Sounds good to me. Of course, he and Arc shall never meet in game (unless upon your request).
I'm all in for a druidic-flavored elf PC, although I don't yet understand the animal companion topic... What can those animals actually do?
I was originally thinking something around a healer, for sure! But I wasn't sure whether focusing on magic (as spell-touched), or on d&d-style druid (as shapeshifting), or as tiny-style druid (animal companions) because I don't know those enough. Having said that, and considering that I'm creating this (N)PC mainly to help the manor team, I'm open for suggestions! I'll be happy either way.
So far...
Sylvandur Hathil Amdir
Heritage: Elf (Spiritual)
HP: 6
Initial Traits: Healer, Beast speaker?
Magic small item: A bamboo straw that when blown into produces water (Up to ten gallons a day.)
Basic gear + elven green&brown cloak + healer kit + herbalist kit
Weapon group: ranged (sling)
Family Trade: herbalist
Belief: Nature is the ultimate wisdom
Also. Shall he start as rookie or novice? I'm asking because I don't think I need introductory session by now... If novice, then he should choose Combat Medic instead of Weapon Mastery. And take Druid? when veteran.
Last edited Sep 8, 2024 10:21 pm