Character conversion thread

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Feb 16, 2024 7:51 pm
Well I have to rebuild my whole character now.
Actualy, you just have to give up on that Dex 16 and increase one skill OR remove 3-4 skills and keep Dex 16. My suggestion is the former.
Feb 16, 2024 7:56 pm
PhoenixScientist says:
Well I have to rebuild my whole character now.
Not really. The write-up @htech did looks pretty good for what you were trying for and is really close to what you had. Yes, you lose the 16 Dex, but that doesn't matter as it gives no mechanical benefit at all.

He did a nice thing with the Specialist-Notice, too. By acquiring it at Level 2 (instead of Level 1), you get the full Notice-1 as a result.

The one thing I see in his writeup that you could change is the Know. It is probably there because it is as close to representing the old Education score as you get, but if you don't want Know, you could always take Connect, Fix, or Administrate instead.
Feb 16, 2024 7:57 pm
daryen says:
Not really. The write-up @htech did looks pretty good for what you were trying for and is really close to what you had. Yes, you lose the 16 Dex, but that doesn't matter as it gives no mechanical benefit at all.

He did a nice thing with the Specialist-Notice, too. By acquiring it at Level 2 (instead of Level 1), you get the full Notice-1 as a result.

The one thing I see in his writeup that you could change is the Know. It is probably there because it is as close to representing the old Education score as you get, but if you don't want Know, you could always take Connect, Fix, or Administrate instead.
Thank you for the better/longer explanation! =)
Feb 16, 2024 8:02 pm
One other thing to consider is pretty much keeping everything htech did (except for maybe the swap with Know), but use Adventurer-Expert/Warrior. Humorously, it changes absolutely nothing about the build and skill/focus selections. It stays exactly the same. The difference is that you trade your "once per scene reroll" for more hit points and a better attack bonus. Just a thought.
Feb 16, 2024 9:06 pm
I guess I have to decide how much of a soldier/enforcer Slaine was vs how much of a medic/medical-investigator.
Feb 17, 2024 1:29 am
PhoenixScientist sent a note to htech
Feb 17, 2024 7:50 am
htech sent a note to PhoenixScientist
Feb 17, 2024 3:27 pm
htech sent a note to PhoenixScientist
Feb 17, 2024 3:39 pm
daryen sent a note to htech
Feb 18, 2024 1:00 pm
htech says:
Well I have to rebuild my whole character now.
Actualy, you just have to give up on that Dex 16 and increase one skill OR remove 3-4 skills and keep Dex 16. My suggestion is the former.
Considering sneak or stab (Heal or Notice would be my choice but I'm already maxed out there I think)
Feb 18, 2024 1:08 pm
Here is the build with Sneak. If you're going to be a full Expert, you can reroll it, so it would be my suggestion between those 2.
[ +- ] Level 1
[ +- ] Level 2
Final results: Heal-1, Program-0, Know-0, Notice-1, Punch-0, Shoot-0, Sneak-1, Stab-0
Feb 18, 2024 1:20 pm
PS: It could also be useful right now. I see Slaine discreetly and silently looking for Alfredo instead of a massive manhunt with cameras and television
Feb 21, 2024 11:07 pm
@spaceseeker19 I know you were traveling until Feb 20th, so I guess that took some of your time from reading the SWN rules as you said you wanted to and from doing your character conversion.

No need to rush if you wanna read the SWN rulebook before resuming the game, but, either way, if you need any help just let me know, ok?

You're in a separate thread but it's an important part for me. Moreover, arthur12320 will probably join you in the future. =)
Feb 28, 2024 6:36 pm
@htech - I've finally completed my conversion and submitted the new character. Sorry for the delay, again. When I start a new system, I like to go through and create an outline/cheat-sheet of the system and char gen, and this took me longer than usual here.
Last edited February 28, 2024 6:36 pm
Feb 28, 2024 11:31 pm
Approved! Thank you all for your patience and for staying with us.

This thread is now closed and archived.

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