Brewner is Blown away

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Feb 16, 2024 5:02 pm
Both guards look at you then one answers while the other continues scanning the area warily. Well, you know. We were relaxing back at out post when some fool light a fire with enough smoke to get an officer's attention who promptly ordered us to row across the river to "check it out"
At this the boatmen snorts and mutters about how he did all the work
So if you would state your business here? You need a lift? Where's your caravan? Are they in trouble? That storm earlier was one of those new Border Storms. I've heard some odd stories about those. Were you in that? at which point the other guard elbows him in the ribs and tells him to let you answer.
I will be moving your story to one of the groups tied to the expedition next. Right now the tree groups are
The Manor : These are assisting with recovering an abandoned estate a days travel to the NW but they reach it by teleporting.
The Underdark : These are clearing out caves under the expedition base before exploring deeper into the underdark
Eldergrove : These are exploring another lost city about a couple days travel to the NW but they can teleport there and back as needed. They are close to wrapping thing up on that main quest so will likely come back to base after that but it may be a week IRL or longer
If you have no preference then I will move you to the underdark story as they are closest at the moment.
Let me know
Feb 17, 2024 11:33 am
Brewner walks casually towards them.
With an apologetic smile he says: "Well you found the fool, name is Brewner... of Noric. I was traveling and got caught by that storm indeed, the stories you heard are true i would tell you but you think of me as insane.".
He looks around, analysing his surroundings one more time."I have to admit that i am lost, not sure what to do or where to go, i would appreciate a lift, someone at the keep might be able to help me out, or maybe something i can help."
I am ok with any of them, underdark sound good



Feb 17, 2024 5:35 pm

All three blanche at the mention of the keep.
Guard 1 : You don't want to go there mate.
Guard 2 : But they do have the best maps of the area
Boatman : Yeah, but those are from before the breaking. Not much good outside this area
Guard 1 : Yeah, but they're dead in there!
Guard 2 : Undead, and some of them talk.
Boatman : Still gives me the willies. Imagine swearing to defend a place after death. I don't love anyplace enough to do that. Not even my home village
Guard 1 : Yeah, but that's cause you're a ponce and had to leave or marry that girl you tumbled in the hay
Guard 2 : If you want we can drop you off on the isle. The boat visits each dawn and dusk so you can git a ride across to the base if you change your mind.

Still bickering they move the boat close to short so you can board and they take you to the isle or to the base as you direct.
Feb 17, 2024 7:48 pm
Where do you need me to go to join the underdark players?
Feb 17, 2024 8:13 pm
Either location will get you there eventually at this point. If you want to FF past this and just join the group I can narrate that.
Feb 17, 2024 11:26 pm
Quickly packing his gear Brewners says over his shoulder:"In that case take me to the base"
Narrate whatever you need
Feb 18, 2024 1:11 am
You are rowed to the base. Along the way the guards go over a few basic rules that simply amount to no stealing, "you break it you bought it", and no fighting within the base walls.

Miros Xelbrin
The dock hands are under the instruction of an older man who shouts out at arrival. What all alone? Got lost or lost your wits. Careful to no lose you head.

The guards escort you up the dock through a stone building. If you're planning to stay I suggest joining the guard, the scouts, or another band of adventurers. Few can survive the are alone. Check with the clerk or the tavern for other options
Story continues in the Base Thread

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