sense so we can finish off the Patrol Boat and (hopefully) one of the fighters. I would imagine the other fighter will run if its two companions are now floating clouds of debris.
Mar 12, 2024 7:12 pm
Douklan pilots the ship in an attempt to keep the guns facing the patrol boat, rather than the engines. (Do Your Duty).
Captain Rael calls to Lt. Jr. Fu Chen and the rest of the Gunnery crew: "Good job, everyone. One more solid hit on that patrol boat and we can wrap up this fiasco. I have every confidence in you." (Support Gunnery Department).
Mar 12, 2024 9:38 pm
With the captain's support, Lt. Jr. Chen fires his Plasma Beam one more time, this once trying to hit the closest Fighter, but misses.


Plasma Beam - (1d20+4)

(9) + 4 = 13

Mar 12, 2024 9:39 pm
As the battle reached its climax, the Sentinel's crew seized the opportunity and targeted the vulnerable points in the enemy vessel's hull, unleashing a relentless onslaught that left the patrol boat crippled and disabled.

Lt. Jr. Chen, his eyes alight with triumph, relayed the news to the rest of the crew. "Direct hit! Enemy patrol boat disabled," he announced, his voice ringing with satisfaction.

Ensign Alonso Carderas, monitoring the enemy's status from his station, confirmed the extent of the damage. "Multiple hull breaches detected, power systems failing.," he reported, his fingers flying across the controls as he kept a vigilant eye.

The Draco Separatist patrol boat was now out of commission. However, the crew of the Sentinel knew the battle was far from over. With the enemy starfighters still posing a threat, they remained on high alert.

In fact, Lt. Komarov, monitoring the situation, breathed a sigh of relief as the Sentinel's defenses held firm against the bombing run from the second fighter. "Armor holding, engines still functional" she reported, her voice steady despite the intensity of the battle.

Alex Mercer, piloting the A09 shuttle, seized that opportunity to completely escape from the chaos of the conflict. With a mixture of luck and skill on his side, Alex Mercer had managed to elude the clutches of the enemy and escape from the midst of the space battle unscathed. As he plotted his navigation course to Draco III, he allowed himself a moment of reprieve, grateful for the chance to live to fight another day.


Strike Fighter 2 - Attack engines AC13 - (1d20-1)

(12) - 1 = 11

Alex Mercer - Speed check (Int/Pilot + shuttle speed) - (2d6+0+3)

(55) + 3 = 13

Strike Fighter 1 - Speed check (opposed roll) - (2d6+7)

(15) + 7 = 13

Fighters- Morale check ML9 - (2d6)

(14) = 5

Mar 13, 2024 12:30 am
As the first fighter of the Draco Separatist Fleet attempted once more to target the Sentinel's engines, its attack was thwarted by the skillful maneuvers of the Sentinel's crew. Lt. Paravides, coordinating the frigate's thrusters, anticipated the enemy's move and swiftly adjusted the Sentinel's trajectory, throwing off the attacker's aim.

"Enemy fighter attempting another attack run, but missed again," reported Ensign Alonso Carderas from his station.
Your turn, round 4.

Fighter 1 - 8 HP left (of 8)
Fighter 2 - 7 HP (of 8)


Strike Fighter 1 - Attack engines AC13 - (1d20)

(9) = 9

Mar 13, 2024 2:00 am
Ensign Carderas tracks the debris field and plots the predicted path for the fighter attacking the Sentinel. He is Doing His Duty for 1 CP.
Mar 13, 2024 2:06 am
As an aside, this combat is giving me some definite opinions on ship's weapons.
Mar 13, 2024 2:07 am
Lt. Katlina Komarov is leading a few engineers to do Damage Control quickly patch the hull damage.
Mar 13, 2024 9:03 am
PhoenixScientist says:
Lt. Katlina Komarov is leading a few engineers to do Damage Control quickly patch the hull damage.
Roll 2d6+2, DC7 and let's see what happens.
Mar 13, 2024 2:16 pm
So we're not going to fire at the fighters this turn?
Mar 13, 2024 2:59 pm
PhoenixScientist says:
Lt. Katlina Komarov is leading a few engineers to do Damage Control quickly patch the hull damage.

On a success, repair a number of lost hit points equal to your Fix skill times 2 for fighter hulls, 3 for frigates, 4 for cruisers, and 6 for capital-class hulls
so 6pt?
Last edited March 13, 2024 3:06 pm


Damage Control dc7 - (2D6+2)

(33) + 2 = 8

Mar 13, 2024 3:02 pm
@daryen i think some people wanted to do repairs, but I leave the decision to the Captain
Mar 13, 2024 3:22 pm
daryen says:
So we're not going to fire at the fighters this turn?
This is why I communicated my intent on two previous posts. If you wanted to work around it or object I did give days. I'm not sure of the logistics, but it does seem to stop any other department from doing anything, Unless both other departments(Bridge & Comms) Went Above and Beyond, succeeded. (Which is about 50/50 each) and the captain Support Department. Where we would generate 4CP, reduce cost of 1 3cp action to 1.
Mar 13, 2024 4:00 pm
Well, I guess the captain gets to decide what to do. I'm just Comms, so what do I know?

Basically, Engineering doing repairs is really a 4 CP move. It costs 3 CP to do and prevents 1 CP from being earned. It looks like the Captain and Bridge have two main options:
1) The captain supports gunnery. This by itself allows Gunnery to Fire One Weapon. Then Bridge Goes Above and Beyond to give Engineering the support it needs to actually do the repair. If it works, then the repairs are done. If it doesn't, the repairs get cancelled.
2) The captain supports engineering. This, combined with Comms' Do Your Duty allows the repairs to take place. At that point Bridge has to Go Above and Beyond for the guns to fire.

So ... the captain gets to decide what happens. I'm Comms, the lowest ranking bridge officer here. I don't make decisions.
Mar 13, 2024 4:37 pm
daryen says:
Well, I guess the captain gets to decide what to do. I'm just Comms, so what do I know?

Basically, Engineering doing repairs is really a 4 CP move. It costs 3 CP to do and prevents 1 CP from being earned.
The math doesn't quite math because that's putting CP as the goal and not the tool, but also that would mean we're counting every action as costing 1 more, which just doesn't make sense.
daryen says:

It looks like the Captain and Bridge have two main options:
1) The captain supports gunnery. This by itself allows Gunnery to Fire One Weapon. Then Bridge Goes Above and Beyond to give Engineering the support it needs to actually do the repair. If it works, then the repairs are done. If it doesn't, the repairs get cancelled.
2) The captain supports engineering. This, combined with Comms' Do Your Duty allows the repairs to take place. At that point Bridge has to Go Above and Beyond for the guns to fire.

So ... the captain gets to decide what happens. I'm Comms, the lowest ranking bridge officer here. I don't make decisions.
It seems like either way we need at least one to succeed on Go Above And Beyond.
Mar 13, 2024 4:55 pm
Let's wait for Bridge and Captain, before Gunnery acts, ok? They will decide what happens and how much CP we have left for guns.

Arthur12320 can leave a pre-selected target, if he has time to read this before spaceseeker19, and I can handle either Lt. Chen Doing Your Duty or Fire One Gun to streamline things.
Mar 13, 2024 4:56 pm
Works for me
Mar 14, 2024 2:48 am
"Good work, Gunnery Department!" Captain Rael says: "All crew not manning guns report to Lt. Komarov in Engineering to assist with repairs." (Support Engineering Department). Then, calmly, she adds: "Gunnery, would you also disable that second Fighter?"

Douklan extrapolates from the calculations that Ensign is feeding him, realizes that the Fighter 2 is going too fast to maneuver out of the way of an expected move by the Sentinel. He throttles back the engines, using mostly maneuvering jets to rotate the guns to bear on Fighter 2 as it passes by. Douklan is attempting to go Above and Beyond for the 2 CP that Lt. Chen needs to fire a weapon.
It's a bit better than even odds that Above and Beyond will succeed. If it does, then Gunnery can fire one weapon. If it doesn't, then Gunnery won't be able to fire and Lt. Chen can Do His Duty to produce the CP that we'll then need to do the repairs.

Captain provides a discount of 2 to cost of repairs. The CP from Comms covers this now.
Douklan provides +2 CP, enough for Gunnery to fire one weapon. Which weapon is fired is up to Lt. Chen's discretion.
Last edited March 14, 2024 2:51 am


Piloting check to surprise Fighter 2 DC9 - (2d6+3)

(35) + 3 = 11

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