The rest of that night passes uneventfully. kar'Javon reappears shortly before dawn and helps Gavath ready the horses as Dugal negotiates with more food vendors. Swelvie rearranges the new wares in her wagon for the third time, and Turighe blushes when Princess asks him about whether he enjoyed all the attention last night. Soon enough, the caravan sets out again.
The road here in the Granges is well-maintained, with gravel to help slow erosion and prevent the wheel ruts that would otherwise develop with so much wagon traffic. Because (the above picture notwithstanding) there is a lot of traffic on the roads here: wagons traveling between hamlets and farms deliver goods and passengers; donkeys bear slow riders; farmers and tinkers pull handcarts. It's a flourishing region with contented people of many races living and working together. Some of them recognize Dugal and wave
Travel is swift and without incident. The caravan stops at a waystation affiliated with an adjacent inn, the Bowben. Some of the merchants go in to the Bowben for news and also for some company with people that they haven't spent every waking moment of the last two weeks with; there are some people from Grayhaven at the Inn. Apparently the Bowben is a popular destination for ranking guild members and lesser nobility...which is why no one in the caravan is staying at the Inn, as it's too expensive for most (except, perhaps, for Belany).
The presence of so many people has you guards on high alert; you've kept the caravan safe so far, and all these people milling about represent possible Tesko is quick to point out, repeatedly. But aside from Turighe losing a pouch of his money gambling with slumming aristocrats, there is no loss, and no one makes an attempt to steal Tesko's secrets or anything else. The 19th day on the road ends peacefully.
The final day of the caravan's journey proceeds in much the same manner. But everyone's spirits are high, as the end of the journey is in sight. Even the horses seem to know that rest and respite are near, as they pick up the pace of their own accord. As the caravan tops the last rise and the view of the sea opens up before you, with the vast walls of the Jewel of the West, the great City of Grayhaven, looming between you and the harbor, we complete the first module, "Caravan of Peril."
Each character should advance to level 2 now. Use the
character generation thread to share any decisions and to declare whether you will roll or take the default HP for this level. The next part of the campaign, "Streets Unseen," will start as the caravan arrives at the gates of Grayhaven, posted in a new thread once everyone is ready. Each character will start as if they've just had a long rest, recovered all their hit dice and other expended abilities, and have memorized/prepared the new ones granted at level 2.