Cathamber / Arc Zeekhad

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Apr 22, 2024 12:40 pm
You get XP as determined by the GM at the end of a "session". (This is a rather nebulous division. Don't sweat it.) As you gain XP, you can spend it on the following:
Gain 1 HP - 6XP
Gain Weapon Proficiency Group - 8XP
Gain Mastery of Weapon - 8XP
Gain Trait - 10XP
Apr 22, 2024 8:12 pm
Ok, ok. Thanks Daryen!!
And... Is there a reference as to how much XP can be gained? I would expect this not to be too strict, but a broad reference is enough. Thx
Apr 22, 2024 8:55 pm
You will typically get 1-3 XP per "session". (Again, "session" is a bit of a nebulous term.) Elsewhere Psybermagi lists what you get XP for.

There is no limit on the number of XP you can gain as a character. There are no "levels", either. The only standard limit is that you can only have a maximum of seven chosen Traits. (I.e. you don't count any traits you gain from your heritage.) Once you have that limit of traits, then any trait you gain requires it to replace an existing one. Other than that, there aren't any limits that I am aware of.

But it does take a while to get all of that. ForeverDED (Blornvid) and I (Skeeve) have been here longer than anyone else, and neither of us have quite yet reached our Trait limits. So, it does take a while to get there.
Apr 23, 2024 4:02 pm
Thanks again Daryen!
This looks very promising, hopefully our team will have some kind of rest after this library event.
May 14, 2024 1:50 pm
Psybermagi sent a note to Cathamber
May 15, 2024 12:37 am
Psybermagi sent a note to Cathamber
May 15, 2024 7:28 am
Good to know! :)

I see you updated both XP and the History part of Arc profile, thanks! But the Bow Mastery (from becoming veteran) got erased in the process, I'll return it later.
Last edited May 15, 2024 7:58 am
May 15, 2024 11:53 am
I moved weapon mastery up next to proficiency
May 15, 2024 2:47 pm

Another question - sorry to have so many lately :) - If Arc takes the Druid Trait two times, so as to have two animal companions... How does it count for the purpose of the 7 traits limit? Does it count 2, or 1 (with 2 companions).
May 15, 2024 2:52 pm
That would be two Traits.

For example, Skeeve has taken Archmage twice for different sets of magic abilities. That counts as two separate Trait choices.
May 15, 2024 4:03 pm
During the week everybody was around the Base, Arc visited the stores.
Did he see anything interesting for him? For example magic archery bracelets that may boost his shooting ability? Or a book that may allow him to learn about psionics? Or an invisibility cloak (I know it is somewhat cliché, but still very useful)?
May 15, 2024 4:19 pm
I'll roll random magic tonight and let you know.
FYI Potter's clock is legendary. You won't find it in a shop.
May 15, 2024 4:40 pm
Well magic cloaks are way older than Potter, but I do get what you say. So no enchanted bow that shoots flaming arrows on command... yet. And Arc doesn't have much coin anyway.

Arc is into archery, psionics and you have already seen he became the team's scout... anything related to any of those 3 activities would be greatly appreciated!
Last edited May 15, 2024 4:42 pm
May 15, 2024 5:11 pm
Basics of Psionics could be studied in the library
May 15, 2024 5:15 pm
I see, but Arc doesn't have much XP yet to get a new trait... If he spends a week studying it in the library, can he get XP related to that specific topic?
Sep 6, 2024 5:45 pm
DM says:
the manor has a small populous from a cursed eleven city. There are druids as well. So if you want beast speaker and healer as you first 2 traits that would be ok. Otherwise let me know what you want for your character, create it as if beginning from scratch in the game and they should level up quick
Cathamber says:
I read this part of the adventure and figured that a party of two may be small for a proper adventure, so I thought they would benefit from another pc for a short while (or a NPC that is actually played) until the team gets to proper size, or so. Of course, I would also enjoy playing a magic-based character for the first time in the tiny system! Having said that, I'm happy to follow your advice for this PC profile and starting level.
Yeah, I was hoping to merge them with others but it may take some time unless I railroad them. :P
I was considering an NPC but if you want to join then you should do so as a player. I don't normally allow/encourage multiple PC but it will make it easier and more fun to have more in the group. Thanks.

The locals are refugees from the elven city but there were other races, I haven't fully detailed it, so feel free to build you character as you see fit. The earlier options are just ideas/suggestions. Submit the character when you are ready. You can drop your DM character then submit the new one. If you want to DM at a later date we can discuss it then
Sep 8, 2024 9:44 pm
Sounds good to me. Of course, he and Arc shall never meet in game (unless upon your request).
I'm all in for a druidic-flavored elf PC, although I don't yet understand the animal companion topic... What can those animals actually do?

I was originally thinking something around a healer, for sure! But I wasn't sure whether focusing on magic (as spell-touched), or on d&d-style druid (as shapeshifting), or as tiny-style druid (animal companions) because I don't know those enough. Having said that, and considering that I'm creating this (N)PC mainly to help the manor team, I'm open for suggestions! I'll be happy either way.

So far...
Sylvandur Hathil Amdir
Heritage: Elf (Spiritual)
HP: 6
Initial Traits: Healer, Beast speaker?
Magic small item: A bamboo straw that when blown into produces water (Up to ten gallons a day.)
Basic gear + elven green&brown cloak + healer kit + herbalist kit
Weapon group: ranged (sling)
Family Trade: herbalist
Belief: Nature is the ultimate wisdom

Also. Shall he start as rookie or novice? I'm asking because I don't think I need introductory session by now... If novice, then he should choose Combat Medic instead of Weapon Mastery. And take Druid? when veteran.
Last edited September 8, 2024 10:21 pm
Sep 8, 2024 10:10 pm
You have to take Beast Speaker in order to get the animal companion (Archdruid). So, you do need that. Also, unless he makes an exception, Archdruid has to be taken with XP, not at Veteran. That said, this is functionally an NPC, so rules are there to be broken in that case. :-) Alternatively, it isn't unreasonable to start the character at Veteran + 10XP, too. That way the character is competent, but is still lower than Blornvid and only a mild step ahead of the other character. And having that companion will be a help, as it will be an extra combatant, so the group will effectively have four characters, not just three.
Sep 8, 2024 10:25 pm
Oh, I see... you are right in that prerequisite should be complied, and in that we'll see which level/XP should he start from..
Also, would the first animal companion should be a fighting one (a wolf or gorilla)? Or an informative one (a sneaky cat for example)?

Then, I'll let Sybermagi hints us on how to finish this (kind-of-N)PC...
Last edited September 8, 2024 10:27 pm
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