Tickettbror says:
Once again, my characters thoughts do not represent my own!
Appalahi says:
It's a very good thing we are playing a noblebright campaign with very little grimderp and smarter characters than the 40k norm...
See this is something I disagree with. I understand we're playing a brighter campaign, but I personally like the darkness of the 40k universe. While I wouldn't use the same logic for anything irl, I'm also inclined to ask is it derp or dumb (in universe) to eliminate risk when even minor mistakes with corruption and threats can mean the deaths of millions if not more? I'd say it's smarter not to take chances...
40k also goes a lot by case by case. You could get a slap on the wrist or you could be killed. However, normally, forces that face Xenos hardly suffer the same destiny forces that face Chaos can get. So I think this is perfectly in character, for the moment. The scouts could still get killed, or to use a 40k term, culled
Also! I didn't have Domitia speak because I believe this was another character's turn to shine
Last edited April 19, 2024 1:31 pm