Cathamber / Arc Zeekhad

Feb 19, 2024 4:42 pm
@Cathamber : Welcome

This thread is for your character creation. Take a look at welcome and character creation.

If you have any questions you can post them here or if you think they are general on the Q&A
Feb 21, 2024 10:58 pm
Thanks for accepting new characters!

I was thinking about some sort of diplomat/negotiator. There are plenty of fighters and rogues in the adventure already!

As a first draft:
1. Beastfolk - Giant Crow
2. Traits: Beast speaker & insightful (hoping to learn 'charismatic' later)
3. Weapon Group: Ranged (hopefully using some sort of recurved short bow, so he could use it even when flying)
4. Trade: trader? negotiator?... not sure how to approach this. Probably a trade that would suit a future diplomat could be a son of a shop-keeper or inn-keeper... All suggestions here are welcomed.
5. "For peace and honor"

I already created a Character Sheet (as draft) and submitted it to the game for feedback. This is the first time I am using this 'tinyd6' system, hopefully I got it right :) .
Feb 22, 2024 5:43 am
ranged group, bow weapon
if you want you could be a noble or merchant ambassador vs shop/merchant
and a belt of holding
Looks like you are good to go.

FYI - If you get charismatic I am working on a Bardic magic trait, or you can focus on Beast Speaker and become a druid with animal companions. But that is far in the future. I will get your story going tomorrow.
Feb 22, 2024 5:51 am
About the trade, I'd love it if he 'earns' the noble title... within the adventure. And having a trader's past would allow him to have a good eye at evaluating quality and worth of goods.

For the future, I'd say he will prefer the Bardic magic option... but he'll see that when he gets there.

As for posting frequency, I'll be around every other day (if I can honestly post more often, I will... but shouldn't commit to it).

Last edited Feb 22, 2024 6:24 am
Feb 22, 2024 1:43 pm
Please post to
- the Who's Who thread a shot intro to your character
- The Posting Rate Poll

I am thinking of pulling you in with a couple other novices in the Fey Relations story but will give you an lead in story fist.
If you can post here, or as part of your who's who, what prompt Arc to leave the life of a merchant to go adventuring then I will start your intro
Feb 22, 2024 3:00 pm
Sounds great!
A quico question... I know some sistems allow for a special/optional TRADE at the start based on 'weaknesses'...
I'm thinking aloud here, maybe we can further flavor this character by having a constant disadventage (f.e. fear of enclosed spaces) in exchage for a new trait (f.e. charismatic).
I am guessing this fear would mean he avoids underground, or very small rooms without Windows (he could go through corridos as long as he thinks he is just passing theough). Regarding mechanics, just treat most rolls that require concentration as at disadventage when affected (except for trait-related ones).

Do you think that could work?
Feb 22, 2024 3:12 pm
I've convinced this but decided to not use the mechanic to keep it simple for beginners. If your want the character flaw for the challenge go for it. As a bonus you are totally in afraid of heights and are protective to weather changes. But again that not mechanics just flavor.

FYI you gain your first additional trait very quickly in my game
Feb 22, 2024 3:55 pm
Alright then, Arc is somewhat afraid of underground but not to a mechanics-affecting degree... And somewhat protected to weather changes. As a bird-based flying character I need to assume he loves heights!

I've already voted on the posting rate poll.
I'll write the who's who intro shortly.
Feb 22, 2024 10:23 pm
Who's who post done!
As I look at it, already posted... I realized it resulted longer than I had thought. Hopefully that is not a problem, but I can shorten it if required.

Arc is ready, probably in an unknown small town (or wherever you see fit), to be involved in adventure.
Feb 22, 2024 11:55 pm
Well, you did an entire intro scene and yeah its a bit long.
Note to self ask for a short, 1 para graph, description next time :)
Leave it for now and I will pull it into the story you will be joining later tonight. After that if you could post a short description/bio of 1 paragraph I would appreciate it.
Feb 23, 2024 3:48 am
Quick question. How do your wings work. I am flexible on how you interpret wings but it can affect game play a bit. Standard options are
+ angelic wings on a biped, Birdfolk like this usually have hands and feet like a bird's talons. These are the easiest to play but I limit their size and cary capacity as their wings are not as dominant
+ anthropomorphic bird, 2 legs, 2 wings. The legs are prehensile. Due to how limited their grasping is I usually give these the best/strongest wings
+ bat/dinosaur like wings with a few finger/talons at the middle joint. These are in between the other two in their wing strength
Feb 23, 2024 3:49 am
The main doors flew open as a tall black-feathered Ravenfolk enters the tavern. He stopped for an instant by the entrance and spotted you on a table near the counter.
Hey Inanna, he half-shouted to the lady behind the counter while walking to the table. Have your usual red ale arrived? You know how I enjoy a pint after a hard day’s work.

The young lady winked him back when he finished asking, but her hands where already serving the fine stock way before. After all, he was a local, and they had been friends since childhood.

He sat and took the bag from his belt and put it on the table. Also reached for his bow and put it in the back of his chair. That way he would be much more comfortable for the conversation.
In an instant his big cold mug was in the table. Now, while his hand moved to grab the mug, he looked at you. I remember your question, and we have both arrived here, so I’ll do as I promised, but now… where to begin?

Arc drank a good mouthful from his mug.

You know, my parents have a store. It was a small one, when I was young. But my father became one of the merchants’ guild leaders, a member of the high trading council and his store grew as fast as his importance in the clan.

Arc takes a sip of ale, and leans back in the chair.

I enjoyed for a time helping him out with, well, the usual store tasks… helping customers, ordering products in the shelves, helping customers, giving messages, visiting suppliers, helping customers, and as I grew up also registering accounts. Did I mention helping customers? I can’t remember how many time my father stressed the importance of that one.

His eyes rolled high… He understood the importance of such task, but never got why the endless repetition of this insight from his father.

Anyhow, living in such large forests of the shattered lands meant my village was in the top of trees. You know? Canopy huts, canopy stores… a few thin hanging bridges for visitors. We usually just flew around. He laughs as he remembers something long forgotten. You know? There lived a retired bard, not far from the store. I’d visit her sometimes when very young to hear the stories of old, of wars and heroes. Latter, I mean, when I wasn’t that young, I’d go and learn bits of songs and some very basic flute techniques. It was fun! But I never finished the basic studies. She died of old age before I left my town.

Arc lifts his mug but suddenly he realizes that it is almost empty. He takes the final sip, and continues his tale.

Yes, of course, why did I leave? I’ve always been quite tall for a Ravenflok, way taller than most of my age. Some of the clan elders wanted me to pursue a military life. And my mother invited me to pursue a merchant’s life… constantly. I do love my mother, but she can be quite persistent! Well, she also taught me to love nature as she does. After turning of age, my father called me to have a talk.

You see, him and me, we used to talk a lot, play jokes, and well do stuff together, and with the rest of the family and clan. But only sometimes, every couple of years, he would invite me for a TALK. We would fly somewhere private, far from town, and he would provide serious council about life and death, and growing up and expectations, of rights and responsibilities.
Suddenly Arc grows a bit serious. Those talks were never long, never playful, never useless… they were truth to the bone, in a very efficient speech that wouldn’t allow for negotiation nor misinterpretation. I can’t speak like that, not even today after so many years! I learned a lot, I learned to love innovation and respect tradition. I learned the value of life... well, probably I am still learning that last one!

Out of thin air, Inanna had arrived and was changing the empty mug for a full one. You look thirsty today, Arc. He smiled at her. Thanks Ina! You know me too well already.

What were we talking about? Oh, sure… So, if I was to become a diplomat and help to bring peace to all the land, if I was to learn what was needed to do that, I had to leave the town. My mother was doubtful, my father supportive… specially when he revealed to me the existence of a Tower of Knowledge… most elders disappointed, and my siblings sad. Did I mention them before? I have 25 siblings. We avians usually have more siblings than other peoples, but my parents!! They married quite young and they… they loved having a big family!

He drank the full second mug in one fell swoop. It’s been 2 years now, the last one here in this town. I hope to visit them soon, but who knows. Of course, I still carry this. He motions proudly to a small patch in his chest belt with a coat of arms and a motto: For Peace And Honor. My family’s. And smiles.



Feb 23, 2024 4:36 am
Well that quite the tale but what's next? I am sure it is not staying here. To quiet. To dull.
Back to the family or on to the tower? There are many legends but I am sure you've heard them all by now
she says with a smile.
Feb 23, 2024 7:38 am
So true, yes. You are smart as... well, as you always are. But you already know I'm not an official diplomat yet, so I won't be going home anytime soon: the Tower it is!
Arc lets this second mug relax his muscles, and the familiarity of the tavern relax his mind. He should sleep in town tonight, buy some food for the yourney in the morning, and be 'back on the road' after that.

Hey Ina, can I see again that old parchment with a map? Ina takes the old map from its hanging position in the wall You are the only one in town who have any interest in this old parchment, here. Arc studies, one more time, the forrests, the rivers, the towns, not to get lost in such a long yourney ahead. Specially since he will be flying most of the time to travel faster (that is, faster that walking).
Feb 23, 2024 7:54 am

I would guess that Arc arrived at this town looking for working opportunities, like helping sort out local disputes by negotiation. Probably involving merchants or the local guard or some farmers. I'd assume he visited this tavern every night to say hi to his childhood friend, and also to eat and drink before going to sleep. Today is different in that he finished solving a dispute, all parties accepted the proposed terms, and he can leave the town happy that his job is fulfilled (and his coins' pouch a bit heavier). Of course, this wouldn't be the first town he visited in such spirit (he aims to the Tower but he has no hurry to get there), and regarding his diplomat training this hopefully IS the most successful town!
I'll leave the details to you.

Of course, if you want to rewind time a bit in order to roleplay some of those negotiations, I'll be happy to. I just think you may want to have Arc around the Base/Tower area soon. We could also encounter some unexpected situations in the road...
Last edited Feb 23, 2024 7:58 am
Feb 23, 2024 2:14 pm
Sounds like you might have gotten some experience as a lawyer/arbiter
I am a bit confused about a childhood friend here after you left home, but assume either you move around or she left you home at some point? No big deal. Totally cool that you build so much story.
Yes you will have a couple encounters on the way to the tower :) (not evil grin at all) Avant!
The map is a patchwork or known, suspected, first hand, second hand, rumored detail put together after the shattering by a clerc working for the local lord while trying to recover some civilization after the shattering. The Tower was a great edifice with multiple smaller towers connected to it somehow, according to legend, and one of the reports from a traveler was of a "great tower taller than the sky". The report places it far to the east and south. Even flying it will likely take you several days. You will be leaving the western wild woods, yes some fool thought alliteration was funny, and crossing the grasslands. The tower was reported to be somewhere along a river at the western end of the swampy region.
I do not track most essential supplies but you can add a few items to your starter pack as you wish. Use the stores located on the ~Tiny Info~ sheet. Check the "Stores" section and you can add what you like. Buy and sell at cheap prices, "C" column.

The ~Tiny Info~ has a bunch of information for quick reference and can be accessed by tapping the grey button below the Rolls section. or opening it from the Characters menus at the bottom of the page. Additional information can be added here upon request.

Common queries are added to Tiny Q&A

Go ahead and set yourself on your way when ready.
Feb 23, 2024 2:32 pm
That's great!
About 'childhood friend', I'd suggest Arc left town before Inanna, so he was surprised to meet her here. Seems like she is in a path of her own, and travelled to this town while Arc was getting experience elsewhere.
In RL I am no lawyer, haha, that's why having such character will hopefully be fun for all.

Arc will buy some travelling stuff before sleeping this night, and depart at dawn ¿How much coin does he have?
Last edited Feb 23, 2024 2:33 pm
Feb 23, 2024 3:24 pm
GP : 9 SP : 9 CP : 10
Good silver copper
It is below gear on the sheet
Feb 23, 2024 5:21 pm
I justo relized I forgot to answers the type of wings, sorry about that!
Since he is already flying around, carrying small pouches/bags, and drinking mugs -with hands- in the tavern... It is between 1st and 3rd option.
I do have a strong preference for feathered rather than membrane-like wings, but I guess the 3rd option could be based on feathers also.
How different are size and carrying capacity between those two?
Also, I picked the magic bag because I wanted to avoid carrying capacity issues while travelling long distancie. Was It ok to assume that parte of it's magic diminushes not only size but also weight of the objectos kept within?
Feb 23, 2024 6:09 pm
This system encourages not getting too nitty gritty so the whole wing configuration vs weigh is just conceptual.
It just made sense to me that the wing configuration would affect max load/speed.
A + angelic 2 arm / 2 leg / 2 wing walk/fly 50/50
B + anthropomorphic bird, 2 legs, 2 wings best flyer, improved distance/speed
C + Wings with 2-3 fingers Flight ~ run & Glide ~ walk

For the pouch I am fine with double capacity and half weight. This is a beginner minor magic not a full magic items so its effects are limited.
Feb 23, 2024 6:14 pm

I guess this would be config A?

That works for me... But on a black-feathered Raven style.
Feb 23, 2024 6:27 pm
Are the wings attached to the arms? If so it is more C and A. If C then using the bow while flying would be hard.
I assume you want A so you can use the bow while in flight. The wings in that image would be behind the arms and not connected.
Type A can still fly/glide but would need to rest so an all day journey would be fly 1 hour, rest/walk 1/2, repeat. Something like that. Of course due to the extra limbs they are more versatile so
Feb 23, 2024 6:53 pm
Arc walks around the shop, looking for small things he may need for the travel. Then goes to sleep.

Yes, I would surely use the bow while flying! A it is.

He bought: blanket, tinderbox, 5 candles, quiver, whistle, oíl flask, 10 thin & long torches, expensive dagger. Coin is already adjusted on PC sheet.

And he is ready! Let's Rock n' Roll!!
The next day, he wakes up early, thanks his previous customer for the room, hastly visits Ina to say goodbye and hits the road.

He recalls his good deeds in the town, and starts walking to the west (broadly towards the Tower).

He is not sure how far is the next town, so he will save his energy... so he walks for now.
Last edited Feb 25, 2024 12:27 am
Feb 26, 2024 1:59 pm
Walking out of town gets Arc a few farewells from dinner of the locals he had come to know. Once it is town he takes the best road though he knows it will not last. Where he is heading there are no roads.
Flying and walking Arc spends the day in solitaire contemplation and he continues treking east. By sunset the woods have begin to clear a bit and the road had drinks to a thin track. Looking around Arc ponders where to camp for the night. Thankfully his people ate still able to perch as they rest and there are trees large enough to sorry him. Not that it guarantees his safety as big cats are known to prowl the woods as well as wolf packs and the of monster or fey. For may help out hinder.....
Do you spend time looking for a better campsite or just take the first good looking one?
Any other evening preparations?
Roll Tests for actions/plans please
Feb 26, 2024 3:13 pm
A basic Test is a roll of 2d6. If your have advantage from a trait or trade it is 3d6. Discharge rolls are 1d6.
Any test with at least 1 dice showing a 5 or 6 is a success.
Feb 26, 2024 10:32 pm
Ark notice the sun is already setting... He somehow expected to reach a town or homestead before nightfall, but this wouldn't be the first night outdoors, nor the last he thought.

He had been walking, but now he flew up high. He looked for a town, or maybe smoke (as in... there may be a fireplace close enough), otherwise he would look for a very tall, strong, and hopefully lonely tree. Those were the safest... or at least the least dangerous ones. Being a lonely tree would not allow animal hunters to jump from other tree to attack him. And being tall enough would allow him to sense any movement from a climbing big cat... or so he was told.
He will fly around for the last 20 minutes before sunset... Then he would go to the best place he spotted. He surely prefers a warm bed in a house or inn!, otherwise, a tall tree will have to do.
If he can't find anything better than a tall tree... he would look for any small animal around the selected tree, to ask it about dangers in the area (beast speaker trait). When he find a suitable tree, he would loosely put his rope around the trunk, few meters below his prefered sleeping branch. And then he would tie 2 of his torches to the rope. This makeshift trap is suppose to fall to the floor if any big-cat or other hunter touches it while trying to climb the tree, making some noise, and thus waking him up so he can fly up and avoid battle. He would also eat a ration and cover himself with his dark blue cloak not to be seen easily.
I hope I'm getting the rolls correctly!! Otherwise, feel free to roll any extra dice as needed to keep a good pace :)


Looking of a good spot to spend the night - (2d6)


Looking for small animals to talk to - (2d6)


Talking to small animals (beast speaker) if he finds one - (3d6)


Making noise trap - (2d6)


Feb 27, 2024 1:11 am
LoL Your first roll and it ia MAX nice
Though it is getting dark you soar into the sky and scan for a good place to spend the night. As you glide back and forth searching for a decent placet to spend the night you spot a pari of figure ladn with a pole carrying a heavy load. Circling lower you realize they are dressed in buckskins and the load they cary is a fresh kill. Thinking a hunters lodge or cabin beats sleeping in the open woods you swoop down and get in front of them before finding a clearing to land.

As soon as your feet touch the ground three large and vicious looking houndsburst from the bracken and encircle you growling. Imediately you speak soothing words and all three ceast their growling and look at you with confusion.

A moment later the two men make themselves known, with bows drawn. A sharp whistile and the hounds back off into the brush as the two men look you over. Still standing with bows ready, but not aimed directly at you, the one on the left finally speaks up. Evening stranger. Fancy meeting you here. I thought we would have to rescue you from our hounds only to see you sitting all pretty in the midst of them. Odd thing that. Names Luvash. Thats my brother Arrigal. What bring you here to out neck of the woods?
Feb 27, 2024 7:48 am
Yes! That's lucky! Off to a good start
Arc opens his arms to show he is unarmed. And allows his cloak to hang naturally on his back, as not to cover himself nor bow or his bag. Specially not the bow, he won't get it out, but he allows them to easily notice it. Since they are hunters, they may find common ground on marksman experience, an easy first topic to start friendly conversation. He wishes to show that he is not hiding anything from the newcomers.

Evening master Luvash, and master Arrigal. And congratulations on your hunt!
I'm a traveler, a diplomat, sometimes I hunt myself. This morning I left Dojbri town hoping to arrive to a new town before sunset... but alas! I didn't clear the woods before it.

While speaking, he watches both of the hunters. At fisrt glance they would seem friendly, but Arc learned to be aware. Then, in a happier tone:

Is this your area of the woods? I'm so lucky to find you! I was just looking for a place to spend the night, would you mind suggesting a good one? Preferably one with a warm bed?

Arc stands comfortably on the same spot, he will not back nor he will get closer until invited. If they are indeed friendly and suggest a nice place to sleep, he will offer his help in carrying the game.


Are them truly trustworthy? (Insightful) - (3d6)


Feb 27, 2024 12:53 pm
Arc get the feeling the two men are simply being cautios at this point. More interactions will reveal their trustworthyness but the fact they have not simply shot fist asked questions later is a good and hopeful sign.


Dojbri town? Well now, been a while since we've been there. Aint no towns out this way anymore. Just the odd setlement. Closest one is Dimglen, about 5 miles south of here. That'd be the place to go if you want a "good" bed. Ours are a step above dirt floor and a step below a proppre bed.

The two men ease their bows and Juvash dissapears back into the thick cover with one of the hounds at his heals as you chat with Arrigal to return with their kill slung over his broad shoulders moments later. You find out that the area is sparecly ppulated and many that did live out here have retreated due to the recent strange stroms that have been sweeping the lands. Dimglen remained due to its rather unique nature.

You have heard tale of the odd storms but not seen one yourself. Th local nobility of the land have been claiming that the ancient being they serve, Titans, Fey Lords, and the like have been keeping much of the storms at bay. Many theoris have been mixed into the rumors that those further away from the centers protected have brought in but little fact is known so most that were safe ignore the tales as it did not impact them.

The men are trappers and hunters and have a seasonal cavern turned house not to far from here they offer to let you spend the night on a sleep pallet but also give directions to Dimglen and several markers likely to be visibly from the sky to keep track of your way from the sky should you choose to fly there.
Feb 27, 2024 2:01 pm
Arc listens carefully the men's accounts, the tales about storms, and then he puts special effort to remember those markers to get to Dimglen.
If one of the hounds gets too close to him, he would briefly say to it a couple of reassuring words, and then pet it (if the hound allows it).

As it is quite late already, I appreciate your offer to stay tonight at your home. I would enjoy sharing news from Dojbri, and hearing from you what you could mention about these storms. And maybe there is something I can do to thank your hospitality?

Arc plans to ask them about this 'unique nature of Dimglen', what does that mean? And if all goes well, plans to fly to Dimglen tomorrow after breakfast.
I am stating Arc's plans because I don't know whether you have something prepared for this night at the woods or prefer to FF to Dimglen. I'm happy either way.
Last edited Feb 27, 2024 9:14 pm
Feb 29, 2024 5:31 am
The pair explain that Dimglen is actually a cavern below a massive rock outcropping. The cavern is filled with luminous mushrooms that give it its name. They put you up with a decent meal and sleeping pad. In the morning they review the directions to Dimglen and you set off.

Roll a test, 2d6, to follow directions and spot your destination.
Feb 29, 2024 7:07 am
Arc offers to help them with whatever task needed around Theory camp. Probably with some preparation of their game. He wakes up early in the morning, thanks their hospitality and hits the road.
In his head, humming an old travelers melody of his hometown... Hit the road, Jack
He heard carefully the directions and markets and fly the next half hour to recognize the first markets from the air, then continúes walking.
Last edited Feb 29, 2024 11:41 am


Follow direction - (2d6)


Feb 29, 2024 1:52 pm
The sun has not yet risen above the horizon and the dim light of dawn fills the sky with plenty of light to fly. Flapping your wings to stay aloft Arc begins to grow a bit concerned. The directions were simplle enought and you definitely passed the first landmark and were on your way to the second but something is wrong. The third should have been in sight before passing the second and reaching the second should not take this long. Looking around you are alarmed to realize that it hs grown darker instead of lighter despite there not being any couds in the sky. Arc suspect some form of magic but can not think of anything specific at this point to help him.
You can list multiplle options with specifics or just general intent adding Test rolls for actions that may/may not succeed and i will give results and stop once a declared objective is reached.

So any time you roll a test the standard is 2d6 and success occurs whenever a 5 or 6 is rolled. Some traits and your trade will give advantage so you roll 3d6 but some situations give disadvantage, like attacking with a wepon you are not proficient with, and then you can only roll 1d6 on each test.
Feb 29, 2024 5:01 pm
can you shorten the entry on who's who to a 1 paragraph description of you character
Feb 29, 2024 11:56 pm
In the morning, the sun is supposed to get the day brighter... but grew darker! As in a storm forming, but without clouds. He remembers Arrigal mentioned strange storms, and he doesn't want to be flying if such thing happens.

Arc, not only lost but also worried about this strange weather feels he must change his course.

First he will look for anything in the terrain that looks like some kind of cover in case an actual storm arrives... a cave? a rocky formation? He wants to take cover until the storm passes.

If he can't find any reasonable cover, he will try to go back to the first landmark and look for cover there.

After the probable storm, he will go back to first landmark and, remembering the simple instructions, try to discover what he did wrong to correct the course. Even asking other animals for directions.
Oh well...

Does the course correcting roll use focus?

He just started playing and feels like he will be struck by lightning, from a cloud-less storm, in the middle of a strange forest, lost and alone... such a horrible death...
Last edited Mar 1, 2024 12:41 pm


Finding cover - (2d6)


Correcting course (at 1st landmark) - (2d6)


Asking directions from animals to get to the 2nd landmark. - (2d6)


Mar 1, 2024 12:06 am
Who's who description shortened.
Mar 1, 2024 9:53 pm
Move Arc into a story thread in A to Z Adventures with Zeekhad
Mar 12, 2024 9:40 pm
Psybermagi sent a note to Cathamber
Mar 12, 2024 9:41 pm
I other discussions on player character threads of the game. If you don't want others to read just put you comments on a note so only I can see it
Mar 12, 2024 10:53 pm
I can easily see Arc becoming a druid with a water elemental companion with healing powers. Is that possible?
Mar 12, 2024 11:19 pm
sure. I will get you the specifics on animal companions
Mar 19, 2024 1:39 pm

About the Tower tests... how should Arc procede to the Simulation and the Personalizas tests? I mean, the Simulation is meant to have 3 items, but Arc doesnt yet knows which ones he got...
Or should he just Rol dice for each?
Mar 19, 2024 1:51 pm
The idea is to use what I stayed at guidelines and just pick any 3 items that you think are reasonable. Creation your own story and content.
The rolls are just used to indicate above our below you characters baseline. You can even narrate you own roll results.

The idea is the tower evaluation from the GM/player perspective is to express your characters abilities and methods to me and the other players. For the story it is just an hour of testing, done, move on
Mar 21, 2024 1:29 pm
Regarding reading and writing...
Arc's background includes Shop Trader as a trade, and it relates to been part of a family of merchants: He has been part in keeping inventory records as well as keeping accounting updated.
What level of literacy shall we assume in relation to the Tower's books? Clerk-level?
Mar 21, 2024 1:41 pm
With that background he works be considered well learned with math and records so knows how to read but had had limited access to books. Equivalent to at a primary school graduate. History would be fine but book on theory of magic and life would be hard and or slow to comprehend
Mar 23, 2024 1:45 am
Ok, thats great.
And how would studying about animals helps him to get closer to be ArchDruid?
I mean... Does the time studying in the Tower allows for a better selection on animal/beast companions, or something similar?

On the other hand, as Arc has been reading, I have also been reading about posible animal companions and found:

Do you think finding one of those is posible?
Last edited Mar 23, 2024 10:17 am
Mar 23, 2024 1:45 pm
Technically you do not need to by the very simple system mechanics. However it does fit a story nicely. You could get another trait pertaining to this. Something like one of the basics (below) or a hybrid of them

Dungeoneer: You gain Advantage when attempting to find your way through a dungeon or cave system and when attempting to identify creatures native to dungeons or caves.

Educated: You gain Advantage when checking to see if you know specific information.

Survivalist: These berries are safe to eat… I think. You gain Advantage when Testing to forage for food, find water, seek shelter, or create shelter in the wild.

As for companions, I think of them as typically summoned and not found. I will get you the templates but do not see a problem with the basic ideas you proposed
Mar 23, 2024 2:06 pm
Animal Companions
Animal Companions are the providence of Archdruids, powerful creatures that follow the call of nature, and serve alongside as friends and allies.
All animals have the same Animal Traits, having a basic melee attack, and a template from the list below. They also get two Traits from the Player Trait List that can make some level of sense when applied to animals. Animal Companions are exceptionally unique and should be different than a standard of their kind, but they should not have limited access to magic, or other Adventurer-specific abilities. Your Game Master has the final say on whether a Trait is appropriate or not. I allow some access to magic but will have to approve it.

Small Creature Template
Little, fast, easier to maintain, this type represents small cats, dogs, or birds.
4 Hit Points
Small Creatures get the Evasive and Sneaky or Fly and Evasive. Add 2 other traits with GM approval.
• Evasive: Whenever you are attacked, you may roll a d6. On a success, the attack misses. This does not stack with Evade.
• Fly: This creature can fly up to 60 feet an action.
• Sneaky: As per the Player Trait (see Page 36).

Medium Creature Template
A medium creature represents an animal such as a medium hunting cat (like a leopard or bobcat), a wolf, a deer, or some other form of animal a little smaller, to a little bigger than human.
6 Hit Points
• Maul: As one action, this creature can make three attacks with Disadvantage.
Add 2 other traits with GM approval.

Large Creature Template
A large creature represents horses, stags, large hunting cats (like tigers or lions), or bears.
8 Hit Points
• Crushing Blow: All attacks this creature makes deal 2 damage.
Add 2 other traits with GM approval.
Mar 23, 2024 3:49 pm
Sounds great!
I'll give further thought on which of those 2 options to chooce.
For the 2 other traits, Will It be ok to have Vigilant and Healer?

Last edited Mar 23, 2024 3:56 pm
Mar 23, 2024 5:01 pm
Arc currently is currently a Novice so with your Quick Shot trait you are good to go. Once you are a veteran you will gain weapon Mastery, which happens quickly but still requires some rest, IE not new skills or trait in the middle of a fight. Both those traits are fine for a companion. FYI : I only allow companions to have 1 mystic (magic/special) trait.
Also If a companion dies you can not simply re-summon it but don't need a full trait to restore it. Either an expensive scroll/magic or a short quest to find/restore the companions physical vesel.
Mar 23, 2024 5:49 pm
So... After getting the bow weapon mastery:

Mar 23, 2024 6:29 pm
sounds good
Mar 25, 2024 5:33 am
Yes, I see what you mean. Probably an Owl would be more appropiate.
Mar 25, 2024 12:02 pm
Let just say you spend some time training with the guards and other adventurers to improve your weapon technique. That combines with your experience with the tower is enough to raise you to veteran so go ahead and add weapon mastery.
Mar 25, 2024 12:38 pm
Ok, so he just went looking for the guards to train with them.
Oh, I see about the messages, I didn't kniw the diferencie, thanks!
Mar 25, 2024 2:24 pm
I use notes and private for information to players that others may not be aware of. Players use it the talk with me or other DM without revealing plans and thoughts. Sometimes these are made public later when relevant
Mar 26, 2024 1:23 am
Now I understand, thanks!!

About visiting the druid... I feel that Arc used that time in the Tower to train with the bow. As you said, Arc already included the weapon mastery in his traits.

I dont feel It would be fair to fit both weapon training and druid talk within such short time available. I'm ok with Arc building up some XP now, so when he gets to the druid he can 'learn' his first ArchDruid trait with her. We could even role play how he learns to summon of the companion we talked about before, if that works for you of course.

And I'm not really worried about how should Arc get to the swamp, because he can fly there from the base. Specially since flying speed is usually way faster than walk! And his fighting skills should have improved a lot by now, in case some enemies were to show Up.
Apr 5, 2024 9:35 pm
By now, Arc is happy with the scout role he is somehow taking in the last events
He is also waiting for a good time to try his new fighting techniques with the bow :)
Apr 19, 2024 1:37 am
Arc's thoughts after the fey dancing event...

Nature is great, Nature is free, Nature is wise.

Great: People are not in front of Nature, people are part of Nature. We ARE within.
Free: Going against freedom IS working against Nature.
Wise: Trying to own Nature IS plainly stupid.

None can own Nature, but some if its beings can be guided by other beings if they are well respected. Smarter beings, people, have responsability over less smart beings and Nature provides them with power. Nature's power used respectfully will be rewarded, but not used respectfully will be punished.

Arc will need to visit the druid soon...
Apr 22, 2024 6:53 am
Quick question. As veteran, how did the XP points work to buy traits?
I am sure I saw it somewhere but can't find it now :)
Apr 22, 2024 12:40 pm
You get XP as determined by the GM at the end of a "session". (This is a rather nebulous division. Don't sweat it.) As you gain XP, you can spend it on the following:
Gain 1 HP - 6XP
Gain Weapon Proficiency Group - 8XP
Gain Mastery of Weapon - 8XP
Gain Trait - 10XP
Apr 22, 2024 8:12 pm
Ok, ok. Thanks Daryen!!
And... Is there a reference as to how much XP can be gained? I would expect this not to be too strict, but a broad reference is enough. Thx
Apr 22, 2024 8:55 pm
You will typically get 1-3 XP per "session". (Again, "session" is a bit of a nebulous term.) Elsewhere Psybermagi lists what you get XP for.

There is no limit on the number of XP you can gain as a character. There are no "levels", either. The only standard limit is that you can only have a maximum of seven chosen Traits. (I.e. you don't count any traits you gain from your heritage.) Once you have that limit of traits, then any trait you gain requires it to replace an existing one. Other than that, there aren't any limits that I am aware of.

But it does take a while to get all of that. ForeverDED (Blornvid) and I (Skeeve) have been here longer than anyone else, and neither of us have quite yet reached our Trait limits. So, it does take a while to get there.
Apr 23, 2024 4:02 pm
Thanks again Daryen!
This looks very promising, hopefully our team will have some kind of rest after this library event.
May 14, 2024 1:50 pm
Psybermagi sent a note to Cathamber
May 15, 2024 12:37 am
Psybermagi sent a note to Cathamber
May 15, 2024 7:28 am
Good to know! :)

I see you updated both XP and the History part of Arc profile, thanks! But the Bow Mastery (from becoming veteran) got erased in the process, I'll return it later.
Last edited May 15, 2024 7:58 am
May 15, 2024 11:53 am
I moved weapon mastery up next to proficiency
May 15, 2024 2:47 pm

Another question - sorry to have so many lately :) - If Arc takes the Druid Trait two times, so as to have two animal companions... How does it count for the purpose of the 7 traits limit? Does it count 2, or 1 (with 2 companions).
May 15, 2024 2:52 pm
That would be two Traits.

For example, Skeeve has taken Archmage twice for different sets of magic abilities. That counts as two separate Trait choices.
May 15, 2024 4:03 pm
During the week everybody was around the Base, Arc visited the stores.
Did he see anything interesting for him? For example magic archery bracelets that may boost his shooting ability? Or a book that may allow him to learn about psionics? Or an invisibility cloak (I know it is somewhat cliché, but still very useful)?
May 15, 2024 4:19 pm
I'll roll random magic tonight and let you know.
FYI Potter's clock is legendary. You won't find it in a shop.
May 15, 2024 4:40 pm
Well magic cloaks are way older than Potter, but I do get what you say. So no enchanted bow that shoots flaming arrows on command... yet. And Arc doesn't have much coin anyway.

Arc is into archery, psionics and you have already seen he became the team's scout... anything related to any of those 3 activities would be greatly appreciated!
Last edited May 15, 2024 4:42 pm
May 15, 2024 5:11 pm
Basics of Psionics could be studied in the library
May 15, 2024 5:15 pm
I see, but Arc doesn't have much XP yet to get a new trait... If he spends a week studying it in the library, can he get XP related to that specific topic?
Sep 6, 2024 5:45 pm
DM says:
the manor has a small populous from a cursed eleven city. There are druids as well. So if you want beast speaker and healer as you first 2 traits that would be ok. Otherwise let me know what you want for your character, create it as if beginning from scratch in the game and they should level up quick
Cathamber says:
I read this part of the adventure and figured that a party of two may be small for a proper adventure, so I thought they would benefit from another pc for a short while (or a NPC that is actually played) until the team gets to proper size, or so. Of course, I would also enjoy playing a magic-based character for the first time in the tiny system! Having said that, I'm happy to follow your advice for this PC profile and starting level.
Yeah, I was hoping to merge them with others but it may take some time unless I railroad them. :P
I was considering an NPC but if you want to join then you should do so as a player. I don't normally allow/encourage multiple PC but it will make it easier and more fun to have more in the group. Thanks.

The locals are refugees from the elven city but there were other races, I haven't fully detailed it, so feel free to build you character as you see fit. The earlier options are just ideas/suggestions. Submit the character when you are ready. You can drop your DM character then submit the new one. If you want to DM at a later date we can discuss it then
Sep 8, 2024 9:44 pm
Sounds good to me. Of course, he and Arc shall never meet in game (unless upon your request).
I'm all in for a druidic-flavored elf PC, although I don't yet understand the animal companion topic... What can those animals actually do?

I was originally thinking something around a healer, for sure! But I wasn't sure whether focusing on magic (as spell-touched), or on d&d-style druid (as shapeshifting), or as tiny-style druid (animal companions) because I don't know those enough. Having said that, and considering that I'm creating this (N)PC mainly to help the manor team, I'm open for suggestions! I'll be happy either way.

So far...
Sylvandur Hathil Amdir
Heritage: Elf (Spiritual)
HP: 6
Initial Traits: Healer, Beast speaker?
Magic small item: A bamboo straw that when blown into produces water (Up to ten gallons a day.)
Basic gear + elven green&brown cloak + healer kit + herbalist kit
Weapon group: ranged (sling)
Family Trade: herbalist
Belief: Nature is the ultimate wisdom

Also. Shall he start as rookie or novice? I'm asking because I don't think I need introductory session by now... If novice, then he should choose Combat Medic instead of Weapon Mastery. And take Druid? when veteran.
Last edited Sep 8, 2024 10:21 pm
Sep 8, 2024 10:10 pm
You have to take Beast Speaker in order to get the animal companion (Archdruid). So, you do need that. Also, unless he makes an exception, Archdruid has to be taken with XP, not at Veteran. That said, this is functionally an NPC, so rules are there to be broken in that case. :-) Alternatively, it isn't unreasonable to start the character at Veteran + 10XP, too. That way the character is competent, but is still lower than Blornvid and only a mild step ahead of the other character. And having that companion will be a help, as it will be an extra combatant, so the group will effectively have four characters, not just three.
Sep 8, 2024 10:25 pm
Oh, I see... you are right in that prerequisite should be complied, and in that we'll see which level/XP should he start from..
Also, would the first animal companion should be a fighting one (a wolf or gorilla)? Or an informative one (a sneaky cat for example)?

Then, I'll let Sybermagi hints us on how to finish this (kind-of-N)PC...
Last edited Sep 8, 2024 10:27 pm
Sep 8, 2024 11:26 pm
It can be whatever you want. The rules kinda assume they will be involved in combat, but you can have a bird if you or more of a pet if you want.

The base rules are:
1. Choose an animal size, Small, Medium, or Large.
1a. If Small, they get 4 HP, Evasive, Sneaky, and (if appropriate) Fly.
1b. If Medium, they get 6 HP and Maul.
1c. If Large, they get 8 HP and Crushing Blow.
2. Define what the animal is.
3. Choose two more Traits for them. These must make sense for animals.
4. You're done!

Maul means you can make three attacks instead of one, but all are at Disadvantage.

Crushing Blow means all attacks do 2 damage.
Sep 9, 2024 4:20 am
Thanks Darren!
Already looking good.
Now, I only need the starting level to finish it.
Sep 9, 2024 5:28 am
Ok, he is now submitted to approval.
On 'Notes' I left the skills options for levels higher than Rookie, so we can adjust fast as needed. If he gets to start al veteran (so that he can get the druid class) there is also the details for the first animal companion he would call.

Thanks a lot Daryen for the help with Animal Companions!!
Last edited Sep 9, 2024 5:30 am
Sep 9, 2024 12:15 pm
Crazy weekend so did not see this till late last night. Lets just start with Novice level for now without Archdruid. However with beast speech I am open to you starting with a basic animal pet/companion of size small or medium. So no special traits but you can get a wolf or owl, or ferret, or some such with 1 trait : fight, heightened scent, etc. Go ahead and join the story
Sep 9, 2024 12:54 pm
Ok, great!

Since they will be going underground, I don't think a bird will work... I'll call a ferret and be on my way.

Quick question, the small animals template gives 2 simple/common traits evade and sneak as basic while medium template gives 1 (maul), and then other 2 traits (that I'm guessing represent the magic nature of the animal companion called).The 1 trait you mentioned is on top of basic/natural ones (as in 1 not 2 magic skills) or should we just leave the natural ones?
Last edited Sep 9, 2024 1:09 pm
Sep 11, 2024 2:18 am
Outta curiosity, do you know the story of the Eldergrove refugees?
Sep 11, 2024 7:08 pm
Hi Daryen,
Actually, I don't!
Introducing the PC to Blornvid, I used the old "memory gap" trick to let the story continue... but I get the feeling I should learn that story, to allow Sylvandur to remember bit by bit what happened.
Do you know which thread should I read about it?
Sep 11, 2024 9:19 pm
Here is the Curing Eldergrove thread. It doesn't have the tiny bit about the refugees, but gives the overall story. The final part is buried in the New Paphos (The Base) thread somewhere.

The short version:
There was an ancient war that made it to Eldergrove. Eldergrove was powered by a magical mystical plant based intelligence guided by a council of elders. The elders screwed up and the intelligence panicked. The result was that all of the citizens of the city were infected by and taken over by plants controlled by the intelligence. A group of adventurers found the core of the intelligence and convinced it to release the citizens. One of the adventurers even stayed behind to help guide the intelligence.

Most of the citizens were not able to survive the removal of the plants and died. However, there were many that had originally been young enough to be viable without the plant infestation. The were moved to The Base/New Paphos who both didn't want them and couldn't handle them. Someone came up with the idea of moving them to the Manor, which is where they ended up.

That all said, from the survivor's perspective, they were taken over by their guardian plant intelligence, then they were waking up and getting shipped off to New Paphos, then to the Manor. There is no reason to believe that everyone was completely briefed on the actual story. So, quite frankly, your explanation is pretty much on-point from the character's perspective.
Sep 24, 2024 4:44 pm
Thanks a lot Daryen!!
Must have been exciting to gameplay through all that.

From Silvandur's point of view, he may be curious as to what really happened, and even willing to go back to investigate... but not soon.
Sep 26, 2024 3:31 pm
Sorry to drop this here, but I can't find it around the game's page...
Advancing as veteran requires different XP points for different traits/characteristics to 'learn'. Do you have the small table with that around?

Please do include those new heritage extended characteristics :)

Last edited Sep 26, 2024 4:16 pm
Sep 26, 2024 5:40 pm
+1 HP is 6 XP
Proficiency/Mastery is 8 XP
Trait is 10 XP

On the Eldergrove adventure, Skeeve was not there. However, I did read it all and Skeeve got the rundown from those that returned from it. Unfortunately, the two that returned from it soon left, apparently feeling Skeeve's crew at the time were too violent. (Honestly, not an unfair assessment.)
Sep 26, 2024 6:20 pm
I see... thanks for sharing!

About the XP, where shall we consider those heritage characteristics? 8xp or 10xp? I read that avians could opt for enhanced vision, and Arc may be interested as it works well with his scouting role.
Sep 27, 2024 2:44 am
Heritage Traits are Traits. So, 10 XP.

The benefit of the Heritage Trait is that (for non-humans) they can't be gained any other way and (for everyone) they don't count against your maximum number of Traits.
Sep 27, 2024 2:46 am
Heritage are the same as a trait so 10 XP
Sep 27, 2024 5:43 am
Ok, Great! Thx!
As soon as Arc gets back to base, and receives XP, I know what he will do :)
Sep 30, 2024 6:08 am
Ok, now at base, Arc gets the Sneaky trait.
He has been practicing during the last missions (not as successfuly as he would have thought), and will need it if he continues the path of a master Scout.
Oct 1, 2024 9:06 am
I was wondering...
If both Kaarik and Skeeve are learning some kind of 'hiding' magic, it may be best for the team that Arc postpones the sneaky trait and learns the Optics race heritage instead.
What do you think?
Oct 1, 2024 12:39 pm
Fine by my. It would be helpful in spotting trouble. Note it does not allow sight in absolute darkness of dep underground or magic
Oct 1, 2024 1:02 pm
Ok, then I'll adjust it.
Arc doesn't expect to EVER be underground again... but who knows, right?
Oct 5, 2024 10:00 pm
While at Base, after recovering Lady Alagondar's chest, Arc visits Vulpip.
He intriduces himself politely, describes himself as an scout and archer, and asks if Vulpip has any magically enhanced bow he would be willing to sell. Or if there is a chance the master artificer may create one for him.
Arc is very interested in improving the damage of the bow, if that is possible of course... (probably using a long recurve bow with enhanced strength wood?).

Only after speaking about a new bow, Arc will mention his medium interest in a magic leather armour appropriate for a scout.
Last edited Oct 5, 2024 10:02 pm
Oct 5, 2024 10:52 pm
For the record, Skeeve is deferring his illusion magic. It needs more "workshopping", so I'm waiting until later.

Valpip (artificer)


Oct 5, 2024 11:11 pm
Valpip (artificer)
The artificer thinks this would be possible. Simply creating a heavy draw bow would be simple enough.
Heavy Bow : This bow requires the wielder to have the Quick-shot trait. When using this bow loading takes 1 action and firing it another. However the base damage of the weapon is 2. (basically +1 damage but Quick-shot is negated)

Valpip says he can work with the blacksmith to craft the base model in about 1/2 week. and could possible add some enchantments to it but this would take longer (1-3 weeks).
Oct 6, 2024 9:43 am
Arc listens carefully to Valpip... Even if a heavy bow seems promising, Arc is not that fond of loosing his quick-shot ability. Maybe there is an option for a magically enhanced ice damage? Or paralysis damage? Arc also mentions he would wait for the new bow, even if he leaves for a new mission, he can pick it up after the returns.
Last edited Oct 6, 2024 9:44 am
Oct 6, 2024 1:49 pm
Valpip coup craft magic arrows quicly, while your in town. They can deal more damage or have social effects but be limited in number.

A full magic item takes time. He can craft one to spec in about a month or order a couple random ones from suppliers in about a week.
Oct 6, 2024 5:39 pm
Arc would like to know how much coin would it cost a bow that charges paralyzing arrows? Given that it would take a month, he is willing to wait that time.
Please consider that he doesn't want magic arrows, he wants his bow to 'charge' the arrows when he takes aim.
The paralyzing effect would preferably last more than a minute, but if it can't do that much, at least 20 seconds (3 rounds?).
Oct 6, 2024 7:19 pm
Here is are sample traits

Poisoned Bite (Melee Attack): On a successful hit, the enemy must roll a Save Test to avoid being poisoned. If the enemy fails, they are poisoned. While poisoned, all Tests performed by the enemy are at a Disadvantage. The poison effect lasts until the enemy rolls a successful Save Test on their turn.

Glacial Mind: Make a Test. You cause one target to lose an action on their next Turn.

Total paralysis is a but much on this system, but you can get something along those lines. Anything more powerful would be more $$$$ and time than you can afford. You can have a bow that does either the above but when you activate the special attack feature it does not damage. Damage plus special would require tweaking or cost more
Oct 6, 2024 8:34 pm
Ok, let's say "poison bite" effect+ normal damage of 1. How much would that cost?
Oct 6, 2024 10:50 pm
$1k for basic magic weapon, Special Effect +$1k, combined effect x2 = $4k
Oct 7, 2024 5:09 am
Ok, so currently Arc can't afford even the most basic magic weapon.
Where were the stores? I can't see to find them.

And, I can't read the 'Tiny Info' thing below the posts... Do I need to fix some config to get it back?
Oct 7, 2024 12:23 pm
Looks like it got it's sharing disabled. Back on now. If you can see Tiny Info then you should be able to read it. Try tapping the grey "Tiny Info" button below the posts, then check "Characters" for "Tiny Info" and try tapping that.
Oct 7, 2024 2:55 pm
Thanks a lot!!

I see a "$500 Restorative Belt : Magic healing gains +1 HP" in Fiznik's store. Can he do it in a headband instead of belt?
Last edited Oct 7, 2024 3:19 pm
Oct 7, 2024 6:17 pm
Nope. It is a complete item shipped in from elsewhere
Oct 8, 2024 6:58 pm
Ok. Thanks for checking
Jan 12, 2025 3:18 pm
Are Arc or Van gaining XP soon?
Seems to me they could be growing from lasts events, but I lost track with this season's holidays...
Jan 12, 2025 9:18 pm
Arc is definitely getting XP and at least the chance for a new Trait. I have to go back on my math, but you all have gained quite a bit, and you'll be able to "spend" it in Brahdhavehl.

I am not sure on Van.
Jan 13, 2025 5:08 am
Thanks Darren! They will both patiently wait for the math to be finished.
Jan 14, 2025 10:55 pm
Go ahead and figure out what Trait you want. You will have at least enough for that. I have to see if you also have enough for a proficiency or something, too.

When you left on this trip, you were all just short of being able to get something useful. During the trip, you never had much of a let-down to rest. So, you get a pretty good bump on the XP from this adventure. I will try to be more measured in the future. Still learning how to do this "pacing" thing!
Jan 15, 2025 11:54 am
That's great! And I'm not worry about the pacing, the adventures so far have been great!
Arc would get the Sneaky trait, and, if possible, weapon specialization in bow. With this I'm confident that his scouting skills will improve significantly. Also about Arc, his money disappeared from his sheet, do we have an easy way to bring that info back?

About Sylvandur... I created the character to accompany Turanel2 and ForeverDED see in their adventure to the northern mountains. Since they are returning to the Manor, and it may be confusing having 2 characters in the same thread/location. I'm thinking about granting him the XP and skills that he earned, and then having him help the Lady of the manor until he is needed again. Basically, Van would go to the background, maybe even NPC if you want to use him as an active helper for the Lady, until we want him back into action. Unless of course, you have something different in mind.
Last edited Jan 15, 2025 12:01 pm
Jan 15, 2025 6:01 pm
You'll get some more money from the city, so you'll be fine. I'll add some extra in to cover whatever you lost. I don't remember what you had, but it is going to be a pretty good chunk due to all of those gems the other lady gave us from the chest. So, you'll have decent money.

Van does have to go to the background for the moment, but I am more than willing to let you decide what he does in the background. Having him be a fully mobile human-sized servant of the Lady would work. He'd have to put up with the flighty Witic, though.
Jan 15, 2025 10:23 pm
Sound perfect.
About Arc's money, I recall something around 250gps, but I'm willing to let you handle it the way you prefer.

About Van, it is settled then, he goes to the background after getting his novice trait. Since he is designed to become archdruid, he will be happy to be the Lady's forest keeper, and something to do with animals. I guess Van should go back to the Manor with Magian...
Last edited Jan 15, 2025 10:25 pm
Jan 21, 2025 6:14 am
Daryen, I was wondering... Does Arc get these two new traits now or when he arrives back to the manor? I mean, could he use the weapon specialisation against the butterflies?
Jan 22, 2025 12:23 am
I like to make Trait acquisition during a "down time", but weapon specialization or Mastery takes effect immediately. However, unfortunately for Arc, the butterflies Disadvantage to hit makes all that irrelevant for this fight. So ... yes, he has the specialization/mastery but it won't matter.
Jan 23, 2025 8:11 pm
Oh no! I was almost counting on the 3-6 successful hit rate... But I understand, and will wait for the battle to finish before updating.
Please do let me know, whenever you have time, if there is any XP points left for Arc after these 2 traits. Thx!
Jan 31, 2025 3:58 pm
Now that the team arrived at the manor will have some 'down time'.
Arc left 4XP for later, and it has been some time since last XP review.
He is taking weapon specialization (8xp) and Sneaky (10xp)...
Depending on how many new XPs he gets, he may (or not) think of the Scout Prestige. So, I'll wait for your calculations on XP.
Jan 31, 2025 9:38 pm
I thought Psybermagi "closed out" the XP calculations before he handed it over to me. So, for Arc and Aizashi, you each got 1 XP for the excursion with the butterflies. (You all solved the problem and got the girl out.)

If he didn't cover it, let me know!
Jan 31, 2025 9:45 pm
It should all be on the character sheet in the history. Anything that Arc did that is not listed or pointed to there may need to be accounted for. @Cathamber take a look and if you see something missing let me know. Typically it is 1 XP per encounter or challenge overcome. I tend to be generous as PBP can be slow to advance otherwise
Feb 1, 2025 2:52 pm
Ok, I checked by date, I hope I did it correctly. :)
Last XP update on the sheet was at the end of RL September. This would put Arc after the remnants escape and at the library 's rest with 4xp points left for future use.

After that, they met Woosaa (scout commander) and infiltrated the last remnant (with the pit fight, the dragon, the underground escape) and went to the manor (and saved the girl). These are the events for which to add xp.

I remember that Weapons Specialization uses up 8XP, and Traits uses up 10XPs. So I don't think Arc will have enough for the Sneaky trait (I ready erased it from his PC Sheet). I trust he does have enough for the bow specialization, and some more to safe for the future.

Future career path:
Get the Sneaky trait (prerequisite for the Scout Prestige)
Get the first Scout Prestige trait.
Feb 1, 2025 2:59 pm
On the other hand, Sylvandur finished this last adventure to become veteran. He would get the Archdruid trait (calling a Grizzly Bear). And then he would ask the lady of the manor to be sent to guard one area of the surrounding forests until he is needed again... Please confirm if this is correct, so I can update his PC sheet.
Feb 1, 2025 4:38 pm
Ordinarily, you can only take a Prestige Trait with XP. (I.e. it can't be one of the first three Traits chosen.) However, since Van is going off to be an NPC, we'll be a bit lenient and just let it ride so you can get him where you want to leave him more easily. If you ever pick Van up again, you'll have to have another "normal" Trait before picking another Prestige Trait.
Feb 1, 2025 10:27 pm
Arc will wait for your review on pending XP (not in any hurry).

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