Secondary characters/NPCs

Feb 13, 2024 3:18 pm
This optional thread is for secondary characters/ NPCs.

Feel free to contribute or ignore. =)
Feb 13, 2024 3:23 pm
I will post Erin later today and (if you allow) I will try to convert Gabe.

If it is OK to convert Gabe? What character Level will he be?

EDIT: I'll leave Ryan to you, as you will now need that to be a bit more secretive.
Last edited February 13, 2024 3:30 pm
Feb 13, 2024 4:08 pm
Unh... I think I will keep Gabe as a full NPC. In SWN, NPCs don't have stats as PCs do. To make a NPC’s roll, I check their listed skill bonus; they can add it to any skill check appropriate to their role or profession, instead of attribute modifiers and skill levels. If the NPC has no reason to be particularly good at the challenge, they simply roll 2d6 and add nothing.

You may play with Erin and need to roll some dice for her, so let's do her character sheet using the PC rules. But if I need to roll for Gabe or Ryan, I will just use their skill bonus. There are some NPCs in page 195. NPC stats are tediously simple now =(
Feb 13, 2024 4:21 pm
OK, cool!

I hadn't read that section yet because I was focused on character generation and advancement.
Feb 14, 2024 2:16 pm
Before answering one the Oracular vision, I thought I should toss out my attempt for Erin.

She is just pure Warrior. She is basically a soldier who has learned a couple other things, not someone who is good at two things (like a Warrior/Expert Adventurer). She can fight, but then also do a couple other things when needed.

I am also presenting two Levels. I know I said just Level 1 earlier, but I just don't think SWN characters really have their foundation until they are Level 2. So, pick what you want, but I am still presenting two Levels.
[ +- ] Erin Brand
The result is this:
Erin Brand
S:14 (+1), D:17(+1), C:13, I:10, W:10, C:11
HP: 7
Exert-1, Punch-1, Shoot-1, Stab-1, Fix-0, Notice-0
Unarmed Combat-1
Savage Fray-1

So, the lady can fight, though she is brittle. Her Level 3 will give her Shoot-2. But that won't be happening anytime even remotely soon. Her primary role is as a stevedore, which is where Exert comes in. She also helps Corbin around engineering, thus the Fix-0. I consider the Notice part of her basic structure, but I do it in the order given to get the extra skill level for Exert.

For her Equipment Package, I recommend the Soldier package, but modified to have a Laser Rifle and four type A power cells instead of a Combat Rifle and 80 rounds of extra ammo (cost is the same).
Last edited February 14, 2024 2:23 pm


Level 1 hit points - (1d6+2)

(1) + 2 = 3

Level 2 hit points - (2d6+4)

(12) + 4 = 7

Feb 14, 2024 2:40 pm
Thanks! I'll keep her at level 1, so we will use the first part. We will also follow your suggestion for her starting equipment.

I will probably give a flat +10 hit points for everyone (including her) but let me see Douklan's character sheet first, so I can do that only once.
Feb 14, 2024 3:00 pm
htech says:
I will probably give a flat +10 hit points for everyone (including her) but let me see Douklan's character sheet first, so I can do that only once.
That would be very helpful.
Feb 16, 2024 1:04 am
Since she is only Level 1, please ignore what I did for Level 2. Her second Level focus should probably double-up on one of her first two, not branch in a third direction. Probably Unarmed Combat-2, as it has some really cool defensive properties. After her bad HP roll, the next thought was to use Die Hard-1. But, with the +10HP, I have no idea. Maybe just get Gunslinger-2 for the guaranteed damage.
Last edited February 18, 2024 5:51 pm
Feb 16, 2024 10:34 pm
@htech, Since this hasn't come up yet, I would like to make a change to Erin's first Level, if that is possible. I would like to change her first Level to look like this instead:

S:13, D:17, C:13, I:10, W:10, C:11
Level 1:
Soldier: Exert-0, Stab-0, Shoot-0
Warrior: Gunslinger-1 Shoot-1
Focus: Savage Fray Stab-1
Bonus: Exert-1

Basically, all this does is swap out her ability with her fists into her ability with a blade. I realized that for Unarmed Combat to really work well, you have to dedicate to it. Instead, I'd rather her have Savage Fray which remains useful even without dedication. Plus, it fits with her background description better.

I understand if you say no. But I think this works better. Plus, since she hasn't done anything combat-wise yet, this has no affect anything that has happened yet. Plus it makes more sense of the comment about her always having her blade with her.
Feb 16, 2024 10:51 pm
Okay, let's change that. =)
Feb 20, 2024 6:26 pm
I don't remember which topic were I was wishing for a different "Gunslinger", but I do have a small follow-up that I'll post here.

I figured I might as well check out the companion Without Number games, and downloaded the free versions of them. Those have some pretty cool Foci of their own! However, pertinent to this topic, I found this alternative to Gunslinger in Cities Without Number (the cyberpunk game):
Cities Without Number says:
You have a gift with ranged weapons. While this talent most commonly applies to guns, it is also applicable to thrown weapons or other ranged weapons that can be used with the Shoot skill. For thrown weapons, you can’t use the benefits of the Armsmaster Focus at the same time as Deadeye.
Level 1: Gain Shoot as a bonus skill. You can Ready a Stowed ranged weapon as an Instant action. You may use a rifle or two-handed ranged weapon even when an enemy is within melee range, albeit at a -4 hit penalty. You may add your Shoot skill level to a ranged weapon’s damage roll.
Level 2: You can reload guns, crossbows, or other slow-loading weapons as an On Turn action, provided they don’t take more than a round to reload. You can use ranged weapons of any size in melee without penalty. Once per scene, as an On Turn action when target shooting at an inanimate, non-creature target, you automatically hit unless you roll a 2 on your Shoot skill check or the shot is physically impossible.
That looks pretty cool!
Feb 20, 2024 9:13 pm
Cool, are we thinking about integrating options from the other without numbers games? I’ve read a bit about them, don’t know if all of them play well together, but specially in a game with more time to think about the decisions, like a pbp, more options always seems like more fun.
Feb 20, 2024 9:30 pm
Oh, no! I am not the GM and I don't get to make those decisions!

All I was trying to do was give an example as an alternative to Gunslinger that was done in a Without Numbers game. That's all. It is simply an example of something more like I was thinking. I don't even know if it fully works or not in SWN. I am certainly not endorsing a full intermingling.
Feb 20, 2024 10:55 pm
are we thinking about integrating options from the other without numbers games?
Nope. We will usually stick with just SWN. Special cases and or circumstances may be handled as such, but that's not guaranteed and not a full intermingled game.
Feb 20, 2024 10:59 pm
@daryen do you wanna give a suggestion for Mariella or should I do her sheet? You asked to practice with other NPCs before, but I don't mind either way, so feel free to say no. =)
Feb 20, 2024 11:22 pm
Oh, geez, I'd love to!

Give me a day or so to go dig out her old thread and I will come up with something for her! I'll do two levels, even though she'll likely only be Level 1.
Feb 20, 2024 11:24 pm
I've been considering trying out Alex Mercer.
Feb 20, 2024 11:36 pm
You can do that @PhoenixScientist =)
Daryen, Mariella is indeed level 1. Gimme that version, ok? (Of course you can level her up but that will be a purely theoretical exercise. )
Feb 21, 2024 1:11 am
Since she survived, may I do a Level 2 Jil, too?

That's tight! I'm gonna pretend this is Mariella's first assignment for the Explorers. Hope you like the result (when I'm done).
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