Surprise Supper Guests

Feb 8, 2024 7:18 am
Just as Dugal and the halflings had said, on the 14th day out from Mara, they passed the road leading south through the Hornwood to the north fork of the Sowkalt River (or the "Windy River," as the halflings of the region call it) and the ferries that lead to the halfling principality of Thile. They day passed uneventfully, with one halfling or another breaking out into strange yodeling songs sung in their native language (for the next few days, Princess worked on incorporating the melodies and harmonies into her lute music).

As the road continued west for the 15th and 16th days, the elves noted the change in flora from descending elevation: the flowers of the lowlands began to appear, and the alpine shrubs to dwindle and vanish. The weather continued to get warmer, and as the 17th day dawned and Dugal roused the company, he announced that, "if we continue to make good time today, we should be at Crosswell late tomorrow." As the merchants and drivers began to hitch their teams and get their wagons in position, Findal the gnome ambled over to the party to explain that "Crosswell is a small farming town, with a monthly market. As the population of Grayhaven has grown over the centuries, farmers cut back the Tanglebrier to make more arable land to feed the thousands and thousands of people in the big city. They have come to call this extended farming region around Grayhaven "the Granges," and Crosswell marks the eastern border of the Granges." The gnome smiles happily at you. "Simply put, when we get to Crosswell, it means we're getting very close to our destination!"

The spirits of the caravan are high; the sun is shining brightly through the canopy of trees on either side of the road, snow is a distant memory of the highlands, flowers bloom with a sweet fragrance, and everyone is looking forward to arrival in Grayhaven, which Dugal assures should be "in about four more days." The caravan makes good time, and with the days getting longer, Dugal pushes the group a couple of hours' travel further. The caravan arrives at another clearing just as the last rays of the sun are turning the tops of the trees golden and the shadows down in the clearing are deep and dark. By now, the group is accustomed to and efficient in the routine of circling the wagons in the tall spring grasses of the clearing. Grazing will be good.

Camp has been set, horses unhitched, and the wagons opened up to air out in the fresh evening air. In the middle of the circle, Jalon has built another cookfire, which quickly draws all the hungry travelers. A hearty stew bubbles away, filling the air with its mouth-watering aroma. It certainly doesn't match the magnificence of Tesko's culinary creations, but Jalon's food is good and filling, especially augmented with the five large Red Jungle Fowl that Elowin and Adran managed to catch in their snares. Jalon clangs the side of the pot with his ladle, signaling that it's time to eat, but the sound echoes and is greeted by the howl of a wolf, long, low, and nearby. It is matched by another howl, and then another.

Everyone pulls closer to the comfort of the fire. The wolf pack sounds very close. What do you do?
Feb 8, 2024 4:05 pm

Adran's eyes look out into the darkness past the wagons, the unknown holding his attention. "They shouldn't attack us, as we are many and we have fire, but... damn." He spat the last word. "The horses."

He pulls his cloak around his armor and tells the others he will go sit with their horses to keep watch. "If anything, wolf meat is still edible and their pelts have value."
Feb 8, 2024 6:17 pm
It had been an eventful journey, and Morik was elated at being so near their destination. At the howls of the wolves, he groaned. He stood up and dusted himself off, imbuing his quarterstaff with nature’s power. His eyes looked about for any signs of the wolves, ears listening. Time to earn his coins.
Feb 8, 2024 10:20 pm
Princess's shawm is put away and a longsword comes to hand. "We can guard the horses. Everyone to the wagons for protection." goes to the horses and with a word she casts a light aways toward the howling with hopes to get an early sighting.
Feb 8, 2024 10:42 pm
Bramlin readies his weapons. His trusty claymore grasped tightly in his off-hand, rested against forested ground, and a javelin in his right hand. Additional javelins grace his back in yon quiver!

Another chance to prove my mettle, ponders the Braveless one.
Feb 9, 2024 5:27 pm
Elowin climbs up on the flat-roofed wagon with her bow. She lends Princess and two others without night vision, the Eyes of Night. Then she scouts for the wolfs. If a well-placed arrow can scare off the wolfs then that would be preferable.
She will shoot the first wolf she spots out on her max range, witch in the night is 300 ft
[ +- ] Eyes of Night LR
Last edited February 9, 2024 5:27 pm


Perception - (1d20+5)

(11) + 5 = 16

Longbow show at 300 feet - (2d20L1+6, 1d8+4)

2d20L1+6 : (1719) + 6 = 23

1d8+4 : (3) + 4 = 7

Feb 10, 2024 12:28 pm
"Yer all jumping at shadows, says Gunter. "It's just some wolves." Still though, he grabs his hammer and crossbow and goes to sit by Bramlin.
Feb 10, 2024 4:37 pm
Elowin clambers up on the hard top of Findal's wagon and scans the darkness, an arrow nocked. Princess and Adran rush out of the circle of wagons to the horses in the darkness, the half-orc groom Gavath close on their heels. The howling draws closer, from the forest approaching the horses, but the trees of the forest hem the clearing in on nearly all sides, so much of the view approaching the camp is obscured. The animals are nervous, and so are the members of the caravan, huddled close around the comforting heat and light of the fire after Adran's comment. Morik, Bramlin, and Gunter look for movement, expecting that Elowin will call a warning as soon as she sees anything from her elevated vantage point.

Everyone, please roll initiative.
Bramlin, Gunter, and Morik are by the fire with all the NPCs (except for Gavath). They can move to a different vantage (describe where you're going), they can actively scan in a direction (declare where you're looking/listening and roll Perception), or they can try to persuade the NPCs to take some action (roll Persuasion).
Princess and Adran are with the fourteen horses. They can actively search the darkness (roll Perception) or they can try to calm the horses (roll Animal Handling with ADV, because Gavath is also trying to calm them).
Elowin is standing 10' up (the green arrow on her token represents her elevation), is actively searching, and had an attack readied. Suddenly, she sees movement of a shaggy canine form in between the trees about 50' to the north, and looses an arrow at it. There is a yelp and a snarl as her aim is true, dealing the wolf 7 piercing damage!


Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Feb 10, 2024 4:44 pm
Princess sees the horse getting a bit too active and tries to calm them down.

Edit: added advantage.
Last edited February 10, 2024 7:12 pm


Animal Handling Check - (1d20+1)

(3) + 1 = 4

Animal Handling Check advantage - (1d20+1)

(9) + 1 = 10

Feb 10, 2024 5:04 pm
Then she calls out the direction of where she wounded the wolf.
Expect an ambush group aswell


Initiative - (1d20+4)

(7) + 4 = 11

Feb 10, 2024 6:55 pm
Bram hustles northeast, gasping his greatsword in his offhand, and then hops his fightery self into the wagon next to Elown, the wagon at 2 o’clock on a dial.
Nice shot, Elowin! I’ll see if my trusty javelins can muster similar success!
Bram peers into darkness to gauge sight of approaching canine!


Initiative! - (1d20+2)

(14) + 2 = 16

Perception! - (1d20+4)

(10) + 4 = 14

Feb 11, 2024 12:13 am
WhiteDwarf says:
Bram hustles northeast, gasping his greatsword in his offhand, and then hops his fightery self into the wagon next to Elown, the wagon at 2 o’clock on a dial.
Clarification: Is Bram climbing into the wagon, like up on the buckboard or through the door into the back, or is he climbing 10' onto the roof of it to stand next to Elowin? On the roof Bram will be able to see farther (like Elowin, though without her special vision) and he'll be out of the melee range of anything on the ground (unless it has reach), but he won't be able to just hop back down to the ground like he would be able to do if he was in the wagon; he'd have to climb down to get back into melee range or risk taking damage from a fall.
Feb 11, 2024 12:23 am
Sry. My intention was simply to hop INTO the wagon, not onto the roof.
Feb 12, 2024 12:19 am
Adran is not much use at range, and will put his efforts into calming the horses for the moment.


Animal Handling (WIS) - (2d20H1+1)

(143) + 1 = 15

Initiative - (1d20+4)

(5) + 4 = 9

Feb 12, 2024 7:05 am
Elowin launches another arrow on the next wolf/hound she sees. There is another satisfying yelp from the darkness. She tries to target different wolfs as multiple discouraged wolfs are better than few dead ones. That belief can change.
I can see them at 300ft, I have disadvantage due to long range from 150 and out.
Last edited February 12, 2024 7:07 am


Longbow - (2d20L1+6, 1d8+4)

2d20L1+6 : (1918) + 6 = 24

1d8+4 : (1) + 4 = 5

Feb 12, 2024 8:04 am
Sorry just completely missed the initiative call somehow.
Morik rushes to where Elowin is, his eyes scanning to where she pointed.
If possible, he’ll cast Entangle to ensnare as many as possible. As Rune pointed out, they’re still about 300 ft away, so he’ll wait until they’re within range.
Last edited February 12, 2024 8:26 am


Initiative: - (1d20+1)

(17) + 1 = 18

Feb 12, 2024 8:17 am
grifter730 says:
If possible, he’ll cast Entangle to ensnare as many as possible.
They are still a long way away
Feb 12, 2024 5:34 pm
grifter730 says:
If possible, he’ll cast Entangle to ensnare as many as possible. As Rune pointed out, they’re still about 300 ft away, so he’ll wait until they’re within range.
Though she can see up to 300', she doesn't have line of sight on anything that far away: the trees are too thick, overlapping trunks, branches, and foliage blocking her view. The wolf she shot was 50' away.
Feb 12, 2024 6:12 pm
Princes INIT is a slow 4. "Great place to waist a "1" on."
Last edited February 12, 2024 6:13 pm


INIT - (1d20+3)

(1) + 3 = 4

Feb 13, 2024 5:35 am
Morik runs up next to Findal's wagon and looks up to see what Elowin can tell him from up on top of it. He doesn't see anything at first, but he prepares to cast Entangle when the wolves do appear.
Just two steps behind him, Bramlin hurries up, leaps up into Findal's wagon (which sways under Elowin's feet) and scans for approaching wolves. He can hear them all around, but the undergrowth is thick enough that they are heavily obscured.
Elowin calls out to the others and points to where she saw and hit the wolf: "Contact to the north! Expect an ambush as well!" Nocking another arrow, she peers for further movement.
Meanwhile, Adran is busy trying to calm the horses; between him and Princess, they calm five of the horses, and the rest whicker and snort uneasily, but they do not rear and whinny in terror even when the wolves appear in the midst of the horses, nipping and snarling.
Gunter hangs back, ready to defend the crowd of merchants and drivers if the wolves approach the noncombatants around the fire.

As the wolves race into the herd of horses, the placid pack horses' eyes roll and they push and shove against each other to get out of the way of the pack predators, rather than completely panicking and scattering into the night (thanks to Adran, Princess, and Gavath's efforts). The wolves, slipping into the herd, flash into and out of sight of the party members. One wolf (Wolf A) attacks Adran, but the jaws catch on his armor, jerking his arm around without doing any real damage. Nearby, another two wolves work together: one (Wolf B) snaps at a horse's withers, sending a spray of blood into the herd. The horse collapses in the middle of the herd, knocked prone, as the wolf moves on. Next to it, the third wolf (Wolf C) tears into the groom Gavath as the pack moves quickly through the draft animals. Gavath sags against a horse's flank, not quite collapsing, and gives an alarming groan as he tries to hold his guts in as the wolf moves on.
[ +- ] Round one as the wolves attack
As the wolves race out of the trees and through the herd of horses, the three of you whose narration suggested that you did (or might) prepare triggered actions can take those actions when the wolves appear:
- Morik can cast Entangle and force the wolves to make saving throws, but the spell will catch many of the horses, Gavath, and possibly Adran in the area of effect, too. He decides not to Entangle the herd and prepares to attack in round two.
- Bramlin can try to hit a wolf with a javelin. He does fling a javelin, but it disappears into the darkness.
- Elowin can try to hit a wolf with another arrow. The elf looses another arrow, hitting Wolf B for 5 piercing damage!

In addition, Adran can use his reaction to attack the wolf that attacked him (Wolf A) as it moves away from him, but he does not have a weapon in his hand as his hands were full with the horses (so it would be an unarmed attack). Wolf A does have a broken arrow sticking out of its flank, however: clearly this is the wolf that Elowin hit moments ago. Adran successfully grabs the arrow and yanks it free, dealing Wolf A 1 point of damage (1 damage from an unarmed attack + STR modifier)!

There are three wolves: A, B, and C; they are moving through the herd of horses, attacking them and the people taking care of them. After the PCs performed their prepared actions and Adran did his reaction, the wolves continued their movement through the herd and stopped under wagons. Wolves A and B are under Findal's wagon (currently bearing Bramlin on the buckboard and Elowin all the way on top) and Wolf C is under Turighe's wagon (1 clockwise from it). On the map, the wolves are marked with red arrows pointing down, to help indicate that they are below the wagons (as opposed to Elowin with her green arrow pointing up, indicating that she's on the roof).
[ +- ] End of round one
In addition to the actions above, what do you do for the next round?
On 18: Morik (13/13)
On 16: Bramlin (13/13)
On 11: Elowin (10/10)
On 9: Adran (7/10)
On 6: Gunter (10/10)
On 6: Three Wolves
ON 4: Princess (9/9)


Wolf target (Princess 1, Adran 2) - (1d2)

(2) = 2

Wolf attack on a PC, piercing damage - (1d20+4, 2d4+2)

1d20+4 : (10) + 4 = 14

2d4+2 : (14) + 2 = 7

Wolf attack on horse (ADV from pack tactics), piercing damage - (2d20h1+4, 2d4+2)

2d20h1+4 : (1611) + 4 = 20

2d4+2 : (11) + 2 = 4

Wolf attack on Gavath (ADV from pack tactics), piercing damage - (2d20h1+4, 2d4+2)

2d20h1+4 : (85) + 4 = 12

2d4+2 : (24) + 2 = 8

Horse STR save DC11 - (1d20+4)

(5) + 4 = 9

Gavath STR save DC11 - (1d20+1)

(14) + 1 = 15

Gunter's initiative - (1d20-1)

(7) - 1 = 6

load next

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