Cathamber / Arc Zeekhad

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Mar 12, 2024 11:19 pm
sure. I will get you the specifics on animal companions
Mar 19, 2024 1:39 pm

About the Tower tests... how should Arc procede to the Simulation and the Personalizas tests? I mean, the Simulation is meant to have 3 items, but Arc doesnt yet knows which ones he got...
Or should he just Rol dice for each?
Mar 19, 2024 1:51 pm
The idea is to use what I stayed at guidelines and just pick any 3 items that you think are reasonable. Creation your own story and content.
The rolls are just used to indicate above our below you characters baseline. You can even narrate you own roll results.

The idea is the tower evaluation from the GM/player perspective is to express your characters abilities and methods to me and the other players. For the story it is just an hour of testing, done, move on
Mar 21, 2024 1:29 pm
Regarding reading and writing...
Arc's background includes Shop Trader as a trade, and it relates to been part of a family of merchants: He has been part in keeping inventory records as well as keeping accounting updated.
What level of literacy shall we assume in relation to the Tower's books? Clerk-level?
Mar 21, 2024 1:41 pm
With that background he works be considered well learned with math and records so knows how to read but had had limited access to books. Equivalent to at a primary school graduate. History would be fine but book on theory of magic and life would be hard and or slow to comprehend
Mar 23, 2024 1:45 am
Ok, thats great.
And how would studying about animals helps him to get closer to be ArchDruid?
I mean... Does the time studying in the Tower allows for a better selection on animal/beast companions, or something similar?

On the other hand, as Arc has been reading, I have also been reading about posible animal companions and found:

Do you think finding one of those is posible?
Last edited Mar 23, 2024 10:17 am
Mar 23, 2024 1:45 pm
Technically you do not need to by the very simple system mechanics. However it does fit a story nicely. You could get another trait pertaining to this. Something like one of the basics (below) or a hybrid of them

Dungeoneer: You gain Advantage when attempting to find your way through a dungeon or cave system and when attempting to identify creatures native to dungeons or caves.

Educated: You gain Advantage when checking to see if you know specific information.

Survivalist: These berries are safe to eat… I think. You gain Advantage when Testing to forage for food, find water, seek shelter, or create shelter in the wild.

As for companions, I think of them as typically summoned and not found. I will get you the templates but do not see a problem with the basic ideas you proposed
Mar 23, 2024 2:06 pm
Animal Companions
Animal Companions are the providence of Archdruids, powerful creatures that follow the call of nature, and serve alongside as friends and allies.
All animals have the same Animal Traits, having a basic melee attack, and a template from the list below. They also get two Traits from the Player Trait List that can make some level of sense when applied to animals. Animal Companions are exceptionally unique and should be different than a standard of their kind, but they should not have limited access to magic, or other Adventurer-specific abilities. Your Game Master has the final say on whether a Trait is appropriate or not. I allow some access to magic but will have to approve it.

Small Creature Template
Little, fast, easier to maintain, this type represents small cats, dogs, or birds.
4 Hit Points
Small Creatures get the Evasive and Sneaky or Fly and Evasive. Add 2 other traits with GM approval.
• Evasive: Whenever you are attacked, you may roll a d6. On a success, the attack misses. This does not stack with Evade.
• Fly: This creature can fly up to 60 feet an action.
• Sneaky: As per the Player Trait (see Page 36).

Medium Creature Template
A medium creature represents an animal such as a medium hunting cat (like a leopard or bobcat), a wolf, a deer, or some other form of animal a little smaller, to a little bigger than human.
6 Hit Points
• Maul: As one action, this creature can make three attacks with Disadvantage.
Add 2 other traits with GM approval.

Large Creature Template
A large creature represents horses, stags, large hunting cats (like tigers or lions), or bears.
8 Hit Points
• Crushing Blow: All attacks this creature makes deal 2 damage.
Add 2 other traits with GM approval.
Mar 23, 2024 3:49 pm
Sounds great!
I'll give further thought on which of those 2 options to chooce.
For the 2 other traits, Will It be ok to have Vigilant and Healer?

Last edited Mar 23, 2024 3:56 pm
Mar 23, 2024 5:01 pm
Arc currently is currently a Novice so with your Quick Shot trait you are good to go. Once you are a veteran you will gain weapon Mastery, which happens quickly but still requires some rest, IE not new skills or trait in the middle of a fight. Both those traits are fine for a companion. FYI : I only allow companions to have 1 mystic (magic/special) trait.
Also If a companion dies you can not simply re-summon it but don't need a full trait to restore it. Either an expensive scroll/magic or a short quest to find/restore the companions physical vesel.
Mar 23, 2024 5:49 pm
So... After getting the bow weapon mastery:

Mar 23, 2024 6:29 pm
sounds good
Mar 25, 2024 5:33 am
Yes, I see what you mean. Probably an Owl would be more appropiate.
Mar 25, 2024 12:02 pm
Let just say you spend some time training with the guards and other adventurers to improve your weapon technique. That combines with your experience with the tower is enough to raise you to veteran so go ahead and add weapon mastery.
Mar 25, 2024 12:38 pm
Ok, so he just went looking for the guards to train with them.
Oh, I see about the messages, I didn't kniw the diferencie, thanks!
Mar 25, 2024 2:24 pm
I use notes and private for information to players that others may not be aware of. Players use it the talk with me or other DM without revealing plans and thoughts. Sometimes these are made public later when relevant
Mar 26, 2024 1:23 am
Now I understand, thanks!!

About visiting the druid... I feel that Arc used that time in the Tower to train with the bow. As you said, Arc already included the weapon mastery in his traits.

I dont feel It would be fair to fit both weapon training and druid talk within such short time available. I'm ok with Arc building up some XP now, so when he gets to the druid he can 'learn' his first ArchDruid trait with her. We could even role play how he learns to summon of the companion we talked about before, if that works for you of course.

And I'm not really worried about how should Arc get to the swamp, because he can fly there from the base. Specially since flying speed is usually way faster than walk! And his fighting skills should have improved a lot by now, in case some enemies were to show Up.
Apr 5, 2024 9:35 pm
By now, Arc is happy with the scout role he is somehow taking in the last events
He is also waiting for a good time to try his new fighting techniques with the bow :)
Apr 19, 2024 1:37 am
Arc's thoughts after the fey dancing event...

Nature is great, Nature is free, Nature is wise.

Great: People are not in front of Nature, people are part of Nature. We ARE within.
Free: Going against freedom IS working against Nature.
Wise: Trying to own Nature IS plainly stupid.

None can own Nature, but some if its beings can be guided by other beings if they are well respected. Smarter beings, people, have responsability over less smart beings and Nature provides them with power. Nature's power used respectfully will be rewarded, but not used respectfully will be punished.

Arc will need to visit the druid soon...
Apr 22, 2024 6:53 am
Quick question. As veteran, how did the XP points work to buy traits?
I am sure I saw it somewhere but can't find it now :)
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