Cathamber / Arc Zeekhad

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Feb 23, 2024 6:14 pm

I guess this would be config A?

That works for me... But on a black-feathered Raven style.
Feb 23, 2024 6:27 pm
Are the wings attached to the arms? If so it is more C and A. If C then using the bow while flying would be hard.
I assume you want A so you can use the bow while in flight. The wings in that image would be behind the arms and not connected.
Type A can still fly/glide but would need to rest so an all day journey would be fly 1 hour, rest/walk 1/2, repeat. Something like that. Of course due to the extra limbs they are more versatile so
Feb 23, 2024 6:53 pm
Arc walks around the shop, looking for small things he may need for the travel. Then goes to sleep.

Yes, I would surely use the bow while flying! A it is.

He bought: blanket, tinderbox, 5 candles, quiver, whistle, oíl flask, 10 thin & long torches, expensive dagger. Coin is already adjusted on PC sheet.

And he is ready! Let's Rock n' Roll!!
The next day, he wakes up early, thanks his previous customer for the room, hastly visits Ina to say goodbye and hits the road.

He recalls his good deeds in the town, and starts walking to the west (broadly towards the Tower).

He is not sure how far is the next town, so he will save his energy... so he walks for now.
Last edited Feb 25, 2024 12:27 am
Feb 26, 2024 1:59 pm
Walking out of town gets Arc a few farewells from dinner of the locals he had come to know. Once it is town he takes the best road though he knows it will not last. Where he is heading there are no roads.
Flying and walking Arc spends the day in solitaire contemplation and he continues treking east. By sunset the woods have begin to clear a bit and the road had drinks to a thin track. Looking around Arc ponders where to camp for the night. Thankfully his people ate still able to perch as they rest and there are trees large enough to sorry him. Not that it guarantees his safety as big cats are known to prowl the woods as well as wolf packs and the of monster or fey. For may help out hinder.....
Do you spend time looking for a better campsite or just take the first good looking one?
Any other evening preparations?
Roll Tests for actions/plans please
Feb 26, 2024 3:13 pm
A basic Test is a roll of 2d6. If your have advantage from a trait or trade it is 3d6. Discharge rolls are 1d6.
Any test with at least 1 dice showing a 5 or 6 is a success.
Feb 26, 2024 10:32 pm
Ark notice the sun is already setting... He somehow expected to reach a town or homestead before nightfall, but this wouldn't be the first night outdoors, nor the last he thought.

He had been walking, but now he flew up high. He looked for a town, or maybe smoke (as in... there may be a fireplace close enough), otherwise he would look for a very tall, strong, and hopefully lonely tree. Those were the safest... or at least the least dangerous ones. Being a lonely tree would not allow animal hunters to jump from other tree to attack him. And being tall enough would allow him to sense any movement from a climbing big cat... or so he was told.
He will fly around for the last 20 minutes before sunset... Then he would go to the best place he spotted. He surely prefers a warm bed in a house or inn!, otherwise, a tall tree will have to do.
If he can't find anything better than a tall tree... he would look for any small animal around the selected tree, to ask it about dangers in the area (beast speaker trait). When he find a suitable tree, he would loosely put his rope around the trunk, few meters below his prefered sleeping branch. And then he would tie 2 of his torches to the rope. This makeshift trap is suppose to fall to the floor if any big-cat or other hunter touches it while trying to climb the tree, making some noise, and thus waking him up so he can fly up and avoid battle. He would also eat a ration and cover himself with his dark blue cloak not to be seen easily.
I hope I'm getting the rolls correctly!! Otherwise, feel free to roll any extra dice as needed to keep a good pace :)


Looking of a good spot to spend the night - (2d6)


Looking for small animals to talk to - (2d6)


Talking to small animals (beast speaker) if he finds one - (3d6)


Making noise trap - (2d6)


Feb 27, 2024 1:11 am
LoL Your first roll and it ia MAX nice
Though it is getting dark you soar into the sky and scan for a good place to spend the night. As you glide back and forth searching for a decent placet to spend the night you spot a pari of figure ladn with a pole carrying a heavy load. Circling lower you realize they are dressed in buckskins and the load they cary is a fresh kill. Thinking a hunters lodge or cabin beats sleeping in the open woods you swoop down and get in front of them before finding a clearing to land.

As soon as your feet touch the ground three large and vicious looking houndsburst from the bracken and encircle you growling. Imediately you speak soothing words and all three ceast their growling and look at you with confusion.

A moment later the two men make themselves known, with bows drawn. A sharp whistile and the hounds back off into the brush as the two men look you over. Still standing with bows ready, but not aimed directly at you, the one on the left finally speaks up. Evening stranger. Fancy meeting you here. I thought we would have to rescue you from our hounds only to see you sitting all pretty in the midst of them. Odd thing that. Names Luvash. Thats my brother Arrigal. What bring you here to out neck of the woods?
Feb 27, 2024 7:48 am
Yes! That's lucky! Off to a good start
Arc opens his arms to show he is unarmed. And allows his cloak to hang naturally on his back, as not to cover himself nor bow or his bag. Specially not the bow, he won't get it out, but he allows them to easily notice it. Since they are hunters, they may find common ground on marksman experience, an easy first topic to start friendly conversation. He wishes to show that he is not hiding anything from the newcomers.

Evening master Luvash, and master Arrigal. And congratulations on your hunt!
I'm a traveler, a diplomat, sometimes I hunt myself. This morning I left Dojbri town hoping to arrive to a new town before sunset... but alas! I didn't clear the woods before it.

While speaking, he watches both of the hunters. At fisrt glance they would seem friendly, but Arc learned to be aware. Then, in a happier tone:

Is this your area of the woods? I'm so lucky to find you! I was just looking for a place to spend the night, would you mind suggesting a good one? Preferably one with a warm bed?

Arc stands comfortably on the same spot, he will not back nor he will get closer until invited. If they are indeed friendly and suggest a nice place to sleep, he will offer his help in carrying the game.


Are them truly trustworthy? (Insightful) - (3d6)


Feb 27, 2024 12:53 pm
Arc get the feeling the two men are simply being cautios at this point. More interactions will reveal their trustworthyness but the fact they have not simply shot fist asked questions later is a good and hopeful sign.


Dojbri town? Well now, been a while since we've been there. Aint no towns out this way anymore. Just the odd setlement. Closest one is Dimglen, about 5 miles south of here. That'd be the place to go if you want a "good" bed. Ours are a step above dirt floor and a step below a proppre bed.

The two men ease their bows and Juvash dissapears back into the thick cover with one of the hounds at his heals as you chat with Arrigal to return with their kill slung over his broad shoulders moments later. You find out that the area is sparecly ppulated and many that did live out here have retreated due to the recent strange stroms that have been sweeping the lands. Dimglen remained due to its rather unique nature.

You have heard tale of the odd storms but not seen one yourself. Th local nobility of the land have been claiming that the ancient being they serve, Titans, Fey Lords, and the like have been keeping much of the storms at bay. Many theoris have been mixed into the rumors that those further away from the centers protected have brought in but little fact is known so most that were safe ignore the tales as it did not impact them.

The men are trappers and hunters and have a seasonal cavern turned house not to far from here they offer to let you spend the night on a sleep pallet but also give directions to Dimglen and several markers likely to be visibly from the sky to keep track of your way from the sky should you choose to fly there.
Feb 27, 2024 2:01 pm
Arc listens carefully the men's accounts, the tales about storms, and then he puts special effort to remember those markers to get to Dimglen.
If one of the hounds gets too close to him, he would briefly say to it a couple of reassuring words, and then pet it (if the hound allows it).

As it is quite late already, I appreciate your offer to stay tonight at your home. I would enjoy sharing news from Dojbri, and hearing from you what you could mention about these storms. And maybe there is something I can do to thank your hospitality?

Arc plans to ask them about this 'unique nature of Dimglen', what does that mean? And if all goes well, plans to fly to Dimglen tomorrow after breakfast.
I am stating Arc's plans because I don't know whether you have something prepared for this night at the woods or prefer to FF to Dimglen. I'm happy either way.
Last edited Feb 27, 2024 9:14 pm
Feb 29, 2024 5:31 am
The pair explain that Dimglen is actually a cavern below a massive rock outcropping. The cavern is filled with luminous mushrooms that give it its name. They put you up with a decent meal and sleeping pad. In the morning they review the directions to Dimglen and you set off.

Roll a test, 2d6, to follow directions and spot your destination.
Feb 29, 2024 7:07 am
Arc offers to help them with whatever task needed around Theory camp. Probably with some preparation of their game. He wakes up early in the morning, thanks their hospitality and hits the road.
In his head, humming an old travelers melody of his hometown... Hit the road, Jack
He heard carefully the directions and markets and fly the next half hour to recognize the first markets from the air, then continúes walking.
Last edited Feb 29, 2024 11:41 am


Follow direction - (2d6)


Feb 29, 2024 1:52 pm
The sun has not yet risen above the horizon and the dim light of dawn fills the sky with plenty of light to fly. Flapping your wings to stay aloft Arc begins to grow a bit concerned. The directions were simplle enought and you definitely passed the first landmark and were on your way to the second but something is wrong. The third should have been in sight before passing the second and reaching the second should not take this long. Looking around you are alarmed to realize that it hs grown darker instead of lighter despite there not being any couds in the sky. Arc suspect some form of magic but can not think of anything specific at this point to help him.
You can list multiplle options with specifics or just general intent adding Test rolls for actions that may/may not succeed and i will give results and stop once a declared objective is reached.

So any time you roll a test the standard is 2d6 and success occurs whenever a 5 or 6 is rolled. Some traits and your trade will give advantage so you roll 3d6 but some situations give disadvantage, like attacking with a wepon you are not proficient with, and then you can only roll 1d6 on each test.
Feb 29, 2024 5:01 pm
can you shorten the entry on who's who to a 1 paragraph description of you character
Feb 29, 2024 11:56 pm
In the morning, the sun is supposed to get the day brighter... but grew darker! As in a storm forming, but without clouds. He remembers Arrigal mentioned strange storms, and he doesn't want to be flying if such thing happens.

Arc, not only lost but also worried about this strange weather feels he must change his course.

First he will look for anything in the terrain that looks like some kind of cover in case an actual storm arrives... a cave? a rocky formation? He wants to take cover until the storm passes.

If he can't find any reasonable cover, he will try to go back to the first landmark and look for cover there.

After the probable storm, he will go back to first landmark and, remembering the simple instructions, try to discover what he did wrong to correct the course. Even asking other animals for directions.
Oh well...

Does the course correcting roll use focus?

He just started playing and feels like he will be struck by lightning, from a cloud-less storm, in the middle of a strange forest, lost and alone... such a horrible death...
Last edited Mar 1, 2024 12:41 pm


Finding cover - (2d6)


Correcting course (at 1st landmark) - (2d6)


Asking directions from animals to get to the 2nd landmark. - (2d6)


Mar 1, 2024 12:06 am
Who's who description shortened.
Mar 1, 2024 9:53 pm
Move Arc into a story thread in A to Z Adventures with Zeekhad
Mar 12, 2024 9:40 pm
Psybermagi sent a note to Cathamber
Mar 12, 2024 9:41 pm
I other discussions on player character threads of the game. If you don't want others to read just put you comments on a note so only I can see it
Mar 12, 2024 10:53 pm
I can easily see Arc becoming a druid with a water elemental companion with healing powers. Is that possible?
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