Surprise Supper Guests

Feb 8, 2024 7:18 am
Just as Dugal and the halflings had said, on the 14th day out from Mara, they passed the road leading south through the Hornwood to the north fork of the Sowkalt River (or the "Windy River," as the halflings of the region call it) and the ferries that lead to the halfling principality of Thile. They day passed uneventfully, with one halfling or another breaking out into strange yodeling songs sung in their native language (for the next few days, Princess worked on incorporating the melodies and harmonies into her lute music).

As the road continued west for the 15th and 16th days, the elves noted the change in flora from descending elevation: the flowers of the lowlands began to appear, and the alpine shrubs to dwindle and vanish. The weather continued to get warmer, and as the 17th day dawned and Dugal roused the company, he announced that, "if we continue to make good time today, we should be at Crosswell late tomorrow." As the merchants and drivers began to hitch their teams and get their wagons in position, Findal the gnome ambled over to the party to explain that "Crosswell is a small farming town, with a monthly market. As the population of Grayhaven has grown over the centuries, farmers cut back the Tanglebrier to make more arable land to feed the thousands and thousands of people in the big city. They have come to call this extended farming region around Grayhaven "the Granges," and Crosswell marks the eastern border of the Granges." The gnome smiles happily at you. "Simply put, when we get to Crosswell, it means we're getting very close to our destination!"

The spirits of the caravan are high; the sun is shining brightly through the canopy of trees on either side of the road, snow is a distant memory of the highlands, flowers bloom with a sweet fragrance, and everyone is looking forward to arrival in Grayhaven, which Dugal assures should be "in about four more days." The caravan makes good time, and with the days getting longer, Dugal pushes the group a couple of hours' travel further. The caravan arrives at another clearing just as the last rays of the sun are turning the tops of the trees golden and the shadows down in the clearing are deep and dark. By now, the group is accustomed to and efficient in the routine of circling the wagons in the tall spring grasses of the clearing. Grazing will be good.

Camp has been set, horses unhitched, and the wagons opened up to air out in the fresh evening air. In the middle of the circle, Jalon has built another cookfire, which quickly draws all the hungry travelers. A hearty stew bubbles away, filling the air with its mouth-watering aroma. It certainly doesn't match the magnificence of Tesko's culinary creations, but Jalon's food is good and filling, especially augmented with the five large Red Jungle Fowl that Elowin and Adran managed to catch in their snares. Jalon clangs the side of the pot with his ladle, signaling that it's time to eat, but the sound echoes and is greeted by the howl of a wolf, long, low, and nearby. It is matched by another howl, and then another.

Everyone pulls closer to the comfort of the fire. The wolf pack sounds very close. What do you do?
Feb 8, 2024 4:05 pm

Adran's eyes look out into the darkness past the wagons, the unknown holding his attention. "They shouldn't attack us, as we are many and we have fire, but... damn." He spat the last word. "The horses."

He pulls his cloak around his armor and tells the others he will go sit with their horses to keep watch. "If anything, wolf meat is still edible and their pelts have value."
Feb 8, 2024 6:17 pm
It had been an eventful journey, and Morik was elated at being so near their destination. At the howls of the wolves, he groaned. He stood up and dusted himself off, imbuing his quarterstaff with nature’s power. His eyes looked about for any signs of the wolves, ears listening. Time to earn his coins.
Feb 8, 2024 10:20 pm
Princess's shawm is put away and a longsword comes to hand. "We can guard the horses. Everyone to the wagons for protection." goes to the horses and with a word she casts a light aways toward the howling with hopes to get an early sighting.
Feb 8, 2024 10:42 pm
Bramlin readies his weapons. His trusty claymore grasped tightly in his off-hand, rested against forested ground, and a javelin in his right hand. Additional javelins grace his back in yon quiver!

Another chance to prove my mettle, ponders the Braveless one.
Feb 9, 2024 5:27 pm
Elowin climbs up on the flat-roofed wagon with her bow. She lends Princess and two others without night vision, the Eyes of Night. Then she scouts for the wolfs. If a well-placed arrow can scare off the wolfs then that would be preferable.
She will shoot the first wolf she spots out on her max range, witch in the night is 300 ft
[ +- ] Eyes of Night LR
Last edited February 9, 2024 5:27 pm


Perception - (1d20+5)

(11) + 5 = 16

Longbow show at 300 feet - (2d20L1+6, 1d8+4)

2d20L1+6 : (1719) + 6 = 23

1d8+4 : (3) + 4 = 7

Feb 10, 2024 12:28 pm
"Yer all jumping at shadows, says Gunter. "It's just some wolves." Still though, he grabs his hammer and crossbow and goes to sit by Bramlin.
Feb 10, 2024 4:37 pm
Elowin clambers up on the hard top of Findal's wagon and scans the darkness, an arrow nocked. Princess and Adran rush out of the circle of wagons to the horses in the darkness, the half-orc groom Gavath close on their heels. The howling draws closer, from the forest approaching the horses, but the trees of the forest hem the clearing in on nearly all sides, so much of the view approaching the camp is obscured. The animals are nervous, and so are the members of the caravan, huddled close around the comforting heat and light of the fire after Adran's comment. Morik, Bramlin, and Gunter look for movement, expecting that Elowin will call a warning as soon as she sees anything from her elevated vantage point.

Everyone, please roll initiative.
Bramlin, Gunter, and Morik are by the fire with all the NPCs (except for Gavath). They can move to a different vantage (describe where you're going), they can actively scan in a direction (declare where you're looking/listening and roll Perception), or they can try to persuade the NPCs to take some action (roll Persuasion).
Princess and Adran are with the fourteen horses. They can actively search the darkness (roll Perception) or they can try to calm the horses (roll Animal Handling with ADV, because Gavath is also trying to calm them).
Elowin is standing 10' up (the green arrow on her token represents her elevation), is actively searching, and had an attack readied. Suddenly, she sees movement of a shaggy canine form in between the trees about 50' to the north, and looses an arrow at it. There is a yelp and a snarl as her aim is true, dealing the wolf 7 piercing damage!


Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Feb 10, 2024 4:44 pm
Princess sees the horse getting a bit too active and tries to calm them down.

Edit: added advantage.
Last edited February 10, 2024 7:12 pm


Animal Handling Check - (1d20+1)

(3) + 1 = 4

Animal Handling Check advantage - (1d20+1)

(9) + 1 = 10

Feb 10, 2024 5:04 pm
Then she calls out the direction of where she wounded the wolf.
Expect an ambush group aswell


Initiative - (1d20+4)

(7) + 4 = 11

Feb 10, 2024 6:55 pm
Bram hustles northeast, gasping his greatsword in his offhand, and then hops his fightery self into the wagon next to Elown, the wagon at 2 o’clock on a dial.
Nice shot, Elowin! I’ll see if my trusty javelins can muster similar success!
Bram peers into darkness to gauge sight of approaching canine!


Initiative! - (1d20+2)

(14) + 2 = 16

Perception! - (1d20+4)

(10) + 4 = 14

Feb 11, 2024 12:13 am
WhiteDwarf says:
Bram hustles northeast, gasping his greatsword in his offhand, and then hops his fightery self into the wagon next to Elown, the wagon at 2 o’clock on a dial.
Clarification: Is Bram climbing into the wagon, like up on the buckboard or through the door into the back, or is he climbing 10' onto the roof of it to stand next to Elowin? On the roof Bram will be able to see farther (like Elowin, though without her special vision) and he'll be out of the melee range of anything on the ground (unless it has reach), but he won't be able to just hop back down to the ground like he would be able to do if he was in the wagon; he'd have to climb down to get back into melee range or risk taking damage from a fall.
Feb 11, 2024 12:23 am
Sry. My intention was simply to hop INTO the wagon, not onto the roof.
Feb 12, 2024 12:19 am
Adran is not much use at range, and will put his efforts into calming the horses for the moment.


Animal Handling (WIS) - (2d20H1+1)

(143) + 1 = 15

Initiative - (1d20+4)

(5) + 4 = 9

Feb 12, 2024 7:05 am
Elowin launches another arrow on the next wolf/hound she sees. There is another satisfying yelp from the darkness. She tries to target different wolfs as multiple discouraged wolfs are better than few dead ones. That belief can change.
I can see them at 300ft, I have disadvantage due to long range from 150 and out.
Last edited February 12, 2024 7:07 am


Longbow - (2d20L1+6, 1d8+4)

2d20L1+6 : (1918) + 6 = 24

1d8+4 : (1) + 4 = 5

Feb 12, 2024 8:04 am
Sorry just completely missed the initiative call somehow.
Morik rushes to where Elowin is, his eyes scanning to where she pointed.
If possible, he’ll cast Entangle to ensnare as many as possible. As Rune pointed out, they’re still about 300 ft away, so he’ll wait until they’re within range.
Last edited February 12, 2024 8:26 am


Initiative: - (1d20+1)

(17) + 1 = 18

Feb 12, 2024 8:17 am
grifter730 says:
If possible, he’ll cast Entangle to ensnare as many as possible.
They are still a long way away
Feb 12, 2024 5:34 pm
grifter730 says:
If possible, he’ll cast Entangle to ensnare as many as possible. As Rune pointed out, they’re still about 300 ft away, so he’ll wait until they’re within range.
Though she can see up to 300', she doesn't have line of sight on anything that far away: the trees are too thick, overlapping trunks, branches, and foliage blocking her view. The wolf she shot was 50' away.
Feb 12, 2024 6:12 pm
Princes INIT is a slow 4. "Great place to waist a "1" on."
Last edited February 12, 2024 6:13 pm


INIT - (1d20+3)

(1) + 3 = 4

Feb 13, 2024 5:35 am
Morik runs up next to Findal's wagon and looks up to see what Elowin can tell him from up on top of it. He doesn't see anything at first, but he prepares to cast Entangle when the wolves do appear.
Just two steps behind him, Bramlin hurries up, leaps up into Findal's wagon (which sways under Elowin's feet) and scans for approaching wolves. He can hear them all around, but the undergrowth is thick enough that they are heavily obscured.
Elowin calls out to the others and points to where she saw and hit the wolf: "Contact to the north! Expect an ambush as well!" Nocking another arrow, she peers for further movement.
Meanwhile, Adran is busy trying to calm the horses; between him and Princess, they calm five of the horses, and the rest whicker and snort uneasily, but they do not rear and whinny in terror even when the wolves appear in the midst of the horses, nipping and snarling.
Gunter hangs back, ready to defend the crowd of merchants and drivers if the wolves approach the noncombatants around the fire.

As the wolves race into the herd of horses, the placid pack horses' eyes roll and they push and shove against each other to get out of the way of the pack predators, rather than completely panicking and scattering into the night (thanks to Adran, Princess, and Gavath's efforts). The wolves, slipping into the herd, flash into and out of sight of the party members. One wolf (Wolf A) attacks Adran, but the jaws catch on his armor, jerking his arm around without doing any real damage. Nearby, another two wolves work together: one (Wolf B) snaps at a horse's withers, sending a spray of blood into the herd. The horse collapses in the middle of the herd, knocked prone, as the wolf moves on. Next to it, the third wolf (Wolf C) tears into the groom Gavath as the pack moves quickly through the draft animals. Gavath sags against a horse's flank, not quite collapsing, and gives an alarming groan as he tries to hold his guts in as the wolf moves on.
[ +- ] Round one as the wolves attack
As the wolves race out of the trees and through the herd of horses, the three of you whose narration suggested that you did (or might) prepare triggered actions can take those actions when the wolves appear:
- Morik can cast Entangle and force the wolves to make saving throws, but the spell will catch many of the horses, Gavath, and possibly Adran in the area of effect, too. He decides not to Entangle the herd and prepares to attack in round two.
- Bramlin can try to hit a wolf with a javelin. He does fling a javelin, but it disappears into the darkness.
- Elowin can try to hit a wolf with another arrow. The elf looses another arrow, hitting Wolf B for 5 piercing damage!

In addition, Adran can use his reaction to attack the wolf that attacked him (Wolf A) as it moves away from him, but he does not have a weapon in his hand as his hands were full with the horses (so it would be an unarmed attack). Wolf A does have a broken arrow sticking out of its flank, however: clearly this is the wolf that Elowin hit moments ago. Adran successfully grabs the arrow and yanks it free, dealing Wolf A 1 point of damage (1 damage from an unarmed attack + STR modifier)!

There are three wolves: A, B, and C; they are moving through the herd of horses, attacking them and the people taking care of them. After the PCs performed their prepared actions and Adran did his reaction, the wolves continued their movement through the herd and stopped under wagons. Wolves A and B are under Findal's wagon (currently bearing Bramlin on the buckboard and Elowin all the way on top) and Wolf C is under Turighe's wagon (1 clockwise from it). On the map, the wolves are marked with red arrows pointing down, to help indicate that they are below the wagons (as opposed to Elowin with her green arrow pointing up, indicating that she's on the roof).
[ +- ] End of round one
In addition to the actions above, what do you do for the next round?
On 18: Morik (13/13)
On 16: Bramlin (13/13)
On 11: Elowin (10/10)
On 9: Adran (7/10)
On 6: Gunter (10/10)
On 6: Three Wolves
ON 4: Princess (9/9)


Wolf target (Princess 1, Adran 2) - (1d2)

(2) = 2

Wolf attack on a PC, piercing damage - (1d20+4, 2d4+2)

1d20+4 : (10) + 4 = 14

2d4+2 : (14) + 2 = 7

Wolf attack on horse (ADV from pack tactics), piercing damage - (2d20h1+4, 2d4+2)

2d20h1+4 : (1611) + 4 = 20

2d4+2 : (11) + 2 = 4

Wolf attack on Gavath (ADV from pack tactics), piercing damage - (2d20h1+4, 2d4+2)

2d20h1+4 : (85) + 4 = 12

2d4+2 : (24) + 2 = 8

Horse STR save DC11 - (1d20+4)

(5) + 4 = 9

Gavath STR save DC11 - (1d20+1)

(14) + 1 = 15

Gunter's initiative - (1d20-1)

(7) - 1 = 6

Feb 13, 2024 7:16 am
Elowin keeps shooting unless she can cast fairy fire on at least 3 wolfs at once
[ +- ] 1. Faerie Fire (C)


Longbow - (1d20+6, 1d8+4)

1d20+6 : (16) + 6 = 22

1d8+4 : (1) + 4 = 5

Feb 13, 2024 9:50 am
Morik cursed and charged the wolves instead, rather than adding to the confusion with his entanglement. The hit and run tactic of the wolves were difficult to follow, but Morik glimpsed a few and charged one.


Shillelagh - Attack - (1d20+6)

(17) + 6 = 23

Shillelagh - Damage - (1d8+4)

(2) + 4 = 6

Feb 13, 2024 12:21 pm
Princes moves over to Wolf B trying to distract it from the horses as she attacks it with her longsword and with word she gives Gavath healing.
Princess moves to Wolf B. Attacks two handed with longsword and hits with an 18 doing 5 slashing damage. Bonus action casts healing word on Gavath for 5 points of healing.
Last edited February 13, 2024 12:25 pm


Longsword, Damage, Healing Word - (1d20+4, 1d10+2, 1d4+4)

1d20+4 : (14) + 4 = 18

1d10+2 : (3) + 2 = 5

1d4+4 : (1) + 4 = 5

Feb 13, 2024 12:30 pm
Bram gauges distance with his javelin. If clear shot, he puts missile into forested air!
Then hops down from the wagon and moves to engage canine foes up close with his might greatsword!


Javelin! - (1d20+6, 1d6+4)

1d20+6 : (1) + 6 = 7

1d6+4 : (4) + 4 = 8

Feb 13, 2024 2:08 pm
As the wolf nips at him and tries to dart away, Adran will attempt to rip the arrow free!
There aren't really mechanics for this, but it makes more sense than slapping a wolf on the ass.

Rolled a 14.
Strength is +0, Dexterity is +4, Proficiency is +2.
Could be a 14, could be a 20, could be in between.
Adran will put the arrow in his off hand (assuming he snagged it) and draw his dagger, readying himself to meet the next wolf as it darts in.
Readied action to attack when a wolf attacks either himself or a horse within range.

Edit: Nevermind.
Last edited February 13, 2024 2:10 pm


Grab the arrow? - (1d20)

(14) = 14

Attack (Dagger) - (1d20+6)

(1) + 6 = 7

Damage (Piercing) - (1d4+4)

(1) + 4 = 5

Feb 13, 2024 6:37 pm
ROUND ONE, completed
Bramlin throws at a wolf in the herd, but misses with his javelin.
Elowin looses an arrow, hits Wolf B for 5 piercing damage!
Adran plucks the arrow from Wolf A's flank, dealing it 1 damage!
Wolves run under the wagons (A and B under Findal's wagon, one under Turighe's), giving them half cover from people adjacent to the given wagon on the ground (effective AC 19), and total cover from anyone who does not have line of sight to the underside of the wagon.
Note that I've completed the original round one post with these results, too.
[ +- ] The caravan's camp site at the end of round one
Feb 13, 2024 6:57 pm
Morik runs in to attack the snarling Wolf A with his shillelagh, striking it despite its position under Findal's wagon, dealing 6 bludgeoning damage! The wolf is knocked out and falls motionless!
Bramlin leaps off of the wagon (causing it to rock under Elowin's feet again) and tries to attack Wolf B in melee with his greatsword, but it has dodged under a wagon!
Elowin has no shot on the wolves, as they are under wagons. She could catch two of them with faerie fire, but it would also catch Bramlin and some of the horses. She could instead use her move to climb down off of the wagon to get a shot (or attack in melee). A third option is for her to scan for other threats: there might be more wolves. Let me know if you choose to do any of these things.
Adran draws his dagger and prepares to attack a wolf, but they're no longer there! Adran realizes that this is strange behavior for pack hunters...they're not attacking out of hunger, for they left both the wounded horse and mortally-wounded groom.
Seeing the glint of eyes under Turighe's wagon, Gunter runs up, drawing his weapon with both hands, and tries to hit Wolf C under the wagon with his warhammer! Wolf C is taken by surprise as the hammer strikes right between the eyes, dealing 8 damage!
The merchants and drivers nervously cluster closer around the fire.
Wolf B attacks Bramlin, Wolf C attacks Gunter. As they are not close enough to each other, they do not get the benefit of pack tactics, and striking out from beneath the wagons is as awkward for them as it is for the PCs attacking them: both wolves miss their targets!
Princess heals Gavath, who takes a long shuddering breath of relief and passes out from the shock of his near-death experience. Then the bard strides over to Findal's wagon, pushing past the horses while drawing her sword, to attack Wolf B. But it is too well-protected under the sturdy wagon, and her stabs and slashes do not connect with canine flesh.
[ +- ] Caravan campground end of round two
What do you do for round three?

On 18: Morik (13/13)
On 16: Bramlin (13/13)
On 11: Elowin (10/10)
On 9: Adran (7/10)
On 6: Gunter (10/10)
Wolves B and C
On 4: Princess (9/9)


Bramlin's greatsword attack AC19, damage - (1d20+6, 2d6+4)

1d20+6 : (8) + 6 = 14

2d6+4 : (53) + 4 = 12

Gunter's warhammer attack AC19, bludgeoning damage - (1d20+3, 1d10+1)

1d20+3 : (19) + 3 = 22

1d10+1 : (7) + 1 = 8

Wolf B attack on Bramlin AC14, piercing damage - (1d20+4, 2d4+2)

1d20+4 : (9) + 4 = 13

2d4+2 : (24) + 2 = 8

Wolf C attack on Gunter AC16, piercing damage - (1d20+4, 2d4+2)

1d20+4 : (5) + 4 = 9

2d4+2 : (23) + 2 = 7

Feb 13, 2024 8:33 pm
Bramlin turns fightery attention to Wolf B!
Last edited February 13, 2024 8:33 pm


Greatsword! - (1d20+6, 2d6+4)

1d20+6 : (1) + 6 = 7

2d6+4 : (22) + 4 = 8

Feb 13, 2024 9:12 pm
There was something strange with these wolves, it's as if they're attacking for fun, not for food to survive, or perhaps attacking under someone's control--or they weren't natural wolves at all. Those thoughts swirled in Morik's head as he caught Bramlin running, and rushed after his old comrade to help him.
Attack Wolf B


Shillelagh - Attack - (1d20+6)

(12) + 6 = 18

Shillelagh - Damage - (1d8+4)

(1) + 4 = 5

Feb 16, 2024 6:07 am
The third round of combat begins!

Both Morik and Bramlin lean down and swing and stab their weapons at Wolf B under Findal's wagon, but the canine manages to avoid the attacks!

What do Elowin, Adran, Gunter, and Princess do?

If they are still conscious by the time their turn arrives, the wolves will be making their attacks in turn on Bramlin and Gunter (both miss, even allowing for my miscalculating Wolf C's attack modifier).
[ +- ] Map at the start of round three

On 18: Morik (13/13)
On 16: Bramlin (13/13)
On 11: Elowin (10/10)
On 9: Adran (7/10)
On 6: Gunter (10/10)
On 6: Wolves B and C
On 4: Princess (9/9)


Wolf B chooses a target (Bram 1, Morik 2) - (1d2)

(1) = 1

Wolf C attack on Gunter AC16, piercing damage - (1d20+3, 1d6+1)

1d20+3 : (11) + 3 = 14

1d6+1 : (2) + 1 = 3

Wolf B attack on Bramlin AC14, piercing damage - (1d20+4, 2d4+2)

1d20+4 : (2) + 4 = 6

2d4+2 : (44) + 2 = 10

Feb 16, 2024 7:09 am
Elowin jumps off the wagon and stabs the wolf under it, with her slender elven blade. As she withdraws it, there is a long string of red droplets slung off the blade. Seven droplets lands in a line across her face.
If it moves away from her it takes extra thunder damage
[ +- ] 0: Booming Blade
Last edited February 16, 2024 7:12 am


Rapier - (1d20+6, 1d8+4)

1d20+6 : (15) + 6 = 21

1d8+4 : (7) + 4 = 11

Booming blade if moved - (1d8)

(3) = 3

Feb 16, 2024 8:08 am
Is it round 4 now? Or are we waiting for the characters mentioned in the last update?
Feb 16, 2024 3:34 pm
Adran holds his position, protecting what horses he can while observing the odd behaviors of this pack. Perhaps one (or more) isn't what it seems? Or there is another variable nearby?

The oddness of the wolves behavior is what has the elf most intrigued.
Readied action to attack any wolf that approaches.


Attack (Dagger) - (1d20+6)

(19) + 6 = 25

Damage (Piercing) - (1d4+4)

(3) + 4 = 7

Perception (WIS) - (1d20+3)

(12) + 3 = 15

Feb 16, 2024 4:12 pm
grifter730 says:
Is it round 4 now? Or are we waiting for the characters mentioned in the last update?
Yeah, still round three. However, you can post your round 4 actions now if you like, or wait for round three to complete (so you know the situation going into the fourth round).

With four of the six PCs acting, I'll continue shortly.
Feb 16, 2024 4:19 pm
With fightery resolve, the Braveless one takes another solid swing at his canine nemesis!


Greatsword! - (1d20+6, 2d6+4)

1d20+6 : (17) + 6 = 23

2d6+4 : (34) + 4 = 11

Feb 17, 2024 7:05 am

Elowin leaps down, easily slowing her fall with a hand (so that she doesn't take falling damage) and landing by her companion Morik. Drawing her blade, she lunges and skewers Wolf B for 11 piercing damage. Wolf B is out.
Her brother Adran, alert for danger in amongst the horses, readies an attack for a wolf that doesn't come, and wonders about their behavior. This is not normal behavior for pack hunters...unless they've been trained!
Gunter, still fighting the third wolf, attacks it with his hammer! Wolf C is brained by the cleric and subsides under the wagon.
Over the cries of relief from the merchants, Morik hears a giggle and looks sharply at his companions. What was that? Was that one of the merchants? He doesn't recognize the voice.
Not having heard this over the celebratory din, Princess takes stock of the situation. There were three wolves, and all three have been defeated.
There is a squeaking of wheels and Belany gives an incoherent yell amidst the others' cheers and congratulations.
[ +- ] Caravan camp end of round three
Round three has ended. What will you do in round four? Bramlin described attacking a wolf, but since all the wolves have been defeated, feel free to amend that declaration.
On 20: ??
ON 18: Morik (13/13)
On 16: Bramlin (13/13)
On 11: Elowin (10/10)
On 11: ??
On 9: Adran (7/10)
On 6: Gunter (10/10)
On 6: Wolves
On 4: Princess (9/9)


Gunter 2H warhammer attack, bludgeoning damage - (1d20+3, 1d10+1)

1d20+3 : (20) + 3 = 23

1d10+1 : (2) + 1 = 3

Crit damage for Gunter's warhammer - (1d10)

(10) = 10

Feb 17, 2024 8:09 am
Elowin climbs back on the wagon to scout for more trouble and to see if anyone is hurt.


Perception - (1d20+5)

(11) + 5 = 16

Feb 17, 2024 8:21 am
Morik looked about, still confused by the strange sound he heard. All the wolves had been taken care of, but that giggle kept his alert on high.

"‘Ware!" He screamed out. "There’s still something out there. I heard it! Light up everywhere you can so everyone can see better!" His eyes darted about, looking for any signs of the possible threat.
Feb 17, 2024 2:23 pm
On alert, Bram begins lighting torches. He grasps his greatsword in one hand, shoulders it, and begins lighting up the immediate area for all to see.
Round 3 and 4, Bram lights torches. Esp if we have sconces set up, so we don’t have to physically hold them.
Last edited February 17, 2024 2:25 pm
Feb 18, 2024 10:15 pm
Adran heard Belany's shout, and rushes towards her voice.
Feb 23, 2024 3:29 pm
As round four begins, let me describe what you see and hear. Gunter turns away from the wolf he has just defeated and, as he is closest, has the best view of what everyone else sees now: in the confusion of the fight, some large creature has been hitched to Belany's wagon, though the turning wagon blocks the view of all but the back of its furry grey head with long equine ears. A goblin standing on top of Belany's wagon calls attention to itself now by yelling at the creature: "Brak! Brak! BRAAAK!" The wagon lurches and begins to move forward, and the caravan can hear the large creature repeating a rhythmic murmur to itself (Elowin is just able to hear it as "gotta pull da wagon...gotta pull da wagon..."). Two other goblins are visible inside the wagon, rooting through Belany's belongings. At Belany's and Morik's shouts, they look up, chatter, and reach for bows. These creatures are stealing her wagon, and used the fight with the wolves to cover their actions!
[ +- ] The campsite at the beginning of round four
Every one of you can see this, now. I've moved the characters a bit, representing their desire to find out what's happening (and Adran's and Bramlin's stated desires). Given that split-second view of what's happening, what do each of you do in round four?
On 18: Morik (13/13)
On 16: Bramlin (13/13)
On 16: Large creature
On 11: Elowin (10/10)
On 11: Goblins
On 9: Adran (7/10)
On 6: Gunter (10/10)
On 4: Princess (9/9)


Large creature initiative - (1d20+1)

(15) + 1 = 16

Feb 23, 2024 3:45 pm
Yeah, Dash action to get to the wagon.
Feb 23, 2024 4:18 pm
Elowin weaves strands of moonlight and tosses it at the wagon and sees how each of the 3 goblins is caught in a blue-white glow of light.
After seening her spell taking hold, she moves towards the wagon getting a clear line of fire to the glowing goblings
[ +- ] 1. Faerie Fire (C)
Last edited February 23, 2024 4:21 pm


Goblin 1,2,3 Dex save DC13 - (1d20, 1d20, 1d20)

1d20 : (7) = 7

1d20 : (6) = 6

1d20 : (3) = 3

Feb 23, 2024 5:53 pm
Princess will spend her entire round running and she will give Bramlin Bardic Inspiration.


Bardic Inspiration - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Feb 23, 2024 7:47 pm
Morik ran up and called on the power of the nature, that gleam of sun and starlight, focused on the large creature in front of the wagon.
Faerie Fire on the large creature. Dex DC 14.
[ +- ] 1. Faerie Fire
Glad you’re back and this game is back on!
Last edited February 23, 2024 7:48 pm
Feb 23, 2024 7:59 pm
Duly inspired by Princessly-bardic inspiration, the Braveless one wastes little time in hot pursuit of goblin-kin!
Hey! That’s our wagon, exclaims our fightery fellow into campfire-lighted night! Hazel eyes fixating on his faerie-fired quarry, Bram dashes toward the high jacked wagon! Running within ten feet of the wagon, then taking flying leap into the air!
You won’t escape us, he yells in the dwarven tongue! Just because he can!
Double move, 35’ south, then I long-jump (and/or high-jump?) into back of the wagon.
Edit - If they move before I can reach them, then I’ll move 30’ south and toss a javelin at them.
Last edited February 23, 2024 8:03 pm


Athletics - (1d20+6)

(13) + 6 = 19

Feb 24, 2024 7:14 am
@grifter730 Elowin has just cast fairy fire on all 3 goblins, in case you would like to do something else. I rolled unmodded saves and as it was clear that they did not make the save, then I could narrate it. Had the unmodded save been +3/-3 from the DC then I would have left the narration of the effects to the GM
Feb 24, 2024 7:46 am
Morik cast it on the Large creature, not the goblins.
Feb 24, 2024 7:56 am
grifter730 says:
Morik cast it on the Large creature, not the goblins.
I thought that the large creature was the third goblin. It to should be within the 20ft cube of my spell
Okey - the large one save on my spell
Last edited February 24, 2024 7:57 am


Large save vs fairy Fire DC 13 - (1d20)

(14) = 14

Feb 25, 2024 7:31 am
The party is reacting to the discovery of three goblins using the distraction of the wolf attack to loot and steal Belany's wagon.
Morik casts Faerie Fire on the large creature hauling the wagon, but its sudden movement prevents the glamer from taking hold of it, though the outside of the wagon is lit. Seeing the shaggy back, Morik could attempt a Nature check (DC18) to identify what kind of creature it is, though the task is made difficult by the angle of the wagon mostly blocking his view.
Discarding the torch he was starting to light, Bramlin puts on a burst of speed, sprinting across the clearing, and leaping into the back of the wagon easily enough that he ends his turn standing next to a goblin with his greatsword drawn!
The large monster starts hauling the wagon; the wagon lurches 5' forward with a creak and a jolt.
Elowin casts Faerie Fire on the wagon, outlining the goblins with a silvery-blue light of a full moon. Not expecting the fighterly fellow to move so quickly, Elowin may have caught Bramlin in the casting as well, but neither Bram nor the large creature hauling the wagon are affected.
The two glowing goblins in the back (goblins 2 and 3) attempt to stab Bramlin. The fighter is stabbed repeatedly. Bramlin takes 13 damage, and will collapse with 0 HP unless something can be done to mitigate this. Meanwhile, the glowing goblin on top of the wagon (goblin 1) whirls and looses an arrow at a pursuing PC, piercing Gunter with a critical hit! Gunter takes 10 piercing damage and falls on his face, sliding to a stop before he can take more than a few strides!
As goblin 1 releases the arrow, the others are running after the wagon, too. Following Bram's example, Adran dashes to get to the wagon and arrives just a second behind the fighter (@MaJunior - you have just enough move remaining that you can also try jumping into the back with an Athletics check, DC 12, or grab onto the side of the wagon with the intent to climb atop it next turn, DC14).
Gunter makes his first death save: It's a success!
Princess dashes, and sings out a joyous call to battle that inspires Bramlin's unconscious mind. (@WhiteDwarf - if your PC is still conscious or regains consciousness, he has a 1d6 as bardic inspiration that you can use once during this combat. Ordinarily, the player of the inspired PC rolls it themselves when they decide to use it, but I will say that, as an optional alternative, this time you can instead choose to use the 4 that GeneCortess rolled since Gene rolled it already) Princess can just get her hand on the back of the wagon with her dash; she can also roll an Athletics check to jump aboard as half of her move in turn 5 (and say whether she wants to squeeze into the back of the wagon with Bram or grab onto the side to climb up top). Of course, as an alternative, you are welcome to cancel your dash to use your action for something else, in light of developments. Let me know.
[ +- ] Caravan at the end of round four
The wagon is starting to move away from the caravan, hauled by a large creature. Bramlin, dying, hangs halfway out of the back of the wagon right by Adran and Princess. Nearby, Gunter is face-down in the dirt, dying. The goblins are all illuminated by Elowin's magic, and she, Adran, and Princess all have clear line of sight on all three goblins now that Bramlin isn't standing in the line of fire. Morik is running after the wagon but is currently passing through the crowd of terrorized merchants and drivers.

What do each of you do on turn five?
Morik (13/13)
Bramlin (0/13) making death saves
Large creature
Elowin (10/10)
Goblins 1, 2, and 3
Adran (7/10)
Gunter (0/10) making death saves: 1 success, 0 failures
Princess (9/9)


Large thing's DEX save vs faerie fire DC14 - (1d20+1)

(16) + 1 = 17

Bramlin DEX save DC13 - (1d20+2)

(13) + 2 = 15

Goblin archer chooses a target, alphabetically (A, E, G, M, P) - (1d5)

(3) = 3

Goblins' attacks on Bramlin AC14, slashing damage on a hit(s) - (1d20+4, 1d20+4, 1d6+2, 1d6+2)

1d20+4 : (13) + 4 = 17

1d20+4 : (19) + 4 = 23

1d6+2 : (5) + 2 = 7

1d6+2 : (4) + 2 = 6

Goblin arrow at Gunter AC16, piercing damage on a hit - (1d20+4, 1d6+2)

1d20+4 : (20) + 4 = 24

1d6+2 : (4) + 2 = 6

Critical hit damage on Gunter - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Gunter death save - (1d20)

(19) = 19

Feb 25, 2024 11:11 am
Sure. Princess will try to hop on the wagon. I doubt that she had enough of running start to make it with a 5.
Last edited February 25, 2024 11:11 am


Athletic check - (1d20+2)

(3) + 2 = 5

Feb 25, 2024 11:26 am
Elowin rushes to Gunter Gotrekson where she casts her healing spell and then tries to keep up with the wagon.
[ +- ] 1 Cure Wounds
At my IRL table, we have a house rule: When you are magically brought back, you take 1 level of exaustion. This is to medigate the yo-yo kind of combat healing
Last edited February 25, 2024 11:29 am


cure wounds - (1d8+3)

(4) + 3 = 7

Feb 25, 2024 12:10 pm
I believe I can fly...
Adran will attempt to jump onto the wagon.
Yep, that tracks.
Last edited February 25, 2024 12:12 pm


Athletics (STR) - (1d20)

(1) = 1

Feb 25, 2024 5:36 pm
GeneCortess says:
Sure. Princess will try to hop on the wagon. I doubt that she had enough of running start to make it with a 5.
As Princess is at the end of initiative, feel free to change your stated turn four action to respond to developments. I'll prompt you after the enemies for the remainder of this encounter.
Feb 25, 2024 5:43 pm
First death save just in case it’s warranted.
Edit - Hey, back to 1 hp!
Last edited February 25, 2024 5:44 pm


Death Save 1 - (1d20)

(20) = 20

Feb 25, 2024 6:09 pm
You can’t keep a good man down.
Perhaps it is his bardic friend’s inspirational blessing bouncing around inside his subconscious. Maybe it’s that he really IS more than his namesake would convey. Maybe a bit of both. In any ol’ case, the Braveless one manages an ounce of strength, robbed from death’s door!

With warlike resolve, our fightery fellow stands up. And with what meager strength he can muster, Bram lifts high his claymore. Then, bringing down cold steel, attempts to slay the nearest goblin atop ye ole wagon!

It is surely a solid hit. The results of which bolster Bram’s strength even more. And with that, Bram gleans a second wind!
Last edited February 25, 2024 6:11 pm


Greatsword! - (1d20+6, 2d6+4)

1d20+6 : (17) + 6 = 23

2d6+4 : (43) + 4 = 11

Second Wind as bonus action - (1d10+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

Feb 25, 2024 8:22 pm
In the last round, I mentioned that Morik ran towards the wagon before casting Faerie fire, so he should be about half the distance there now.
Morik cursed as the creature dexterously dodged his spell. He leaned to the side to get a better glimpse of it, but couldn't make out enough to figure out what it is. Running forward still, he attempted to light up the creature once more.
Faerie Fire again. Dex save DC 14. Morik should be about 3 squares from the large creature at this point.
Last edited February 25, 2024 8:26 pm


Nature - (1d20+4)

(8) + 4 = 12

Feb 27, 2024 5:57 am
grifter730 says:
In the last round, I mentioned that Morik ran towards the wagon before casting Faerie fire, so he should be about half the distance there now.
If you compare the map from the beginning of the round and the map at the end of the round, you can see I did move Morik 25' in a straight line toward the wagon (well, I moved one diagonal, so he'd get a better angle on the large creature). So that was an error; he should have moved 30'. Sorry about that; Morik is starting the round one square closer than shown.
As she runs up to the back of the wagon, Princess sees Bramlin fall to the goblins' scimitars, so she draws her dagger and flings it at a goblin, hitting it for 7 piercing damage! The dagger sinks up the hilt in its eye, and Goblin 3 falls backwards without a sound.


Morik casts Faerie Fire at the large creature pulling Belany's wagon and runs another 30' after it as it pulls away. From his vantage, Morik can see that it is a furry humanoid creature with long, expressive equine ears, a bit like a gorilla with a horse's head. This time the spell lands, and the strange large creature glows with faerie fire!
Bramlin denies death, his eyes focus again, and he leaps up, cleaving the remaining goblin with his huge sword. Goblin 2 takes 11 damage and falls in two gory pieces!
The large horse-headed creature chants "Gotta pull da wagon...gotta pull da wagon...!" louder now, and the wagon continues to accelerate, moving 15' further away from the rest of the caravan. It's clear that the monster is building velocity, and has not reached its top speed yet.
[ +- ] Caravan in the middle of round five
There is one goblin standing, on the roof with a bow, preparing to shoot any of the PCs except Bramlin. There is also the large brutish creature pulling the wagon faster and faster. Here I will pause to see what Elowin and Adran are going to do; Elowin was going to heal Gunter, but can change that action to respond to circumstances, and Adran hasn't declared a round five action yet.

(Note: both enemies have faerie fire on them, so any attack rolls against them should be made with ADVANTAGE)
On 18: Morik (13/13)
On 16: Bramlin (6/13)
On 16: Large horse-head
On 11: Elowin (10/10)
On 11: Goblin
On 9: Adran (7/10)
On 6: Gunter (0/10) down and dying
On 4: Princess (9/9)


Large creature DEX save - (1d20+1)

(11) + 1 = 12

Princess' dagger attack AC15, Piercing damage on a hit - (1d20+5, 1d4+3)

1d20+5 : (12) + 5 = 17

1d4+3 : (4) + 3 = 7

Feb 27, 2024 9:25 am
Elowin casts a spell at the large creature, commanding it to Stop. If it gets run over by the wagons momentum, so much the better.

Unfortunate the creature is to stupid to listen, witch in turn pisses her off even more. Hopefully she can catch up with the creature and strike it with her booming blade spell.
[ +- ] 1 Command
Last edited February 27, 2024 9:27 am


Umodded wis save DC13 - (1d20)

(15) = 15

Feb 27, 2024 11:36 am
Adran, after trying to jump onto the wagon and freezing in place at the sight of Bramlin's body, refocuses his efforts and tries again. Running towards the wagon, he attempts to leap onto it.


Athletics (STR) - (1d20)

(15) = 15

Feb 27, 2024 2:59 pm
@MaJunior - do you want Adran to grab onto the side of the wagon (easier to climb up and confront the goblin) or into the wagon with Bramlin (easier to proceed forward and attack the creature pulling the wagon)?

@runekyndig - Elowin can just reach the back of the wagon. If you want, you can roll an Athletics check (DC12) for Elowin to grab onto the wagon if she has a hand free. If unstopped, the large creature will quickly outpace the smaller PCs.
Feb 27, 2024 3:58 pm
Definitely climb in the back to stop the wagon.
Feb 27, 2024 4:54 pm
Elowin tries to get a grip on the wagon, but grace is not the same as strength.
Last edited February 27, 2024 4:54 pm


Athletics DC12 - (1d20+0)

(3) = 3

Feb 27, 2024 5:49 pm
How might one go about administering a Sleeper-Hold in 5e? Athletics check, or something more gonzo than that? Asking for a friend.
Feb 27, 2024 5:54 pm
Morik let out a scream as his spell took hold on the second attempt. He scanned the situation quickly, seeing the remaining goblin atop the wagon and out of reach, he charged towards the large horse-header creature, whatever it may be.
I think he has to use his Action to Dash just to reach the creature…? If so, that’s all he’ll do here.
Feb 28, 2024 11:55 pm

Elowin casts Command on the large horse-headed monster, but it resists the compulsion. She runs up to the wagon and makes a desperate grab for the tailgate but just misses as the large monster takes another loping step, yanking the whole wagon forward once again.
Goblin 1, on top of the wagon, seems unperturbed by this lurching gait, or at least is accustomed to it. It may be that they've done this before, because the goblin smoothly pulls another arrow, nocks it, and looses it at his target: Princess. But the arrow whistles over the bard's shoulder as she launches herself after the wagon.
As the arrow flies and his sister misses her grab, Adran hauls himself up and over the tailgate into the back of Belany's wagon alongside Bramlin. The fighter is panting and covered with blood, as is most of the merchandise inside Belany's wagon. At the front of the wagon, they can see Belany's curtains flapping as the wagon builds speed, starting to go faster than it was ever designed to go. Through the gap, they get a glimpse of the muscular back of the 12'-tall monster hauling the wagon, and they can hear the ongoing chant: "Gotta pull da wagon...gotta pull da wagon...!" Adran runs through the gory wagon, pushes through the curtain, and stands on the buckboard to see goblin 1 standing above him on top of the wagon.
Gunter gurgles as his blood leaks into the grass. In their terror and upset, the merchants and drivers huddled back by the fire are only starting to realize that he's not getting up again. Gunter succeeds at another death save.
Princess sprints forward and attempts to jump in the back of the wagon. She makes it, rolling over the tailgate right by Elowin. She holds out her hand and grabs Elowin's (if she's willing). With that help, Elowin can start her next turn by using half of her move action to pull herself in without making an Athletics check.
[ +- ] Belany's wagon at the end of round 5
For round 6, Morik was planning to run up to the large creature. As you can see from the map, a full move will take you to adjacent to the large creature, so you'd still have an action. As an alternative, a half move would take you to the back of the wagon, where you could use the remainder of your move to try to jump in the back (DC12 Athletics unless another party member hauls you in).

So what will you all do for round six?
On 18: Morik (13/13)
On 16: Bramlin (6/13)
On 16: Large horse-head
On 11: Elowin (10/10)
On 11: Goblin 1
On 9: Adran (7/10)
On 6: Gunter (0/10) (making death saves)
On 4: Princess (9/9)


Goblin 1 bow attack on Princess AC14, piercing damage on a hit - (1d20+4, 1d6+2)

1d20+4 : (1) + 4 = 5

1d6+2 : (2) + 2 = 4

Gunter death save DC10 - (1d20)

(16) = 16

Princess Athletics to get in wagon DC12 - (1d20+2)

(12) + 2 = 14

Feb 29, 2024 2:31 am
Morik debated running and jumping onto the wagon, but he was no forest feline with grace, he was more like a bear, or a bull, and he charged headlong towards the large creature, smashing his quaterstaff down at it.


Shillelagh (advantage) - Attack - (2d20H1+6)

(99) + 6 = 15

Shillelagh - Damage - (1d8+4)

(1) + 4 = 5

Feb 29, 2024 2:45 am
Bram drops his sword into the wagon floor, and moves up front. From the seat, he attempts to leap not the large creature!


Then, as he screams a valiant cry while hopping through forested air, our fightery fellow reaches out and attempts to grab the large creature! Perhaps ending up on back of the creature, attempting a sleeper hold!

Even large creatures gotta SLEEP!
Quite a feat, for a Braveless one!
Last edited February 29, 2024 2:50 am


Athletics, jumping - (1d20+6)

(10) + 6 = 16

Athletics, grappling - (1d20+6)

(11) + 6 = 17

Feb 29, 2024 2:58 am
Turn 5, cont'd...

Adran will climb through the wagon, pulling himself up to the top with the last goblin where the young elf will attempt to stab the archer.

...and now, turn 6!

Adran will continue to attack the goblin so it can't interfere with the others.


Attack (Dagger) - (1d20+6)

(16) + 6 = 22

Damage (Piercing) - (1d4+4)

(1) + 4 = 5

Attack (Dagger) - (1d20+6)

(9) + 6 = 15

Damage (Piercing) - (1d4+4)

(4) + 4 = 8

Feb 29, 2024 6:02 am

Morik sprints after the large creature and smacks it in the hip with his staff for 5 bludgeoning damage!
At the same time, Bramlin runs through the wagon and jumps onto the back of the large creature, and then climbs up its body using the creaking rope harness which attaches its torso to the tongue of the wagon, and tries to get an arm around its thick, barrel-like neck. It tries to shrug him off, but the fighter gets one brawny arm around the neck under the long muzzle and begins squeezing. (Getting a look at it now, Bramlin can also roll a Nature check to see if he knows more about what this monster is.)
Finally getting into its stride, the monster in question accelerates to its full speed; it (and the wagon it is pulling) launches forward 45 feet... then the creature dashes, moving another 45 feet. Morik can use his reaction to make another melee attack (of opportunity) with his shillelagh if he wishes. "Gotta pull da - ow! - wagon...gotta pull da wagon...!" Bramlin bounces up and down, but his arm remains clamped around the monster's huge sinewy neck, slowly choking the creature.
[ +- ] Surprise Supper Guests, mid-round six
Here Elowin can narrate her turn; if she took Princess' hand, she's being dragged, feet skipping along the ground, as Princess struggles to haul her in. We already know what Adran will do (if his sister doesn't get to the goblin first or he chooses a different course).


Large horse-head tries to resist the grapple DC17 - (1d20+6)

(6) + 6 = 12

Feb 29, 2024 6:11 am
Must the dice gods keep giving me a 1 in all my dmg rolls arrgh
Morik was jolted as the creature took off. It left him an opening, and he happily smashed his qurterstaff at it again, but it looked like another glancing blow, as the creature took off and picked up speed, likely going too fast for him to catch up.
Last edited February 29, 2024 6:14 am


Shillelagh (advantage) - Attack - (2d20H1+6)

(1318) + 6 = 24

Shillelagh - Damage - (1d8+4)

(1) + 4 = 5

Feb 29, 2024 8:06 am
Elowin get pulled up in the crowded wagon by by Princess. She moves forward in the wagon and strike the big creature with her sword, knowing that if its keeps pulling it will trigger the spell effect.
Get out while you can! She yells at the glowing goblin next to her in the drivers seat
[ +- ] 0: Booming Blade
Last edited February 29, 2024 8:08 am


Rapier - (2d20H1+6, 1d8+4)

2d20H1+6 : (117) + 6 = 17

1d8+4 : (4) + 4 = 8

Booming blade if moved - (1d8)

(6) = 6

Feb 29, 2024 11:00 am
Rolling to recognize creature.


Nature - (1d20)

(4) = 4

Mar 1, 2024 6:23 am

Elowin and Princess act together and haul the elven cleric into the back of the wagon. Elowin starts running as soon as her boots hit the slick, jouncing bed of the vehicle, and she charges forward past her brother and stabs into the large monster's back, dealing 8 piercing damage. As the creature is moving continuously, this is followed immediately by a detonation of concussive force, dealing an additional 6 thunder damage!
Goblin 1 sees Adran and gives a little shriek, dropping its bow, which clatters off of the jouncing wagon and falls away, disappearing into the dark. The goblin yanks out its scimitar and tries to fend off the elf.
Adran contemptuously leans out of range of the clumsy swings and then sinks his dagger into Goblin 1's belly. The goblin sways on his feet, eyes bulging in shock, and the next bounce of the wagon on the uneven forest floor launches the dead enemy out and off to the side, the corpse lost in the darkness.
His life blood staining the turf around him, Gunter attempts his third death save as the merchants run up to see how they can help. Gunter has two successes and one failure, now.
Princess holds onto whatever she can grab as she makes her way forward through the bloody, bouncing wagon. Unable to get close to the monster, she opts to use words that cut deep and addresses the large brute pulling the wagon: "I don't know what you are, but I don't need to know that to see that you're a freak, and your friends are all dead!" (Sometimes vicious mockery is less mocking and more just hurtful). The expressive ears flick back to hear her words, and the large creature takes 1 psychic damage.
[ +- ] Forest at end of round six
What do you all do in round seven?
Morik begins the next round more than a move and a dash away from the wagon; at this point he's closer to the caravan and the horses than the rest of the party.
Adran narrated an attack for turn 5 and an attack for turn 6, but since he used all his turn to get onto the wagon in turn 5, he moved and attacked (with ADV due to faerie fire) on round 6.
Anyone who hasn't already tried to see if they know anything about the horse-headed creature can roll a Nature check, DC12, as a free action.
Now that the monster and wagon are more than 60' from Morik and it's a new round, the faerie fire spell stops.
Edited to reflect my changing thinking about faerie fire: the range is just for the casting, not the maintenance.

On 18: Morik (13/13) out of melee range of wagon
On 16: Bramlin (6/13) IN: 16
On 16: large horse-head
On 11: Elowin (10/10)
On 9: Adran (7/10)
On 6: Gunter (0/10) two successful death saves
On 4: Princess (9/9)


Goblin 1 scimitar attack on Adran AC18, slashing damage on hit - (1d20+4, 1d6+2)

1d20+4 : (1) + 4 = 5

1d6+2 : (4) + 2 = 6

Gunter death save DC10 - (1d20)

(3) = 3

Large creature WIS save DC14, psychic damage on fail - (1d20-3, 1d4)

1d20-3 : (13) - 3 = 10

1d4 : (1) = 1

Mar 1, 2024 8:28 am
How far away is the nearest horse from Morik? Could he Dash to make it to the horse?
Mar 1, 2024 8:48 am
grifter730 says:
How far away is the nearest horse from Morik? Could he Dash to make it to the horse?
Not by himself, no: Morik is 80' away. But there are a bunch of people who are closer, and Morik could do a free-action Persuasion check to get one of them to bring a horse to meet him. Let's say it's DC12 for Persuasion. On a success, Morik can convey what he wants as he runs, and one of the other caravan members will grab and lead a horse to meet him at the end of his dash at 60'.
Mar 1, 2024 11:06 am
Elowin sashes at the pulling horse-goblin again with her sword


Rapier - (2d20H1+6, 1d8+4)

2d20H1+6 : (1410) + 6 = 20

1d8+4 : (7) + 4 = 11

Booming blade if moved - (1d8)

(2) = 2

Mar 1, 2024 11:31 am
Bramlin keeps awkward balance along the creature’s shoulders. Maintaining tight, fightery grip upon the would-be wagon thief!


Maintain grapple! - (1d20+6)

(12) + 6 = 18

Mar 1, 2024 2:39 pm
How is the huge thing actually pulling the wagon?
Mar 1, 2024 6:16 pm
Morik rushed back towards the horses, shouting at anyone nearby to get one to him. Alas, likely he sounded like a raving lunatic, or perhaps they were too scared, for none came.
Dash to get as close to the horses as possible.
Last edited March 1, 2024 6:18 pm


Persuasion - (1d20+0)

(10) = 10

Mar 2, 2024 12:49 am
MaJunior says:
How is the huge thing actually pulling the wagon?
It is lashed to the tongue of the wagon with a crude harness made of thick rope hawsers stretched tight as bowstrings from the tension of the monster's speed and the mass of the load.
Mar 2, 2024 1:21 am

Morik rushes back towards the horses, which are milling around is agitation from being attacked by the wolves and their groom Gavath nearly being murdered (and still unconscious out in the darkness).
Belany looks on the dwindling glow of the wagon disappearing into the woods with tears welling up in her flinty eyes. kar'Javon and Swelvie have rolled Gunter over and are attempting to treat his wounds. Turnip has apparently heard and understood Morik's cries, as he's running to get one of the horses. The halfling's little legs and slight weight mean that he's calming and leading the horse too slowly to meet the druid this turn; if Morik continues next turn, he'll meet the horse that Turnip is bringing with just 10' further movement. Morik hears a barrage of queries as he runs past the people of the caravan.
Jalon: "Where's Gavath? Has anyone seen Gavath?"
Dugal, to Morik: "What's happened to Belany's wagon? Do you think you can still get it back?"
Findal: "I think this must be what happened to the Royal Courier!"

Meanwhile, at the wagon, straining, his nostrils thick with the ripe animal scent of this furry monster, Bramlin continues his throttling of the large creature, as it tosses its head and tries to break free.
The monster tries to break free, slowing its stride so that the wagon only moves 45' further this round. "Gotta...gak!...hey...!" The large monster shrugs Bramlin off of his neck as he slows and turns to look at the adventurers, his long equine face contorted with hurt, confusion, and a growing rage. "Who...are you guys...? What didja do wid my friends?" Elowin now recognizes that this is a variety of ogre, called an ungual ogre.
Elowin promptly stabs into the ogre again, dealing 11 piercing damage, and then 2 more with a detonation as the monsters legs continue to stride forward.

What is Adran doing? I'll follow up with Princess and the end of the round after the artificer goes.


Monster's Athletics check DC18 - (1d20+6)

(14) + 6 = 20

Monster Athletics check DISADV - (1d20+6)

(18) + 6 = 24

Mar 2, 2024 3:37 am
Morik - still at round 7, just a roleplay post, I've already done his action (dashing towards the horses)
Morik hears the barrage of questions, hardly able to make sense of it, but the gist wasn't exactly hard to grasp. Folks were concerned and had questions. "They're trying to get the wagon back. Me stubby legs're too durn short! Bwahaha--get me a horse! We'll get 'er back, don't you worry!"
Has Morik seen Gavath...? I'm not actually sure.
Mar 3, 2024 12:29 am
The caravan members shout encouragement to the druid as he runs past and cackles his reassurances.
grifter730 says:
Has Morik seen Gavath...? I'm not actually sure.
That's a fair point. I don't think so. Adran and Princess are the only ones who saw him go down, I think.
Mar 3, 2024 6:19 am
Who...are you guys...? What didja do wid my friends?"
They left you. Return the wagon or I'll keep hurting you
Mar 3, 2024 2:51 pm
Adran will, dagger in hand, move to cut the ogre free from the wagon.
Mar 3, 2024 5:00 pm
Round Seven, continued

Adran cuts into a hawser, which would normally take a long time except that it's under such strain that he saws halfway through and the rope snaps the rest of the way with a TWANG! The ungual ogre takes two more strides and the harness tears off of him. The large ogre stops, turning the rest of the way around as the tongue of the wagon drops into the turf of the forest floor and punches in. The tongue snaps with a CRACK! and the wagon rocks forward, crunching to a stop so abruptly that everyone on the wagon - Adran, Bramlin, Elowin, Princess - must make DEX saves (DC15) to not be knocked prone. Princess is thrown out of the wagon and lands on the ground in front of the now-halted wagon, her fall cushioned by the thick bed of decaying needles and leaves from the trees all around. She rolls to a stop and then scrambles backwards and to her feet as the ungual ogre roars.


Princess DEX save DC15 - (1d20+5)

(6) + 5 = 11

Mar 3, 2024 5:40 pm
When the ogre stops short, Bram takes terrible tumble! Head over heels to forested ground. Then, he stands back up! lol

Sorry for all the hurtin’ we had to put on you. But we’ll let you go, no more harm done, bygones bygones and all that, if you tell us who you’re working for and where they are.

That’s as good a deal as you’ll get. You’re welcome.
Last edited March 3, 2024 6:21 pm


Dex - (1d20+2)

(11) + 2 = 13

Persuasion - (1d20+3)

(11) + 3 = 14

Mar 3, 2024 6:17 pm
As soon as the ogre is free and the wagon drops, Adran tumbles arse over tea kettle and unceremoniously eats turf.
Last edited March 3, 2024 6:18 pm


DEX Save - (1d20+4)

(8) + 4 = 12

Mar 3, 2024 7:45 pm
Rot! Elowin sees what her brother is doing and realizes the consequences just in time to duck under the driver's seat.
Last edited March 3, 2024 7:46 pm


Dex - Save DC15 - (1d20+4)

(13) + 4 = 17

Mar 4, 2024 12:41 am
End of round seven

Adran cuts the rope, the harness snaps, and the tongue of the wagon drops into the dirt. The wagon crashes to a stop, skewing to one side and almost rolling. Bramlin, Adran, and Princess are thrown from the wagon and skid to a stop in the thick sediment of moldering leaves the cake the forest floor. But when the impact came, Elowin grabbed the crossbeam of the wagon and pulled herself back down when her feet left the wagon bed momentarily. Princess scrambles backwards as the ogre roars, and stands by the motionless wagon, looking around for another throwing weapon. Bramlin rolls over, preparing to stand, and fast-talks the ogre.

"No, I can't do that," the ogre replies, shaking his equine head, "Zik wouldn't like it if I told ya anything about his camp and all da stuff he got from dose other wagons. I'm just spose ta pull da wagon back to da camp, but now I guess I havta crush ya."
[ +- ] Wagon at the start of round eight
At the start of round eight, Turnip reaches Morik with the barebacked horse he's leading.
Gunter is stable.
Princess is standing by the wagon, sword in hand, ready to stab or verbally harass the ogre as needed.
Elowin is on her feet in the wagon.
Adran and Bramlin are prone on the ground. It takes half a move to stand up.
The ungual ogre is 10' from Adran and Bramlin, 20' from Princess and Elowin.

What do you each do for round eight?
Morik doesn't have to take the horse, but if you still wish to, @grifter730, Morik can climb astride the horse (using half his move) and gallop after the others (using the other half his move) with a DC10 Animal Handling check. The horse moves sixty, so the half move would get him 30', and with a move and a dash next turn, Morik would arrive at the wagon at the end of his turn on round nine.

On 18: Morik (13/13)
On 16: Bramlin (6/13) PRONE
On 16: Ungual ogre lost 38 HP so far
On 11: Elowin (10/10)
On 9: Adran (7/10) PRONE
On 6: Gunter (0/10) stabilized
On 4: Princess (9/9)
Mar 4, 2024 12:52 am
Bram begrudgingly stands up, and goes for his claymore. Which he realizes is safe and sound in back of the wagon! Eh, he thinks to fightery self, as he draws his longsword.
Have it your way then, Bram replies to the ogre. Striding ten feet forward (south), our fightery fellow attempts to give business-end of blade to the monster!


Longsword! - (1d20+6)

(1) + 6 = 7

Advantage! - (1d20+6)

(18) + 6 = 24

Dmg - (1d8+4)

(6) + 4 = 10

Mar 4, 2024 1:21 am
Morik thanks Turnip and flashed a quick smile as he hopped onto the horse and took off after the wagon.
Already at the horse, may as well have a go!

Also @WhiteDwarf I assume that the ogre is still glowing from Morik's Faerie Fire so you should have advantage on that attack, unless DM says otherwise.
Mar 4, 2024 1:34 am
grifter730 says:
I assume that the ogre is still glowing from Morik's Faerie Fire so you should have advantage on that attack, unless DM says otherwise.[/ooc]
Yes, and thank you. Editing post with advantage roll!
Mar 4, 2024 1:37 am
Adran picks himself up, and ducks low before lunging in with an attempt to drive his dagger into the ogre's calf or maybe foot.


Attack (Dagger) - (1d20+6)

(1) + 6 = 7

Attack (Advantage?) - (1d20+6)

(20) + 6 = 26

Damage (Piercing) - (1d4+4)

(1) + 4 = 5

Mar 4, 2024 5:42 am
grifter730 says:
Morik thanks Turnip and flashed a quick smile as he hopped onto the horse and took off after the wagon.
Already at the horse, may as well have a go!

Also @WhiteDwarf I assume that the ogre is still glowing from Morik's Faerie Fire so you should have advantage on that attack, unless DM says otherwise.
I had already narrated that the faerie fire spell had stopped, but on reconsideration I think I'm going to interpret it that the range applies only to the casting of the spell, not the ongoing concentration/maintenance of it. So yes, the faerie fire spell is still active, and rolls to attack the ungual ogre should have ADV.

Also, I do still need to see that Animal Handling check for Morik.
Mar 4, 2024 6:22 am
animal handling


Animal Handling - (1d20+6)

(14) + 6 = 20

Mar 4, 2024 7:39 am
spaceseeker19 says:
"No, I can't do that," the ogre replies, shaking his equine head, "Zik wouldn't like it if I told ya anything about his camp and all da stuff he got from dose other wagons. I'm just spose ta pull da wagon back to da camp, but now I guess I havta crush ya."
And we will defend ourselfs. Give up and tell us about the camp and we wont kill you.
Elowin raises her bow and launches her arrow. The head and shaft sinks deep into the ogres leg.
Do you give up?
Last edited March 4, 2024 7:40 am


Longbow - (1d20+6, 1d8+4)

1d20+6 : (15) + 6 = 21

1d8+4 : (5) + 4 = 9

Mar 5, 2024 3:54 am

Morik meets Turnip and leaps onto the back of the horse, grabbing the mane, wheels the beast, and with a "HA!" and a squeeze of the thighs, he launches the horse into the trees at a canter.
Bramlin rises, drawing his "smaller" sword, and springs forward to hack into the ungual ogre as it is turning, dealing 10 slashing damage!
The ungual ogre punches at the fighter with a fist the size of a barrel! But just then Elowin looses her arrow, which punches right through the ogre's knee, and the giant collapses with a bray of pain and terror. Its deadly blow misses her brother by an inch!
Adran lunges forward and sinks his dagger in the monster's eye. The ogre's bray rises in pitch into a shrill, whinnying shriek, and the huge body flails its limbs for a moment as the ungual ogre dies.

When it's clear that the ogre isn't getting up again, Princess blows a little victory trill on her shawm, and several seconds later the party hears hoofbeats as Morik approaches on the draft horse. The druid arrives momentarily, just as the faerie fire is fading from the tips of the ogre's donkey ears. The night seems dark by contrast, and Princess sings a clear, high-pitched note and the tattoo of a rose on the inside of her right arm glows, shedding a warm red light. By the light of the rose, she climbs back up into the wagon and starts rummaging around to find the part of a goblin with her dagger in it.

You're in the woods with the Belany's damaged wagon. Not too far to the north is the caravan, its firelight still visible through the trees. Somewhere further in the direction the ogre was pulling the wagon (roughly south by southwest) is the camp of Zik, mastermind of this ambush. What do you do now?


Ogre punch at Bramlin AC14, bludgeoning damage on a hit - (1d20+6, 2d8+4)

1d20+6 : (5) + 6 = 11

2d8+4 : (21) + 4 = 7

Mar 5, 2024 7:49 am
We should get the wagon back to camp, and then check out the goblin camp in the morning. Adran can you mend the wagon, so we can put the horse before it??
Mar 5, 2024 8:03 am
Morik arrived too late to have partaken in the skirmish, the strange ogre dead on the ground. He only hoped his spell provided a measure of help to the party.

"Wherever this brute was pulling the wagon to, we’ll likely find more danger. Won’t sleep easy unless we take care of ‘em. I’ve used up most of my magic, but I’m willing. What say you?"
Oops, cross-posted. I’m fine either way. Might be long gone by morning though.
Last edited March 5, 2024 8:04 am
Mar 5, 2024 8:57 am
He said it was there camp, we are have to attend our selfs first. Besides the daylight favors most of us.
And all my powerful spells are spends as well.
Mar 5, 2024 2:03 pm
Adran will work to mend the cart so they can return it to the others. "As much as I'd like to deal with this camp, we need to discuss it with the caravan... we were hired to protect them, not run off and play hero. Regardless, we all need our rest before we do anything else."
Mar 5, 2024 4:02 pm
Drawing on his skill with land vehicles, our fightery fellow examines the wagon. Determining if and how it could be repaired and safely returned to Camp.
Mar 5, 2024 4:06 pm
@WhiteDwarf The mending cantrip should handle it. It repairs a break or tear up to one foot, and the broken tongue shouldn't be a foot thick.
Mar 5, 2024 4:16 pm
MaJunior says:
[ooc]@WhiteDwarf The mending cantrip should handle it. It repairs a break or tear up to one foot, and the broken tongue shouldn't be a foot thick.
[/ooc]Cool, thanks so much, jumped the gun on my post there.
Mar 5, 2024 4:54 pm
I’m good with resting and talking to the caravan folks first.



Mar 6, 2024 6:52 am"/>
As Adran murmurs over the broken parts of the wagon, growing the splintered pieces back together again, Princess tosses goblin body parts out of the back of the wagon. "Are we going to go back for horses, or just let Belany know where her wagon is so they can organize a team? I know I'm not going to try to pull it back myself, and that one horse can't do it on its own." She looks at the amount of blood spattered on everything and makes a face. "I sure hope somebody knows how to get bloodstains out of these fur coats, or Belany's still going to take a huge loss."

She hops out of the wagon, and holds her arm up so the pink glow of the rose tattoo illuminates the trees around the party, the wagon, and the dead ogre. "We definitely should rest. I agree with Moonie, though. In my experience on other caravans, bandit groups tend to strike fast, and pack up and leave fast. Especially if their raiding party doesn't return. We wait all night, we might find that they've moved on." Princess whistles some scales, a habit you've noticed she does when she's thinking. She continues, and it sounds like she's trying to convince herself. "That's not necessarily a bad thing. We've done our job. Do we need to track down and stop this threat to other caravans, maybe get some loot? Not really. We're getting paid well for guarding this caravan. Doing more than that is not our job." She nervously bites a fingernail. "Right?"
Mar 6, 2024 8:13 am
Right. Lets hear what our employer says after we get the wagon back.
I'll go fetch another horse

Elowin runs to the camp to fetch a horse to pull the wagon back
Mar 6, 2024 8:50 pm
Soon enough, the two horses are hitched to the wagon. It takes some coaxing and sweet words from the party members with an affinity for animals (Morik and Princess) to get the horses to back up to maneuver the wagon backwards through the trees until they get to a point where it can turn around, then it is the work of just a minute or so more and the party reappears back at the caravan's campsite.

Dugal's grim frown eases a bit, as he and the halfling drivers relax on seeing that it is the guards that have appeared out of the darkness, not more raiders. The caravan master is gruff, but you can see he appreciates that you rescued the wagon. "Good work. Really well done."
Belany cries with relief, then turns away to wipe angrily at her tears, embarrassed at the show of emotion. "Th-thank you. Thank you all."
Turighe is astounded at your prowess. "You really defeated that giant...uh...THING??" He laughs in delight and claps his hands. "You are amazing!"
The noble kar'Javon nods appreciatively at his fellow dwarf, Morik, then goes to see if Belany needs any help with her wagon and merchandise. She shoos his away with irritated flaps of her hands. The kar shrugs and smiles ruefully, turning back to the fire.
Tesko's eyes glitter in the firelight as he looks on with interest from his perch on the buckboard of his wagon. On seeing that it's the party that has returned with the wagon, he lets out a whoop of triumph. "WOOO! Killin's too good for thieves!"
Swelvie and Salt appear, walking backwards into the firelight, each holding one of Gavath's legs while Jalon hefts his upper body, together carrying the wounded groom back to the firelight. They set the half-orc down gently near Gunter's unconscious body. Turnip, who was acting as nurse, reports "He was very badly hurt, but I think he's going to make it."
Rather than try to comfort the from-his-perspective-giant and aloof human Belany, Findal the gnome meets you at the wagon, takes one look inside, and whistles. "Don't look, for a moment, please!" he calls to Belany, and, wondrously, she hesitates at the tone of his voice. The gnome chants to himself, making arcane gestures, and his skillful prestidigitation begins to scour the interior of the wagon of blood and innards. He is thorough, effective, and efficient, and soon most of the merchandise is presentable again. He approaches you, a little pale and with beads of sweat on his brow, and nods to Adran with a smile. "Good job on fixing the wagon. You can barely see where it broke. I assume that was your work?"
Mar 6, 2024 9:36 pm
Adran nods at Findal as he hustles past the gnome, making his way over to where Gunter and Gavath are laid out. "Let me help," he says to Turnip before taking a knee at their heads. Intoning some mystic words, Adran gestures a pattern before touching Gunter. He then repeats the process for the groom.
Cure Wounds on Gunter and then Cure Wounds on Gaveth. Using both spell slots.


Cure Wounds - (1d8+3)

(3) + 3 = 6

Cure Wounds - (1d8+3)

(3) + 3 = 6

Mar 6, 2024 10:06 pm
Morik nodded and grinned at kar'Javon, the rush of battle having faded away, replaced by the glow of the aftermath. His grin faltered as he saw Gavath's body, but a quick touch by Adran seemed to put the man right.

Morik walked to Dugal then. "That horse-headed fool was pulling the wagon somewhere, likely where the group of bandits are still awaitin'. We could leave 'em be, but I reckon these could be what's been causing all the disappearances. We leave 'em till morning, and they'd likely be gone, but we take them now, and we wouldn't be at full strength. Rightly they ain't our concerns, but..." Morik shrugged. "What're you wanting us to do?"
Mar 7, 2024 2:43 am
Dugal squints and scratches his beard, a habit that most dwarves know not to indulge. 'A beard only complains more once you start to scratch' goes the old dwarven proverb. The caravan master surveys the assorted members of the caravan, employees and partners. Some look relieved, and some still look anxiously at the surrounding forest. "I'd like to see the bandits rooted out,"[b] he begins, [b]"but my concern is that we don't leave the caravan defenseless while you're settling that business. Some of the group seems pretty spooked." He sighs.

Princess helps Gunter back to his feet. "I've found that my music can soothe the fears of a nervous caravan. I could stay here, comfort them, and act as a rearguard in case more bandits attack...though I think that's unlikely." Gunter nods, "Yes, and I could stay here as well; I'm beginning to think I'm not cut out for this life of fighting...healing is much more my calling." He thinks for a bit. "Between the two of us, we could watch the camp if the rest of you want to eliminate the threat for good. Make it back here, and I'll heal you. Or I could heal you now, or even come with you to heal you in the fight, if it comes to that. Just so long as I'm out of the fighting myself..." He absently rubs at the hole in his armor where the goblin arrow punched through and nearly killed him.
I'm going to leave it up to you players to decide. Take a short rest and then go after the remaining bandits, or take a long rest and continue with the caravan on to Grayhaven in the morning. Dugal recognizes that you've done your duty, and nothing more is expected of you as guards. But on the other hand, it would be a good boon to his caravan business if he could say that his caravan got rid of the bandits that plagued the road and waylaid the imperial courier.
Mar 7, 2024 3:35 am
"I’ve a mind to confront them now, but I can’t go it alone. I don’t like the thought of these bandits preying on more folks. What say you lot?" Morik looked over at the others.
Mar 7, 2024 4:28 am
"If we're doing this, then I'm in," Adran replies without hesitation. "But it needs to be all of us or none of us," he adds.
Mar 7, 2024 7:59 am
I'm ready to go now. I need a moonrise or a moonset to regain my spells. But my sword is sharp, my bow is good and my quiver is full. Almost full anyway
Adran reconises that Elowin is in her bloodthirsty mood. The kind graceful dancer that he grew up with, is currently not in charge of his sister.
Last edited March 7, 2024 8:02 am
Mar 8, 2024 4:32 pm
"Very well," Gunter nods. "I'll go with you, as Adran suggests. Do any of you wish to catch your breath first, or shall we leave now?"
Gunter will accompany you. Does anyone (Adran, Bramlin) want to take a short rest before leaving, to spend your hit die?
Mar 8, 2024 5:46 pm
7 of 10... eh, I'm good. Ready to go.
Mar 8, 2024 6:13 pm
Morik is ready. He'll just recast Shillelagh, but he's good to go.
Mar 8, 2024 10:14 pm
Bra m acquiesces to his friends.
I am ready. Let’s take a quick breather, a short rest, and then proceed.
Mar 9, 2024 3:33 am
The group takes a short rest. Jalon prepares food for each of you (so once again you don't need to use any of your rations). Each of your characters that have abilities that refresh with a short rest get them back (such as Bramlin's Second Wind). In addition, any character who isn't at full HP can spend their hit die to roll for HP regained; just announce that you're doing it and roll the die.

An hour passes with a meal both jubilant (from surviving mortal danger) and focused (looking to the conflict ahead), and then the party - Adran, Bram, Elowin, Gunter, and Morik - takes up their weapons and head out into the darkness. They quickly arrive at the corpse of the ungual ogre, and then Morik examines the ground as they continue heading in that direction. There are traces of a path similar to a game trail, indicating that the ogre and goblins have come this way previously: the undergrowth is thinner here, there are a couple of ruts indicating when another wagon was stolen and brought this was during a storm, and, most telling of all, there are occasional fresh paw- and footprints showing that they came north this way.
Question: is Bramlin being led by a character with darkvision to improve the chances of surprise, or is he carrying a torch?
Mar 9, 2024 3:41 am
Gunter eats the food that Jalon prepares, leaving some not because he's not hungry, but because Jalon has served him too much in his eagerness to restore the guard's health and he doesn't want to feel full when going into danger. Feeling refreshed, he hangs his warhammer back on his belt, slings his shield over his back, and cocks his crossbow, loading a bolt ready to loose. Then he follows the others into the dark woods.


Gunter Gotrekson hit die - (1d8+2)

(5) + 2 = 7

Mar 9, 2024 4:16 am
Adran eats, but lightly. He tells Jalon to keep some food warm, as he'll have more when they return. Shield strapped to an arm and both daggers on his belt, he puts his free hand on Bramlin's shoulder.

"I will guide you true."
May as well use the Hit Die. Not bothering to roll -- Adran is down 3 HPs, and with a CON mod of +2, 3 is the lowest he can roll.
Mar 9, 2024 8:28 am
The party continues through the dark forest and Morik has a feeling that the camp can't be much further. But there is no light of a campfire or other obvious sign of the camp. When he can't find the tracks again, Morik stops for a moment to get his bearings.

Any one of the characters can try to find the trail again to the camp: roll a DC12 Survival (WIS) check.
Mar 9, 2024 8:30 am
Morik ate with gusto, happy to be alive and hopeful to get to the bottom of the mystery of the missing wagons. He grinned as they set off.
Mar 9, 2024 9:21 am
As always Elowin does her best to scout ahead and keep them on the trail.
Fumble: did she just jump onto a rotted branch that broke under her or what?! LOL
Last edited March 9, 2024 9:23 am


Survival - (1d20+5)

(5) + 5 = 10

Stealth - (1d20+4)

(1) + 4 = 5

Mar 9, 2024 2:51 pm
Bram follows a darkvisioned friend, otherwise lights a torch. Then stoops low to find the trail!


Survival - (1d20+2)

(14) + 2 = 16

Mar 9, 2024 3:14 pm
Adran keeps his hand on Bramlin's shoulder but focuses on trying to find the trail to the bandit camp.


Survival (WIS) - (1d20+3)

(19) + 3 = 22

Stealth (DEX) - (2d20L1+4)

(1418) + 4 = 18

Mar 10, 2024 2:37 am
The party hears the camp before they see it, as there is no light to draw the eyes but only starlight alone. One person is clearly giving an angry lecture to another, berating them fiercely in the language you now recognize as goblin.

Adran sneaks forward and stealthily parts the ferns just enough for the people with darkvision to see the tableau: a once-fine wagon lies in a small clearing, its wheels broken off and discarded. The side of the wagon has been smashed in, allowing the first goblin sitting inside to look out and down upon another goblin cowering before him. The first goblin in the wagon is getting more and more furious as he continues his harangue, and the second goblin before him is wilting under the verbal assault. Adran nods to point out (to everyone except Bramlin) what the second goblin is standing on: a pile of assorted goods: furs, casks, pots, jars, linens, foodstuffs, and various other trade goods. It's clearly the heaped remains of several caravan raids, things stolen quickly and at random, just as was done with your caravan. Something metallic, mostly covered by other items, glints briefly as the abashed second goblin shifts uncomfortably. Morik, with his keen senses, points out two other things of note: two goblin sentries are patrolling the edge of the forest around the clearing. Just then, Elowin shifts forward to see better and crunches through a rotted log buried under the bracken underfoot. This makes a loud noise; it isn't immediately clear that it was or wasn't audible over the dressing-down the goblin is giving.
[ +- ] Zik's Camp
Everyone, please roll initiative and declare what you're going to do.


Gunter initiative - (1d20-1)

(15) - 1 = 14

Mar 10, 2024 3:09 am
How far are Goblin 1 and Goblin 2 from where the PCs are hidden?
Adran will move towards the two goblins so he can attack with his dagger.


Initiative - (1d20+4)

(5) + 4 = 9

Mar 10, 2024 5:50 am
Elowin readies her shield and sword. She points to herself and then to the eastern most sentry. She is ready to storm the archer as soon as the assault begin.
move + dash would put her next to him and give disadvantage to his ranger attack


Initiative - (1d20+4)

(20) + 4 = 24

Mar 10, 2024 5:53 am
MaJunior says:
How far are Goblin 1 and Goblin 2 from where the PCs are hidden?

The party is gathered at the southwest edge of the clearing (lower left on the map). There are four goblins: one in the wagon (goblin 1), one on the goods pile south of the wagon (goblin 2), and two sentries (goblins 3 & 4). The two goblins in the center of the clearing (goblins 1 and 2) are 30' and 35' (five and six 5' squares) from Adran, as shown on the "Zik's Camp" map. Both the wagon and the area covered with looted goods are difficult terrain, which means that Adran can end up adjacent to Goblin 2 (the closer one, not in the wagon) in one move action to make his dagger attack. Morik is the same distance and could also close to melee range if he wishes.
Elowin, Gunter, and Bramlin are all slightly further away; if they wish to attack this round, it will be with ranged weapons or spells.
From this angle, the wagon is providing partial cover (bonus to AC) for goblin 1.
The view of goblin 3 (the sentry in the northwest corner of the map) is partially obscured as it moves between the trees; it is 60' away from the closest party member (Morik).
Goblin 4 (the sentry in the southeast corner of the map) is in the clearing 50' away from the closest party member (Elowin), but from the party's current angle, it has partial cover from the outcropping of rock it's leaning against.
As the action begins, the clouds part and the light of the full moon shines down, bathing the clearing in dim light. The metal object in the pile of stolen goods glints in the moonlight.
@WhiteDwarf: did you want Bramlin to have spent his hit die during the rest? Last chance to say so and roll the die. Otherwise he will be starting this encounter with 6/13 HP.


Flik (goblin 3) and Stik (goblin 4) initiative - (1d20+2)

(17) + 2 = 19

Pik (Goblin 2) initiative - (1d20+2)

(7) + 2 = 9

Zik (Goblin 1) initiative - (1d20+1)

(5) + 1 = 6

Mar 10, 2024 8:18 am
Morik hoped these goblins would flee if their leader was down. He pointed at the goblin in the center.
Morik will go for the one that he can actually reach and attack in this round.


Initiative: - (1d20+1)

(7) + 1 = 8

Mar 10, 2024 11:52 am
Now short-rested and rather refreshed, ol’ Bram squints and peers dimly into darkness. He readies a javelin, and moved up just close enough for a well-intended toss!


Hit Die! - (1d10+3)

(1) + 3 = 4

Initiative! - (1d20+2)

(11) + 2 = 13

Mar 11, 2024 6:00 am
(I'll update this as rolls come in)

The fastest to realize that their stealth is blown by her misstep, Elowin draws her sword as she races across the clearing, a blur headed toward the sentry, Stik. (@runekyndig, make your attack and damage rolls). The goblin is still turning to see what the noise was when the elf is upon him, but Stik instinctively leans back out of the way of Elowin's rapier. Then Stik disengages, backpedaling, and quickly looses an arrow at Elowin as he goes. It's too quick: the arrow hits her in the chest but bounces off of her armor harmlessly. He screams the alarm, confirming for the camp that the crunch they just heard was part of an attack.
The two goblin sentries react slightly more slowly (although Stik may not survive long enough to do so).
Hearing the crunch of the rotten wood, Flik draws his bow, moves to loose an arrow at Adran (who catches it on his shield), and then ducks behind a tree to try to hide...rather ineffectually.
Stik, if conscious, disengages from Elowin, moves back, and looses an arrow at her while screaming bloody murder. If unconscious, Stik bleeds (I'll update this if necessary after Elowin's attack).
Gunter chants "Ellendaed, hear our prayers and grant us strength to smite the cowardly foes!", casting Bless on the closest PCs: Adran, Morik, and Bramlin. He remains where he is, waiting to see where he'll be needed.
Bramlin steps foward and hurls a javelin at Flik, catching the goblin in the ribs (5 HP damage). (@WhiteDwarf, declare your target and make your rolls, remembering to add the 1d4 to your attack roll from Gunter's blessing. Stik and Zik have partial cover, but both Pik and Flik can be seen) Flik staggers but does not quite fall.
Buoyed by the cleric's blessing, Adran runs into the clearing, drawing his dagger, and slithers halfway up the pile of assorted goods to stab at the goblin there. The little Pik wilts as the elf's blade penetrates him for 5 piercing damage. (@MaJunior, make your attack and damage rolls, remembering to add 1d4 for Bless).
Pik groans and tries to slash Adran with his scimitar. But the little goblin is unable to penetrate the elf's protection!
Morik runs after Adran, the spirit of valor pumping in his veins. (@grifter730, if you still want to attack, declare the target and make the rolls. You are just close enough to move and attack either Pik or Zik in melee, but you may have others attacks that you could do at range. Just remember that Morik adds 1d4 to his attack rolls). Attacking the same goblin, Morik pounds him hard on the head with his burly staff, dealing 6 damage. Pik goes limp and collapses.
Adran and Morik both notice that the metallic object in the pile is a large silver candlestick.
"You DARE attack Zik, the greatest bandit who ever lived??!" The goblin in the wagon, Zik, snarls and shrieks as his little body warps and transforms. Claws appear on the ends of his fingers. His face contorts as his teeth erupt into fangs and then his face sprouts fur...his shriek turns into a howl! "I'LL TEAR YOU APART!!!"
[ +- ] Zik's camp, round one
Please make the rolls corresponding to your actions now.
On 24: Elowin (10/10)
On 19: Flik and Stik
On 14: Gunter (10/10)
On 13: Bramlin (10/13)
On 9: Adran (10/10)
On 9: Pik
On 8: Morik (13/13)
On 6: Zik


Flik picks a target (1- Morik, 2- Adran, 3-Gunter) - (1d3)

(2) = 2

Flik's arrow, piercing damage on a hit - (1d20+4, 1d6+2)

1d20+4 : (11) + 4 = 15

1d6+2 : (4) + 2 = 6

Flik's hiding attempt - (1d20+6)

(5) + 6 = 11

Stik's arrow at Elowin AC18, piercing damage on a hit - (1d20+4, 1d6+2)

1d20+4 : (9) + 4 = 13

1d6+2 : (4) + 2 = 6

Pik attack on Adran AC18, slashing damage on a hit - (1d20+4, 1d6+2)

1d20+4 : (8) + 4 = 12

1d6+2 : (2) + 2 = 4

Mar 11, 2024 7:26 am
@spaceseeker19 fair shoud be fair - Elowin move: 30ft/6squares + Action: Dash: 30ft/6 squares. She had 9 or 10 squares to cover. But if that was the surpprise round then this is my actions in round 1
[ +- ] In regards to goblin names
Elowin jabs her rapier at Stik. The tip makes contact with the goblin armor, but its is hard to tell if she drew blood or her spell took hold.
Last edited March 11, 2024 8:38 am


Rapier w/Booming blade - (1d20+6, 1d8+4)

1d20+6 : (6) + 6 = 12

1d8+4 : (6) + 4 = 10

Booming blade if moved - (1d8)

(5) = 5

Mar 11, 2024 8:07 am
Morik rushed towards the goblin with Adran, adrenaline pumping through his blood, a mad grin on his face as he bashed the quarterstaff overhand at the goblin.
Bonus Action: Shillelagh
Action: Attack Pik


Shillelagh - Attack - (1d20+6+1d4)

(18) + (2) + 6 = 26

Shillelagh - Damage - (1d8+4)

(2) + 4 = 6

Mar 11, 2024 5:17 pm
Pointy end goes in the other guy!

Adran focuses on finding a new home for his dagger as he rushes the little goblin, Pik.


Attack (Dagger) - (1d20+6+1d4)

(10) + (1) + 6 = 17

Damage (Piercing) - (1d4+4)

(1) + 4 = 5

Mar 11, 2024 10:27 pm
Enjoying his party’s odds, Bramlin launches a javelin at Flik!


Javelin! - (1d20+6, 1d6+4)

1d20+6 : (18) + 6 = 24

1d6+4 : (1) + 4 = 5

Blessed! - (1d4)

(2) = 2

Mar 12, 2024 8:16 pm
(I updated the round one description above, but am starting round two with a recap)

As round two begins, Bram has badly injured the goblin sentry Flik, Elowin is dodging arrows from the sentry she tried to stab, Stik. Adran and Morik managed to beat little Pik senseless, but they are adjacent to the wagon where Zik has just transformed into a half-goblin, half-wolf hybrid monster. Gunter is in the bushes, maintaining his Blessing of Adran, Bramlin, and Morik.
[ +- ] Zik's camp, round two
What do you each do in round two?
On 24: Elowin (10/10)
On 19: Flik and Stik
On 14: Gunter (10/10)
On 13: Bramlin (10/13)
On 9: Adran (10/10)
On 8: Morik (13/13)
On 6: Zik
Mar 12, 2024 8:40 pm
Adran will move to the wolf-goblin thing and attack it with a dagger.


Attack (Dagger) - (1d20+6)

(14) + 6 = 20

Damage (Piercing) - (1d4+4)

(4) + 4 = 8

Mar 12, 2024 8:56 pm
Elowin follows Stick and stab him with her booming blade


Rapier w/Booming blade - (1d20+6, 1d8+4)

1d20+6 : (12) + 6 = 18

1d8+4 : (2) + 4 = 6

Booming blade if moved - (1d8)

(7) = 7

Mar 12, 2024 9:18 pm
Morik smiled with satisfaction as he and Adran thumped the goblin, but his glee turned to shock as the other goblin turned to a half-wolf monstrosity. There was nothing quite like an abomination to get Morik worked up, and he turned to bash at the creature.


Shillelagh - Attack - (1d20+1d4+6)

(13) + (2) + 6 = 21

Shillelagh - Damage - (1d8+4)

(3) + 4 = 7

Mar 12, 2024 9:46 pm
Did spend HD for Bram, 10/13 hp presently.
Bram rubs up to Flik and sacks him with his trusty claymore!
Take that, you blasted thing you!


Greatsword! - (1d20+6, 2d6+4)

1d20+6 : (11) + 6 = 17

2d6+4 : (45) + 4 = 13

Mar 13, 2024 2:28 am
WhiteDwarf says:
Did spend HD for Bram, 10/13 hp presently.
Thank you; I have it correct in my notes (and corrected it in the most recent post); my mistake.
Mar 13, 2024 8:41 am
Elowin runs after Stik and strikes him for 6 piercing damage.
Flik looses an arrow at Bramlin, which skips off of the edge of the fighter's shield and goes into his neck (Bramlin takes 7 damage from the critical hit)!
Dropping his bow, Stik draws his scimitar to cross swords with Elowin and attempts to slash her. Her defense is too good, her ripostes too dangerous...Stik then disengages and moves which point the magic that the elf had cast strikes him down with a clap of thunder. Stik's body is wracked by a series of concussions, tossing his body back and forth in the air, and then he collapses in a heap (7 thunder damage).
Gunter steps out of the shadows into the moonlight and calls out to Ellendaed: "Oh Mistress of Valor, strike down thy foes!" Zik is unable to resist Ellendaed's wrath, and takes 6 necrotic damage as his spirit quails within him!
Stowing his shield, blood streaming down his neck, Bramlin runs toward the terrified and badly-wounded goblin sentry, drawing his claymore with a growl, and cleaves Flik in half!
Adran lunges into the broken wagon as Zik is transforming and stabs the wolf-goblin creature repeatedly! But to Adran's horror, the wounds close as quickly as he pulls the blade out! This seems to bolster the monster's spirits, for Zik laughs in Adran's face and tries to mock him with a mouth that can hardly form words anymore: "Yurrr weffons cannot harrr' reee! hurr-hurr-hurrrr!"
But then Morik shuts him up, hitting Zik with his magic shillelagh, clapping the jaws shut and dealing the were-creature 7 HP bludgeoning damage!
Starting to feel fear, Zik gives a yelp of pain and then snarls, snapping his jaws at Morik and trying to swipe Adran with his claws! But Morik leans back out of the way so that the jaws clack together inches in front of his face, and the claws scrape ineffectually across the metal scales of Adran's armor.
[ +- ] Zik's camp at the end of round two
What do you all do for turn 3?
On 24: Elowin (10/10)
Flik, Stik
On 14: Gunter (10/10)
On 13: Bramlin (3/13)
On 9: Adran (10/10)
On 8: Morik (13/13)
On 6: Zik


Flik bowshot at Bramlin AC16, piercing damage on a hit - (1d20+4, 1d6+2)

1d20+4 : (20) + 4 = 24

1d6+2 : (2) + 2 = 4

Stik's scimitar slash at Elowin AC18, slashing damage on a hit - (1d20+4, 1d6+2)

1d20+4 : (11) + 4 = 15

1d6+2 : (5) + 2 = 7

Critical damage on Bramlin - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Zik WIS save DC13, damage on a fail - (1d20, 1d8)

1d20 : (8) = 8

1d8 : (6) = 6

Zik bite attack on Morik AC14, piercing damage on a hit - (1d20+4, 1d4+2)

1d20+4 : (1) + 4 = 5

1d4+2 : (3) + 2 = 5

Zik claw attack on Adran AC18, slashing damage on a hit - (1d20+4, 1d4+2)

1d20+4 : (9) + 4 = 13

1d4+2 : (4) + 2 = 6

Mar 13, 2024 9:59 am
"Ah, shut your yapping!" Morik wanted to question the creature, but it could barely speak, and besides, this felt much more satisfying. He pulled the quarterstaff back, and swung it in an arc for another smash.


Shillelagh - Attack - (1d20+1d4+6)

(4) + (3) + 6 = 13

Shillelagh - Damage - (1d8+4)

(4) + 4 = 8

Shillelagh - Attack (Advantage roll) - (1d20+1d4+6)

(2) + (2) + 6 = 10

Mar 13, 2024 1:24 pm
Adran will charge directly into Zik, trying to knock him to the ground.
Shove action to knock prone.


Athletics (STR) - (1d20)

(10) = 10

Mar 13, 2024 4:49 pm
Bram staggers over to Adran. The Braveless one giving kind fightery assistance with an athletic shove!
Take that Zik, Bram exclaims!


Helping shove Zik! - (1d20+6)

(17) + 6 = 23

Mar 13, 2024 5:47 pm
Elowin touches her moon Reliquary and a singing vibration tones out and settles on Zik, but his own screaming overwhelms the tone and its effect.
[ +- ] 0: Toll the Dead
Last edited March 13, 2024 5:48 pm


Toll the dead DC13 - (1d20+0, 1d12)

1d20+0 : (20) = 20

1d12 : (8) = 8

Mar 14, 2024 5:15 am

Elowin sings her good vibration, but Zik snarls, refusing to be cowed by more vibrations!
Gunter maintains Ellendaed's Blessing but in the midst of his chant he calls out a single word, "VALOR!", and Bramlin's verve for battle is renewed (Bram recovers 5 HP, and is back up to 8!).
Bram and Adran, working together, attempt to knock Zik prone; together they get a total Athletics of 25! The werewolf attempts to stand firm, but fails as his legs are knocked out from underneath him. Zik lands on his face with a yelp just as Morik is bringing his shillelagh down on his head again!
But Zik rolls to one side as he wrestles with Bram and the staff misses its mark!
Zik then springs to his feet, tries to bite Bram, and kicks out with his feet at Adran! His fangs sink deep into Bram's thigh with a critical hit! Bram takes 8 piercing damage and must attempt a CON saving throw, DC12!


Healing word on Bram - (1d4+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Bless bonus for Adran, for Bram - (1d4, 1d4)

1d4 : (4) = 4

1d4 : (2) = 2

Zik shall not be moved? DC22 - (1d20+2)

(9) + 2 = 11

Zik bite attack on Bram AC14, piercing damage on a hit - (1d20+4, 1d4+2)

1d20+4 : (20) + 4 = 24

1d4+2 : (4) + 2 = 6

Zik raking claw attack on Adran AC18, slashing damage on a hit - (1d20+4, 1d4+2)

1d20+4 : (1) + 4 = 5

1d4+2 : (2) + 2 = 4

Additional crit damage to Bram - (1d4)

(2) = 2

Mar 14, 2024 5:54 am
Good gods, lol. (I rolled the advantage roll in Morik's last post.)
Mar 14, 2024 1:21 pm
Bram keeps a fighters foot on Zik’s prone neck.
Anyone speak goblin? Maybe we shake down the creature for intel?
Mar 14, 2024 1:53 pm
Elowin moves closer to the werewolf and tries the vibration spell again.


Toll the dead DC13 - (1d20+0, 1d12)

1d20+0 : (7) = 7

1d12 : (8) = 8

Mar 14, 2024 2:55 pm
"I don't. I'm fine with just making sure these goblins can't harass anyone else," Adran says and he grabs the downed goblin-wolf's legs, in an attempt tp keep it prone for the others.
Mar 14, 2024 10:08 pm
"Not me." Morik grunts, after nearly falling from missing the hit. He rights himself back to have another go.
Wasn't sure if we're supposed to do round 4 stuff yet, so I'm not rolling anything here.
Mar 15, 2024 5:55 am
Now that I know the result of Morik's attack, I've updated the Round Three post with Zik's attacks.
Mar 15, 2024 6:10 am

As we start round four, the situation is this: Bramlin is down and has to make a DC12 CON save, because he was hit by another crit!! Bramlin is still blessed, so he rolls that saving throw and adds 1d4! For turn four, since he is at 0 HP, Bram should also roll his first death save (adding 1d4 there, too) in case no one stabilizes/heals him before his turn.
The only enemy still standing fighting is the goblin-werewolf Zik, who is prone in the wagon. The characters who are adjacent and upright - Adran and Morik - can see and target Zik, and they have Advantage on attacks as long as he remains prone. The other characters, Elowin and Gunter, need to climb something to get line of sight on the enemy, whether it is the pile of assorted goods, the wagon itself, or something else. Climbing any of those doesn't require a check, but each counts as difficult terrain for the purposes of movement. Both Adran and Morik have seen the heavy silver candlestick jutting out of the pile of looted goods adjacent to where they're standing.
[ +- ] Zik's camp, start of round 4
With that situation updated, please let me know what you plan to do for round four. @MaJunior, if you still wish for Adran to hold Zik down, make your action a Grapple check.
On 24: Elowin (10/10)
On 14: Gunter (10/10)
On 13: Bramlin (0/13) must make DC12 CON save, and death save
On 9: Adran (10/10)
On 8: Morik (13/13)
On 6: Zik (prone)
Mar 15, 2024 7:05 am
Elowin rush to Bramlin to give him first aid


Medicine DC10 stabalize - (1d20+3)

(8) + 3 = 11

Mar 15, 2024 8:56 am
"Bram!" Morik called out to his friend as the werewolf bit him, and he couldn’t so much as heal his friend.

A hot rage filled Morik, and he began smashing the werewolf without care of his own safety.
EDIT: Omg what is up with my attacks!!! 😱😱😱
Last edited March 15, 2024 8:56 am


Shillelagh (advantage) - Attack - (2d20H1+1d4+6)

(12) + (3) + 6 = 11

Shillelagh - Damage - (1d8+4)

(2) + 4 = 6

Mar 15, 2024 9:34 am
Thanks to kind stabilization, Bram catches his second wind and rises back to fightery feet! He hefts his mighty greatsword and strikes at Zik!
Last edited March 15, 2024 9:37 am


Con save - (1d20+5)

(13) + 5 = 18

Blessed - (1d4)

(3) = 3

Greatsword - (1d20+6, 2d6+4)

1d20+6 : (12) + 6 = 18

2d6+4 : (33) + 4 = 10

Second Wind - (1d10+1)

(7) + 1 = 8

Mar 15, 2024 1:40 pm
Adran will indeed attempt to keep Zik's legs tied up and prevent him from standing.


Athletics (STR) - (1d20+1d4)

(5) + (1) = 6

Mar 15, 2024 1:48 pm
@WhiteDwarf stabilization just means that you don't have to make deathsaves anymore. You are still uncontions - unless your have some clever features
Mar 15, 2024 2:28 pm
Mar 15, 2024 6:44 pm
Despite the savage jaws tearing at his flesh, the unconscious fighter's fortitude is still strong enough to resist infection. Bramlin has not caught lycanthropy at this time.


Seeing the fighter fall, Elowin rushes up and expertly staunches the blood flow, saving Bramlin's life.
Chanting praises to Ellendaed under his breath to maintain the Blessing, Gunter approaches the mound of looted goods and climbs up, interjecting "Resound the foe with fear!" into his litany (Toll the dead), directing the god's ire at Zik. But the werewolf's fury is such that Zik roars and shakes off the spell, taking no damage.
Bramlin groans, dreaming of the hurt he plans to inflict on the monster.
Adran tries to grapple Zik, but the werewolf is ever so slightly stronger than he is. As he wrestles, the artificer's mind flashes back to what he saw earlier: the large silver candlestick sticking out of the loot pile within his reach; aren't werewolves susceptible to silver?
Morik tries to wallop the werewolf again, but the monster fends off the blows with his arms.
Zik considers his situation and chooses which enemy to attack. The werewolf snaps and bites his wrestling opponent, Adran, tearing a chunk of his arm out.
Adran takes 5 piercing damage and must roll a DC12 CON save (add 1d4 for the Bless).
Zik kicks savagely at Morik, but the claws completely miss the druid!
[ +- ] Zik's Camp at the start of round five
What do you all do for Round Five?
On 24: Elowin (10/10)
On 14: Gunter (10/10)
On 13: Bramlin (0/13) stable
On 9: Adran (5/10) needs to roll a CON save
On 8: Morik (13/13)
On 6: Zik


Zik WIS save DC13, necrotic damage on a fail - (1d20, 1d8)

1d20 : (20) = 20

1d8 : (3) = 3

Zik attempts to avoid the grapple DC7 - (1d20+1)

(7) + 1 = 8

Zik chooses a target (1- Gunter, 2 - Morik, 3- Adran) - (1d3)

(3) = 3

Zik tries to bite Adran AC18, piercing damage on a hit - (1d20+4, 1d4+2)

1d20+4 : (20) + 4 = 24

1d4+2 : (1) + 2 = 3

Zik chooses a different target for claws (1 - Gunter, 2 - Morik) - (1d2)

(2) = 2

Crit damage to Adran - (1d4)

(2) = 2

Zik raking claw attack on Morik AC14, slashing damage on a hit - (1d20+4, 1d4+2)

1d20+4 : (1) + 4 = 5

1d4+2 : (3) + 2 = 5

Mar 15, 2024 8:11 pm
ADRAN! You rotting... Elowin rush forward to stab the werewolf with her sword, infused with magic


Rapier w/Booming blade - (1d20+6, 1d8+4)

1d20+6 : (2) + 6 = 8

1d8+4 : (6) + 4 = 10

adv due to werewolf being prone - (1d20+6)

(17) + 6 = 23

Mar 15, 2024 8:18 pm
"Stop! Hitting! My! Frien--Ooh, that was a close one!" Morik laughs maniacally, lost in the fevered heat of battle madness. He bashes at the werewolf again.
Since shillelagh is magical, does Morik need a silver weapon still?

Did Morik take any damage? It said Zik kicked him savagely, but I didn't see a roll for a kick?

I'm not sure if the werewolf is still prone or not, but I'll roll with Advantage here, and if it's not prone, just ignore the second roll.
Last edited March 15, 2024 8:19 pm


Shillelagh (advantage) - Attack - (2d20H1+1d4+6)

(514) + (3) + 6 = 23

Shillelagh - Damage - (1d8+4)

(2) + 4 = 6

Mar 15, 2024 11:59 pm
Adran will scramble for the silver candlestick, hoping the old legends are actually true and not just some old wive's tale. Once he grabs it, he'll try to smash it into Zik's face.

He has to smash it... must smash his face... must smash!!
Last edited March 16, 2024 12:04 am


CON Save - (1d20+4+1d4)

(4) + (3) + 4 = 11

Attack (Improvised Weapon) - (1d20+1d4)

(20) + (4) = 24

Damage (Bludgeoning, Silver) - (1d4)

(2) = 2

Fine... Crit Damage - (1d4)

(3) = 3

Mar 16, 2024 1:04 am

Elowin rushes forward, straddling Bram's prone body, to stab at the werewolf with her stormy blade, but the goblin-monster dodges nimbly away from her thrusts, dancing, snarling, and leaping about the interior of the wagon.
Continuing his chant, Gunter's eyes bulge at the monster's resistance to Ellendaed's influence. He tries again: "Begone, in the name of Valor!" This time, the god's wrath rings in Zik's ears, and the werewolf takes 4 necrotic damage!
Unaware of the turmoil raging in his blood, Adran reaches back and pulls the heavy silver candlestick out of the pile of looted goods. The candlestick is heavy in Adran's hand, and the artificer swings it awkwardly with only one hand. But as the moonlight gleams off of the metal, Zik's eyes widen as his mood turns from fury to dismay. "Hurrr RRO-O-O! Daff, you idiot! I told you to get rrrid of ALL za silverrrr!"

Any further thoughts Zik has on the failings of his underlings are interrupted by the crushing weight of the silver coming down on his head with a CRUNCH, clocking the werewolf for 11 bludgeoning damage!!! (In this situation, the candlestick functions as a mace, not a club. So @MaJunior, roll 2d6 for the damage instead of the 2d4 you've rolled!)

Morik attempts to strike the werewolf again, but as he is still on his feet, the staff goes wide of its mark.

Reeling from the searing pain and starting to feel real fear for the first time in years, Zik tries to tear Adran with his jaws and rake Morik with his claws! Once bitten, twice shy, Adran manages to dodge back before the teeth can rip into him again, but this time the claws catch Morik's flesh!
Morik takes 3 slashing damage!
[ +- ] Zik's Camp at the end of Round Five
Zik is clearly much worse for wear and beginning to feel trapped. What do you do for round six?
On 24: Elowin (10/10)
On 14: Gunter (10/10)
On 13: Bramlin (0/13) unconscious, stable
On 9: Adran (5/10) contracted lycanthropy
On 8: Morik (13/13)
On 6: Zik


Zik WIS save DC13, necrotic damage on a fail - (1d20, 1d8)

1d20 : (1) = 1

1d8 : (4) = 4

Zik chooses a target to bite (1 - Morik, 2 - Elowin, 3 - Adran), and claw - (1d3, 1d2)

1d3 : (3) = 3

1d2 : (1) = 1

Zik bite attack on Adran AC18, piercing damage on a hit - (1d20+4, 1d4+2)

1d20+4 : (3) + 4 = 7

1d4+2 : (3) + 2 = 5

Zik claw attack on Morik AC14, slashing damage on a hit - (1d20+4, 1d4+2)

1d20+4 : (16) + 4 = 20

1d4+2 : (1) + 2 = 3

Mar 16, 2024 1:12 am
Fair enough. Standard for an improvised weapon is 1d4 so I defaulted to that. Hopefully, I don't end up doing less. Lol
Last edited March 16, 2024 1:12 am


Crit Damage (Bludgeoning, Silver) - (2d6)

(65) = 11

Mar 16, 2024 1:36 am
The fight isn't quite over. What do you each do for round six?
Mar 16, 2024 1:50 am
Adran will drive the candlestick into the Were-goblin's face again, as something about it just... feels... right.


Attack (Improvised Weapon) - (1d20+1d4)

(9) + (3) = 12

Damage (Bludgeoning, Silver) - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Mar 16, 2024 3:30 am
The werewolf slashed at Morik, but he was so lost in his battle fury that he hardly felt it. Again, he tried to smash the werewolf, spittle flying, cursing all the while.


Shillelagh - Attack - (1d20+1d4+6)

(13) + (3) + 6 = 22

Shillelagh - Damage - (1d8+4)

(7) + 4 = 11

Mar 16, 2024 9:55 am
spaceseeker19 says:

Elowin rushes forward, straddling Bram's prone body, to stab at the werewolf with her stormy blade, but the goblin-monster dodges nimbly away from her thrusts, dancing, snarling, and leaping about
What?! AC23 was a miss?
Elowin stabs the werewolf again
Last edited March 16, 2024 9:57 am


Rapier w/Booming blade adv vs prone - (2d20H1+6, 1d8+4)

2d20H1+6 : (174) + 6 = 23

1d8+4 : (1) + 4 = 5

Booming blade if moved - (1d8)

(6) = 6

Mar 16, 2024 6:54 pm
runekyndig says:
[quote="spaceseeker19"]ROUND FIVE

Elowin rushes forward, straddling Bram's prone body, to stab at the werewolf with her stormy blade, but the goblin-monster dodges nimbly away from her thrusts, dancing, snarling, and leaping about
What?! AC23 was a miss?
Zik has not been prone since round three.
Mar 16, 2024 8:02 pm

Elowin flourishes with her rapier and plunges the long blade into the werewolf, which is then surrounded by a shimmering field of concussive energy.
Adran attempt to clobber the monster with the huge candlestick, but in its terror, the lycanthrope twists away from the blow...
...right into Morik's fearsome shillelagh, which crushes the diseased goblin's head for 11 points of bludgeoning damage!. Zik stumbles back, and Elowin's magic explodes with a thunderous clap, dealing the monster 6 thunder damage!

All this punishment is too much for the little werewolf, and he expires.

The party is victorious!
Mar 16, 2024 9:38 pm
Morik screamed at the falling werewolf and beat at his chest as it crumpled down, then stopped abruptly when he realized he looked like a maniac. He turned but didn't meet the eyes of his companions, rushing straight to Bramlin instead, and checking up on the man.
Mar 17, 2024 7:59 am
Elowin searches franticly for the next enemy. Finding none she returns to tend to Bramlin Braveless
Mar 17, 2024 3:37 pm
Adran clutches the candlestick, still focused on the body of Zik as the trembling slowly subsides. Eventually, he speaks to the others. "Let's search the piles, then take anything and everything we can and get back."
Mar 17, 2024 3:52 pm
After seeting that Bramlin is not getting any worse, Elowin sits down at meditates with her reliquary. She quickly calms down and 10 minutes laters she open her eyes. They glow with moonlight and to her sight, she sees any enchantments.
ritual cast Detect magic
[ +- ] 1 Detect Magic (C)(R)
Mar 17, 2024 11:01 pm
After confirming that Bramlin is in no imminent danger, Elowin and Morik carry the human fighter's body down off of the sprawled collection of broken barrels, crates, and moldering sacks that form the loot pile and rest him more comfortably on a bed of grass at the forest's edge. Gunter looks to him there, and watches over his body while the others quickly examine the camp for other threats, valuables, and useful items.

Morik is quickly able to ascertain that no more than eleven creatures bedded down here: six goblin nests under bushes at the edge of the clearing (two of them seemed to be sleeping together), a place where meat and bones were thrown to the trained wolves, and a big tussock by a thick-trunked tree that, judging by the way the bark has been stripped and worn smooth, indicates where the ungual ogre was tied and fed a diet of succulent leaves and grass when it wasn't out pillaging. Adran's candlestick, once cleaned, would probably be worth at least 20 gold suns.

Zik's lifeless body has collapsed backwards over a wooden box he was using as a stool/throne in the wagon. In death, Zik the werewolf is gradually reverting to Zik the goblin. Around his neck is tied a leather bracelet studded with ostentatiously large, smooth ovals of precious turquoise, worth even more than the candlestick. The polished mahogany box under him is locked, and bears an elaborate seal of a coastline and rampant goat (INT History check to discern what the seal is) carved into the lid. Elowin's eyes see that the lock on the box is magical, and that it contains magic.

It is clear that most of the goods looted from previous victims are in much the same condition as the wagon here: too damaged to be useful or salable. But scattered amongst the mildewed bolts of cloth, broken casks of ale, spilled spices, shattered furniture, and rusted pieces of metallic equipment are an assortment of gold and copper coins. Anyone who wishes to can quickly dig through the pile with either an INT Investigation check or a DEX Sleight of Hand check to retrieve some of the money. Or, alternatively, the party can take an hour to thoroughly retrieve every last coin that can be found.
Mar 17, 2024 11:15 pm
Adran will take a moment to focus himself, with a few words and quick gestures as he begins to scrutinize the heraldry on the box itself.


History (INT) + Guidance - (1d20+3+1d4)

(11) + (3) + 3 = 17

Mar 18, 2024 5:23 am
Adran recognizes the emblem carved into the box immediately: it is the Seal of the noble house of Draymore, the Duke of Grayhaven. He figures that this was likely what the Royal Courier was transporting, or at least part of that courier's cargo.
Mar 18, 2024 6:49 am
"The noble seal of Grayhaven? This is probably from the courier," Adran comments. "If we return it, the reward is probably better than whatever's actually in the box." The elf will tuck the box under his arm, the candlestick still clutched in his free hand.
Mar 18, 2024 8:21 am
Don't try to open it! There is an enchantment on it. I suspect it is a ward to see if the box have been opened, but it could also be something much more nasty
The glow fades from her eyes.
But I agree with my brother. We should had it in when we get the chance. Lets salvage what we can, but lets not linger to long. The caravan needs to get going.
Elowin gathers the items of value, coins, herbs and spices that could be salvaged


Sleight Of Hand - (1d20+4)

(3) + 4 = 7

Mar 18, 2024 8:27 am
Morik let the others handle the looting. He looks for sheets and sticks to create a something to carry the big man in while he remained unconscious
Mar 18, 2024 2:33 pm
"I doubt the caravan will leave before morning," Adran points out. "We likely have time to get what we can."
Mar 18, 2024 6:03 pm
While Elowin rifles through the piled goods, Adran sets aside the silver candlestick in a safe place, then with some distaste climbs the rest of the way into the broken wagon. He rolls Zik's body over to free the mahogany box and get at the ties for the bracelet, then brings both items out.
In that time, Elowin has found 73 coins: 3 gold krugerrands crafted with small holes in the middle, and 70 copper bits embossed with circles: Grayhaven currency.

Gunter helps Morik craft a litter to carry Bramlin. The wood of the wrecked wagon is befouled enough that the druid finds some branches instead. Gunter digs through the piled goods until he is able to find a bolt of cloth that is only barely rotted. Knowing that they will have to carry the weight for some time over uneven terrain in the dimness of darkvision, they take their time to make something sturdy enough to be certain that it won't fall apart from the torque, large enough to hold the big man (Morik has to go back to get a longer branch for one side, having unconsciously thought about toting a dwarf-sized person), and comfortable to carry.

This gives Adran and Elowin time enough to more thoroughly search the pile. Together they excavate an additional 32 gold krugerrands, and something over 2300 copper bits...about 50 pounds of coins. In the process, Elowin finds a small silver disc bearing the image of a raven. They are able to find an emptied cask, which they can use to contain the money and carry it out alongside the litter bearers. Recognizing the silver raven as Bramlin's treasure and figuring it must have fallen from him when he fell, Elowin slips it back into the unconscious fighter's pocket before they leave.
Mar 18, 2024 8:20 pm
Morik pats the unconscious Bram on the shoulder, having finally put him on the litter and gotten him comfortable. He looks around at the others, and the loot they've gathered. "Folks can finally travel safe again," he says with a satisfied smile. "Gotta say, I'm surprised a royal caravan couldn't take this lot down. You'd think they'd be more capable."
Mar 19, 2024 3:35 am
The heroes lug their fallen comrade and the retrieved money back to the caravan. You hear Princess' voice raised in song as you approach the firelight; clearly she has been playing and singing to soothe the caravan's nerves, but still everyone gives a start when they first notice something emerging from the darkness. Cries of alarm turn to laughs of relief as they recognize that it is their beloved guards, returning victorious. Everyone rushes to congratulate you and express their appreciation, but Belany is particularly solicitous. Bram's been hurt!" she exclaims, "Is he alive??" On seeing his breath, she rushes to her wagon and retrieves a leather satchel. "These are virtuous liquors from the Drakallin Temple in Mara," she explains to Gunter and Morik as they set the litter bearing the fighter down by the fire. She lifts the crystal stopper from the phial and brushes it across his more obvious wounds, then deposits one drop each on his eyelids and lips. At the askance looks from the other merchants, she says, defensively, "Oh, and am I the only one of us to have a side business?" Bramlin's breath deepens, then he snorts and comes awake. She graces him with a rare smile: "Welcome back, hero!" Then she hands him the phial. When he drinks it, he regains some of his color and vigor (Bramlin gains 5 HP). Seeing his improvement, Belany then stands with her normal, slightly scornful expression, and points an admonishing finger at you. "Not a one of you who saved my wagon are going to die if I have anything to say about it!" She approaches each of the party members in turn, reaching into the satchel again, and gives each one of you a phial of virtuous liquor (each PC gains 1 healing potion).

Dugal takes you aside and tells you "You have saved me; when I started this journey, I wasn't sure whether I would continue running the caravan, what with the increased fear of bandits. But now that you've done such valiant service as guards, the story will spread and I'll see a lot more business! I think that'll be worth a bonus for each of you, when we get to Grayhaven!"

Gunter checks in on Gavath, to make sure that he's recovering well. The half-orc groom is shaken by his near-death experience, but he's already up and limping around to check on the various horses in his charge. Clearly somewhat embarrassed at the attention, Gunter assists Gavath for some time, just to get away from the speculative looks of some of the female drivers.

At some point, kar'Javon approaches Adran, absent-mindedly brushing his fingertips with his thumbs. "I couldn't help noticing the locked box you have there. I'm...ah...I'm a bit of an amateur expert with locks; opening locks is a hobby of mine. I suspect I could get that open for you with little difficulty." When Adran doesn't reply with immediate enthusiasm, the dwarven knight nods. "It was just an offer. Of course, you're reluctant to pry into others' affairs. But have you considered that it might be best to ascertain whether the contents of the box are intact? Let me know if you'd like any advice or assistance. I always like to try my hands at a new lock." He walks away, and accepts a cup from Swelvie and joins in a rousing (and somewhat ribald) song that Princess is singing as her latest attempt to make Turighe blush.

As Swelvie goes around the campfire, making sure everyone's drinks are filled, Findal Dinfizzle Findazzle the gnome sage stands up and announces: "Quiet! Quiet! It is now time for seriousness!" At this exact moment, Flint gives off a thunderous belch, and the crowd, including Findal, laughs and applauds. Flint stands, a little unsteadily, and takes an elaborate bow, then sits with what he probably thinks is a dignified expression. After a few moments, the smiling gnome holds his hands up for attention again. There is no immediate response, so he snaps his fingers, and the large campfire leaps up to twice its height with a roar that drowns out all the conversation. The fire subsides again, and Findal continues. "A toast, and our thanks, to the heroic guards of our caravan, every one of whom demonstrated valor, skill, bravery, and selflessness! They have been our companions, but have also become our friends, and we wish them all many happy returns!" There is a cheer from the crowd, and applause, and pauses for quaffing more drinks.

The rest of the night is spent celebrating, with the drivers and merchants asking you to retell the story of your fight after each round of toasts during the feast that Jalon prepares for the occasion. Jalon's so jubilant that he doesn't even mind that Tesko comes in to "assist" him (you'd never tell the dragonborn cook this, but Tesko's touch definitely improves the food in subtle and surprising ways).
There are no further threats this night. Feel free to interact with the NPCs and/or each other before the caravan settles down for watches and alternating long rests.


Healing for Bramlin - (2d4+2)

(21) + 2 = 5

Secret Roll

Mar 19, 2024 4:04 am
Adran will sit quietly, subdued even, at the edge of the fire as he wracks his brain for what he knows of Weres. The bite has him worried... he may become a threat to the very people he is protecting.

At some point he will turn to Elowin. "Sister... do you perchance know how many nights until we have a full moon?"


Arcana (INT) + Guidance - (1d20+5+1d4)

(7) + (3) + 5 = 15

Mar 19, 2024 8:02 am
Morik spent the night enjoying everyone’s company, downplaying his part in the tale, and giving cheers at everyone else’s. There was nothing he enjoyed more than being in the company of good folks, and this night would be remembered until he’d draw his final breath.
Mar 19, 2024 10:14 am
MaJunior says:
At some point he will turn to Elowin. "Sister... do you perchance know how many nights until we have a full moon?"
Elowin answers immediately and with confidence. She is fully in tune with the moons cycles. And she continues: Don't let anyone open that box. Not until I have had time to examine the type of spells that is cast on it.
@spaceseeker19 can give the final countdown to the next fullmoon
Mar 19, 2024 7:54 pm
It will be 10 days until Lunae's power is at her peak and her face is uncovered.

The moon will be full for three days then.

If Adran still has the curse then, he will be be transformed into his inner monster in 10 days and the two days after that.
Mar 20, 2024 11:43 am
Bram rises from golden slumber. Thanks for kind healing, friends. I will try not to get KO’d so often!
Mar 21, 2024 6:30 am
The carousing celebration of surviving and conquering the bandits lasts late into the night, and so the caravan is slower to get moving the next day. But the day dawns bright and clear, and the rested and only-slightly-limping Gavath rounds up the horses and hitches them to the wagons. Now that sunlight aids in identifying spots he missed, Findal helps Belany by removing blood- and other stains from her wagon and merchandise using his magical prestidigitation, wicking the goblin and human blood out of the materials and flicking it out onto the grass. Usually feckless, Turighe surprises everyone by having dragged the wolf carcasses out of sight and competently skinned them, draping the hides over the top of his wagon to dry a bit before he treats them with the successive stages of preservation. Jalon chuckles "If I knew he could skin so well, I would've tried to hunt more mammals on the trip..." as he butchers the wolf carcasses. No one else seems particularly enthused at the idea of eating wolf, and all are glad that the journey is almost over.

The caravan leaves late, but Dugal still seems in good spirits; his good feeling from the heroes' rescue of the caravan lingers. Throughout the day, as the PCs come within earshot (getting out to stretch their legs, shifting from one wagon to another, going hunting, etc), Findal asks them: "What are your plans once you get to Grayhaven?"
Mar 21, 2024 9:48 am
We are going to hand in this box we found. With the magical seal intact. From there... I don't know yet.
This first adventure is near its end. The next one is around the corner. Its exhilarating and a bit scary.
Mar 21, 2024 12:54 pm
Adran considers Findal's question a bit before answering.

"The caravan was our way out of Mara, so we could find something better in life. That said, I have no preconceived notions of what "better" is or looks like. We shall have to see. Although... the box we recovered has to be returned. Perhaps that's our fate... or perhaps it's just a polite thank you and a few coins in our pouch."

The elf shrugs. "Either is still more than we had at Mara."
Mar 21, 2024 5:24 pm
Yes, deliver the box and then celebrate a successful journey. I think we’ve done well defending ourselves and our cargo. I hope to, and this sounds selfish I’m sure…I hope to bolder my name, and maybe even make a new name for myself. It will take time, and hopefully I’ll live to hear positive tales told of this endeavor.



Mar 22, 2024 5:48 am
Not all gnomes have piping little voices, of course. But Findal Dinfizzle Findazzle does. As he peers from under his bushy white eyebrows at the carving on the lid of the mahogany box, he says: "Well, that appears to be the Ducal seal of Grayhaven. You could probably turn that in to the guards at the gate; they generally all work for Duke Draymore. Or you could seek an audience with the Duke himself, I suppose." Findal's speckled magpie, Peppercorn, ruffles her wings and chatters at him, a loud, repetitive ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-chee! "Yes, I know, Peppercorn, I was getting around to that." He strokes under the bird's beak and she subsides, closing her eyes in pleasure.

After a moment, the gnome sage addresses you again. "We've come to like you, Peppercorn and I. More to the point, I've been impressed by your prowess. I'd like to hire you as my escorts in Grayhaven. I know you want to celebrate, but as I'm in a hurry to meet a friend of mine in a matter of considerable import, I hope that sufficient recompense will soften the disappointment of a delay to that well-deserved respite. Would five krugerrands a day be sufficient? Each?"
Mar 22, 2024 7:26 am
This is not just a package or a late package, it is a recovered package and we did the recovering. I think we should take it directly to the duke. And I would de delighted to escort you to your friend Findal. Having destinations is a good way to see a city

Elowin looks up at the towers and marvels at the citys grand splendor.
Mar 22, 2024 7:54 am
Morik nodded his agreement with Elowin. "We’re definitely hand-delivering that box. Nearly lost Bram in the fight that led to that box, wouldn’t trust anyone to just hand it in. As for escorting you, that sounds like a wonderful plan. I’ve naught else to do, and this will keep me occupied. Plus I enjoyed my time with you lot, and hopefully the rest of you are up for it too!"
Mar 22, 2024 12:50 pm
"I'd like to trust the guards, but I'm unwilling to risk the box not being delivered in light of everything we went through," Adran chimes in, agreeing with the others. "But yes, escorting you is certainly agreeable."
Mar 22, 2024 2:05 pm
Late that night, the caravan rolls into the outskirts of the town of Crosswell, a jolly farming community with a few larger stone buildings and lots of comfortable wood and adobe homes. The watch, solid men and women armed with clubs, smile and greet Dugal warmly. After a few pleasantries, Dugal wastes no more time and guides the caravan into the town green, which he explains is the site of Crosswell's weekly market. Dugal sighs and informs the merchants: "Market's not for a three more days, but I'll ask around to see what food supplies I can get." Jalon huffs, but Dugal ignores the portly dragonborn cook. "Probably won't be able to rouse anybody this late, though I'll try. Might have better luck in the morning." To the PCs, he adds: "Crosswell's pretty peaceful, so I don't expect any trouble. But I wouldn't stray too far. Not because anyone's going to try to steal anything, but sometimes the locals can get...curious. Kids can try to pry into a wagon just to get a look at someone new to them." As Gavath limps around, helping the drivers to unhitch the horses for rub-downs and grazing, the dwarven caravan master leaves to see which contacts he can rouse in the middle of the night.



Mar 22, 2024 2:13 pm
Swelvie hops down from her wagon and heads immediately to a nearby building from which voices are raised in conversation and bits of song: an inn or a tavern. But she hasn't gone to drink (though she is carrying a pair of bottles when she returns); when she reappears a few minutes later, it's with several other people, whom she leads to her wagon and begins some cut-throat haggling with an easy-going, charming manner, selling various spices and small goods to interested townfolk. She also makes a trade with another merchant, exchanging some small caskets for much larger canvas sacks. "I'll take these off of you only because you're such a good friend!" she groans, holding an aggrieved expression, and then both of them laugh out loud at the obvious lie.



Mar 22, 2024 2:22 pm
Some of the merchants who follow Swelvie out to the caravan have apprentices, and several of these drift away to stare admiringly at Turighe, who seems unaware of the effect he has on women and men. But he's happy to find such a crowd as it occurs to him to entertain the idea of selling some of his fabrics. "Good evening, ladies! While your masters and mistresses are looking for good deals on spices, might I interest you in some material? You, young woman, this silk matches the color of your eyes. Such big eyes! Just think what a beautiful dress it would make! Or, as I see now, you are a smith's apprentice. You might make, uh, an apron, then? Not only is it a beautiful color, but it is resistant to sparks!" The town youths must think he's very handsome, as they don't seem to mind his awkward salesmanship. They are even polite enough to act interested when he tries to sell them his wolf furs.



Mar 22, 2024 2:26 pm
The noble dwarf kar'Javon has vanished, disappearing into the night. Turnip explains that "The kar told me that he had an old friend to meet and not to worry, as he'd likely be out most of the night." The halfling shrugs. "I'm paid to mind the wagon, not to care what mischief merchants get up to." He settles down more comfortably on the buckboard and lights a pipe, chuckling at the crowd around Turighe. "They sure do want to take him for a roll in a hay, don't they?"



Mar 22, 2024 2:51 pm
Neither Tesko ("Harland's agents are known to be in Crosswell!") and Belany ("Nobody in this village could afford my wares!") make any attempt to interact with the locals, instead just locking up their wagons and going to sleep. But once everyone else is settled, Swelvie and Turighe are deep in conversations with the locals, Princess taking requests for love ballads from the locals, and Gunter and Flint go off in search of a tavern together, Findal motions Adran, Bramlin, Elowin, and Morik over to his wagon.

"I wanted to thank you for agreeing to be my escorts when we reach Grayhaven, but I also wanted to reward that trust with details of my situation. I'm traveling to meet an old friend of mine, a sage named Tykus. We often meet to discuss different lore that we've found - we both have a particular interest in history. Some time ago, Tykus found a fragment of an ancient document. We find these sorts of things all the time: ancient tablets or parchments that are fascinating to research, to discover their provenance, and attempt to derive meaning and context. But weeks ago, I received a message from Tykus that this particular document was effectively part of a map."

Here the gnome lowers his squeaky voice even further: "Map is maybe the wrong word; he said it's a sort of description of the location of some long-lost relic, a magical artifact of tremendous, possibly world-altering power. He didn't provide any further specific information. I signed up immediately to join the first caravan leaving for Grayhaven. This caravan. So I can get to Grayhaven to consult with Tykus about this find. Normally, we discuss items that are merely of academic interest. But if he's right - and past experience shows that he is rarely ever wrong - finding a powerful magical object could interest many powerful, dangerous parties. That's why I'm hiring you all. We should keep it quiet and not let on that we are uncovering the location of something so valuable to anyone who might be interested in using such a thing. Such as the Duke."
Mar 22, 2024 8:06 pm
Elowin touches her reliquary. The holy item that the old temple in the forest was built around.
Some items easily find their way into the wrong hands. It's a holy mission to prevent that - or at least mitigate the damages
Mar 23, 2024 3:29 am
Morik’s eyes glinted at the mention of a long lost magical artifact. He was glad to have taken up this journey.



Mar 23, 2024 8:25 am
Final nods at Elowin's remark. "Yes, the Duke is exactly the sort of person who might want to find a magical artifact...but for the wrong reasons: further power or wealth. He already has a lot of both."

The gnome sage sighs. "I don't mean to belittle the Duke; he's been a good regent as far as I have heard, and Grayhaven is no worse for wear since he became Duke." He strokes his beard contemplatively, and nods. "And your plan to get in his good graces by returning the courier's package to him is a good ploy. He could be grateful, and, if so, that gratitude could be parlayed into future work, or possibly even official duties. Having the favor of powerful humans can be good, and the Duke is second only to Queen Sophia in prestige, power, and influence. Some might say he's even more powerful." Findal pats at his robes as if checking multiple pockets for something that isn't there, then he catches himself doing it, and sighs. "Powerful allies are good, but I advise you again to not reveal to any one as powerful as the Duke that we are consulting with Tykus about the possible location of an artifact. In my experience, powerful people like to insert themselves into such investigations, and that causes no end of complications. Rich people are even worse. I can only imagine how the Duke, who is both rich and powerful, might react."
Mar 23, 2024 9:44 am
Do you want to come along to the Duke? If we are going the same way, I wouldn't mind.
Elowin looks to her companions to see if they would object.

runekyndig sent a note to spaceseeker19
Mar 23, 2024 8:17 pm
Morik shrugs. He has no head for politics and schemes, and is fine with it.



Mar 24, 2024 4:32 am
Findal considers Elowin's question, then nods. "I would be happy to accompany you to deliver the box to the Duke, but my first priority is to meet with Tykus. I've known Tykus for decades, and I trust his judgment in deciding to not provide more details in his letter: he must have felt it was not safe to discuss the artifact in letters that could be intercepted. The Duke? Draymore I do not know, beyond what I have heard." The gnome looks at the group's innocent or indifferent expressions. "What do you know or have heard about the Duke? I know that the title of Duke of Greyhaven is determined by a council of the most rich and powerful families of the city, all of them maneuvering for influence and access to the King. I know that despite that, the Draymore family has maintained its hold on the title for so long it feels like it is inherited. Because Grayhaven is the seat of government and the most populous city of the Greenwold, its Duke is the most powerful of all of the nobility. And that was before the King and Queen died and Sophia ascended to the throne. Some say that Draymore rules the Greenwold in all but name, now."
Mar 24, 2024 6:44 am
spaceseeker19 sent a note to runekyndig



Mar 24, 2024 3:24 pm
One last thing that Findal mentions that night: "Of course I want to meet up with Tykus to respond to his note about the possible location of an artifact. But he's also an expert in many fields of study that have little overlap with mine. So if you have questions of your own, he may be able to find answers, or at least point you in the direction to find answers." The gnome sage looks pointedly at Bramlin, having seen his habit of pulling out his mysterious silver icon.
Mar 24, 2024 3:40 pm
It was perhaps as though Findal’s foresight greatly eclipses his stature once again, as our fightery fellow is already unconsciously rubbing calloused fingers against the silvery trinket.
A sliver of silver shimmering against the torchlight. Placing the raven icon back into his pocket, the Braveless one smiles.

You could not have read my intent better, my small friend. I do look forward to this Tykus fellow!
Last edited March 24, 2024 3:41 pm
Mar 24, 2024 3:52 pm
The rest of that night passes uneventfully. kar'Javon reappears shortly before dawn and helps Gavath ready the horses as Dugal negotiates with more food vendors. Swelvie rearranges the new wares in her wagon for the third time, and Turighe blushes when Princess asks him about whether he enjoyed all the attention last night. Soon enough, the caravan sets out again.
The road here in the Granges is well-maintained, with gravel to help slow erosion and prevent the wheel ruts that would otherwise develop with so much wagon traffic. Because (the above picture notwithstanding) there is a lot of traffic on the roads here: wagons traveling between hamlets and farms deliver goods and passengers; donkeys bear slow riders; farmers and tinkers pull handcarts. It's a flourishing region with contented people of many races living and working together. Some of them recognize Dugal and wave

Travel is swift and without incident. The caravan stops at a waystation affiliated with an adjacent inn, the Bowben. Some of the merchants go in to the Bowben for news and also for some company with people that they haven't spent every waking moment of the last two weeks with; there are some people from Grayhaven at the Inn. Apparently the Bowben is a popular destination for ranking guild members and lesser nobility...which is why no one in the caravan is staying at the Inn, as it's too expensive for most (except, perhaps, for Belany).

The presence of so many people has you guards on high alert; you've kept the caravan safe so far, and all these people milling about represent possible Tesko is quick to point out, repeatedly. But aside from Turighe losing a pouch of his money gambling with slumming aristocrats, there is no loss, and no one makes an attempt to steal Tesko's secrets or anything else. The 19th day on the road ends peacefully.

The final day of the caravan's journey proceeds in much the same manner. But everyone's spirits are high, as the end of the journey is in sight. Even the horses seem to know that rest and respite are near, as they pick up the pace of their own accord. As the caravan tops the last rise and the view of the sea opens up before you, with the vast walls of the Jewel of the West, the great City of Grayhaven, looming between you and the harbor, we complete the first module, "Caravan of Peril."

Congratulations! Each character should advance to level 2 now. Use the character generation thread to share any decisions and to declare whether you will roll or take the default HP for this level. The next part of the campaign, "Streets Unseen," will start as the caravan arrives at the gates of Grayhaven, posted in a new thread once everyone is ready. Each character will start as if they've just had a long rest, recovered all their hit dice and other expended abilities, and have memorized/prepared the new ones granted at level 2.

Thread locked