Cathamber / Arc Zeekhad

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Oct 5, 2024 10:00 pm
While at Base, after recovering Lady Alagondar's chest, Arc visits Vulpip.
He intriduces himself politely, describes himself as an scout and archer, and asks if Vulpip has any magically enhanced bow he would be willing to sell. Or if there is a chance the master artificer may create one for him.
Arc is very interested in improving the damage of the bow, if that is possible of course... (probably using a long recurve bow with enhanced strength wood?).

Only after speaking about a new bow, Arc will mention his medium interest in a magic leather armour appropriate for a scout.
Last edited October 5, 2024 10:02 pm
Oct 5, 2024 10:52 pm
For the record, Skeeve is deferring his illusion magic. It needs more "workshopping", so I'm waiting until later.

Valpip (artificer)


Oct 5, 2024 11:11 pm
Valpip (artificer)
The artificer thinks this would be possible. Simply creating a heavy draw bow would be simple enough.
Heavy Bow : This bow requires the wielder to have the Quick-shot trait. When using this bow loading takes 1 action and firing it another. However the base damage of the weapon is 2. (basically +1 damage but Quick-shot is negated)

Valpip says he can work with the blacksmith to craft the base model in about 1/2 week. and could possible add some enchantments to it but this would take longer (1-3 weeks).
Oct 6, 2024 9:43 am
Arc listens carefully to Valpip... Even if a heavy bow seems promising, Arc is not that fond of loosing his quick-shot ability. Maybe there is an option for a magically enhanced ice damage? Or paralysis damage? Arc also mentions he would wait for the new bow, even if he leaves for a new mission, he can pick it up after the returns.
Last edited October 6, 2024 9:44 am
Oct 6, 2024 1:49 pm
Valpip coup craft magic arrows quicly, while your in town. They can deal more damage or have social effects but be limited in number.

A full magic item takes time. He can craft one to spec in about a month or order a couple random ones from suppliers in about a week.
Oct 6, 2024 5:39 pm
Arc would like to know how much coin would it cost a bow that charges paralyzing arrows? Given that it would take a month, he is willing to wait that time.
Please consider that he doesn't want magic arrows, he wants his bow to 'charge' the arrows when he takes aim.
The paralyzing effect would preferably last more than a minute, but if it can't do that much, at least 20 seconds (3 rounds?).
Oct 6, 2024 7:19 pm
Here is are sample traits

Poisoned Bite (Melee Attack): On a successful hit, the enemy must roll a Save Test to avoid being poisoned. If the enemy fails, they are poisoned. While poisoned, all Tests performed by the enemy are at a Disadvantage. The poison effect lasts until the enemy rolls a successful Save Test on their turn.

Glacial Mind: Make a Test. You cause one target to lose an action on their next Turn.

Total paralysis is a but much on this system, but you can get something along those lines. Anything more powerful would be more $$$$ and time than you can afford. You can have a bow that does either the above but when you activate the special attack feature it does not damage. Damage plus special would require tweaking or cost more
Oct 6, 2024 8:34 pm
Ok, let's say "poison bite" effect+ normal damage of 1. How much would that cost?
Oct 6, 2024 10:50 pm
$1k for basic magic weapon, Special Effect +$1k, combined effect x2 = $4k
Oct 7, 2024 5:09 am
Ok, so currently Arc can't afford even the most basic magic weapon.
Where were the stores? I can't see to find them.

And, I can't read the 'Tiny Info' thing below the posts... Do I need to fix some config to get it back?
Oct 7, 2024 12:23 pm
Looks like it got it's sharing disabled. Back on now. If you can see Tiny Info then you should be able to read it. Try tapping the grey "Tiny Info" button below the posts, then check "Characters" for "Tiny Info" and try tapping that.
Oct 7, 2024 2:55 pm
Thanks a lot!!

I see a "$500 Restorative Belt : Magic healing gains +1 HP" in Fiznik's store. Can he do it in a headband instead of belt?
Last edited October 7, 2024 3:19 pm
Oct 7, 2024 6:17 pm
Nope. It is a complete item shipped in from elsewhere
Oct 8, 2024 6:58 pm
Ok. Thanks for checking
Jan 12, 2025 3:18 pm
Are Arc or Van gaining XP soon?
Seems to me they could be growing from lasts events, but I lost track with this season's holidays...
Jan 12, 2025 9:18 pm
Arc is definitely getting XP and at least the chance for a new Trait. I have to go back on my math, but you all have gained quite a bit, and you'll be able to "spend" it in Brahdhavehl.

I am not sure on Van.
Jan 13, 2025 5:08 am
Thanks Darren! They will both patiently wait for the math to be finished.
Jan 14, 2025 10:55 pm
Go ahead and figure out what Trait you want. You will have at least enough for that. I have to see if you also have enough for a proficiency or something, too.

When you left on this trip, you were all just short of being able to get something useful. During the trip, you never had much of a let-down to rest. So, you get a pretty good bump on the XP from this adventure. I will try to be more measured in the future. Still learning how to do this "pacing" thing!
Jan 15, 2025 11:54 am
That's great! And I'm not worry about the pacing, the adventures so far have been great!
Arc would get the Sneaky trait, and, if possible, weapon specialization in bow. With this I'm confident that his scouting skills will improve significantly. Also about Arc, his money disappeared from his sheet, do we have an easy way to bring that info back?

About Sylvandur... I created the character to accompany Turanel2 and ForeverDED see in their adventure to the northern mountains. Since they are returning to the Manor, and it may be confusing having 2 characters in the same thread/location. I'm thinking about granting him the XP and skills that he earned, and then having him help the Lady of the manor until he is needed again. Basically, Van would go to the background, maybe even NPC if you want to use him as an active helper for the Lady, until we want him back into action. Unless of course, you have something different in mind.
Last edited January 15, 2025 12:01 pm
Jan 15, 2025 6:01 pm
You'll get some more money from the city, so you'll be fine. I'll add some extra in to cover whatever you lost. I don't remember what you had, but it is going to be a pretty good chunk due to all of those gems the other lady gave us from the chest. So, you'll have decent money.

Van does have to go to the background for the moment, but I am more than willing to let you decide what he does in the background. Having him be a fully mobile human-sized servant of the Lady would work. He'd have to put up with the flighty Witic, though.
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