Is from a clan named Noric of the Shattered Lands that was mostly destroyed in the Shattering, he is one of the few of his people that survived. He have the common equipment for an adventurer but he also have a king from a chess set that contains an ancestor trapped. He wanderer the known world looking for adventure and a new place to call home.
Brewner is Blown away
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Is from a clan named Noric of the Shattered Lands that was mostly destroyed in the Shattering, he is one of the few of his people that survived. He have the common equipment for an adventurer but he also have a king from a chess set that contains an ancestor trapped. He wanderer the known world looking for adventure and a new place to call home.
Looking around his options are limited. Low rolling hills and grasslands as far as the eye can see. The odd stream or river might have the occasional copse of trees but none are near him at this time. A hill off to the northwest is the largest in the area but is only tens of feet high. Looking again at the storm to the north east you estimate the storm will strike in 15 to 30 minutes. This gives you a bit of time to prepare or make a run for it.
OOC: Thanks for Gming lets get the aventure started. By the way thus Brewner know where he his, if there his some setlement nearby.
Ps: Sorry for the possible bad engish not my native language
Don't worry, we'll get you to the action mostly in one piece :)
As for english, it is a horrible language that steals from anyone it bumps into then corrupts the whole thing. Dont worry about it. Just let me know if you need things explained in other words.
Roll a Test to spot anything useful. Click "Add" in the "Rolls" section then add details in the description and 2d6 for the roll
Test with Survivalist trait - (3d6)
(563) = 14
During this time the storm draws every closer and your concern rises. The lightning glasses vary in color, pink, white, yellow, orange, blue, and black. The wind and clouds also are full of strange colors and change appearance as your scan the storm. Climbing under you wrap yourself further in your cloak to wait out the storm.
The storm sweeps over you and thankfully seems to have little rain. However the wind and chaos it does being is far more disconcerting. One moment you are freezing cold the next sweltering in heat. From under the edges of your ground cover wisps of the storm creep into the space with you. The wisps are but a fragment of the storm but are clearly magical increasing your fervent hope your meager shelter will protect you from itself. A sudden violent blast shots strait through the gaps of your shelter and a stage surge of motion is felt. Quickly snatching your tarp and pack as everything begins to tumble you are shocked at the sight now revealed to you . . .
Roll a Save Test, 3d6 due to Resolutr. You succeed if any dice rolls above a 4
Resolve test - (3d6)
(342) = 9
Give me 3 tests to cross the chaotic stream of land back to your reality. By focusing you can pass with any roll 4 or higher.

1) In this situation if my character Focus thus the Beast able to reach me?
2) If i Focus do i have the extra sucess number for all 3 tests?
Focus will only affect the single roll you are focusing on. So, your Focus will only apply to this first roll. The other two rolls will require their own Focus actions to affect them. The effect of Focus is that the subsequent roll will succeed on a 4,5,6 instead of just a normal 5,6. That said, it sounds like you can make all three rolls, each with its own Focus, without issue.
"Ancestors protect me..."
Whatever flame of hesitation that may exist is quickly put out, Brewner takes only a heartbeat to prepare and plan his trajectory and jumps to the next chunk.
Focus +test - (2D6)
(62) = 8
Test - (2D6)
(34) = 7
Test - (2D6)
(32) = 5

Making your way to the next crossing as quickly as you can you continue plotting your escape for this strange place. As you do you are shocked to see that the chunks of the grassland pulled into this place are not all floating on the strange flow of this place in a flat manner as you had initially seen. Now some are above you or floating sideways. However you spot one such instance where the local animal life scurry about on its surface, while upside down from you. This strangeness causes you to almost have a worse miss and you fall in again, this time to your waist. Your entire lower body now feels strange and the clothing is now quite ragged and scruffy instead of the clean leathers you wore before. Your two near misses and issues with your legs cost you enough time that you need to cross 2 more times before reaching the edge of whatever this place is.
Give me two Save Tests, 3d6 each, and another 2 tests to jump the crossings, let me know if you spend time to focus or not. For each failed jump edit the pot and add another save test

I see your wisdom
He looks over his shoulder for one last check of the creature and focused on the task ahead.
Nice and slow
Save test 1 - (3D6)
(262) = 10
Save test 2 - (3D6)
(625) = 13
Jump test+ Focus - (2D6)
(16) = 7
Jump test + Focus - (2D6)
(65) = 11

Remembering you legs you quickly pat them down and pull your, altered, pants away from them. Your legs are hairier than previously and the skin seems to be quivering and rippling slightly but the effects are fading. Setting it aside as a concern for later you run then jog to put distance between you and the strange storm. You are still buffeted by the winds but now that you know what for look for you are able to stay away from any the center.
Beast of Chaos

While running Brewner tries to use the low rolling hills too lose sight with is pursuer, stop running, hide in the tall grass and catch the Beast by surprise. Warhammer ready in both hands
Roll a survival test. If you succeed, with a roll of at least 1 5 or higher, then go ahead and attack the beast in surprise. If you fail the survival test then roll 2d6 for initiative. If this is 7 or higher you still get to attack first.
Survival - (3d6)
(555) = 15
Attack - (2D6)
(53) = 8
beast actions = Attack + Evade
+ attack (1 damage per success unless stated otherwise)
+ evade (Until you can act again Test at disadvantage any time you are hit to avoid damage)
+ move (move to a new room/field)
+ focus (improve the odds on you next roll)
+ other test
Attack - (2d6)
(22) = 4
Focus+ Attack - (2D6)
(33) = 6
Beast of Chaos attacks twice - (2d6, 2d6)
2d6 : (23) = 5
2d6 : (16) = 7
He evaluates the creature and once again tries to find the best time to attack.
Focus+ Attack - (2D6)
(46) = 10
As the storm continues to fade into the distance, to the south it looks, you again look around to ensure it left nothing else in its wake. This time you see that there is more of a change to the landscape than you thought. To the west you see trees. Climbing the closest hill to get a better view, as low as it is the slight elevation does help. From the new perspective you see a river running from the north and east to the south and west. That definitely was not there before. No river that big exists in the tundra. The banks of the river are dottd with trees and to the south-west it joins another river. Close to their junction you see wisps of smoke. That looks the best place to head to find out where this place is and how you might eventually get home. Setting out in your mile eating stide you head for the smoke trail with a wary eye out for trouble. You estimate you might be able reach it before dark.
OK having survived the intro you are no longer a base newbie. Congratulations LEVEL UP! You gain either Weapon Mastery, attack with advantage, 3d6, or gain another trait. If you have quesitons or know what you want to add then post in your character creation thread. When done with that post your next move here.
"What just happened?"
The island is 50 feet offshore at its closest. Movement can be seen on the castle walls but you get an unnerved feeling when your look at it.
You can try to swim to the island, craft a simple ready or boat, signal the island or far shore, or continue to watch
Concealing yourself you watch for any reaction. After a quarter of an hour you see a small boat leave the small docks and begin to make its way across the river. Though you are certain the closer caastle can see your smoke there is no visible reaction from it. but as much of it is hidden by the trees perhaps there is and you just can not see. Shifting to a better vantage to watch the island shore and boat you wait and watch as the boat nears, obviously aimed at your little fire.
If you state that you do something then I will inform you of the results.
If state intentions or attempts wtih qualifiers then I will inform you of the likely outcome or poiny out any obstacles.
Ex 1 : Player : Character X jumps off the cliff to escape the aproaching monster
GM : As X can not fly and has nothing to do so they fall and die
Ex 2 : Player : character x wants to get down as faast as possible and when he sees a way down he takes it to escape the moster. If no way down is found in a couple secons follow the clif towards the closest cover.
GM: X finds a strong tree close to the cliff they can tie thir rope to to help climb down but then the rope will be tied to the top of the cliff.. They also find a routhe that looks like it is used by mountain goats to go up and donw the cliff. It is small and rough but possible.
"Hello there how are you all doing?"
Do note that it is in XML, so you'll need to be at least reasonably comfortable with hand-editing an XML document. However, given that, the formatting is pretty obvious. Just duplicate one of the existing Trait entries and change the duplicate to be the new trait.
Do note that it is in XML, so you'll need to be at least reasonably comfortable with hand-editing an XML document. However, given that, the formatting is pretty obvious. Just duplicate one of the existing Trait entries and change the duplicate to be the new trait.

At this the boatmen snorts and mutters about how he did all the work
So if you would state your business here? You need a lift? Where's your caravan? Are they in trouble? That storm earlier was one of those new Border Storms. I've heard some odd stories about those. Were you in that? at which point the other guard elbows him in the ribs and tells him to let you answer.
The Manor : These are assisting with recovering an abandoned estate a days travel to the NW but they reach it by teleporting.
The Underdark : These are clearing out caves under the expedition base before exploring deeper into the underdark
Eldergrove : These are exploring another lost city about a couple days travel to the NW but they can teleport there and back as needed. They are close to wrapping thing up on that main quest so will likely come back to base after that but it may be a week IRL or longer
If you have no preference then I will move you to the underdark story as they are closest at the moment.
Let me know
With an apologetic smile he says: "Well you found the fool, name is Brewner... of Noric. I was traveling and got caught by that storm indeed, the stories you heard are true i would tell you but you think of me as insane.".
He looks around, analysing his surroundings one more time."I have to admit that i am lost, not sure what to do or where to go, i would appreciate a lift, someone at the keep might be able to help me out, or maybe something i can help."

All three blanche at the mention of the keep.
Guard 1 : You don't want to go there mate.
Guard 2 : But they do have the best maps of the area
Boatman : Yeah, but those are from before the breaking. Not much good outside this area
Guard 1 : Yeah, but they're dead in there!
Guard 2 : Undead, and some of them talk.
Boatman : Still gives me the willies. Imagine swearing to defend a place after death. I don't love anyplace enough to do that. Not even my home village
Guard 1 : Yeah, but that's cause you're a ponce and had to leave or marry that girl you tumbled in the hay
Guard 2 : If you want we can drop you off on the isle. The boat visits each dawn and dusk so you can git a ride across to the base if you change your mind.
Still bickering they move the boat close to short so you can board and they take you to the isle or to the base as you direct.