[Full] Urban Shadows 2e

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ClosedUrban Shadows 2e (PbtA)Public1 / dayvagueGM
Urban Shadows is a political urban fantasy roleplaying game. When you play it, you and your friends (or acquaintances) tell a story together, a tale of supernatural drama and political intrigue set in a modern-day city. Some of the characters in this story are mortal, but they might also be touched by otherworldly forces, transformed into ghosts, vampires, werewolves, and wizards and locked into a world of supernatural debts and obligations.

Above all else, Urban Shadows is a game about cities, the people who live in them, and the machines that make them run. It's a political game, one that challenges our preconceptions about conflicts between communities, and asks us to navigate complex identities in a demanding social structure. It is personal and political for mortals and monsters alike. It drives hard toward these ideas and asks players to reflect on their own experiences and ideals.

Urban Shadows isn't just a game about race relations at City Hall or tax code regulations on the docket with the city council —although maybe those things will come up in your story. It's a game about monsters —creatures of legends, folklore, and modern-day myths— and the cities they inhabit. It's a game in which you get to decide if you're a hero or a villain, not just once but over and over and over. It's a game that asks "What would you give of yourself to serve your community?" and "What would you give up to get what you want?"

A City of Stories
Like any urban fantasy story, Urban Shadows tells the tale of individuals who have crossed the line between the mundane and supernatural worlds. Living together in a metropolis filled with opportunty and danger alike, the politics of these supernatural communities is the secret heartbeat underlying the truth of the city's real identity.

Feb 21, 2024 12:26 pm
With the promise of Urban Shadows Second Edition (US2) (Kickstarter link) promised to finally arrive for backers later this month, I am wondering who is interested in playing here on GP?

The game will be heavily collaborative (all my games are, but Urban Shadows has that assumption built into the rules), so players should be self-motivated and interested in helping shape the world and the story in detail.

We will decide together —in general as part of this recruitment, and then in specific detail in the game after a group is formed— what, where, and when we will be playing, as well as the overall expected tone and feel for the game. Urban Shadows (US) tends towards darker stories, but I lean away from outright 'horror'.

US stories are more about the people and relationships than the 'action', so I have seldom had trouble setting it in countries that restrict guns (even though many/most of the Playbooks assume guns):.

US mainly works in, and assumes, a 'modern setting', though I have shifted the dates by several decades either way with some success. Given that we are unlikely to all be from the same place, I often suggest playing in a town or country we all don't know, that way we all learn something new together (just a suggestion, though).
Recruitment will not be first come first served. This is a place to express interest and talk about what we feel like; then, if there is interest, a group will be formed from those that roughly share a vision. Please be open about what you want, and don't just go along with what others suggested before, unless you actively want to see that story.

Urban Shadows tackles topics that many find difficult. Players and characters from marginalised groups are welcome, and all players should be mature and supportive. Safety tools will be discussed, and used as needed.

I don't expect graphic descriptions of intimacy any more than I expect graphic descriptions of violence, but sex is part of the game.

Players will be expected to post most days.
Last edited February 5, 2025 9:55 am
Feb 21, 2024 12:52 pm
Definitely interested. Played Urban Shaodws once, but with additional OWoD material, and ot was fun until it died, so interested in trying again.
Feb 21, 2024 1:14 pm
LightOfMidnight says:
... but with additional OWoD material ...
Urban Shadows is fairly light on setting, so I can see people adding in WoD story and history and such (which is what I assume you did with that game?). I am unlikely to do that, I usually prefer to create new settings.
LightOfMidnight says:
... was fun until it died ...
Urban Fantasy can often struggle to find purchase, especially if players expect the GM to provide story and such. It has few built-in mechanisms for 'creating adventure' and is mainly about the characters and what they do. So if the players aren't actively driving their characters (possibly driving them like stolen cars:) and don't care about the little things that are going on in their lives, Urban Fantasy games can easily wither and die.
Feb 21, 2024 5:37 pm
This sounds intriguing. I don't know the system yet, but I am a fast learner.
I enjoy dark stories and like to contribute to where we are going as well :)
Feb 21, 2024 6:11 pm
vagueGM says:

Urban Shadows is fairly light on setting, so I can see people adding in WoD story and history and such (which is what I assume you did with that game?). I am unlikely to do that, I usually prefer to create new settings.
Sorry should have clarified. It was add on material someone made for OWoD. So I haven't played completely Vanilla Urban Shadows 1e.

Absolutely get new settings and up for that :p
Last edited February 22, 2024 7:23 am
Feb 22, 2024 3:42 am
Oh, I played this before and didn’t get that far. I played "The Sworn" and we didn’t get too far. It might be fun to actually get into the full role play. I just lost a game so I have room for at least one more.

Count me in if you decide to run this.
Mar 3, 2024 7:21 pm
I am hoping for four players. As the book says:
UrbanShadows2-CoreBook-web20240229.pdf says:
fewer than four players means that you’ll struggle a bit to build the chemistry that comes from a rich network of PC relationships and obligations.
Though I don't doubt we can manage with three. :)
Mar 4, 2024 6:26 am
Greetings, I am interested, but I am totally new to Urban shadows. I don't have the books but if you can accept a full newbie, I will be glad to give this a try.
Mar 4, 2024 7:18 am
Sorry if I'm a bit late but if you have room for a fifth player, I have an idea for a Vamp I'd like to play! I was in an Urban Shadows game on here for a really long time and it was super fun so I'd love to give the second edition a go.
Last edited March 4, 2024 7:22 am
Mar 5, 2024 12:58 pm

Hope that this is still open. :)

I would love to be part of this game. I worked through my Teenage Angst(TM) with Vampire the Masquerade (VtM OWoD) and still am a huge Jim Butcher - Dresden Files - fan.

Settingwise I see many possibilties and have no clear favourite at the moment. Mystery plot, damsel in distress with a ticking clock, defending the city against a common enemy, ... I am open for a lot of things.
I have to say that like an epic/big story much better than a learning the ropes style of game, tbh.

I could get my hands on a first edition rulebook if that helps a little and have already read all through the kickstarter link. Sounds lovely. Have at least 3 character ideas atm. ;)

Also I would prefere to play with Adrastheia, as we have finished together other adventures at GP before and it was always great fun. :D
Mar 5, 2024 11:57 pm
Adrasthea says:
... I don't know the system yet, but I am a fast learner.
Do you have any familiarity with PbtA games? Not a requirement, just calibrating. :)
Mar 5, 2024 11:58 pm
Ysolde says:
... I played this before ... played "The Sworn" ...
So you played 2e? The Sworn is new to this edition, right? When did you play? At what stage of development? Just curious.
Mar 5, 2024 11:59 pm
Stalker05 says:
... I am totally new to Urban shadows. I don't have the books but if you can accept a full newbie ...
I was not planning on this being a newbies game, but am normally happy for that. I was sorta hoping to get people who knew what sort of game Urban Shadows plays, since it is a particular thing of its own and people often come to it expecting something else and are disappointed.

The book puts a fair bit of effort into explaining what it is and how it plays, so we will need to make a plan with that.
Mar 6, 2024 12:01 am
oopsylon says:
... Sorry if I'm a bit late but if you have room for a fifth player ...
This game is not first come first served, so there are no players yet. :)
oopsylon says:
... I have an idea for a Vamp I'd like to play ...
Character Creation in US (and most PbtA) is a collaborative process, so don't come with character ideas yet. If you have something —it is hard to read a game book without coming up with characters:)— we can talk about it after we have settled on what the world is like and what sort of story we are looking for (at the start). Some playbooks don't fit some worlds, so it is common to restrict the available playbooks at the start.

If your idea still fits then we can talk about characters.
Mar 6, 2024 12:07 am
soises says:
... Hope that this is still open. :) ...
Technically not open yet, the book is still not finished and they missed their Feb deadline (no comments, now, come on:).

I think it is ready enough to think about starting, though, and they are promising 'early March' release [ref] and I don't plan to use their cities.
soises says:
... Jim Butcher - Dresden Files - fan ...
I backed the first edition because it promised to able to play Dresden... the end product was very different. :)
soises says:
... Settingwise ... Mystery plot, damsel in distress with a ticking clock, defending the city against a common enemy ...
Urban Shadows is not as flexible as other Urban Fantasy games, it has its own style and strongly sticks to it. Some of those 'settings' need a fair bit of massage to make them work with this ruleset (Monster of the Week is often a better fit, it is very flexible). Such plot-elements might come up, though.
soises says:
... like an epic/big story much better than a learning the ropes style of game ...
I tend to agree, though those can be scary to 'commit' to in an RPG, especially a PbP one with strangers on the internet. We also have quite some new player interest, so we may start with a learning the ropes game... though that could mean something else, since a 'teaching game' need not have 'internal learning' as part of the character stuff.

I did run a US game where the characters started outside of their 'home city', away on holiday, and that was the first time they encountered the supernatural stuff, they changed (fast-tracked Changed to another Playbook) and returned home much weirder than they left, only to find that their city was as weird as the holiday location now that their eyes were open. But US assumes everyone is well-steeped in the supernatural.

I enjoyed having everyone start as one of the 'mundane' playbooks with an eye to which supernatural one they wanted to transform into (bitten by wolves and vamps, or whatever they asked for:), but that can be very slow to 'get to the point' in PbP and does not really work with the assumptions in US, where even the most 'mundane' (the Aware?) is well aware of the supernatural world.
soises says:
... I could get my hands on a first edition rulebook if that helps ...
I don't think it would. The new edition is very different to the old one. We will have to make a plan.

Unlike other PbtA games, this is not one where the players only need the reference handouts (well, there are no handouts yet), so, ideally, everyone should have the book. But we will work something out.
soises says:
... read all through the kickstarter link ...
I should read that again (it has been four years since I backed this) just to make sure it still represents what the end-product is like. 1e changed a lot during the production, going from 'basically Dresden Files' to 'can not play Dresden Files'.
soises says:
... Have at least 3 character ideas atm. ...
Quite right. :)
soises says:
... Also I would prefere to play with Adrastheia ...

Consider yourself on the short-list and Adrastheia dragged along with you. :)
Mar 6, 2024 12:48 am
vagueGM says:
Character Creation in US (and most PbtA) is a collaborative process, so don't come with character ideas yet. If you have something —it is hard to read a game book without coming up with characters:)— we can talk about it after we have settled on what the world is like and what sort of story we are looking for (at the start). Some playbooks don't fit some worlds, so it is common to restrict the available playbooks at the start.

If your idea still fits then we can talk about characters.
Of course! It’s a pretty vague idea (just something that got my brain ticking as I was reading through the game book) and I’m happy to come up with something else if it wouldn’t fit the setting or the tone of the game. Speaking of, I don’t really have any particular preferences regarding setting. To me, the quintessential urban shadows setting is a big modern city but I’d be open to exploring a different kind of setting or a different era if that’s what other people are excited for. The previous urban shadows game I played on here was set in Montreal and it was a lot of fun doing research and exploring the city on google maps to see the real world counterparts of the places our characters were visiting in the game :)
Last edited March 6, 2024 12:49 am
Mar 6, 2024 1:06 am
oopsylon says:
... I’m happy to come up with something else if it wouldn’t fit the setting or the tone of the game. ...
Cool. Blessed are those who are flexible as they shall not break.
oopsylon says:
... quintessential urban shadows setting is a big modern city ...
That is pretty much baked in the setting assumptions, yeah. Work has to be done to veer away from it. The book also pretty much assume 'Merica!, though we can change that with interesting results.
oopsylon says:
... a different era ...
I don't think this game is well suited to other eras. The 1e Dark Streets (IIRC) supplement tried to address this, but I was not convinced.

I have had games set in past decades and constantly had to remind players that their chanters (like most people) did not have cell phones in the early 90s. :)

I think I prefer to leave the exact date a bit undefined, so we would mainly focus on the decade we were interested in, and that is largely defined by the means and speed of communication: mail, telegraph, radio, phone, cell phone, smart phone (texting), AI and so on; so that would be the sort of decision that is helpful. Smart Phone being the assumed default.
oopsylon says:
... a lot of fun doing research and exploring the city on google maps ...
Yep. That is a big part of such a game (though not required for everyone to engage with). I tend to run a mix of real streets and actual shops (from google streetview) and nebulous neighborhoods where we don't care what the streets are called and just talk about 'a block or two over...', and everything in between.
Mar 6, 2024 5:37 am
vagueGM says:
Stalker05 says:
... I am totally new to Urban shadows. I don't have the books but if you can accept a full newbie ...
I was not planning on this being a newbies game, but am normally happy for that. I was sorta hoping to get people who knew what sort of game Urban Shadows plays, since it is a particular thing of its own and people often come to it expecting something else and are disappointed.

The book puts a fair bit of effort into explaining what it is and how it plays, so we will need to make a plan with that.
If you are wondering whether I am aware of what kind of games Urban Shadows generally play, then rest assured, I think I have a general idea. I am a big fan of World of Darkness and also dipped myself into Chronicles of Darkness. I love all the gamelines they have and Mage seems to be my favourite. If there is any playbook on 'Mage' like characters then I would love to play it, if it is not already taken. I have always wanted to play Vampire the Masquerade, but I haven't read the entire V5 book yet, and I haven't found anyone willing to run V5 for a newcomer. I also love Changeling and Hunter game lines. Does Urban Shadows have it's own specific setting? If so, then I am not familiar with it. However, I am familiar with tone and genre of supernatural urban intrigue. Also familiar with Jim Butcher's Dresden Files novels and Ben Aaronovitch's River of London novel.
Mar 6, 2024 9:27 am

Your idea with the holiday I appreciate and would be willing to try, if this what the group wants. And I get where you are coming from. To be completely honest, I already did my amount of changing from normy to a werewolf/garou, got my kiss (vampire) at least 8 times and so on. Because of this I would prefere to start as an established person in the paranormal society if possible.

Now I am curious what "1e changed a lot during the production, going from 'basically Dresden Files' to 'can not play Dresden Files'." means. What is the hindrance to "not being able to do a DF-kind of game"? :)

Thanks for putting Adrastheia and me on the short-list. Looking very much foward to this game!
Mar 6, 2024 11:16 am
Stalker05 says:
... If you are wondering whether I am aware of what kind of games Urban Shadows generally play, then rest assured ...
... and then you list some other games that are very different. (But I joke :)
Stalker05 says:
... I am familiar with tone and genre of supernatural urban intrigue. ...
I am not trying to put you off, just saying that Urban Shadows is its own particular thing and not 'general Urban Fantasy'. Many people have come to it expecting to be able to play something other than what it is, and clashed with the rules. There are systems that are more able to run general Urban Fantasy, maybe Monster of the Week, or even something tailored to the particular thing people are wanting. Urban Shadows is as specialised as something like Vampire: The Masquerade is, for instance, and, like that game, plays the type of game it plays.

The book makes this quite clear, but it seems most of us don't have that, so I will need to make a plan.
Stalker05 says:
... Does Urban Shadows have it's own specific setting? ...
Yes and no. It is 'our world, but slightly different', so basically Urban Fantasy by definition. It is set in a single city, or neighborhood (with little wiggle room on this):. It has rather defined Playbooks (classes in other games) that are meant to work in the type of game it is meant for, so it can not play a game of Vampire or Werewolf or Mage, not only can there be only one of each of those, they each have a particular flavour baked in.

You can take a look at the Playbooks available (some, but minor changes in the final product) and the wide array of Moves (more substantial changes, so maybe don't read these too carefully yet:) in the free Quickstart linked from the Kickstarter page. They don't have official handouts yet, so I will have to make something for the game.
Stalker05 says:
... If there is any playbook on 'Mage' like characters then I would love to play it ...
Please see The Wizard in the Quickstart. I think this is a good illustration of what I am saying about people coming with a desire for a particular thing and then being disappointed by what they can do in US. The Wizard is a really cool Playbook, but if one expects Mage or Dresden, then it can feel ... limited?
Stalker05 says:
... familiar with Jim Butcher's Dresden Files novels ...
Cool. That gives us some common ground to dialogue. If you take a look at the Wizard playbook you will see that this is quite different to Dresden, and the Vamps and Wolves are also different, though Dresden had quite some variety of those, so who knows. :)
Stalker05 says:
... Ben Aaronovitch's River of London ...
Also excellent books. And more what I am feeling like at this time, though also hard to do directly in US. I am considering running the Rivers of London RPG (BRP), but am not sure about it yet.
Feel wise I also thought while reading the Slough House books by Mick Herron (Slow Horses) that the feel of the city they had in those could be cool in US.
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