Chapter 4B: Asteroid Battle

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Mar 6, 2024 9:09 am
I meant the attack roll...
Lt. Jr. Fu Chen's voice echoed through the gunnery as he issued his orders to fire all weapons. The Sentinel's weapons blazed to life, unleashing a devastating onslaught upon their adversary.

Meanwhile, Lt. Jr. Fu Chen himself was in control of one of the plasma beam cannons, his hands steady as he lined up his shot. With a press of a button, a searing beam of energy lanced out from the Sentinel, striking the patrol boat squarely and causing significant damage to its hull.
Lt. Jr. Fu Chen gunnery roll - (10) + 4 = 14.

That's a hit. Roll 3d6 for damage. =)

The remaining gunners can also fire now (Micah twice)
Mar 6, 2024 1:02 pm
I'll do what is ordered, but the sandthrower should only fire on the fighters, NOT the patrol boat. I'll explain why in my firing post.

Also, the real danger is the patrol boat. The only weapon that is going to hurt the Sentinel is that plasma gun. Our plasma guns should only fire on that patrol boat until it is dead.
Mar 6, 2024 8:59 pm
I plan to do another CP generating next round and then do some repairs (3cp cost) the round after.
Mar 6, 2024 10:20 pm
Micah shrugs and follows orders, firing the Sandthrower at the Patrol Boat. I believe he has a +2 modifier.

Roll to hit ...

... and that's a miss.

Had it impacted, I'd have rolled 2d4 to see damage, then subtract 5 because of its armor, most likely resulting in no damage.

The reason it would have been better to fire on one of the fighters is that the Sandthrower is optimized against fighters. I would have had two rolls to hit, instead of just one, allowing me to take the better roll. Likewise, this also would have applied to damage, where if one of the two rolls would have hit the admittedly higher AC, I would have had two chances to exceed the armor, rather than just one.

Regardless, the Sandthrower is mostly ornamental, except on a few lucky rolls. :-)
Last edited March 6, 2024 10:25 pm


Sandthrower To-hit roll - (1d20+2)

(10) + 2 = 12

Mar 6, 2024 11:20 pm
Then, seeing an opportunity as one of the fighters hoves into view, "Micah, hit that fighter!"
Daryen, Micah has a second shot, this one at the fighter.

Spaceseeker19, when gunners fire all weapons mounted on the ship, if you want, they can designate targets as they wish. I guess you thought that it all had to be the same target. It doesn't. But let's keep that order for this round and you change, if you want, for the next =)

Daryen, for attacks, Spec. Logan rolls 1d20+3 as he is more junior. The remaining gunners roll 1d20+4. You missed the patrol boat, either way.
Mar 6, 2024 11:41 pm
Oh, I misunderstood. I am also so sorry the second shot is wasted on the Sandthrower. Please always make extra shots with the Plasma Beams!
OK, firing on a fighter ...

... and that's a miss, too. :-(
Last edited March 6, 2024 11:41 pm


Firing on a Fighter - (2d20h1+3)

(211) + 3 = 14

Mar 7, 2024 12:43 am
Lt. Jr. Fu Chen scores a hit with plasma cannon 1.


Damage from Sentinel plasma cannon 1 - (3d6)

(341) = 8

Mar 7, 2024 9:23 am
I'm rolling the dice for arthur12320 this round.
As the battle raged on, Specialist Valverde seized the moment and unleashed a well-aimed shot that struck the patrol boat with devastating force, causing further damage to the already beleaguered vessel.

Patrol boat - HP left: 13

Then, Ensign Carderas was momentarily caught off guard as the second starfighter, equipped as a bomber, unleashed a devastating Fractal Impact Charge.

The charge consisted of a spray of penetrator sabots, each meticulously designed with fractal surfacing to increase their impact. These sabots, propelled at high velocity, bore into the Sentinel's hull, their surfaces ensuring optimal penetration against even the most fortified defenses. Alarms blared throughout the ship as warning lights flashed, signaling the extent of the damage sustained.

Sentinel's engines were damaged. Another hit like that and they will be disabled

In the meantime, Alex Mercer, piloting the A09 shuttle with a display of remarkable piloting expertise and a stroke of luck, found himself able to maneuver away from the heart of the conflict. With deft precision, he navigated the shuttle through the chaos of exploding debris and swirling energy blasts, narrowly avoiding any incoming fire from the warring factions.
Round 1 Summary

Ship Action CP left Result
Fighter 1 NPC command points 4 -
Fighter 1 Fire weapon, target systems: A09 Engines 1 Miss

Ship Action CP left Result
Patrol Boat NPC command points 5-
Patrol Boat Fire one weapon + target systems: Sentinel's Plasma Gun 2 2 Miss
Patrol Boat Fire one weapon, target: Sentinel 0 Hit: 10 hull damage

Ship Action CP left Result
The Sentinel Captain: Support Department (Gunnery) 0 Next gunnery action costs -2 CP
The Sentinel Bridge: Do your duty 1
The Sentinel Engineering: Do your duty 2
The Sentinel Comms: Do your duty 3
The Sentinel Gunnery: Fire All Guns 2 Plasma Beam 1 and Beam 2 have hit, the sandthrower misses - Total: 12 hull damage.
The Sentinel Gunnery: Fire One Weapon, Sandthrower 0 Miss

Ship Action CP left Result
Fighter 2 NPC command points 4 -
Fighter 2 Fire one weapon, target engine, Sentinel 1 Sentinel's engine damaged, reduced to drive-1 until repaired. Also, received 5÷2 = 3 hull damage.

Ship Action CP left Result
A09 (Bureau's Shuttle) NPC command points 4 -
A09 (Bureau's Shuttle) Escape Combat 0 Success, 1 of 3 necessary to escape


Strike Fighter 2 - Attack engines AC13 - (1d20-1)

(14) - 1 = 13

Alex Mercer - Speed check (Int/Pilot + shuttle speed) - (2d6+0+3)

(46) + 3 = 13

Strike Fighter 1 - Speed check (opposed roll) - (2d6+7)

(11) + 7 = 9

Gunnery - Spec. Valverde (arthur12320) - (1d20+4)

(20) + 4 = 24

Damage from Sentinel plasma cannon 2 - (3d6)

(121) = 4

Fighter 2 - Fractal Impact Charge (damage, AP15) - (2d6)

(23) = 5

Mar 7, 2024 11:57 am
As the Draco Separatist Fleet continued their relentless assault, the patrol boat targeted the Sentinel's Plasma Gun, hoping to cripple the frigate's offensive capabilities. However, the Sentinel's armor held strong, deflecting the enemy's attack and safeguarding the vital weapon system.

But the patrol boat continued its assault. Despite the frigate's resilient armor, the enemy vessel managed to land a hit with their second shot of its plasma guns, causing a localized breach in the Sentinel's defenses.

Take another 8 hull damage. Sentinel's remaining hit points = 19

Meanwhile, the first fighter, undeterred by its previous failed attempt, turned around and made another daring maneuver, this time to disable the Sentinel's engines. It unleashed a barrage of firepower, but once again, luck was on the Sentinel's side as the enemy's shots missed their mark.
Now is the Sentinel's turn. Spaceseeker19 you also control the Captain now, so please tell In Character your overall strategy for this round and let's do it. If someone wanna invoke a Crisis from this or my previous post with the Bomber attack, it's your call

Round 2

Ship Action CP left Result
Fighter 1 NPC command points 4 -
Fighter 1 Fire weapon, target systems: Sentinel’s Engines 1 Miss

Ship Action CP left Result
Patrol Boat NPC command points 5-
Patrol Boat Fire one weapon, target system: Sentinel’s gun 2 Hit. Damage 6÷2 = 3. 3 - 5 (armor) = 0. No effect.
Patrol Boat Fire one weapon, target: Sentinel 1 Hit. Damage 8 (includes armor)

Departments may act in any order:
Ship Action CP left Result
The Sentinel Captain: To be defined 0
The Sentinel Bridge: To be defined
The Sentinel Engineering: To be defined
The Sentinel Comms: To be defined
The Sentinel Gunnery: To be defined


Patrol boat - Attack Plasma Gun AC13 - (1d20)

(16) = 16

Strike Fighter 1 - Attack engines AC13 - (1d20)

(7) = 7

Patrol Boat - Plasma Beam (damage, before armor) - (3d6)

(411) = 6

Patrol boat - Attack AC13 - (1d20+4)

(17) + 4 = 21

Patrol Boat - Plasma Beam (damage to hull, AP10, CV armor included) - (3d6-5)

(562) - 5 = 8

Mar 7, 2024 1:39 pm
Please take three plasma shots on the boat.
Mar 8, 2024 1:52 am
Firing my plasma Beam
from what i understood, after the Gunnery ordered the shoot i can take my shot, just not clear if once or twice... (i know he ordered three shoots but would it be divided between the two plasma beams?)


Gunnery - Spec. Valverde (arthur12320) - (1d20+4) - (1d20+4)

(9) + 4 = 13

Mar 8, 2024 2:00 am
Engineering is going to try and do your duty to get 1 CP.
Lt. Katlina Komarov Heads up a group trying to get some automation ready and repair to reinforce the hull.
Mar 8, 2024 3:44 am
Captain Rael falls into the easy routine of issuing commands and seeing the crew gel in combat at last. Each bridge officer was experienced, but from a different vessel; now under fire, they finally began to work instinctively, comfortable with the ship as well as with each other.

Douklan turns the Sentinel, rotating the vessel to keep the patrol boat in the firing arcs of the plasma cannons.

Hearing the damage reports, Fu dismisses the fighters as less important targets in favor of the patrol boat. Calmly he directed the gun crews: "Fire all weapons: plasmas at the patrol boat, sand at the fighters, and fire plasma cannons again as opportunity presents itself."
The Captain, Douklan, and Fu Do Their Duty.
Last edited March 8, 2024 3:45 am


Fu's Plasma beam at patrol boat - (2d6+4)

(26) + 4 = 12

Plasma cannon 1 damage on a hit - (3d6)

(311) = 5

Fu's Plasma beam at patrol boat (the correct dice is the D20) - (1d20+4)

(20) + 4 = 24

Mar 8, 2024 4:11 am
Ensign Carderas (Comms) is Doing His Duty by confusing the enemy's sensors.
That should be another 1 CP.
Firing the Sandthrower at the fighter shooting at the Sentinel.

Holy $#!t! That hit!

Let's see if any damage gets through. This has to be done as two separate rolls. Only the higher one counts ...

Higher number is 6, so the fighter takes a single point of damage. Yea!
Last edited March 8, 2024 4:15 am


Firing on a Fighter - (2d20h1+3)

(217) + 3 = 20

Damage chance 1 - (2d4)

(24) = 6

Damage chance 2 - (2d4)

(14) = 5

Mar 8, 2024 6:30 pm
arthur12320 says:

from what i understood, after the Gunnery ordered the shoot i can take my shot, just not clear if once or twice... (i know he ordered three shoots but would it be divided between the two plasma beams?)
Please, be my guest and do another plasma shot for the additional weapon fire. I'd also recommend that you roll the 3d6 for damage just to save time in case it hits.
Last edited March 8, 2024 6:34 pm
Mar 9, 2024 12:10 am
Nice. Some notes and observations:

1. I think coordinating the gunnery head with the gunners is taking some time and is not adding that much of a choice and gameplay experience, as the head naturally makes most of the decisions. I propose we streamline that by letting arthur12320 take all guns and also control Lt. Fu. @spaceseeker19,@arthur12320,@daryen do you agree? Can I give him your gunners? In the future, I plan to keep it that way with whoever gets the gunnery head. In PbP being a gunner doesn't feel the same.

2. The captain has a special move called Support Department (0 CP) were she chooses a department. One action that department takes will require two fewer Command Points. As that is better than Do your duty in all aspects, I will suppose that she did that for the gunnery department this round. I also rolled the d20 for you, spaceseeker19, I edited your post. SWN has a unique dice mechanic: it's 2d6 for skills and 1d20 for attacking in combat. People get confused all the time =D

3. I will roll for the last gun this round, to expedite things, as that is not really an actual decision nor it is a real dice, I'm just pressing some buttons for the GP server to roll it for us. Otherwise, it would take another day or so. If we let arthur12320 control all guns, then in the next round he would have to make some choices and I would wait for him, of course.


Gunnery - Spec. Valverde - (1d20+4)

(8) + 4 = 12

Mar 9, 2024 12:13 am
The bomber tried to cripple the Sentinel's engines once again, but this time the shot was not accurate enough and did not damage the ship.

In the meantime, Alex Mercer managed to distance himself further from the battle. In a few more minutes he will be able to leave the asteroid field behind and escape towards Draco III.
Round 2

Ship Action CP left Result
The Sentinel Captain: Support Department (Gunnery) 0 Next gunnery action costs -2 CP
The Sentinel Bridge: Do your duty 1
The Sentinel Engineering: Do your duty 2
The Sentinel Comms: Do your duty 3
The Sentinel Gunnery: Fire All Guns 2 Plasma Beam 1 hits, Beam 2 missed, the sandthrower hit - Total: 5 hull damage to the Patrol boat, 1 hull damage to Fighter 2
The Sentinel Gunnery: Fire One Weapon, Beam 2 0 Miss

Ship Action CP left Result
Fighter 2 NPC command points 4 -
Fighter 2 Fire one weapon, target engine, Sentinel 1Miss

Ship Action CP left Result
A09 (Bureau's Shuttle) NPC command points 4 -
A09 (Bureau's Shuttle) Escape Combat 0 Success, 2 of 3 necessary to escape


Strike Fighter 2 - Attack Sentinel's engines AC13 - (1d20-1)

(8) - 1 = 7

Alex Mercer - Speed check (Int/Pilot + shuttle speed) - (2d6+0+3)

(56) + 3 = 14

Strike Fighter 1 - Speed check (opposed roll) - (2d6+7)

(13) + 7 = 11

Mar 9, 2024 12:48 am
As the battle raged on, the Patrol boat and the fighter continued to fire on the Sentinel and attempt to disable its systems and engines. Fortunately, they missed all of their shots, giving the Sentinel crew the opportunity to retaliate.
Your turn!

Round 3

Ship Action CP left Result
Fighter 1 NPC command points 4 -
Fighter 1 Fire weapon, target systems: Sentinel’s Engines 1 Miss

Ship Action CP left Result
Patrol Boat NPC command points 5-
Patrol Boat Fire one weapon, target system: Sentinel’s Engines 2 Miss
Patrol Boat Evasive maneuvers 0 Miss


Patrol boat - Attack Engines AC13 - (1d20)

(8) = 8

Strike Fighter 1 - Attack engines AC13 - (1d20)

(7) = 7

Evasive maneuvers DC9 - (2d6+2)

(41) + 2 = 7

Mar 9, 2024 4:09 am
Engineering is going to try and do your duty to get 1 CP.
(This is getting harder and harder)
Lt. Katlina Komarov is loading up a gravcarrier to get the hull repaired.
Mar 9, 2024 6:11 am
I'll do Comms later, but note the restriction is not doing the same thing in consecutive rounds. The restriction is NOT to never do the same thing. So, I see no reason you couldn't do the same two things every other round. Or is that violating the spirit of the rules?

Comms will Do Their Duty, however.
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