Brewner is Blown away
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Beast of Chaos
Feb 10, 2024 6:45 pm

Beast of Chaos
Feb 11, 2024 1:20 pm
"Damm fiend!"Brewner says with a snarl
While running Brewner tries to use the low rolling hills too lose sight with is pursuer, stop running, hide in the tall grass and catch the Beast by surprise. Warhammer ready in both hands
While running Brewner tries to use the low rolling hills too lose sight with is pursuer, stop running, hide in the tall grass and catch the Beast by surprise. Warhammer ready in both hands
Feb 12, 2024 5:09 am
Realizing the thing is tracking you by more than sight Brewner devises and executes an ambush a quickly as possible. Prepared as best you can you await the creature.
Roll a survival test. If you succeed, with a roll of at least 1 5 or higher, then go ahead and attack the beast in surprise. If you fail the survival test then roll 2d6 for initiative. If this is 7 or higher you still get to attack first.
Roll a survival test. If you succeed, with a roll of at least 1 5 or higher, then go ahead and attack the beast in surprise. If you fail the survival test then roll 2d6 for initiative. If this is 7 or higher you still get to attack first.
Feb 12, 2024 3:01 pm
Heart pounding Brewner awaits in the tall grass for the creature
Last edited February 12, 2024 3:07 pm
Survival - (3d6)
(555) = 15
Attack - (2D6)
(53) = 8
Feb 12, 2024 4:35 pm
The beast squeals on agony as the hammer slams into it. Jumping back then back in the creature bites at Brewner but misses as it hops back and forth to Evade attacks.
beast actions = Attack + Evade
Remember you have a heavy weapon so can only attack once so use the other action to Focus or Evade
beast actions = Attack + Evade
[ +- ] Combat
During combat each character has 2 actions that can be performed. Possible actions include
+ attack (1 damage per success unless stated otherwise)
+ evade (Until you can act again Test at disadvantage any time you are hit to avoid damage)
+ move (move to a new room/field)
+ focus (improve the odds on you next roll)
+ other test
+ attack (1 damage per success unless stated otherwise)
+ evade (Until you can act again Test at disadvantage any time you are hit to avoid damage)
+ move (move to a new room/field)
+ focus (improve the odds on you next roll)
+ other test
Attack - (2d6)
(22) = 4
Feb 12, 2024 5:30 pm
Able to deflect the blow Brewner tries to keep the pressure, seeing that the Beast his trying to make him miss he waits for the right time to land another powerful blow
Focus+ Attack - (2D6)
(33) = 6
Feb 12, 2024 10:40 pm
The gibbering beast of chaos gibbers and hisses as it hops back evading your hammer then goes on the offensive. Though you aboit its nasty bite it quickly turns and slams its head into you. 1 damage
Beast of Chaos attacks twice - (2d6, 2d6)
2d6 : (23) = 5
2d6 : (16) = 7
Feb 13, 2024 11:42 am
Brewner grits his teeth after the blow the Beast was able to land, but he remains composed and trust in his abilities.
He evaluates the creature and once again tries to find the best time to attack.
He evaluates the creature and once again tries to find the best time to attack.
Focus+ Attack - (2D6)
(46) = 10
Feb 13, 2024 12:59 pm
Landing a solid blow you hear a crack and the beast goes down. With a last bleat it's form shivers then explodes, showering you and the nearby area in a rain of wriggling, grub, crawling insects, tiny flying bugs, and slithering serpend like things. Jumping back you quickly shake and whipe the things form you and within moments the are is clear. Witha shudder to check your cloths, hair, and gear to ensure none of whatever that was remains.
As the storm continues to fade into the distance, to the south it looks, you again look around to ensure it left nothing else in its wake. This time you see that there is more of a change to the landscape than you thought. To the west you see trees. Climbing the closest hill to get a better view, as low as it is the slight elevation does help. From the new perspective you see a river running from the north and east to the south and west. That definitely was not there before. No river that big exists in the tundra. The banks of the river are dottd with trees and to the south-west it joins another river. Close to their junction you see wisps of smoke. That looks the best place to head to find out where this place is and how you might eventually get home. Setting out in your mile eating stide you head for the smoke trail with a wary eye out for trouble. You estimate you might be able reach it before dark.
OK having survived the intro you are no longer a base newbie. Congratulations LEVEL UP! You gain either Weapon Mastery, attack with advantage, 3d6, or gain another trait. If you have quesitons or know what you want to add then post in your character creation thread. When done with that post your next move here.
As the storm continues to fade into the distance, to the south it looks, you again look around to ensure it left nothing else in its wake. This time you see that there is more of a change to the landscape than you thought. To the west you see trees. Climbing the closest hill to get a better view, as low as it is the slight elevation does help. From the new perspective you see a river running from the north and east to the south and west. That definitely was not there before. No river that big exists in the tundra. The banks of the river are dottd with trees and to the south-west it joins another river. Close to their junction you see wisps of smoke. That looks the best place to head to find out where this place is and how you might eventually get home. Setting out in your mile eating stide you head for the smoke trail with a wary eye out for trouble. You estimate you might be able reach it before dark.
Tada! Still alive :)OK having survived the intro you are no longer a base newbie. Congratulations LEVEL UP! You gain either Weapon Mastery, attack with advantage, 3d6, or gain another trait. If you have quesitons or know what you want to add then post in your character creation thread. When done with that post your next move here.
Feb 14, 2024 11:24 am
Brewner goes to the riverside and follows it to the smoke, always with a watchful eye. He will also take a moment to wash himself. Toughts of what just happened laying heavy on his head.
"What just happened?"
"What just happened?"
Yup pretty cool, i already chose a new trait in the character threadFeb 14, 2024 4:12 pm
As you near the river you see the smoke is coming from a walled enclosure on the far bank of the river. A island with a castle visible above it's trees lies between you and the far shore. There is a set of wagon tracks leading to the river indicating traffic did come here and possible cross the river. The tracks are worn into the grass but for not like to be very old. Perhaps the area is expanding? Your are unsure. The crossing to the island is not too far and could result be swum but crossing to the far side could be dangerous.
Feb 14, 2024 5:02 pm
Brewner gets closer and takes time to observe his side of the riverside and the castle.
Are the tracks leading directly to the castle? Is there a bridge to the castle? Can i see someone in the castle patrolling that can hear me shout for example.Feb 14, 2024 7:55 pm
As you check this shoreline you not that though the signs of traffic are not working the last few days and is infrequent but repeated. The tracks go to the river bank. The area looks like it has been used as a loading spot for boats. But the lack of a dock and other signs indicate it is only a season or two old and not used often.
The island is 50 feet offshore at its closest. Movement can be seen on the castle walls but you get an unnerved feeling when your look at it.
You can try to swim to the island, craft a simple ready or boat, signal the island or far shore, or continue to watch
The island is 50 feet offshore at its closest. Movement can be seen on the castle walls but you get an unnerved feeling when your look at it.
You can try to swim to the island, craft a simple ready or boat, signal the island or far shore, or continue to watch
Feb 15, 2024 10:27 am
Ok, i have an idea, i want to make a very visible campfire, near the shore, then my character will try camouflage himself in the surrounding watching the castle and if they send someone to investigate, maybe i can have a better look at them. Is it possible?Feb 15, 2024 1:58 pm
Brewner finds an open spot in sight of both the castle and th city across the river with nearby tree and bush cover. Gathering some twigs and larger sticks he lights a small fire then once it is going well he begins adding some greener wood and twigs with leaves. Though not large the resulting fire produced enough smoke that you are assured it is visible at the relavant distances.
Concealing yourself you watch for any reaction. After a quarter of an hour you see a small boat leave the small docks and begin to make its way across the river. Though you are certain the closer caastle can see your smoke there is no visible reaction from it. but as much of it is hidden by the trees perhaps there is and you just can not see. Shifting to a better vantage to watch the island shore and boat you wait and watch as the boat nears, obviously aimed at your little fire.
If you state that you do something then I will inform you of the results.
If state intentions or attempts wtih qualifiers then I will inform you of the likely outcome or poiny out any obstacles.
Ex 1 : Player : Character X jumps off the cliff to escape the aproaching monster
GM : As X can not fly and has nothing to do so they fall and die
Ex 2 : Player : character x wants to get down as faast as possible and when he sees a way down he takes it to escape the moster. If no way down is found in a couple secons follow the clif towards the closest cover.
GM: X finds a strong tree close to the cliff they can tie thir rope to to help climb down but then the rope will be tied to the top of the cliff.. They also find a routhe that looks like it is used by mountain goats to go up and donw the cliff. It is small and rough but possible.
Concealing yourself you watch for any reaction. After a quarter of an hour you see a small boat leave the small docks and begin to make its way across the river. Though you are certain the closer caastle can see your smoke there is no visible reaction from it. but as much of it is hidden by the trees perhaps there is and you just can not see. Shifting to a better vantage to watch the island shore and boat you wait and watch as the boat nears, obviously aimed at your little fire.
I let my players try to do anything. But I control the outcome.If you state that you do something then I will inform you of the results.
If state intentions or attempts wtih qualifiers then I will inform you of the likely outcome or poiny out any obstacles.
Ex 1 : Player : Character X jumps off the cliff to escape the aproaching monster
GM : As X can not fly and has nothing to do so they fall and die
Ex 2 : Player : character x wants to get down as faast as possible and when he sees a way down he takes it to escape the moster. If no way down is found in a couple secons follow the clif towards the closest cover.
GM: X finds a strong tree close to the cliff they can tie thir rope to to help climb down but then the rope will be tied to the top of the cliff.. They also find a routhe that looks like it is used by mountain goats to go up and donw the cliff. It is small and rough but possible.
Feb 15, 2024 5:55 pm
Remaining hidden Brewner gets closer to the shore to get a better look of the boat and waits for the passengers to disembark and investigate the fireplace, to get a feel of who he is dealing with.
Feb 16, 2024 2:39 pm
A pair of armored men, soldier or guards most likely, with a third at the oars near the shore looking around. The armored men both have crossbows and light armor. As they get close they pause while still on the river after not seeing anyone near the fires and appear to be having a discussion about whether to land or not.
Feb 16, 2024 3:20 pm
Brewner makes his presence known, still partially cover behind a tree he says:
"Hello there how are you all doing?"
"Hello there how are you all doing?"
My new trait Charismatic doesn't show in the character sheet, how do i add?Feb 16, 2024 3:40 pm
Go to the "Characters" item on the toolbar at the bottom of the screen (not the top) and select your character from the resultant menu. At that point, go to the little tiny pencil icon int he upper right-hand corner and click it. That will put you into edit mode and you can work with your character sheet.Do note that it is in XML, so you'll need to be at least reasonably comfortable with hand-editing an XML document. However, given that, the formatting is pretty obvious. Just duplicate one of the existing Trait entries and change the duplicate to be the new trait.
Feb 16, 2024 4:11 pm
daryen says:
Go to the "Characters" item on the toolbar at the bottom of the screen (not the top) and select your character from the resultant menu. At that point, go to the little tiny pencil icon int he upper right-hand corner and click it. That will put you into edit mode and you can work with your character sheet.Do note that it is in XML, so you'll need to be at least reasonably comfortable with hand-editing an XML document. However, given that, the formatting is pretty obvious. Just duplicate one of the existing Trait entries and change the duplicate to be the new trait.
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